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Monday, July 16th 2012
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Hi Guys

I’ve been having lots of horny times….now I’m off the hermesetas I’ll be able to remember it all to tell you-LOL. Its so gutting because when I’m in the room I think of all the things I’m going to tell you …..but by the time I’ve finished…..I’ve been too f’D to tell…LOL. What I need is a voice recorder….or rather a thought recorder (how cool would that be eh?!) while I’m in the room and then I’d have it all ready to tell you!!

Ohhhhh…..but there’s so many more things I could tell you but discretion and all that means I can’t…sorry guys-LOL

But there is plenty that I can tell you……..so here’s a bit more of the catch up……

I have an army guy come and see me sometimes once or twice every year since I’ve been in Bournemouth….so he came to visit me again for him Pamela fix! He loves to be dominated….nothing extreme but just in the being taken charge of by a sexy woman (a lot of you like this kind of service) So I dress in something very sexy and commanding then make him worship my body by kissing my feet, legs then caressing my body and admiring his mistress in the mirror (I have a new amazing mirror now for all you naughty boys to watch me in but I’ll tell you all about that in another blog soon). 1st of all I gave him some punishment with my cat o nine tails….you’ve been a very naughty boy haven’t you?….Yes Mistress Pamela…..You haven’t been to see me for a while and you need to be punished for it…yes Mistress Pamela…sorry Mistress Pamela…..whack……you need to be a good boy in future…yes Mistress Pamela…..whack……who’s in charge…you’re in charge Mistress Pamela….whack……good boy! This will make you remember it…..whack……yes Mistress Pamela…sorry Mistress Pamela.

I then get him to wrap his arms around my body then run his hands over me admiring and worshipping me loads.I tell him to unzip me and take my top layer off revealing my very sexy lingerie! I then tell him to kneel down and kiss my round full bum cheeks which he does saying yes Mistress Pamela…thankyou Mistress Pamela. You can now take my bra off….and worship my breasts which he does. I then sit on the bed so he can kneel in front of me and carry on worshipping my breasts…..and then my pussy needed servicing so he was a very good boy and did this saying thankyou Mistress Pamela each time!

After giving me some very very good pussy worship I then wanted to use him as my fuck bitch. He likes to have poppers before and during me doing this. I say to him….I want you high as a kite so you are totally at my mercy….my fuck bitch…if you are a really good boy you will get your treats….yes Mistress Pamela he said in an under my control voice. I got my strap on and gently gave him a fucking up the arse while he carried on getting high as a kite on the poppers. You need to beg if you want me to stop and if and when you have begged enough and convinced me….I will stop. After about 5 minutes he started to beg,….please Mistress Pamela can you stop he said in a quiet voice….I can’t hear you……please Mistress Pamela can you stop?…..you’re not convincing me!…..PLEASE MISTRESS PAMELA STOP…I’VE HAD ENOUGH…PLEASE STOP!….GOOD BOY! You’ve been so good you now deserve some treats. You can carry on pleasuring your Mistress while you have your 1st treat….we’ll do a 69, lay on the bed…yes Mistress Pamela…thankyou so much Mistress Pamela!

He then had his final treat and his Mistress Pamela sat on his very hard throbbing cock and it wasn’t very long before he was begging to come!!

Was really great to see you again honey…it gets more and more fun each time….I look forward to the next….

Here is a picture of one of my new bikinis I’m selling which I barely got to wear!! Give us our sun back!! and a gorgeous orange bra & knicker set

OMG it just shows how behind I’ve got….this was the day I had my ladt night out with my over nighter dinner date man!

As usual…..I was dressed to kill in a gorgeous sexy classy dress……shame about no sun though! We couldn’t resist going back to our usual favourite restaurant …The Edge! But before that he brought a bottle of bubbly as usual….we had a glass and a chat before he got in the shower and got all poshed up for the night ahead! we polished off the whole bottle!! Then off to the local fashionable bar to have a glass of wine before we were ready to get the cab to the restaurant. The restaurant has amazing views and you can’t beat going somewhere special but its just a shame that the food isn’t as perfect as it could be but who cares…..we were having a fabulous time as usual drinking chatting laughing…..jut how a night out should be!!

After that we slum it and go to a local late bar which is just perfect….it stays open late, it has a very varied clientele and more than anything you can just relax and be yourself without anyone looking and judging you. After lots more drink, dancing , laughing we headed off home ……not surprising Pami needed a naughter burger and chips-LOL and we couldn’t believe it….the guy said happy heart attack!! …….what’s he like eh?! He supposed to be encouraging people to buy not put them off!! OMG though….we were having so much fun we were even the last one’s in the burger bar…we got chucked out…sort of if you know what I mean….in a nice way-LOL

Once home I gave him my normal Pami spoiling…he’s a GFE type of guy so plenty of that with a very happy ending before we fell asleep from the fabulous night out we’d just had!! Then in the morning a fuck for the road……mmmmm ….absolutely fabulous…it just gets better and better…..the next one is already booked for July so I can’t wait!!

Oooooh I missed out my other client I saw that day! He wanted domination but particularly asked for me to make him eat his cum!! I get quite a few guys ask for this but they normally don’t want to do it as soon as they’ve come! But he said he definitely wanted me to make him eat it! So after a session of domination he wanted me to finish him by giving him a hand job…..I always put a bit of oil on to help the hand glide over the cock and stop from me making the cock sore at all…so as usual that’s what I did not thinking he was really going to eat it…but HE DID!! I made him lick my hands where the cum was all over them then scouped up the rest on my nail and fed it to him!! After a couple of seconds he started to wretch…… I asked him was that a bit difficult to swallow to which he said it would have been better without the oil!! LOL :-O! I was amazed he actually did it!! He said he really enjoyed our time and would be back for some more (which he did…but that will be in another catch up)….see you again soon honey!

More naughty gossip soon….big kisses…Pami xxx

Lots of new pics in my private gallery
Sunday, July 15th 2012
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WHERE HAS PAMI BEEN? Naughty catchup!
Hi Guys

OMG……I’ve been having hermasetas in my tea for the last 10 months….weeeelll….I will never touch them again guys!! I ended up with no energy and lots of other things like dry eye syndrone (which I couldn’t understand because I normally have very bright shiny eyes!!), bad memory, feelings of confusion, stressing because I had lots of things to get done but running around in ever decreasing circles and getting nothing done!! Then ending up craving for what I didn’t know!! Conclusion…..they are really really reeeeally bad for you. So hence I will never take them again!!

I was supposed to go up to Heathrow before xmas and they made me feel incapable!! So I’ve lost a very dear long standing regular client of mine because of them!

But we have a bright new Pami now…free of poisons in my body!! So I should start to be able to keep up with everything from now on!! Honestly…it was making it really hard to think to do my blogs….making it a mega effort! I’m back to the light airy fun girl I normally am now….yippee.

Well you naughty boys have been keeping me very busy…..in between the web building and building my on-line empire (empire….ha ha….I wish….maybe in 10 years time I might get there!! )

My favourite Munchies came to see me and brought me lots of munchie pressies mmmmm….and lots and lots of spoiling….double mmmmm…was really great as always to see you Munchies!

OMG….So much has happened and those bloody hermasetas have stolen my memories!! Lets think…..I had a really lovely guy come and see me for some domination, we had lots of fun…..he used to have a Dungeon and told me lots of stories about his life plus we had lots of chats about lots of things….soooo interesting!! He gave me loads of bits of naughty clothing and a whip thing with horse hair….plus some other pressies….what a lovely guy!!

I’m just looking back through my diary ….back to the last date I blogged! End of May….and OMG we had a day or 2 of sun!! Where is it guys…..I’m sick of this rain…even if I’m stuck indoors and can’t get out in it….at least it seaps through the windows and makes me & the rest of everyone feel happy!!

So May 22nd….I had someone call for an out call….to a hotel…a young guy, I don’t normally see guys in their 20′s so much now because they usually mess about doing fake bookings and other such stunts but he sounded very mature so I said yes. Ooooh such a sunny day….it was really nice being out in the sunshine….I went to see him for a couple of hours…..in his room and we had a lovely sexy girlfriend experience time with a toy show…..he was loving it! I think I blew his socks off!! He came well before the 2 hours was over so we sat out in the sunshine and had a drink and a chat…..so nice with the sun drenching our bodies….I could’ve stayed there all day!! Because he was very mature for his age so we had lots of interesting chats….a very interesting guy!

I had my lovely chinky man come and see me……it always amazes me how some nationalities always look really young no matter how old they are! Anyway…I’ve probably said it before but he comes to see me because I’m really patient with him. He said he never used to go back and see any other escorts but he must have been to see me at least 10 times now!! Sounds a bit like my lovely Munchies….he only came for a one off treat and has ended up coming to see me for over a year now!! I am definitely not complaining…..what a total compliment!!

I had the lovely TASTYMUFFIN come and see me…..I love it when men love their experience with me and get right into it…..and its great when I get to know what someone loves! He really really reeeally loves me running my nails very gently all over his body…..in fact he is in total ecstacy when I do that!! And talk about fit….his body is so ripped its just amazing to look at!! Fit fit fit!!

My lovely 83 year old came to see me too….bless him…..he obviously isn’t big in the performance department but that doesn’t matter…he just loves coming to see me, having a kiss and a cuddle, having a good old chat and of course my award winning blow job which does the trick pretty much EVERY time!! It definitely puts a smile on his face anyway…bless his cotton socks! Then off he goes a happy bunny until he needs a bit more!

Met lots of lovely new clients too!

One thing I’ve been doing lots of is taking pictures of me….so I’ll finish here for the minute and let you look at some of my new piccies!

More very soon!!

Big Kisses….mmmmmwha Pami xx

Lots of new sexy pictures in my private gallery
Sunday, December 4th 2011
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I’m going to give you a very quick catch up on the week just to get up to date as I’m gonna get in a mucking fuddle otherwise! I’ve done most of the grueling computer work so I can take the rest in my stride now without devoting the whole of my day and concentration to that!!

Poor muchies ….someone crashed into his car….hope you get it sorted nice and easily bebe…thinking of you xxx

Met lots more new sexy clients this week and had a fabulous sexy time

Saturday had a guy come to see me who wanted extreme watersports…….OMG he couldn’t believe it…..he nearly drowned with the amount I pissed of my golden showers over him-LOL on his body….in his mouth….he really really loved it! Was great to see you honey! If you want another good soaking….come back to see me!!

Had a little bit of mild dom too with another client who’s been before……he takes a little bit of getting going but one way or another I made sure he had a happy ending!!

Had a lovely guy from Swanage come and see me…..he had liked a bit of dirty girlfriend experience…..he loved rimming my arse….mmmmm. He definitely had a great time and sent me a few texts after to say so. Was lovely to see you honey….I always feel honoured when someone particularly does a special journey to come and see me!

that was my Sunday

Monday started with a lovely good looking guy (just cos I admire a good looking guy…please don’t let you think that I only want to see good looking guys….I love the rough and rugged look too, as it gives someone more character….nothing wrong with admiring tho!) who bless him was freezing cold and hadn’t been to see a belle de jour for a long time….I soon warmed him up and chilled him out!! Was lovely to meet you honey and hope you come back for more warming up!!

Bdeeks came to see me….very honoured as he’d taken loads of time over choosing who he wanted to see…..probably like a lot of you too. He was very very nervous but I put him totally at ease. We spoken via instant message 1st and then he got the courage to call me, book and then come and have some fun! I hope to see you again soon too bebe….was great to meet you xxx

Had a lovely lovely new client come to see me who had heard about me through someone else. We chatted loads then had lots of sexy fun…then chatted more….an absolute sweetie!! Look forward to more fun with you and more interesting chats xxx

Tuesday started with my 83Yo who I suddenly realise is now an 84Yo….he snuck a birthday in there somehow without me knowing!! He’s such a sweetie….we have a bit of a cuddle standing up and his cock gets hard straight away so I quickly do a sexy strip so I can hop on him and put his cock inside my pussy so he gets to at least fuck me for a couple of mins! We then have a kiss and cuddle for a while…lots of pillow talk and then I suck him off which he loves and always blows his socks off-LOL I always love seeing you bebe xxx

OMG its so hard to think back over the days….I know I had a fantastic time on the day but sitting here now its like trying to pull snails out of shells trying get anything out of my memory-LOL not that I do that often-LOL

I had a very interesting guy come and see me that day but trying to keep him quiet at my door….well some people eh?! Just because they see an empty corridor they think there’s no danger….never mind that my neighbour across the way could be listening through his door or like I’ve had a couple of times….my neighbour could just be at his door having just come home from work…..and this guy didn’t get that I wanted to stand behind the door so no one saw me in a see through dress and then he was making comments in the corridor that any of my neighbours could hear!!! grrrrrr …..I suppose as long as its not his flat and its not him worrying about being chucked out and having to find a new home eh?! Not sure if he’s welcome to come back as I can do without agravation like that….and he was an intelligent guy too! You guys just don’t realise how hard it is for us girls to keep it a secret sometimes……you need to help play the game

Had another sweetie come and see me after him….a new client who totally got the being quiet thing! We had an hour of delicious GFE, mmmmmm lots of pussy licks mmmmm. It was hard to get him to come as his buttons were hard to find so I asked him what really gets him going…….. he says he likes creamy pie and spunking videos so if he comes to see me again I will make sure I know which one to put on for him to get that needle to go off the richter scale!! was lovely to meet you honey and hope you come to see me again bebe…I love a challenge xxxx

Had another lovely new client come and see me for some GFE mmmmmm love it!

Wednesday no one loved Pami xxx

MMMMMMM Thursday started with a client I haven’t seen for ages…..a very very fit guy!! He said he hasn’t seen another belle de jour since the last time he came to see me …..which he didn’t have to tell me. He said he’s very fussy who he goes to see! He loves GFE ….lots of 69 and exploded with me on top!! Was really great to see you honey….don’t leave it soooo long next time-LOL

I having one of those times again when most of the guys on a certain day are all called the same name!! Its so weird how that happens….it could be a name I’ve not heard of for ages and then all of a sudden everyone’s called it!! How strange is that eh?!

MMMM I love all guys……… but I do love a stock looking guys….don’t ask me why its just my guilty pleasure I think-LOL So my next client who had the same name as 3 of my clients this week and 2 today (another name I hadn’t heard for ages!) was lovely and stocky with salt and pepper hair very sexy (I love all the different ways you men can have your hair….it looks very sexy short, shaved, natural and styled…..every way has a certain sexy man factor about it….something a lot of you guys don’t realise and it doesn’t matter if your receeding as that looks sooo sexy too!)……we had lots of GFE and then I sat on his rock hard cock and it didn’t take him long to come!! We chatted quite a bit after….he said this was the 1st time he’s been to see a belle de jour. He’d called me a few weeks before but was really nervous but he said he was laying in bed after not getting any from his partner for quite a while and thought why was he laying there with no sex and feeling scared when he could take the steps and be a happy boy getting it. I tell so many of my girlfriends…..your man needs sex and if you leave him too long without it…..that’s what happens! So he was really glad he came…ooooh I’m a naughty Pami tempting you guys ….but if it wasn’t me it would be someone else eh?! You guys have needs and if someone’s not fulfilling them…..reluctantly…..a lot of you have to look elsewhere….fact of life! ……I’m definitely very happy to oblige!! I think all credit to you guys who pay for it and don’t con it out of some poor unsuspecting female like a lot of guys do. Anyway I had lots of great chat with him and would really love to see you again honey xxx

Gotta go….got someone coming in a min ……so I’ll have to do the final catchup later or tomorrow

Have a great day guys

mmmmwwhhhhhhhaaaaaa Pami xxxx
Friday, December 2nd 2011
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Hiya Guys

Where has the time gone….I just don’t know!! Its that bl**dy computer….taking up all my time again…..don’t you just want to give it a kick eh……how dare it!!

I’ve had lots of sexy fun on and off and off and on-LOL ……no really….some days are dead and some days are busy….I don’t know why!!

I’ve had some really really lovely new guys come to see me….mostly for the girlfriend experience which I love.

I had one of my regular clients come to see me last Wednesday, he likes me dressing in different outfits. This time he sampled my police woman outfit! He just has one of my award winning massages which he absolutely loves with all the back licks, and the teasing he loves loves loves!! He only ever has a BJ or a handjob with no kissing or anything else but he enjoys it sooooo much….I love it! He likes to come twice which he managed very comfortably….was great fun to see you again honey. I think it will take us a long time to work our way through my wardrobe!!

Had a lovely guy come to see me on Thursday last week who totally spoilt me with some champagne, chocolate truffles and a lovely card…..and then spoilt me with massages…..rubbing cream into my body and lots of pussy licks……mmmmmm and lots of orgasms…..2 hours of all of this….I’m a lucky girl!! I did spoil him lots though too…..gave him massages and the rest. He came twice too he was enjoying it so much. Was lovely to meet you honey and I hope you come again sometime and thankyou so so much for my pressies xxxxx

God its so hard to keep up sometimes and tell you about all my lovely experiences so if you’ve been to see me and I haven’t mentioned you….please don’t think that I didn’t have a great time with you…..perhaps you should come back again make sure I mention you next time – LOL……..well you can’t blame a girl for trying eh?!

S from Poole came to see me Fri eve for the 2nd time….he asked me to be dressed in a sexy slightly slutty outfit as if I was going out….so I put my black stockings and suspenders on for him and a little black dress which is very short and sexy….he absolutely loved it….he loves mature women and finds me very sexy! He wants a mother son scenario where we go out shopping and for meal and he calls me mummy…..in earshot of people hmmmmm sounds interesting eh?! I’m game for a laugh as long as its not life or health threatening and its legal-LOL

Just realised I haven’t done any pictures of my English cop outfit….I’ll have to do some this week!!

Where’s my PPLS??? Anyone seen him…….pine pine……my pussy’s pining for him….

That’s all for today guys….I’ll tell you more tomorrow…..

mmmmwwhhhaa Pami xxxx

P.S Lots more seeeeexy pulse racing pics in my private gallery
Monday, November 21st 2011
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Ooooooh…it was hangover day yest-LOL

Well its a very strange time at the moment….one minute its manic and the next….nothing-LOL A few of you have been giving my credit card machine a bashing!!

Had one of my PLS’s in on Monday….collar and lead….punishment….lots of pussy licks mmmm! and more mmmmm! Was gonna use the ball whacker on him but nooooo ….he didn’t like that!! We had a fab time…..it gets better and better every time!! Look forward to the rematch bebe! No ball whacker-LOL

My 83 year old was back for a bit more….bless him!! And my little Belgium choc man…..he’s giving me some money tips….I bloody need them! LOL

Weymouth R was back again already!! He definitely loves what I do…….the back licks….teasing……and all the dirty talk!! And especially the new position I’ve been doing with me on top….legs forward giving him a clear view of his cock going in and out of my c u n t! Was really great to see you again bebe……especially now I’ve got my dizzy head off…..what am I like eh?! You know what I’m talking about!!

OOOh I had another of my favourite clients come and see me on Thursday!! He loves loves loves me dressing as a schoolgirl!! He’s bought me loads of knickers so I put a pair of those on for him. He likes water sports too so I got tanked up! We did the school teacher, school girl scenario….I’d been a naughty girl so he put me over his knee and gave me a spanking!! and then he was being naughty cos his cock was hard from spanking me so I had to spank him too!! He slowly undressed me bit by bit and then gave my freshly shaved pussy lots of licks….mmmmm. Then I pissed on him through my knickers and made him very wet!! He was enjoying the view so much he took some pictures of me and I took a picture of my wet knickers on his cock….naughty boy!! After his shower we had a bit of 69 and then he was soooo excited I sat on his cock, after a few minutes I did the same position as for Weymouth R! He really loved it too…..then a bit on top and finished off spunking with a hand job! Always a pleasure to see you honey and yes it is much more than just sex….I feel priviledged to have a quite a few clients like that where we are a lot more than just sex. Looking forward to the update about your event you had to go to-LOL

Had a very good looking 29 year old larger than life guy come and see me Thurs eve!! Some people are just so amazing to look at and he was one of them! He was a very sensual type of guy and really loved kissing and cuddling. I know I said I wasn’t seeing anyone under 30 but he sounded very sensible and not a messer, very mature for his age! Very interesting to chat to. If you read this honey….it was really great to meet you!

Well guys…..I’ve hardly seen a sole all weekend! Friday was mega dead so I thought I’d get some food at the cafe……(Tea @ Maries Boscombe does a really really yummy cheese burger…..OMG its so yummy I could eat it everyday!! No one would bother going to Micky D’s if they knew about their burger!!) Anyway as soon as I decided to pack up for the day …..of course someone buzzed to come and see me…typical eh?! Then I got my nails done…..a little shorter this time as my little fingers nail is still fragile….but they are still quite long and in lilac/rainbow tonic colour. Then off to my friends to see John Barrowman at the Bic…..back to my friends and got suitably tiddly! Good girl eh?! Def suffered yesterday….I know ….serves me right!

Met a lovely guy Saturday……a total sweetie who just sees a girl on the odd occassion so is only into the GFE services. He went away a very happy boy

Dead Sunday…..run out of food at home…..my car’s in for repair so can’t drive anywhere….. so thought I’d go get a Sunday roast at the bar just down the road…..bit gutting really cos there’s somewhere else I really really wanted to go but such is life!! Ordered my food….sat down and yes ….you’ve guessed it….the phone rang and this guy does it allllllll the time….yep…he wanted to come along straight away!! Would you Adam and Eve it!! I told him I wouldn’t be free til 4 which would have given me 50 mins but nah….it was now or not at all…..so it was not at all! I keep telling him…..give me a bit of notice…what’s e like eh?!

One of my clients has a shop so I needed some coffee mate so thought I’d pop in his shop…..he was there (if it was needed I would just blank him but he was ok to talk so we did) He was asking how I am and me him…..then he said he thought he’d pop over to see me when he’d finished working as I left. Weeeelll …I hadn’t even got home and he was on his way-LOL He was so turned on from seeing me in his shop he came and had a quicky!! Well I didn’t expect that!!

Hope you’ve all had a fab weekend……more soon

Kisses Pami xxx
Sunday, November 13th 2011
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Ooooooh it was a busy day for Pami yesterday…..yippee

Its so strange you know because I’ll get days when everyone has the same name or all have big cocks or there will be something the same about all the clients….like all wanting dom or just gfe! Anyway at the moment its Dorchester/Weymouth week….in fact on Monday I had 2 guys from Dorchester trying to book exactly the same time…the guy who booked the day before got the spot….clever boy!! But how strange is that eh??? So yes …its Dorchester and Weymouth week-LOL

So Weymouth R came to see me yesterday 1st of all…..he’s been to see me quite a few times so I know what he likes. He absolutely loves my back massage….especially where I tease when I run my hands near certain parts of his body….you know where I mean-LOL And he loves loves loves me licking his back up to his kneck…..and then kissing his kneck…..licking around his kneck…..the edge of his ears…..he’s electrified by it!! I so love it when someone loves what I do that much!! He then just loves me teasing even more and more gently stoking up & down his body running my hands near his balls and gently running my nails up and down all of the area where is balls are….with him still upside down. Then after a while I play with his balls more…massaging them….gently in a juggling motion moving them around……gently scratching ….mmmmm…..he was soooo loving it!!

You’ll have to wait til later to hear the rest…..shower time!!

Have you missed me guys? Sorry its been a bit manic!!

Sooo to carry on telling you about Weymouth R…. I then turned him over and after teasing his nipples, giving him sensual french kisses…..I sat on his face which he loved….he was licking my pussy…..and then my arse hole mmmmmm lots and lots , then more while I was sucking his dick!! His cock was so hard it was ready for me to put his hard throbing cock inside my tight wet cunt! He loves dirty talk so these were the kind of things I was saying to him….especially as the word cunt really made him excited…..and then I was fucking him on top so that he could see my tight wet cunt going up and down his shaft oooooo he so so so loved that….what a view!! All the dirty talk made his throbbing cock spunk its load!! Was really great to see you again honey…I look forward to next time! Do you like the dirty talk guys??? oooo its a bit naughty eh? But fun!

Mr Jones came to see me next….he just has a very quick massage and then straight on to main course!! He loves watching the DVD’s I put on……very visual. He also really loves long hair….especially it falling onto his face! So lots of kissing with my hair dangling onto him. He loves a 69 which we do for quite a while mmmmm oooooo Mr jones! He loves a bit of anal play on him with my little anal toy that vibrates. This toy is more for the sensations whereas the strap on is more for guys who want to be dominated or just really love a bit of punishing in that direction. So I played with him with my vibratimg anal toy whilst I sucked his dick which he was absolutely loving mmmmm….then once he had enough of that….on to the fucking! He has a favourite position which is sideways or rather the spooning position which is normally a lovely sensual position for if you’ve just woken up with your partner in bed. So we did it that way for a while and then I turned round a bit more to face him….so that I could put my hair onto his face moreso…..mmmmmm he loved it!! Was really great to se you Mr Jones and look forward to next time!

Had a new client come and see me. Another one from Weymouth!! See its Weymouth/Dorchester week this week!! LOL He was really really horny and so excited he came more or less straight away!! It was my award winning blow job that did it…he was enjoying it so much he just wanted to go faster and faster…harder and harder!! So 2nds was on the menu….he didn’t have any trouble there!! He fucked me this time mmmmm! Was great to meet you honey and hope you come and see me again!!

To finish the day off was a regular client of mine who raves on about me so much…..oooo I love love love the compliments!! He thinks I’m the sexiest women he’s ever seen….how cool is that!! He just loves looking at me, admiring my body, my face and he has a foot fetish too so he loves touching my feet!! I totally pampered him …..he’s such a sweetie. He fancies a bit of watersports next time to have a Pami wetting with my golden showers!! He wanted it this time but I need time to get tanked up so couldn’t do it!! Was great to see you honey as ever…..Look forward to seeing you soon I hope xxx

Hope your having a great weekend…..More soon mmmwwhhaaa. Kisses Pami xxx
Thursday, November 10th 2011
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Oh yer guys…..forgot to tell you….I’ve got a volunteer for the other chastity belt!!

Also forgot to tell you……te ball whacker got some more use already on Tuesday too!!! my dom client loves his balls to be abused…..pull me by my balls to where you want me!! then when he was laying on his back ready for his treats…..whack whack whack on his balls!! He was loving it!

By the way….Any of you guys reading these blogs who don’t really know me….although I do lots of mild dom and alternative things like that but I love love love doing just the normal girlfriend experience, just plain normal massage, kissing cuddling and sex….all the vanilla services so please please please don’t feel scared to call me because your not sure of that.

Had another client come and see me yesterday who I haven’t seen for quite a few months!! He loves to be submissive and be my slave….so we had lots of slave games. He’s a really big guy but the collar and lead just fitted on him! Mmmmmm so Pami got lots of worshipping…..he was dressed with my sex angel see through stretchy alter top…..he was a very very good boy and worshipped me loads plus a bit of rimming my tiny little arse hole….he was so good that he got his treats……the 1st one was having his arse fucked by my purple strap on…..so he was truly my bitch. Then he got all his other treats….his dick being suck and then his final treat is mistress fucking him!! mmmmmm ….he went away veeery happy!!

Weeeell Tuesday was a very quiet day so I sneaked out for a bit of munchies with my friend and go a few things sorted…..its nice to have a chill day now and then and just float around…..escape the four walls of Pamis den of eniquity!! LOL (I got unchained from the bedpost-LOL)

I’ve done a lot more work on the Pink D-S and its nearly nearly ready to be released for the other 5 areas…..and my new clothes site is nearly nearly ready to go live……its all so exciting!!

And once they’re all sorted….I’ll being doing loads more sexy pics of me for all of you to drool over!!

Gotta get in the shower now….

Love & Kisses mmmmmwhhha Pami xxx
Tuesday, November 8th 2011
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Just to let any of you who reading this know…..I love love love doing GFE and just all the normal services so please don’t think when you read my blogs that because I do so much dom and other things that I won’t like doing just the normal sex services….because I do.

Dorchy F came to see me today….for 2 hours! He comes to see me about once every couple of months thereabouts. This time he asked if I had any rubber…..so I put on this black rubber dress that I had in my cupboard (the bloody thing started disintegrating as soon as I put it on….must have been a cheap one!) He still loved how I looked when he came through the door though! Underneath it I had a PVC G string and a PVC and animal print bra. He said for me to get tanked up with lots of pee, that he would like to play lots of slave games and me dress him up too!! I normally start with the usual massage then once finished I told him to stand up! ‘You need to be punished for being naughty and to remind you who’s in change’ whack on the bum…..’bad boy’……’sorry mistress’ whack…..’who’s in charge?’ …..’you are mistress’…….whack……’make sure you remember that because you’ll get more of this if you are naughty’…..’yes mistress…sorry mistress’

I put the collar and lead on him and the nipple clamps to which he said ……ooooh not the nipple clamps….I said beg! if you want them off! If you beg good enough and convince me properly….I will take them off…in fact anything you want that applies to! I then got him to put some pretty pink french knickers on, stockings, see through black sex kitten top….’oh please mistress take the nipple clamps off ‘ ……’beg more’…..’.please mistress’……’your not convincing me’ ………’oh mistress please please take them off!’ ….so off they came! and finally a tight black skirt. Take a look in the mirror my slutty sex angel slave! see how you look.

‘Right…..on your knees in front of your mistress! Kiss my feet and worship them lots…now my legs. My nipples need kissing and carressing…..if you are a good boy and worship your mistress enough you will get your treats….if you don’t do it good enough….you’ll get punished lots!!……you didn’t say thankyou mistress…its very direspectful not to say thankyou when your mistress is allowing you to worship her body!!’ whack on the bum. My slutty sex slave sucked and worshipped my nipples lots…..licking and pleasing them mmmmm ‘You mistress’s pussy now needs lots of licking and being made to orgasm…..you must do this good enough to get your treats’ ‘Yes mistress….thankyou mistress….’ My slutty sex slave licked and sucked my pussy loads and gave me a delicious orgasm……so as he was a good slave he could have his 1st treat…..his golden showers! His mistress was now going to pee on him and make him smell of her scent….but only if he begged enough for it…’please mistress…..please piss on me….please make me smell of your lovely golden showers….all over my cock and my body’ ‘good boy’ So lots of looooovely pee all my SSS’s , (my slutty sex slaves) body and cock….mmmm ……loads and loads of golden showers……he was absolutely soaked all over! Into the shower then more pussy licks to thank his mistress for his treat. After being such a good boy he qualified for more treats…..after begging lots his mistress then started pleasing his body starting with a deep french kiss, feeding him her breasts, making him beg for each bit…. sucking his cock which he was loving so much he had it for quite a while…..then off with the condom and a lovely wank while cuddling and his mistress licking is nipple. Then finally finishing off for the last 10 minutes with him wanking his dick….his mistress on the other side of him now……cuddling and kissing his head having intense close cuddles…….uuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr yes…..he came!!

A nice wind down massage after and off he went a very happy….de spunked man!! He’s always so quiet when he leaves…..I always wonder if he did enjoy it after all but I know he did and especially a he keeps coming back to see me!. Was great to see you honey…look forward to next time!

My little 83 year old came to see me next bless him. We had lots of kisses and cuddles. He didn’t come this time but he said he didn’t care…..he said he just loves coming to see me!! Was really great to see you too bebe…..look forward to next time

Ooooooh I better get in the shower now and post the 2 parcels for my clothes business….thankgod the printer’s behaving at mo! LOL No bookings at the mo so I might sneak out for a late brekky with my friend…..more tomorrow

Pami xxx
Monday, November 7th 2011
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Hi Guys (check out my private gallery.....lots of spunky pics!!)

I bought some new toys the other day…..2 male chastity belts!! I bet even if you wouldn’t want to wear it….you’d be curious to see what it looks like!! I have a client who wants to wear one for me!!….any volunteers for the other one????!!!

Weeeelll ……I’ve tried to keep up with the blog this week but the days have raced by…..I must just behaving too much fun with you horny guys!! So to do a quick catch up….I’m sorry if you’ve been to see me but haven’t got a mention but I just want to get up to date!!

Saw A guy on Wednesday…..OMG he would bring tears to most of you guys eyes!! He had a massage as normal but once he turned over he wanted to be tied, teased & punished &………hit on he balls by this foam pipe with something stuffed into the end to strengthen it…..are your eyes watering yet? So he was tied…spreadeagled to my bed….. I was teasing him loads, cracking the cat o nine tails every now & then on his leg….bad boy!!…..teasing him with my mouth, my breasts……whacking his balls……teasing his cock…..oh I bet you’d like your cock sucked………crack…..cat o nine tails on the leg……..nipple clamps on his nipples…..lots of pain……beg to suck my nipples……bad boy….whack on his balls……beg!! your not convincing me…..beg more!! Still not convincing me!! Louder!! Good boy! The nipple clamps were hurting him so much he had to beg for them to come off!! I ended up licking & sucking his cock & whacking balls …bad boy!! Doing this more and more until I just ran my nails over his balls & suddenly he shot his load …..wow!! It was really great to see you honey & thanx for leaving the ball whacker with me…..would love to see you again….that was fun!!

Met a lovely new client…..he just likes GFE. He was well chuffed to find me! I’m going to call him my little Belgium chocolate!! Was great to see you honey…..look forward to seeing you agian!!

I’ve met a lot of lovely new clients this week!

I think this is mess Pami around month!! another 2 no shows on Thursday grrrrr

My favourite VIP DT man came to see me on Thursday ….yippee! I told him about a new herbal Viagra but he’s checked things out and after a bit of advice decided to explore the dietary option more…..so he’s been on a fruit diet and said he felt loads better! Wicked willy was definitely working a lot better too…..the best so far! So any of you guys out there…..its definitely the way to go! There’s a program on TV on Weds about food and health….I think that will be really interesting to see!!

Had a lot of clients who have been before come back and see more for a second time this week too! Some like the same thing each time and others want to explore more……if this is you then just have a think about it and just tell me what you want the next time you come. As long as its not life threatening or health threatening….I’m game!

Friday for the 2nd time…..I’m going to call him willy…..(he’ll know but it keeps him anonymous) …..came to see me…..he loves reverse oral plus I said about him before….his partner just does it the same all the time and he’s at that age….that we all get to when you realise that you only have one life and it needs to be lived! Obviously…the same as for a lot of you guys….he doesn’t want to break up with his partner, but he wants a bit more fun in that department to bring the sparkle back into his life so he feels like its a bit more worth living! Its was great to see you honey……mmmmmm lots of lovely licks….mmmmmm goooorgeous! He held it off so long that he had trouble coming at the end and sent me this fab text after he left…..”Thanx bebe. My firework went off in the end!” Love it!! Was great to see you honey. Thanx loads for the bottle of bubbly……my friend & I killed it Saturday eve!!

Like my 1st client today…..he’s a real sweetie. He likes the same thing each time because that’s what does it for him! We chat loads about business, Internet and websites. He managed twice in half an hour too!! Horny boy-LOL Was really great to see you honey!

OMG……..I went out last night….I got a cab & then one home. The cabby driver who brought me home asked me out…..bless him….he gave me all the patter about me looking like a model (I lapped it up…be rude not to!)…..I said well…..I can take your number but I’m a scaredy cat so probably won’t call…..well I already had his number because they do a ring back service when the cabs ready (the cabby doesn’t normally call from their private phones though!) & both the drivers had buzzed me from their mobiles to make sure I knew they were waiting. Normally I use my private phone but it was’t working so I’d used my Playgirl Pami work phone…..so he either knew already or it wouldn’t take him long to work it out….so I said I’m an escort by the way….just thought I’d get that thing out the way (don’t worry guys….I’m not going any where….your my sub boyfriends! no room for a real one!) Anyway….my 2nd client today looked the spit of the cabby driver!! LOL In the end I so wasn’t sure ……I asked the guy…your not my cab driver are you by any chance??!! It wasn’t him ….but spooky eh?! I just thought I had to find out for sure!

Saw a really really lovely Nigerian guy today…..what a sweetie!! I’m always so pleasantly surprised because black guys tend to get a bad press but in my experience….the ones I’ve met are very well educated…..have really good manners and therefore really polite (and have very fit body’s!! you should have seen his 6 pack!! phwoar-LOL) OMG you should have see the size of his cock too guys…..enough to make your eyes water….especially me….I’ve only got a small pussy and I think its big dick day today as the previous guy had a huge dick too!! (the previous guys was very wide and got wider at the bottom which it takes time for my pussy to acclimatise to the size!) Before he got to mine he said could we just kiss and cuddle 1st and could I not make it seem too much like business as he said the sex bit wasn’t paramount….he was just lonely more so and wanted a kiss and a cuddle (anyone who knows me know I’m like that anyway….obviously there are a certain amount of things I have to do anyway as it is business and I do have to ask for the money & look after the cleanliness aspect.) Anyway….he was really glad he’d come to see me…..we kissed and cuddled loads ……chatted loads…..we seemed to have a lot in common and so he felt very relaxed. He kept saying how gorgeous he thought I was. He ended up so relaxed and enjoying himself so much that he definitely wanted to do the do….hence I saw the 6 pack and the massive cock!! We didn’t have much time left after all the kissing and cuddling & chatting so we got straight to it……very sensually kissing and grinding…….me on top and then him on top and mmmmmm yes….that did the trick!!. Good luck honey with all your doing and look forward to seeing you sometime in the future….money permiting!

Munchies Richard came to see me today!! I got totalllllly spoiled!! Lots of pressies and got massaged loads….front and back…..pussy licked loads mmmmmm and then it was time to spoil munchies…..so 69 and 4 orgasms later……I sat on his rock hard dick…..bouncing around….lots of sensual kisses and then finished him by sucking him into submission!! Was really really great to see you honey!! Look forward to next time!! And thankyou so much for spoiling me! I love it!

My No 1 PPLS has gone AWOL & I have a redundant collar, lead and bottle of poppers…..oh where oh where is my No 1 PPLS…..I miss him

Oh yer…..nearly forgot…..I’ll tell you this because none of you know who I’m talking about so I won’t be embarassing the guy and if he reads it…..he’ll probably laugh too because it is funny. If you’ve read my blog lots you’ll read me talking about guys who I try to guide to my place but instead of listening to the instructions…..they want to do it their way…..which doesn’t work as I know where I am and have the whole thing orchestrated…..and they don’t …..so whatever they try to do different..doesn’t fit with my instructions. Weeeellll……1st of all he was the wrong end of the car park to what I said on then instructions, he already got a parking ticket when I say stay in the car for the next bit! Then I told him the directions which were turn left out of the car park….follow the road which would take him on a sharp left hand bend into another road…..go through the traffic lights and park on the single yellow line on the right as soon as possible when you get through the lights ……..weeeell …….he took ages so I called him and god knows where he was bless him….he’d gone through the traffic lights….looked at the left hand side and saw it was double yellows so thought no way was he parking there….carried on ……decided he was in the wrong place and then was taking other turnings-LOL So cut a long story short….. I got him parked in the correct place in the end. Then managed to get him to the main entrance and in his defence there was a lot of noise outside the main entrance making it difficult for him to hear…..but I told him what to do but he said he didn’t like using lifts so was going to use the stairs……I said I don’t know which way you go when you come out of the stairs as I don’t normally direct anyone that way…….weeeelll he didn’t even get that far!! He ended up stuck in the car park!! ….THE CAR PARK-LOL He must have gone racing through the doors and instead of just having a look….he must have just run through the door & it shut behind him before he twiggd it was JUST the car park…… because he had to buzz me to come and get him as he couldn’t get back through the door because it needs a key!!…..What’s he like eh?! I went and rescued him but he said he just doesn’t like being told what to do….but what can I do….if I know where I am….that’s what I’ve gotta do! LOL

More gos soon……sleepy now

sweet dreams guys……mmmmmmwhhaa …..Pami xxxx
Thursday, November 3rd 2011
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Sat in bed and did my adverts and blog….so then quick rush rush into the shower….wash my hair….doing it so quickly that……..OMG……oooooowwwww …..I 98% ripped my nail off my little finger!! & more ….poor Pami! God I was definitely wishing I hadn’t started washing my hair because now I’d got to finish doing it and showering & shaving without catching it again!! Idid it!! ooooh….I didn’t dare catch it again…painfull or what!! Hope your not squeemish……I had a look and it was just hanging on round the edges!! Poor Pami!

I’d got a busy a day….at least 3 hours booked already…… so toooo busy to have a sore finger….. so I wrapped it up in some plasters so it was nice and secure and protected and could just forget about it!! Thank god it was the left hand-LOL

So my 1st client was a new one who’d seen me on the Adultwork site…..he’d been reading my blogs and really enjoying them. There’s a picture I have on my Adultwork profile e said he has imprinted in his memory….its me in white with the caption….I love to wear white!! (I’ll put the pic at the bottom of this post!) He brought a small bottle of white wine and these really yummy savoury cheese twists (its ok…they didn’t really have any cheese….just tasted of it) Yum…..that was really lovely…..they were some yummy and moreish…..I didn’t want to stop eating them!

He just wanted GFE so we started with a lovely sensual kiss……I then gave him my usual press all the buttons back massages….then progressed on to him licking my pussy mmmmmmm absolutely gorgeous (I didn’t realise…..he had a mint in his mouth to freshen his breath bless him but it made my pussy sting!! If I’d have realised before ….I’d have said to him but it was too late. Anything sweet down there guys will give us girls thrush.(its just an overgrowth of yeast for anyone who doesn’t know what it is)….so its not a good idea because then we have to get rid of it……sometimes having to pay £10 for a thrush tablet! apart from the fact the yeast makes our womb blow right out & makes pussy sore and dry…..SO NO SWEET STUFFS ON PUSSY PLEASE GUYS) (My next client told me that sometimes guys do it to give an extra tingle for the girl……I’ll pass on that one thankyou-LOL) So anyway…..lots of licking pussy…..which he was very good at, sucking cock and lots orgasms later….he fucked my nice hot tight pussy…..mmmmmmm. Was a total pleasure to see you honey…..hope you come back again! Thanx for the feedback on Adultwork and I shall be putting some for you very shortly! mmmmmwwwhhaa xxxx

My next booking was EJ one of my regular favourite VIP’s ……he comes for 2 hours……he always brings me lots of little pressies…… most of the time spent chatting, cuddling and licking pussy!! The time always goes so quickly……was fabulous to see you bebe……thanx for the lovely bottle of red wine and the 2 packets of bickies…..yummy…..well appreciated! And yes….would love to do the 5 hours!

Surprise surprise…..had a guy mess me about! I had loads and loads of missed calls from landlines which I think were phone boxes. He managed to catch me between clients ….phoning from a phonebox he told me…..I said you will need a mobile to get to me and for me to text directions, he said he hadn’t got it on him, couldn’t remember the number either… so he’d go home and get it …..yer right! I didn’t think I’d hear from him again! He booked it before EJ so I think he still wanted to do it his way because there were loads more missed calls from landlines!! GUYS…..IF YOU DON’T HAVE A MOBILE….YOU CAN’T COME TO MINE…..I’VE BEEN IN THIS BUSINESS FOR 8 YEARS AND HAD PLENTY OF CLIENTS TRYING TO GET TO VARIOUS PLACES BY USING CALL BOXES…..THEY GO TO THE WRONG BUILDINGS….BUZZ THE WRONG DOORS…I CAN’T CONTACT THEM AND TELL THEM THEY ARE GOING WRONG AND THEN PEOPLE END UP CALLING THE POLICE BECAUSE THEY’VE BEEN UPSET BY SOME GUY LOOKING FOR ME DOING MASSAGE….AND THEN I GET A VISIT FROM THE POLICE…..THEREFORE….THAT’S WHY YOU NEED A MOBILE…..it can be a spare chip….I don’t care….as long as I can get everyone to the right door of the right building!!

Then a surprise call from my little chinky man who’s been to see me loads of times now…..he loves it because I’m patient with him, I don’t rush him (I’m not a clock watcher as in yawn yawn…isn’t it time over yet!! Obviously I have to keep an eye on the time because of being organised for my next bookings) he loves everything I do to him….off he goes with a huge smile til next time!!

And another surprise call from Chrissie TV!! She had all of her gear with her today so she got properly dressed up with wig, sexy lingerie and patent knee high boots too! She had some of the same poppers as I have….so she got high as a kite on them…..I got my purple strap on which she was gagging for…..and I fucked and fucked her while she was on her back….legs up in the air…..begging me to fuck her more and more….harder….faster…..sniffing more poppers…..wank my dick…..wank it hard…….mmmmmm…….she was loving loving loving it!! I then sucked her dick ….mmmmmm she was really loving that…so I sucked her dick while she bounced up and down on the strap on!! She was loving it soooo much she just stayed on the edge for more or less an hour…..coming up….calming down…..coming up….calming down….so much so she couldn’t come by the end of it but she didn’t care…..she’d had an amazing time and was going to have a wank later thinking about it!!! Was great to see you and amazingly enough my legs weren’t hurting the next day!!!

A couple of new clients came to see me also…..they just want the normal GFE which I love doing just as much as all the other services I offer. Was great to meet you guys and have fun with you…..would love you to come and see me again!!

OMG I was definitley knackered by the end of today!!! You all wore me out-LOL!! Its been a fabulous day!

Yawn…..sleep tight guys…..I’ll be out for the count!!

Pami xxx
Wednesday, November 2nd 2011
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Weeeell what can I say about Saturday….messer day??? hmmmm ……when all you guys are busy…..they come out to play!! They book, cancel, book, mess about…..they do want to come….they don’t want to come……its like chasing the carrot you can never catch-LOL So Saturday was the non catchable carrot day-LOL

It was Pami’s chinese laundry day today also!! I’m really good at keeping up with washing the towels & my clothes etc but there always is a bit of a back log of items needing to be filed away or more than anything…..towels need rolling…..so it was towel rolling day today :-( (its really good cos I’ve got a loooots of towels so it means I can be a bit lazy like that & go ages before I run out!!)

In the eve I just settled down to watch a bit of telly cos no ones playing wiv Pami today and a favourite VIP of mine called and fancied coming along for an hours worth of fun!! I call him Doc P cos he reminds me of someone! He loves to be tied to the bed usually but he had a few different things he wanted this time in particular! He wanted the collar and lead, nipples clamps to give him a bit of pain while he was pleasuring me and my heels digging into him too. I gave him a masage 1st because he absolutely loooves my press all the buttons massages and then sure enough….on go the collar and lead, nipple clamps and told to get on his knees! Kiss my feet you naughty boy!! He was a very good boy and did everything he was told…..then undressing me….pleasuring my breasts…..pleasuring my pussy while I was digging my heels into him!! oooooooh he was loving it!! The pain got soooo much with the nipple clamps…he begged to have them taken off! Lots of licking and lovely orgasms later he got his treats…..being fucked with me holding his collar and lead tightly mmmm……this time he finished with me sucking his dick and then him wanking himself while I watched…..give me that spunk….I want to see that spunk!! yeeeees good boy! It was really really great to see you honey……lots of pillow talk later he shot off…..look forward to next time…..I might have a surprise for you!!

Sunday……another messer day!! My friend asks me to go to hers each week for a roast but the time she sits down to eat is usually the time everyone wants to come and see me, so because this weekend was quiet she said open invitation….if I’m busy I’m busy and if not , come for sunday roat…..well sure enough….the phone rang and this guy said he’d like to come along at 5 or 6….so I said say a time and I’ll book you in for it! So he chose 6pm……I said to him I will be at my friends for dinner and will be rushing back for him so please please please let me know if you can’t make it as I will be really angry if I rush back and you don’t turn up honey. (Would you believe it eh…..the only booking and its at dinner time….just about right) I asked if he had any special requests….he said he’d have a think and let me know….so I was starting to realise he was sounding a bit young ……I text him the details where to come and then text how old are you….no reply…..he then text he’d be in the pub all day! and therefore not be driving…..so again i text how old are you!! IN THE PUB ALL DAY……and then he wants to see me!! NOOOO So anyway he called me…..and I asked again…how old are you….he said 22!! I thought so! bl**dy kids eh?! So I said I’m sorry but I don’t see anyone under 30 (because I keep getting messed around by youngsters) plus by the time he’s been drinking all day……brewers droop!!…..so he’s not going to be able to have a proper service and that’s if he remembers to end up coming along!! AND MORE THAN LIKELY WON’T & WON’T REMEMBER TO CANCEL…..ruining my chance of sunday roast for no reason!! What are they like eh?! That happened to me soooo many times last year and then Im end up sitting at home….no money and hungry cos no food either!! grrrrrr

There was another guy who messed me around yesterday….started texting again today to come ……well what can I say! The phones were dead so no more (proper) bookings…….

So I went to my friends…..had a lovely roast dinner……….took a bottle of bubbly too and got a cab…..and Pami-thank god- had a lovely evening and didn’t get messed about!! yippee ……mission complete……you guys have no idea of the messing around us girls have to put up with sometimes!! Anyway the kids are back to school on monday so all the proper clients will be back out to play!!
Tuesday, November 1st 2011
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OMG …..Friday……well! My bookings didn’t start until the afternoon…1.30pm to be precise. So I had a package to sort for my Internet business and get sent off. I’ve got some gorgeous new corsets for sale and its sods law but they won’t fit in the usual box’s I use….so I had to jiggle the box around so it did but so it still looked professional!! It was 3 items I was sending ….so items successfully packaged up….the printer was playing ball today so address label, returns and packing slip all successfully printed, put in package and stuck on!! Now all I need to do is send it!

Time was ticking on as ever but I had got about 40 mins to go (plenty of time to get it done) before my 1st client and then a booking almost immediately after so it was now or never!! So I just grabbed money & package…sun was out so only needed sun glasses…..wizzed up the post office and luckily it was a short queue so off it went! 25 minutes left so enough time to wizz round the petrol station and pump up my tyres with easily enough time to get home and ready for my 1st booking without any stress!

I bought 4 new tyres beginning of this year but 3 of them keep going down!! So there’s me trying to pump up my tyres at 1.10pm……it is a compliment if guys are excited to come and see me and get to me early but surely if you are both aiming for a time…..that is the time you are both aiming for-yes? …..well 1.10 pm and my 1.30pm booking is calling me already!!

So there’s me trying to pump up my tyres…tyre caps in one hand, pump in the other trying to negotiate my phone and my ear phone playing up so he kept cutting off so I had to have the phone in my hand too!! Your early honey….I’m not there….thought I had 20 mins still!-LOL He said ok I can wait….so I said no, I guide you to the 1st bit and I’ll rush home!

So there’s me quickly finishing my tyres as we spoke, putting caps on, quickly rushing back, lock car, up the stairs, quick pee cos I was busting (I already had my sexy gear on under my day clothes)….and trust me I did all this very quickly and quick a a flash he’s calling me again…..cor blimey…I’m not super woman!! (you’d think he’d haved clocked the very important information….I’m not there and he’s veeeery early but obviously noooot!)

By the time he got in my place I felt like I’d been pulled through a hedge backwards!! I never learn….I should have ignored his call to 5 mins before his booking!! Hey guys please…..a booking time is a booking time….can we all aim for the same time please-LOL 5 mins before is cool if I need to guide you in but can we all aim for the SAME time please.

I have to live my life between bookings, shower, put my make up on (If you’re the 1st booking of the day….every minute counts in girl world so the difference of an extra 10 mins early and I’m still doing my make up!), toilet, cook food & eat food, do the washing, have a rest, sleep and for me …another business to run and the very occasional night out if I’m lucky! Catch up with my friends which I don’t get to do at all….they think I don’t want to see them anymore!!……its really really hard for me to gauge my timings if you turn up way too early (and also want to come along at the drop of a hat….an hours notice is usually best, an evening booking please give a bit more notice if possible and the last one ….don’t book a late night booking-late! after I’ve knackered myself out during the day as I only work late by special arrangement….if I know in advance…I can make sure I’m rested and organised!). I like to be nice and relaxed to give you a good time not stressed and feel like someone’s spun me round on a merry go round or pulled me through a hedge backwards!! Otherwise how can I give you the attention properly you wish to have?

Anyway…..my 1st client…..me stressed-LOL. Gave him the usual lovely press all the buttons back massage, I think he was enjoying it especially the back, kneck and ear lobe licking!. He didn’t want rev O so I just gave him one of my award winning cock sucks mmmmmm he was loving that and watching the sexy dvd movie I had put on while I was doing it……then I sat on his rock hard cock. I did my upright hand stand position……..all of you guys seem to reeeeally love that position because it definitely had him spunking for england!! Gave him a lovely relaxing back massage to finish off and off he sped with a smile on his face!! I think I’ll call him speedy gonzaliz – LOL was lovely to see you honey….would love to see you again….at the time we both say though-LOL

My next client is a really lovely guy who saw my profile on the Dorsex site! I guided him in from the pier as he was on foot and its easier from there if anyone is walking. He thought it was going to be really difficult but I make it reeeeally easy but just make sure I keep my location a secret from non clients therefore keeping it VERY discreet. I took him into my bedroom as I usually do….background music playing giving a relaxing ambience….dvd playing giving it an added dimension…..me in my sexy lingerie getting the pulse racing….I offered him a drink, squash, water or mini beer (some guys request a cup of tea or coffee which I absolutely have no problems wanting to make for them but its always cold so never gets drunk) He had a glass of my gorgeous orange and mango squash which tastes like apple and mango J2O (nothing but the best for my clients!!) Then for a bit of spoiling!

He’d requested an hour. He absolutely loved the back massage too! I love putting together things to do to you all that really get you going and you absolutely love…..I’m always perfecting it more and more! He licked my pussy loads and gave me some goooorgeous orgams! He was worried he was going to come too quickly but I said just tell me to slow down or stop at any point as I like my clients lasting all the way to the end! We then did a 69 mmmmmm…..lots of 69 later…..He requested a toy show so I got my vibrator out and he watched me play with myself and then he played with me with it too mmmmm. By now he was definitely ready for me to sit on his cock! mmmmmm he was a very happy boy with me bouncing around on top of him and it was long before he was shooting his load. Was really really great to meet you honey……your such a sweetie and love you to come and see me again xxxx

more tomorrow….my eyes are rolling and I’m mega tiiiiiiired guys!! Sweet dreams everyone

Pami xxx
P.S. I've put some new sexy pictures in my private gallery.....keep watching cos I'll be putting more in now and then
Saturday, October 29th 2011
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Well…..thursday….Pami’s flavour of the day!! yes yes yes

1st bit of fun for the day was my 5 hour deal VIP who’s been seeing me for over a year now …..he’s been hard at work and needed a bit of sexy fun with me!! He fancied a bit of watersports this time he’d never had it before and fancied trying it……so no pee pee for Pami when I woke up…..I saved it all up for him!! We had lots of the GFE fun as usual….back masage, nipple play….lots of hot steamy kisses mmmmm. Then after a bit of 69 and a yummy orgasm I gave him his golden showers…..lots and lots of golden showers…..all over his dick….his body…..and his face…..even in his mouth……he loved it!! I almost drowned him-LOL Then into the shower with him….lots more 69 …..then time to sit on that rock hard dick of his!! Mmmmmm his dick was soooo hard ……..it didn’t take long…..yeeeesss! Was really really great to see…..yar baby…wouldn’t it be great if you were a millionaire….you could take me on the 5 hour dinner dates every week-LOL. Look forward to next time!

My next client was a guy who’d been trying to book quite a few times but had chickened out every time so far…..well it must be nerve racking for some of you guys. This time he booked and came along because he started to feel a lot more confident plus he was the client I accidently sent the wrong message to-LOL….so he realised I was totally down to earth and not scary!! He was a little sweetie, he absolutely loved everything I did to him, the massage with back & neck licking, ball playing, nipple licking, my proper french kisses….he was in heaven!! I said I bet you wished you’d come sooner now and he agreed. We had a fabulous time and he left with a massive smile on his face. It was an absolute pleasure to see you honey and hope you come back again!

Yippee……my DT VIP came to see me!! I wasn’t expecting to see him yet cos its the school hols but lucky Pami …..its raining & a Pami fix was needed!! He loved the outfit I’d got on today…..stick of rock Pami…..well its a black & white strippy knicker & bra set with hot pink ribbons running through it with a matching hot pink G string to give an added difference and white fishnets with white bows……mmmmmm. Our session today was electrifying!! Every time I touched him and everything I did…..electric! Wicked willy was also performing a lot more today……mmmmmm….lots of orgasms & DT therapy later….and a blow job explosion later and he left with a mega spring in his step!! I always love seeing you bebe….yes it was and look forward to next time mmmmwwwha xx

Last client of the day was another new client……OMG was he fit!! A really really lovely guy too. He was totally entranced by me!! I so love that…..it doesn’t matter how many compliments I get…..I can always handle loads more-LOL So I massaged his very fit …..very tanned body (sorry guys but I’m getting a bit older now so this old lady was just enjoying a simple pleasure-LOL…..I love you guys with non fit bodies just a much but you must admit its still nice to look at a bit of eye candy sometimes….that’s why you come to see me isn’t it?! LOL Those of you guys who have partners….it doesn’t mean you love them any less does it?!) So anyway…this fit guy…it was the 1st time he’d been to see an escort….see I’m corrupting another guy-LOL So I gave him a lovely GFE with all the little things I usually do…he loved it all and left with a massive smile on his face. Was really lovely to meet you honey and I hope you do come back and see me again and let me have another drool!! LOL If not…good luck to you and was an absolute pleasure to meet you and its totally your ex’s loss……some girls going to be a very lucky girl to get with you in the future…..by the way….I wasn’t coming on to you-LOL I’ve got too many substitute boyfriends and I can’t desert them…they need me!!

Well that was thursday day or rather Pamiday!! Psst …I’ll tell you about friday tomorrow!! Have a great evening…weekend starts here eh?!

ooooh that Aldi advert on the telly was just on with the guy wearing the rubber gloves and the washing up liquid…..a bit riskay init for main time TV?! LOL

Mmmmmmwwwha ….Pami xxxx
Friday, October 28th 2011
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Welcome to another day at Pami’s sbloggle

Weellll…..I don’t know what happened on Tuesday…..a couple of you threatened to come and see me but in the end ….poor Pami was left to play on her own

Wednesday wasn’t much better!! LOL But 1 of my regular VIPs still wanted me though!! He booked for 3.30. He comes about once a month…..he said he was soooo horny today that he was going to have to suffer his dick standing for England every now and then all through the day til he got to me-LOL…so he couldn’t wait til he finished his work and came to mine!

OMG what a bitch day I was having Wednesday!! I have an internet business and someone had bought an item which they had requested next day delivery…….well could I get my printer to work and print the address label and packing slip…….NOOOOOOO!! From the minute I’d got dressed I tried turning everything on and off…rebooting everything again and again…..NOTHING! Then I checked through it and it said there was a fault with the laptop and the printer…..so I did the option troubleshoot on the lap-top….NO that didn’t work, then I troubleshot the printer…..YES!! that worked but NOOOOO the printer still wouldn’t print!! I’m like OMG what is going on!! Ah….then I thought I’d try my old lap top because I was sure that would do it…..well could I get that to connect to the internet NOOOOO!! Finally I connected the ethernet cable and yippee….I could see the internet but NOOOOO I still couldn’t get anything printed. Time was ticking on & I was running out of time….it was fast racing up to 3 and I just thought I’ve just got to get it in the post & do all of the address and the packing slips the best I could ….I like it to look professional!! So I had some spare return address labels so I stuck one of those on it then found a sticky label ….wrote the address, stuck it on….OMG I’m running out of time. Put the item in the bag….put the satisfaction slip in then sealed it all up……phew that’s that done….fingers up to the laptop and printer!! Now I had to quickly run it up the post office before my client got here…..tick tick tick….I thought I’d only got 15 mins to go but if I tried to post it after I could guarantee someone would want to see me and then I wouldn’t get it in the post for next day delivery so it had to be done now!! In my haste I got the time of my client muddled in my head so I was now thinking he was coming at 3 plus I had another client booking by text …just to throw something else into the mix-LOL So I texted my client I thought was coming at 3 to say I was running behind….got to the post office, luckily it was small queue thank god! rushed back and was home by 3 mins past 3….text my client to say I was back to which he said….but I’m not booked to come til 3.30!…..so I went to text back & say OMG so sorry I’m getting in a mucking fuddle…having a nightmare day…..weeeellll that text ended up going to the other guy….so I had to apologise as it wan’t meant for him….luckily he said he was glad to hear someone else has stressful days too!! SO WHAT A DAY SO FAR!! bl**dy laptop & printer….I could chuck them out the window!! And I knew damn well that they would suddenly work ok when it was too late for the post office! So thank god….the package was gone….winging its way to its destination….panic over so no pressure on to get the stupid printer working now so forget about that for now……..time to concentrate on my 3.30….NOT 3pm booking-LOL

So my Mr B driver arrived….at 3.30….well a bit earlier cos by now he knew I was all ready and waiting for him-LOL! He loves to see me because I’m so clean….and quite possibly that he finds me very sexy too!! I’d put on a very sexy bra & knickers……white fishnets with bows…..and my white PVC nurses outfit because I know he loves me dressing in fantasy wear as a nurse or secretary. He loves to have a back massage with lots of teasing of the balls!! He doesn’t normally have kissing but the last couple of times he’s seen me, because he’s got to know me more….he’s loved kissing me!! He definitely doesn’t do reverse ‘O’. He loves sucking my nipples and of course having his dick sucked…..mmmmmm…..for quite a while! Then eventually we fucked…..he was enjoying me being on top…..bouncing about on top of him….lots of sensual kisses and then I did my upright pushups position and that definitely hit the spot!! I think he was so tired from work and now he was de-spunked too….he declined a massage as he wanted to shoot off and get home after a long day bless him. We always have chats a he’s getting dressed then off he shot……with a big smile! Was really great to see you honey as ever and look forward to the next time.

It got to 5.30 and it was soooooo quiet I thought sod it, I might as well go out for that meal a friend of mine was talking about doing this week and can you believe….30 mins after him arranging the restaurant, one of my favourite VIP’s called to come along!! But I don’t like messing people around and chopping and changing, plus I don’t get out often…… I was gutted and apologised…..he said he could have and should have called earlier…what’s e like eh?! If he had….I’d have been free for him to see! 9 times out of 10 I’m sat in and no one wants to come at that time!! Sods law eh?!

A guy called me and wanted to come at 6.30 which was well before I was going out which would have still given me plenty of time to get changed and ready to go out so I said yes….sent him the text with directions which he only read a couple of lines so therefore didn’t get to the correct spot for me to guide him….then he was trying to park up when he didn’t need to yet….so I said he still needed to drive a bit further because there’s parking right outside my place! OMG I don’t know what was going on in his head because I’m trying to direct him then I realised later ….. instead of him staying still while I told him and then him doing it…he must have been trying to drive it while listening and without a handsfree!! I thought initially he had someone else with him in the van because I thought I heard another mans voice but he said it was the radio and then I heard a womans voice and a couple of seconds later the phone went dead!! I was feeling very suspicious by now…plus he didn’t call back so I thought it was just a well after all so I started to get changed. A HALF HOUR LATER!!…..he started trying to call me again!!! Errrrr….NO WAY!! Then he text and said he’d been pulled by the police for talking on the phone and could he still come!!!!! NAH!! More haste less speed in his case and IF I actually managed to get him to mine finally….I’d have had to get re changed, changed again and running behind and more stressed …..he’d alreaady made me feel like I’d been pulled through a hedge backwards….crazy man!! Probably a youngster to be behaving like that I think! I definitely need a night out now….If you are reading this and its you…..if you do want to see me another time….. you need to get to the correct place or I can’t get you to my place and please just stop still while I give you the little bite sized bits of info…..just slow down , take it easy…..I try to make it a easy as possible so you don’t get nicked, you get parked as close a I can get you without driving all round the houses and to the right place so you buzz the right door….what are you like eh?!

So …..yippee….a well deserved night out for a meal….after the day I’ve had….I so so so need it!! Stress stress and more stress….and GUESS WHAT….YES a bit later I fiddled a little bit with the lap-tops and printer and they decided to start working again no problem…..I KNEW IT…..they’re just having a laugh at Pami I think!!

I got dressed up in my classy sexy black dress with a little black jacket and fur gillet…..I looked really really classy sexy…….I’m such a poser….I love getting dollied up like that…. a typical girlie girl! It could be you with me on your arm guys…..my 5 hour deal….only £250 which includes 4 hours social and 1 hour rumpy pump…..all the guys drooling thinking look at that lucky bast**d!!

Anyway….I had a fabulous evening….it went way way way too quickly!! So I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed when I woke up in the morning…..ready for another day….not as stressful as yesterday…… please god!!……you’ll have to wait til tomorrow for more guys……..LOL

Pami xxx

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