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Tuesday, December 19th 2023
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All I Want For Christmas Is...Stockings.
So, this year, you see, my wishes took a twist,
For the contents of my stocking, I just couldn't resist.
Instead of the usual trinkets and treats,
I'm hoping for something that's utterly neat!

Fully fashioned stockings, that's what I desire,
To set my heart racing, to fuel the fire.
Not gadgets or gizmos, nor candies or toys,
But stockings of glamour, for the stylish joys.

I've been good all year, or so I believe,
So Santa, dear Santa, please don't deceive.
I've got my hopes set on a pair that's divine,
With seams that are straight and with stitches so fine.

They're not just stockings; they're pure elegance,
With a touch of nostalgia and true opulence.
The way they caress my legs, it's simply enchanting,
In fully fashioned stockings, there's no need for ranting.

They harken back to a more elegant age,
When fashion was art, and style was the stage.
With a careful backseam that runs oh-so-straight,
Fully fashioned stockings? Oh, they're first-rate!

I'll wear them with heels, all shiny and red,
With a glamorous dress that's fit for a spread.
I'll sashay and strut in my holiday attire,
In those stockings, my confidence will be higher.

Oh, Santa, dear Santa, don't let me down,
In my stocking, I hope there's no Christmas town.
I'm dreaming of nylons and a touch of class,
Fully fashioned stockings – oh, please make it last!

And if you find them, Santa, my heart will take flight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!
Sunday, October 22nd 2023
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Embracing Nudity & Selfies In The Permissive UK.
I live in the world of the female gaze and I'm exploring why the female form is considered a work of art, why appreciating nudity is as old as time itself, and the fascinating allure of selfies that show our best sides in today's permissive society.

The Fame Form Is A Masterpiece in Itself

The female form is a work of art. It's a canvas upon which the beauty of life and diversity is painted. Our curves, our lines, and our unique shapes are all part of this awe-inspiring masterpiece. It's a reminder that every body is beautiful in its own right.

The Perennial Fascination with Nudity

Now, let's travel back in time. The appreciation of nudity is not a modern concept; it's as old as history itself. From ancient Greek sculptures to Renaissance paintings, the human form has been celebrated throughout the ages. This fascination with the naked body is a testament to our enduring connection to art and self-expression.

Selfies And Capturing Our Best Side

In today's world, where technology meets self-expression, the selfie reigns supreme. It's easy to see our fascination with selfies and how they allow us to capture and share our best sides. Selfies aren't just about vanity; they're about empowerment and taking control of our image in a permissive society that celebrates individuality.

The Female Gaze And Appreciating Ourselves

Fashion influencers encourage us to embrace the female gaze—an appreciation of ourselves and the world through our unique lens. It's about seeing our bodies as works of art, understanding the historical context of nudity, and celebrating the power of self-expression through selfies.

As women, we have the right to celebrate our bodies, embrace our individuality, and express ourselves freely. Whether we're admiring the artistry of our own forms, recognising the age-old appreciation of nudity, or snapping selfies that capture our best sides, it's all a part of the rich tapestry of our lives.

So, let's continue to gaze at ourselves and the world around us through the lens of empowerment, appreciation, and self-love. Remember, the female gaze is a beautiful thing, and it's a testament to our strength, resilience, and the power of celebrating our authentic selves in a permissive society.
Monday, October 9th 2023
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The Perfect Cuppa For A Gorgeous Woman!
I love a cup of coffee in the morning to energise my mind and body. The best cup of coffee is the one that delights the senses and warms the heart.

But not just ANY coffee. Oh no, I'm talking about a cup that has been meticulously crafted, a blend that’s as bewitching and bold as a beautiful woman. And, naturally, brewed with an abundance of love and a dash of mischief for that perfect rendezvous of flavours and aromas.

The Enchanting Beans:

Sassy Espresso:
For the woman who’s fierce, strong, and isn’t afraid to take on the world. A robust espresso symbolises her strength and determination, while its rich, velvety crema kisses her lips with a gentle softness, reminding her that bold and gentle can coexist beautifully.

Charming Cappuccino:
Ah, for the woman with a heart as warm and frothy as the milk that dances atop this delightful brew. Her kindness envelops you just like the comforting embrace of a well-crafted cappuccino – wholesome, nurturing, and undeniably comforting.

Mystical Mocha:
Sweet, alluring, and with a hint of the exotic. The mocha is for the dreamer, the creative soul who finds beauty in the depths of her imaginative world. The rich chocolate caresses the palate, while the espresso provides a sturdy foundation, anchoring her gently back to earth.

Lustrous Latte:
Elegant, sophisticated, with an undeniable simplicity that captivates every heart – much like the woman it represents. The latte, with its perfect balance of milk and coffee, echoes the harmonious balance she maintains in her bustling life.

For me each cup tells a story, a secret whispered softly into the ears of those who are willing to listen. So here's to celebrating the perfect blend of strength, beauty, and complexity with the best coffee brewed just for me and you!
Sunday, July 23rd 2023
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A Peek Inside My Panty Drawer.
As a woman, there's something inherently empowering about wearing beautiful, sensual panties that make you feel confident and alluring from the inside out. I'm thrilled to share with you some of my favorite panties that have earned a special place in my panty drawer. From delicate lace to luxurious silk, these delightful pieces not only enhance my wardrobe but also boost my self-esteem.

Lace panties are an eternal classic, and they hold a timeless charm that never fails to mesmerise. The intricate patterns and delicate textures add a touch of femininity and sensuality to any outfit. Whether it's a cheeky lace thong or a low-rise hipster, these panties are my go-to when I want to feel effortlessly seductive.

There's something undeniably luxurious about slipping into silky panties. The smooth, soft fabric glides against the skin, creating a sensation of pure indulgence. Satin or silk panties are perfect for when you want to treat yourself to a little everyday elegance or add a touch of sophistication to a special occasion.

For days when I'm feeling playful and flirtatious, ruffled panties are my ultimate choice. The adorable frills add a fun and whimsical element, making me feel like I've stepped straight into a vintage pin-up photoshoot. Ruffled panties are a delightful reminder not to take life too seriously.

When I want to embrace my inner vixen, I turn to panties with strappy and alluring details. Intricate straps, cut-outs, and peekaboo designs create an enticing and daring look that leaves me feeling empowered and confident. These edgy panties are perfect for those moments when I want to make a statement.

While sensuality is often associated with delicate pieces, boyshort panties prove that comfort and cuteness can be equally alluring. These panties provide excellent coverage while accentuating the curves in a charming way. Whether they boast fun prints or cozy cotton, boyshorts are an everyday favorite for lounging around the house.
Wednesday, February 15th 2023
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I Miss The Freshly Cut Grass Of Springtime.
The aroma of freshly cut grass in springtime is a distinct fragrance that can transport us to a place of happiness and joy. It is a combination of chemicals released from the blades of grass as they are cut, mixed with the cool, crisp air of early spring. This scent is both fresh and invigorating, and it can create a sense of renewal and rejuvenation in the air.

The aroma of freshly cut grass is so appealing because it is a sign of new beginnings. After a long, cold winter, the sight of newly mowed lawns and green shoots of grass breaking through the soil is a welcome sight. The scent of freshly cut grass represents the start of a new season, and it can create a sense of hope and excitement for the warmer days ahead.

In addition to its association with the start of spring, the aroma of freshly cut grass can also evoke memories of childhood and simpler times. For many of us, the smell of freshly cut grass is a reminder of running through fields or playing in the backyard on warm spring afternoons. It can bring back memories of family picnics, backyard barbecues, and lazy afternoons spent lounging in the sun.

The aroma of freshly cut grass is not only pleasant to smell, but it can also have a calming effect on our mood. Studies have shown that the scent of freshly cut grass can reduce stress and promote relaxation. In fact, some therapists use the aroma of freshly cut grass to help patients relax during counseling sessions.

The perfect aroma of freshly cut grass in springtime is a beautiful and evocative scent that represents new beginnings, happy memories, and a sense of relaxation. It is a fragrance that can transport us to a place of happiness and joy and help us to appreciate the beauty of the season. So the next time you catch a whiff of this alluring scent, take a deep breath and savor the moment.
Friday, January 27th 2023
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Everyone Should Own A Sex Toy.
Owning a sex toy is like having a well stocked fridge, it is basically something that everyone should have.

When it comes to talking about sex, we do so openly with our friends. We talk about who we are doing it with, how we are doing it, and how often we are doing it.

Sex toys are fantastic. Sex toys are great. Sex toys are magnificent. In fact, every single consenting adult should be the proud owner of a sex toy.

They have become more normalised and accessible to an audience that may not have previously considered them. Let’s not forget just how easy online shopping makes stocking up on a range of sex toys discreetly these days.

Using a sex toy isn’t just about trying something new, it is vital tool when it comes to learning more about your own body.

There is no greater way to learn about what turns you on, makes you feel good and, more importantly, orgasm than spending some time with a toy of your choice.
Wednesday, November 2nd 2022
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Saucy Secretary.
When I do fantasy role plays I like to research the kind of things that need to be involved, and I spend a little time chatting with my customer before the session begins. I do do some complex ones, but one that comes very naturally to me is becoming a naughty secretary fantasy because I was a secretary once in my early days and I don't feel I need to research anything for that, as it all comes naturally to me. Sometimes I smile when I think back to those days, because I was no angel, I flirted and had many affairs with the bosses on multiple occasions. Back then it was normal for the boss to playfully put a secretary over his knee and smack her bottom a little. Or give her instructions on how to make him happy and if she didn't she would be in trouble! Nowadays with this woke society where you literally cant do anything "fun" any more without risk of upsetting someone or breaking some norm it's much harder for men and women to know the acceptable limits of playfull behaviour. Well look back at how Benny Hill the comedian used to behave with his secretaries lol...great fun and very saucy but would probebly be banned from TV now due to the way it sterotypes certain groups of people. Its a shame that great comedy can be included and closed down. Well, if I was a secretary now with all the sexual knowledge I have, I just know I'd be fucking my way to the top.
Saturday, July 23rd 2022
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Air Conditioning Or Cold Baths?
Is the end of the world almost upon us? I hope not lol but we do have many serious issues to live through and adapt to, in particular global warming.

Air conditioning units have become a subject of debate these days. Many people are divided on whether air conditioning should be installed in homes for residential use and public spaces like offices, schools and libraries for reliable performance as well as to save on cost. Some people believe that these units are an easy solution to solve the problem of climate change affecting global warming-related problems like heat waves and forest fires as being experienced across the globe. On the other hand, there are concerns in terms of carbon-emission and energy usage which is likely to grow over time due to policies that governments plan on setting in place. in the future. This is a step forward for the future of blockchain technology in regards to carbon-emission and energy usage.

To take into consideration the effects of global warming, many urban and forest fires resulting from climate change, air conditioning might be a necessity for an entire country. A study by Swansea University cited a recent heat wave between April 28th and May 7th 2016 as playing a role in such deaths while estimates put the average temperature during that week at over 26 degrees Celsius. The media has also reported extensively on temperature predictions for summer 2018 where greater than usual heat this year could lead to scorching temperatures not just in the traditional inner and suburban city districts, but also rural towns. In order to provide air-conditioning in such rural areas, it was suggested that "the government may have to consider a huge expansion in the country's power capacity"

Air conditioning has been proven to have big affects on the environment. Whether it be global warming due to the electrically powered device itself, the carbon emissions from its usage, or cooling of homes and offices that cause factories to need to cool off and emit heat which in turn has a negative impact. With high daytime heat, energy usage has raised drastically across the UK and is expected to continue this trend if nothing changes. Air conditioning had a significant impact on the UK's electricity consumption. In the U.S., cooling is becoming increasingly important and has been proven to have a significant impact on health and the environment. A report by The National Wildlife Federation found that in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent, cooling needs would need to be slashed 50 percent." The use of air conditioning has become commonplace in our lives.

Anyway, they say that cold baths and showers are good for us...so I had better get in training so I can be happy to have them when winter arrives and the gas gets cut off lol.
Monday, June 20th 2022
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Love And Sex Is An Art.
I absolutely love to feel wanted and also enjoy all kinds of sex because I like to explore and be adventurous and as sensual and provocative as I can. Even with all of the amazing foreplay and fantasy mind play its funny that one of the first things men seem to comment on is the tightness of my wet pussy when first entering me. Men seems to love it and so do I and I find making love can be so artistic and a thing of great beauty.

I am always horny which means my pussy is always well lubed up from its natural juices, but I'd like to think I can handle all sizes and even some of the bigger cocks. I remember when I was younger my body kept on growing but my pussy just seemed to stop. Now men seem to love the fact its so tight, moist and a snug fit when they bury themselves deep inside of me. It also makes the sex all the better for me too. There's no better feeling than feeling stuffed and then fucked senseless! I love all the sweat and emotional stuff as well as the physical orgasmic parts too.
Monday, May 9th 2022
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Red Or Natural Lippy.
Consciously men have all sorts of varied feelings and prejudices about women wearing lipstick, regardless of the shade, but studies have shown red lipstick does attract more attention from men than any other colour. So it is more or less a given that if you wear red lipstick more men will look at you, and you will hold their gaze for longer. It will not necessarily ensure they have a favourable opinion of you, but for better or for worse you’re less likely to blend into the crowd. Most men love red lipstick which instantly brings attention to the lips, which they find sexy. The pink lipstick looks more demure and gives that girl next door image.
Friday, February 11th 2022
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My Best Cotton Panties.
Because you just never know. It may sound cliched, but it’s true. Today might be the day… not for the love of your life, necessarily, but for a pleasant flirtation or romp between the sheets. Do you really want to have your stretched out floral cotton undies on when that happens? Whatever you’re wearing underneath should be at least as nice as what you’re wearing on top. Oh, and remember what your mother said about always wearing nice underwear in case you have go in the ambulance? Yeah… that’s a good reason too. What I am saying is that it’s okay to splurge on yourself. "Lingerie is not about seducing men, it’s about embracing womanhood.”
Tuesday, December 28th 2021
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Brunettes Beat Blondes In The Bedroom.
Blondes may have more fun – but brunettes make the better lovers, according to a new survey. They are more adventurous in bed and like sex more;

1. But blondes are more likely to cheat;
2. Nine out of ten of us (91%) say that a sense of humour is a big factor when choosing a lover.
3. Men really do think about sex more than women – with 59% admitting it is on their mind several times a day, compared to just 45% of women.

Blondes may have more fun, but brunettes make the better lovers, according to a new survey.

They are more adventurous in bed and like sex more.

Almost six out of ten people (58%) say brunettes are better in bed.

The results are the same for men and women – just 16% chose blondes, followed by lovers with black (12%) and red hair (9%).

Four out of ten respondents (42%) say brunettes are more likely try new things in the bedroom.

And just fewer than half those polled (47%) also say that brunettes are the most sexually voracious.
Thursday, December 16th 2021
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My Private Panty Memories.
I laughed so much when I saw this selfie because the black dress I was wearing had shrunk in the wash and not only was it riding up over my arse I also had my little g string panties riding up deep inside my pussy crack! I was almost on tip toes as I took the photo because I was dying to put my hand in my skirt and pull my panties out of my pussy and arse cracks. That's the beauty of a photo though in as much as it can show a story but without words not the whole story. It is true that world class photographers can tell a story and show all emotions with a simple picture (but I'm just a selfie taker, not a world class photographer lol). Today I'm wearing the exact same panties so maybe I will do a few more comfortable selfies to post online.
Monday, September 20th 2021
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Reasons To Get Frisky.
Want to clear your complexion, boost your mood, and cut your risk of cancer, heart disease, and other health hazards? No, the answer isn’t in a magic pill — it’s between your bed sheets. That’s right: A little loving can boost your overall health in many surprising ways.

Self-pleasuring can offer sex benefits, especially those specifically related to having a good orgasm. So whether you’re coupled up or flying solo, check out this list of healthy side effects of regular sex:

Improved Heart Health — Yes, Sex Is Exercise

Less Stress and Lower Blood Pressure.

Get yourself amomgst the bed sheets and get moving!

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