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Friday, May 31st 2024
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thoughts on appointment times and voting
I regularly get messages that ask:
"What times are you available today/tomorrow?"
"I'd like to see you in the morning."

Please don't do this!
It kicks off a back-and-forth ping-pong about times. It would be far easier if you came straight to the point and told me your ideal time.

When YOU say early morning, I don't know whether you mean 6 am or 9 am.
Or I'll send back a message about the morning only to find you can only do the afternoon.
Be more specific.

And yes, if it is daylight outside, then I will be up, and 7 or 8 are times that some people book.

In my last blog, I mentioned
====some individual MPs want to end sex work ====
by turning the people who pay into criminals;
it's called "End Demand".

These people exist at every party - the only main party on our side is GREEN.
It is their official policy.

The Red Party is a mixed bag, with many members totally opposing us.
Their leader can't stick to a pledge for four minutes. Who knows what we will be getting from them?

Quite a few BLUE are against us as well, but not in a great number, it seems, as they have let things stay as they are for the last 14 years. However,
I'm not going to recommend anyone vote for more of the same.

I'm not going to vote for anyone who will support an end to our business and who wants to turn the customers into criminals, neither should you.

Friday, May 24th 2024
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Will you vote to end sex work?
Yesterday, I saw a field so water-long it looked like a lake. What was startling was that there were DUCKS around it and on it.
I can't complain when the countryside looks lush with greenery.

It will be a long time before I can look at an umbrella without thinking about our Prime Minister.
Soon to be ex-PM, perhaps?

So, come 5th of July they think RS will be replaced by KS, but I wonder if we're coming up to a rerun of 1992. I remember where I was that year I still remember the general sense of shock that seemed to hang in the atmosphere. we didn't expect that result.

Here is something worth thinking about as you prepare to cast your vote:
Today, it is 100% legal for you to visit me and pay for my service in the UK.
But it wouldn't be legal if we were in France or Sweden or many other countries --- where the client is the criminal.

There are a minority of people in the UK who would like to end this business, and some of them are now sitting MPs who are vocal campaigners for the end of sex work.

They don't understand it. They don't understand what we do or how we work... But they think our customers should be turned into criminals.

They think sex should only happen between consenting adults -- but without any financial transaction.
They don't think it can be a good business relationship.

Look- apart from anything else - some people don't have a partner who is available to meet all their sexual needs.
Surely - a business relationship with a professional is the perfect solution.

I wouldn't vote for anyone trying to end my business and turn my lovely clients into criminals, and neither should you.

I plan to challenge candidates on this -
the "Nordic Model"  is also known as the "End Demand" or "Equality" Model, and it means criminalising customers and ending our businesses.

Why those people are in all political parties - note many of them are in the Labour party - so there might be increased support for this under the next government.

It's hard to imagine THEY would do this to us... but other countries in Europe also didn't expect to be hit with these draconian laws that have swept across in recent years.

Saturday, May 18th 2024
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End Of The World Concert
It's lucky I haven't anything booked this morning because waiting my turn to buy tickets for the BBC Proms is estimated to be an hour with 45,000 people ahead of me in the queue.

Of course, I should have set a reminder on my phone to get on it at 9 am, but at 9 this morning I was engrossed in something else, so I joined the Q at about 9.40.

I do love these simple automated online queuing systems. Do you remember the bad old days when we just had to keep redialing on our phones?

All is not lost if th two concerts we want to see are sold out. We'll try to get the £8 day tickets, and I don't mind standing if I have to.

On a similar theme, this week I rewatched season 1 of the Umberella Academy on Netflix.
I do hope my concert doesn't end with an angry violinist bringing about the apocalypse.

Wednesday, May 15th 2024
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spring is here and summer's coming fast
Spring is well and truly underway.
Is it summer yet?

No, actually, it's over a month to go before summer is officially here on 20 June.
We're more than halfway through spring. I watched the buds appear on the tree outside my window and unfurl, and now the trees are covered in thick leaves. It always amazes me how fast that transformation happens.

And I love how long the daylight lasts from May to August.
I'm still up before sunrise - even now - and I really enjoy seeing the sky change from black when it turns into a bright day.

I'm not going to complain about the rain when I see lush greenery everywhere. I love spring and autumn when nature seems at its best.

When is your favorite season, and why?
Wednesday, May 8th 2024
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fruit and nut client returns
Seeing a client return today who hadn't visited me for months was great - great to catch up and find out that he's well and what's going on in his life.

He'd been a bit ill, so I'm pleased he's recovered.

Some of my clients don't like to make the long journey in the dark, colder months. And, of course, other things come up, like ill health or travel.

Still, when I don't see clients for months, I wonder what's going on for them and if all is well.

Of course, I'd never contact them. That is a line I wouldn't cross.

I can't share a photo of my client, so let me show you some fruit and nuts instead.
Thursday, May 2nd 2024
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It's just an exam
What did the man say to the doctor at his prostate exam?

"Any sign of my car keys?"

Bad joke?
Honestly, the others I found online were worse.

Many of my clients have had prostate surgery: the diagnosis and the lead-up to that operation must have been awful.

But the GOOD TIMES aren't over ---- I want to reassure you.

I regularly see clients after their prostate surgery.

I've even been the person who has held their hand (or something else) when they have the very first organism a few weeks or months after the op.

I'm pleased to be a part of the recovery process and to reassure everyone that there is still a sex life after prostate surgery.
Friday, April 12th 2024
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These boots were made for walking
I went out for a walk in the Peak District yesterday afternoon.
It's one of my favourite things to do, but it seems like it's been stormy, with stay-in-door weather for so long.

I had some free time, and the wind had dropped. It was even warmer and sunny when I headed off. It did rain while I was out walking though.

I say walk, but should I say climb?
Took the most vertical route possibly without the use of ropes! Found new leg muscles, which complained they hadn't been used in a long time!

It made me so happy:
The views
The greenness
The scent of damp spring
The tranquillity
The muddy walking boots

Do you know what I mean?
Friday, April 5th 2024
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Booking via text message isn't the best way
Sometimes, I accept bookings over the phone and via messages, and I am more likely to do this with people I have seen before.

The problem is:
when I get a txt message from a stranger asking if I'm available today - how seriously should I take that?
* Have they sent it to 100 women?
* A thousand?
* Have they read about my service?
* The fees?
*** Do they know the session is 2 hours long?

I don't want to travel to my workplace, get ready, and then wait for someone who might not turn up.

I do accept bookings by text message/phone sometimes, but I need more reassurance that these people are sincere. Best if we have communicated by message before.

Ideally, the message should be personal to me, showing that they: -
* know my fee,
* they've seen and read my profile,
* we've "talked" before & they know it is a 2 hour session
* and they know my location *** Every advert states my location (it's a small town), so there is no excuse not to know where I am if you ARE SERIOUS about wanting to visit me.

Apart from anything else:
a) I offer a very particular service - and I only do that one thing - so, I can't have men turning up expecting something else;

b) I put aside 3 hours of my life for a session and travel to my workplace ----- which means I have blocked out that time for each booking.

*** The best way to book is via the AW booking system.
** This reassures me you are genuine, and very few of these bookings have let me down.

Some people don't want to book online because they share their email addresses with family or work colleagues.

These are the things I want to tell those prospective clients, but I'll bet they aren't reading this blog

1) You know, you can set up a new private email address.

2) We ladies aren't sitting around doing nothing but waiting to invite complete strangers into our private spaces.

3) Online bookings are reassuring to those of us who see only one client per day.

FINALLY - there are so many reasons I prefer clients to book using the AW booking system. Shall I write about this one day?
Friday, March 29th 2024
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Good Day or Great Day?
I recall being excited when we had these BUNS that were decorated with a CROSS and were only available at this time of year.
We'd eat them HOT, with butter (not jam).

Who else remembers that?

Apparently, we've been eating hot cross buns in England for about 1,000 years. Of course, they used to be a treat for Easter week.

I can't remember when they started being available in supermarkets all year round - I think it may have been about 30 years ago - I know it's been a long time.

I guess younger people don't know any different and probably don't know the link with Easter.

I hope you have a GOOD Friday or a GREAT Friday. And a terrific weekend, whatever your plans. Me. I only have plans for Sunday, the rest of the time is just another day for me.
Saturday, March 16th 2024
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Beautiful sunrise today
I was a beautiful sunrise this morning.

It would be difficult to tell you exactly what time that was because I couldn't exactly see the sun. The entire horizon was obscured by mist but not a thick wall of fog. The warm red and amber glow felt intense and uplifting.

Spring is setting in.

I love seeing sunrise around this time of year, knowing that days are getting longer, or at least we'll get more hours of daylight. It just gives me more energy, as if I'm solar-powered.

I generally get up early all year round (just naturally without an alarm), but I prefer to see it light and bright in the mornings.
Early mornings are lovely. It is so peaceful outside, without the roar of distant traffic.

There used to be a cockerel somewhere near me, but I haven't heard it in a long time, so perhaps it has retired.

My favourite way to be woken up is by bright early morning sunlight shining in the window if I don't shut the curtains. And where I live, I don't have to shut the curtains.

How's your morning going?
Just a note about the image: that isn't a view from my home but from the imagination of artificial intelligence.

Friday, March 8th 2024
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My Body My Choice
It is International Women's Day yet again, and I can almost hear some people whispering, why not have a men's day?
Have one if you like, I have no objection to that.

In fact, the founders of IWD believed that improving women's rights would improve the situation for all of us as we don't live in isolation. If a woman is paid more and has better working conditions, her whole family is better off.

And wider society will benefit too...
For example, equal pay means employers can't recruit women to replace men with cheaper labour.

So, IWD arose over 100 years ago as a day to focus on pressing for the rights of women.

And it is still important today.

Allow me to step on my soap box...
What happens in private between consenting adults that doesn't hurt anyone should be OK—even if money is exchanged.
But there are a number MPs who want to outlaw sex work.

We take it for granted that it is legal here and easy for us to advertise and discuss arrangements openly.

In Northern Ireland, since 2017, paying for sex has been made a criminal activity. A worryingly large number of MPs in the RED party want to enforce these crazy draconian laws on the rest of us, and THEY claim it's about PROTECTING WOMEN.

You see the link to International Women's Day -- MPs think women can't or shouldn't make decisions about SEX work - because we're making the wrong decision in their eyes.

We pay our taxes and we vote.

We should make sure we don't elect more idiots with those sorts of views.

As a woman, I should be able to pay someone to have sex with me if I want to ~~~ if I can find someone who is willing. ~~~
Who I have sex with and who I give money to shouldn't involve the state or police.
And if women want to work together to run a brothel, they should be able to do so legally - that's good for women and good for men.

This would be a part of my manifesto if I were standing, and they are questions I will be asking the people who ask for my vote later this year.
Sunday, March 3rd 2024
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Sunday Work Day
A little while ago someone who had visited me before asked whether I work on a Sunday ~~~ surely you don't but i thought I'd ask.

I do take bookings at the weekend. I take bookings 7 days per week.

On my - do you really work every day? Why? Get a life!!!!

Well, there can be some confusion.... if I saw a client every day, that would be a bit much. 7 days a week would be lovely for my bank balance although exhausting.

But really, I don't see clients every day, and that's why I sometimes take them at the weekend.

And somedays when I'm not available I might be otherwise engaged.

For instance, I had to accompany someone to hospital this week... nothing serious, don't worry, and it only took a few hours but - you never know - hospital appointments run in their own mysterious time zone.

And the week before that I spent a morning lounging in the relaxing room at the Manchester Art Gallery where there are comfy chairs, dim lighting and just 3 paintings. I may have nodded off. A cup of tea would have been nice.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, February 22nd 2024
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inspired by Samuel Pepys and ending at Dad's Army
I just noticed it's the eve of the 23rd of February.
On this day back in 1633, Samuel Pepys, the legendary London diarist, was born.

Of course, at the time, he had a very important job, but now he's most well known for his diary. If he hadn't written it, he'd be forgotten.

It's wild to think that here I am, centuries later, doing my own little diary dance in the digital age. Will someone be reading my ramblings 400 years down the line?

Better keep those thoughts squeaky clean – wouldn't want to embarrass myself in front of future generations!

But hold on to your hats because the historical rollercoaster doesn't stop there.
Fast forward to this same date in 1820, and we find the Cato Street Conspiracy, a bunch of sneaky schemers
who were
plotting to assassinate Cabinet ministers as if ridding the country of a rotten government was just another day at the office.

That was just over 200 years ago, and I won't mention what I think of today's bunch because I've promised to keep it clean.

My dad always taught me if you haven't anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...

Not even

***We're Doomed***
Thursday, February 8th 2024
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Valentines plans for mid-February 2024
With people preparing for a day of being snowed in, my mind has turned to the 14th of February fast approaching.

~~ it's hard not to notice vibrant red and pink adorning every shop ~~

It's enough to make anyone feel like they've stumbled into an alternative universe, a surreal Barbie-land.

It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of romantic expectations.... when you're a teenager!

But MOST OF US? We're well past that. Reality slapped us in the face! Life isn't pink candyfloss. The chocolate makes us fat, and the bubby drink makes us burp...

~~ Sorry if I sound a bit Bar Humbug ~~

What about those who don't relate to this day?

Still - bombarded with the message that they should have a special someone to share PINK AND RED things with? The message that you aren't doing it right if you aren't drinking rose prosecco on the 14th of Feb....

Even if you are single and like it that way.

I suggest a new message,
* You are never alone because you always have the most incredible companion by your side—you.
* Think about the one person who is with you through the good times and the bad, the one person who's always there for you: YOU!

A nice dinner. Your great film. An exciting book. A bit of self care?
Getting cosy, warm and comfortable.
Especially when it is cold outside.

Rejuvenate your spirit!

So my message to myself and to you, as well, is to prepare for next week even if you aren't buying a card and a bottle of bubbles.

Wishing you a Valentine's Day filled with love, laughter, and plenty of self-care!

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