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Monday, January 26th 2015
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It's been a while............
So, I thought that it was high time for another entry to my blog.

Firstly though, Happy New Year to everyone!!!

It has been an absolute cracker of a first year for me doing the incalls in North Yorkshire, and I have been told I am a hidden gem!

I have all of you to thank for making me the confident escort I have now become. I am already experienced, but every day is a school day and I love taking on new challenges.

It seems that I am bringing gents (and the occasional lady) out of their shells and helping them discover hidden desires or subconscious desires. I have loved using the magic wand on the guys, and the results have been quite explosive at times!!!

I am still not hectic as I like to have gaps between my appointments so that I am clean, refreshed and ready for some seriously sensual antics with every single client. Its been a real pleasure to serve the gents both passing through and more locally from North Yorkshire or York.

I look forward to welcoming clients old and new!

Keep warm! Brrrrr xxx
Wednesday, June 25th 2014
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Lonely and Bored in North Yorkshire!
Good afternoon folks!

I have a phone at last that receives and makes calls from the sticks!

It's been very quiet of late, and I am beginning to think I have been shelved for the footy! Sat here all day on my own is no fun really...

I wonder if it that horrible man who claimed he would make sure everyone knows what a horrible bitch I am...simply because I was asking him to read my profile before contacting me....hmmmm the mind boggles!

I am thinking of packing in seeing the younger chaps, and putting an age limit of 30+ on my profile. Any thoughts gratefully received!
Of course this does not affect any younger chaps who I have seen previously who loved it....

I just can't be submissive to anyone, and this can be a little bit of a problem to the younger guys who think that my clitoris is a guitar string and that it's ok to try face fuck me...

I am not naturally submissive, and I won't be calling anyone 'Sir' anytime soon, but I am not extremely dominant either, although I like to remain in control of a situation I would never do anything to humiliate or hurt anyone. It's just not my nature.

I think I would make a great mistress, but not a harsh one...a teasy one definitely! I have a few implements for this, and the chaps who are daring enough to trust me always go home with a smile on their face!

I haven't had Dick Rambone out recently, so think that I will be putting some kind of a show together on cam at some point...he is my biggest Dildo to date, with a length of 14.5 inches and a girth of 9 inches.... Oh boy it feels good when it slips in!

Well, off I go, hope to see someone soon and stay safe chaps and chappesses! Mwah xx
Sunday, June 1st 2014
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog page again!

Well, I have now been working here in North Yorkshire for three whole months now and things are slowly picking up for me. I was hoping that I would be out of the way enough to be easier to get to for my clients, and not somewhere in the busy city centre, with the hussle and bussle of city life. No peace, just noise.

Here it can get noisy, if I am in the throws! It is so quiet here during the day, and even at night, just bliss. Very peaceful indeed.
I often find myself drifting off to sleep and the next thing I know its 4am! Whoops!

It was very important to me that it was a "home from home" as well as my workplace, so it is the most comfortable it can be for me.

The massage table is proving very popular, and 90% of my guys get up on it, and its not long before I am in between their legs sucking that cock like it was meant to be sucked...and massaged! LOVING IT!

The minibus hasn't really been out lately, come on guys, pull your fingers out, she is feeling left out after almost one years trusty service and she wants to be used!

Does anyone know how to get a three year old child to sleep? Feel like I need match sticks, every time I get home in the early hours
there he is, larger than life and full of beans..... yet he runs around all day and wears me and his dad out...grrrr I feel old!

I again have had some really inspirational clients over the last three months, and for those that have been more than once to see me, I hope that I made it that little bit different than last time!

I am constantly experimenting with new techniques both for oral and in the throws. I also have added some anal play (at my total discretion) and also my hubby loves his prostate massage, so I have also invested in the "rubber gloves" so I can offer this service to you lovely guys. Make sure you come see me if you love an intense/mind blowing orgasm. Nothing pleasures me more than pleasing my client. I feel proud of everything I do, and its about time that we were allowed to talk about it openly...with no embarrassment.

However we do not live in the perfect society and there will always be someone that I will annoy... be reet!!

Can I just give a special shout out to the Farmers in the locality, I have a new found respect for you guys, having been stuck behind a few tractors/trucks I realised just how much they do at silly oclock and just how hard they work. Keep up the great work guys!!!

and yup..onto the next hot topic...silly cyclists! I wish the tour would hurry up already! I swear that everyone seems to have jumped on the bandwagon and got racing bikes, taking all the road up on the country lanes in some places!

Right, signing myself off for now, I do hope that you all stay safe and have a lovely lovely month of June xxx
Thursday, April 24th 2014
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BOOM....IN YO61!
Well hello everyone, it's been a mad few months, but finally seems that things are looking good for me in North Yorkshire.

I am still doing the minibus service, in West Yorkshire and throughout Yorkshire at night...however concentrating during the day on my place, and providing a wonderful massage as well as my other services. BONUS FOR YOU GUYS!!!!

Clients ask when I sleep.... I don't have many clients... so I sleep during the day when I am not working. I am a light sleeper, can't sleep for more than two hours at a time since I breastfed my little one.... 2 and a half years ago!

I have had a few idiots, as always, but only ever on the phone....I have heard it all...one guy asking for an 8some!

On the positive side, I have met lots of wonderful gents, and I am absolutely convinced from their subsequent feedback that I am definitely made for sucking cock!!

I enjoy the reaction a guy makes when I take his cock deep into my mouth and let it touch the back of my throat... then having my tongue and my unique "cock massage" I just love it!!! It gives me great satisfaction to see a man cum...no matter how long or short, it is always intense after I have built him up. The perineum is my favourite surprise, massaging that and sucking cock is the perfect recipe for an intense explosion! The next best thing to prostate massage, which is also something else I am into...the sheer pleasure it causes... just magic for me... it really is!!!

I think I may be venturing out tonight... in the minibus!

If you are in need of some light relief.....give me a call!

Thanks for reading guys, a big kiss to my clients, old and new. And thank you for giving me the confidence to continue my voyage of self discovery! Kisses to you all!

That's all folks, stay safe mwahxxx
Tuesday, February 18th 2014
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Good morning everyone, and thanks for taking the time to come to my blog!

Well, as you may have read from my last entry, my new incall place is almost complete! I have invested a lot of time and effort and spared no expense to make the place look warm and welcoming for all of my clients.

I have uploaded a picture with the blog for you to have a quick peek at!

I will be primarily in North Yorkshire (YO61 postcode area) but I will also have the minibus in case there are any guys travelling past wanting a little lay by meet! (oo er missus!)

I am just getting up to date on everything, which can be a bit of a minefield in business, but keeping my head way above water, but failing that I am sure that my "floatation devices" would save me if it came down to it lol!

Right, well this week is final bits and bobs, but the room is now open for incalls, just email me, as it is nigh on impossible to get a Vodafone signal out there in the sticks!

Hope everyone is ok and not hating the wet weather too much!

Lots of love, stay safe everybody xxx
Wednesday, January 29th 2014
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Onwards and Upwards! Exciting new venture!
Good morning everyone, and thanks for coming to read my blog, which I haven't been keeping up to very well....and for that my sincere apologies.

I have however been ploughing all of my efforts into my work, and also decided to add a string to my bow by offering sensual massage from a private room....something I did not have, apart from the minibus, and now my clients can come and visit me in a sleepy village in North Yorkshire and have all their cares taken away by my own fair hands....and mouth no doubt!

I am currently decorating the room to a very high standard, and no expense is being spared with the décor and surroundings. I am decorating the room myself (eek!) and I aim to provide an ambient, warm and sensual experience for my clients.

This means that I am flitting back and forth, so apologies if you try to call and I can't answer, unfortunately the minibus doesn't have a Bluetooth kit fitted, and no doubt I wouldn't be able to hear anything for the engine anyways!

So my daytimes are filled with paint and fun.... a delightful combination! (and an idea for a photoshoot, which I will be arranging for the final painting day with my lovely friend, sexyboobybettyboo and her wonderful husband who will be the photographer for us on the day.)

I am very excited about the new venture, but its early days, so I don't expect any miracles, but I will be trialing for 3 months, to see how it goes.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Lots of love, stay safe now everyone!

Scarlett x

Wednesday, December 4th 2013
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So, hello and thanks for coming back to read my blog! It seems like just yesterday I was typing the last one, but when I looked at the date I thought "WOW!!" it's been such a long time!

Things have been great with the minibus side of things, and I would say that the majority of the clients I have had love to try something a little different! I have made a few regular clients, and they all know who they are without mentioning any names! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your business and your friendship throughout the past 6 months, its been absolutely fantastic and very liberating for me as a bigger girl who lacked confidence once upon a time!

As Christmas is coming, and we are all frantically saving pennies for those special presents for loved ones, I have reduced the prices of all my services, so that the extra you would have paid out you can put towards something for the family. Have a look at the profile for the changes, as my rates are still the same on the rates page, I have put the discounts on the profile.

I have begun an ACL class now, for my ACL reconstruction which I had back in June, so hopefully the heels will be back really soon...it's killing me not being able to wear them!
My legs have been getting plenty of exercise, as have my knees! (I can still fuck for England!) and I am having lots of fun on my knees I can tell you!

I had some bad news yesterday, a friend of mine had a baby born sleeping and it has knocked me for six....how cruel life is sometimes, and how lucky I am to have had the six wonderful children I have had over the last 20 years. Most of mine have flown the nest, but I still worry constantly about them, and always running around after them as mums do! (And playing "Mums Taxi!")

My thoughts and prayers are with those who lost loved ones in the Glasgow helicopter crash... and indeed anyone else who have suffered a loss recently.

Onto much lighter note.... CHRISTMAS!!!

I am hoping to get on cam a lot more with Betty, (Sexyboobybettyboo) in York so we can show you how dirty we can be together, and also had a bit of interest from other girls wanting to work with me. Unfortunately I do mostly work alone, so I don't really want the responsibility for someone else too...been there done that, got the t shirt and really....don't wish to return there!


Why don't guys get that I don't do quickies? I appreciate that some guys cum quick, but that's not what I am about. It just seems so throw away! I aim to give my client a time to look back on and reflect on fondly...and hornily! Build up to a huge orgasm for a man is more important to me than a straightforward bj or fuck.

I think my pussy is getting tighter! My goodness the guys don't last that long with me these days, so I am challenging some of you fit guys to come tone my sorry ass up and give me the fucking of my life! Cum get me boys.....the Passion Wagon and I are waiting!!!

Until the next entry, I bid you all farewell, and wish you all a very happy Christmas and a more prosperous New Year.


Tuesday, October 22nd 2013
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Hello everyone and thanks for reading my new entry to my blog. It's been a fair while since the last one, so I figured it was time to get on it!

Well after nine months of waiting, my new baby Grandson was born on Friday morning. My daughter was six days overdue, and nothing quite prepared us for the weigh in!

Our little cherub was 10lb 13oz! That's almost 11lb!

My daughter made me the proudest mum ever, as I held her hand and I was there for her every step of the way. It was truly a magical event, and priceless memory I will always treasure, the birth of new life. But I still don't know how she did it without stitches! My biggest baby was 8lb 9oz and I thought that was big!

I also met a truly inspirational man today. I have to write about it, because it brought back to me why I actually do this job. My empathy with clients has brought me a regular stream of work, and without them I would be nothing. I truly feel like I help them, and if I can bring happiness into someones life, even if for a short while its all been worth it to me.

My inspirational man lost his wife suddenly a few weeks ago, and he is still in the grieving process, and needed a friendly shoulder and someone to be close to. I was the person he decided to contact, and I now feel very privileged to have met him.

He has been left with a little boy to bring up on his own and he also has a full time job. Its hard, but I know that this man is strong.
I loved the hour or so that I spent with him, and it was a far cry from the guy who booked me and didn't bother to show half an hour earlier, and then the one for 3pm that never kept in touch... (incidentally they are both now in SPAM!)

Its little gems like this wonderful man that makes all the timewasters and people that love to give us ladies the run around all worthwhile.
It also makes you realise that life really is too short, and you never know what is around the next corner, or indeed when our time is up on this earth.

I get messed around all the time with appointments, but I can recoup my loss from travelling....... what on earth to people gain from it? I never know. My text SPAM folder is getting fuller by the day, by guys who make appointments who don't show, guys asking for bareback, guys who say that they are nervous and won't call (That was this morning....nightmare!) because they only want to wank on the phone while they ask you what clothes you are going to wear on the meet that they aren't turning up to! BIZZARREEEEE!

I have looked at my rates recently, and decided that because Christmas is coming around again I will be charging that little bit less from now till Christmas. Every little helps I am told, and like the stores, we all have to have promotions!

The minibus is absolutely fantastic as a venture, and to think that it has been ours for four years too.....I was sitting on a little gold mine!

I have had again lots of lovely, lovely guys coming to see me, and indeed some real hotties, but I know where I belong, and although I am happy with my husband and he is completely happy with me I do feel like I help people with their feelings and emotions and it makes me happy and I feel rewarded when they leave with a nice smile on their face. PRICELESS!

I have gotten quite a client base built up recently, and I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all who have been to see me, or who I have visited on an outcall.To my repeat customers, I LOVE YOU ALL!! Thanks for giving me the confidence to carry on, because there have been times that I have really wanted to give it all up because of this, that or the other.

I haven't been on cam with Betty recently, but we are looking to fetch that back in November on the 15th in York. We are looking for some nice men to come and feature in a photo shoot too, so, if you are a guy willing to participate and can provide valid ID documentation feel free to give me a call! We are always looking for new victims lol!

I am going to get ready for the night's events now.....although no bookings as yet, I am waiting with baited breath for a nice genuine guy who is just looking for someone to hug/kiss/cuddle/play with. I love those guys!!!

Stay safe everyone, there are some crackers out there!
Lots of love and huggles to you all xxx

Thursday, September 12th 2013
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Whoo hooo total privacy at last!
Good morning everyone, and thanks for reading my blog.
Its been a hectic few weeks, and the minibus has been booming! Although there was a small detail of the privacy glass that needed addressing.

I can finally announce that I will be able to provide the privacy most required for the minibus fun meets!

I have had several clients who have been too nervous to perform because they have felt exposed. This helped me make the decision to invest in 99% black out film fitting in the back.
My very good friend and previous fuck buddy is outside fitting it right now! I have seen one fitted and it looks fannytastic so far!

Its costing me a tonne and a blow job...lmfao!

I have met all sorts of wonderful people recently, and I am still enjoying my work immensely! I fully intend to carry on because I am so well suited!

Oooh last night I had an outcall to Huddersfield where I found the most stunning beautiful woman awaiting my attention with her husband, who organised it with me.
Wow, not only am I well skilled with oral for guys, but also with the ladies! I did exactly the same with her as I do for the guys, to make it an extra special explosion! I have to admit, I loved the powerful feeling of being able to please another woman to that point!

I am so looking forward to more special meets, and even more so the happiness that it brings to my clients.

Right, must go and rest now, before having to give one of my sensational bj's to my blackout film fitter!.... I can't wait to see his face!

Tonight I may be seeing a prospective co worker, so I will keep you all posted for any straight MMF action taking place.
Signing off for now my sweets, take care all, and stay safe!
Mwah xxxx
Saturday, August 3rd 2013
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Because blondes have more fun!
Good evening everyone!
Well it's been a quiet weekend so far but I have been taking advantage of the time to pamper myself and get my hair re-done. I'm naturally dark brown, as are my eyes, but I have very blonde highlights from the top and I have to say my hairdresser has done a fantastic job on it!
I am taking bookings for one night only with straight, long locks! Tomorrow it will be curly again lol
I have also been food shopping and so the house is fully stocked with everything for a week or so.
Is it me ir are there too many bad drivers on the road? I think I have!an incident every time i go out! Always someone happy to break the highway code and in the city centres you are literally taking your life in your hands! Nightmare!
I was coming home last week during the bad floods and I nearly went into a taxi's side, having stalled in the middle of the roundabout!
I was driving on the main road the other day and a taxi pulled out on me......I mean, Iit was dark, I had my lights on, so how the hell hadn't hr seen me? Short answer. .... ignorance. He didn't even look.
So I am here uploading again and new pics with my long blonde/dark hair. I only have one booking in the early hours so far. ...I don't want my perfect hair to go to waste!
So, off I pop to get ready for the off...just need a firm booking to justify my getting ready!
Take care, stay safewah xxx
Friday, August 2nd 2013
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Friday.... really need a good seeing to!
Good evening everyone,
So last night I visited Huddersfield and Ossett. Not too far away from home, and I was very well rewarded by the two lovely guys who booked me.

I'm not perfect, I don't profess to be, but I do like my clients to feel comfortable in the surroundings I choose, and unfortunately during the day, when I can use the minibus bus its extremely difficult to find somewhere quiet, especially during the summer months.
I cant always guarantee privacy, but I will certainly try. I have found some great spots in York that will be very hard to beat! So my research paid off by going into York early!

This is why I decided to provide my late night service. It provides all the privacy I need to work my magic! (And it's a darn site cooler I can tell you, but last night was exceptionally warm, and despite my well known love for the air conditioning unit in my room at home I braved the heat and I had a fantastic time!

I arrived home at 2.30am and I collapsed into bed with my husband, and told him about my two lovely clients. It wasn't long before I fell asleep!

Today has been quiet again, a couple of enquiries, but nothing that has been a secure booking. I was feeling a little frisky earlier so I got out my magic wand. ....Mmmmm that was a great release! I was watching porn at the time. .... tee hee! I am a little naughty when I watch my porn! I am all showered and made up for a great Friday night and I am laid in bed naked as per usual, uploading this blog.
I took some photos after I finished putting on my make up, because I like my clients to see what I look like, before I go out. I always strive to try and make a difference, and I always welcome feedback on my profile, regardless of whether you are an existing client, a potential client or not.

Recently I have asked clients why they chose to pick me, apart from the minibus service and the late night appointments I have noticed two common denominators. .. my 38G Boobledoos AND my renowned oral skills. I have to say, I have loved the oral, and I have worked my magic on those who will let me. ... building a guy up to the huge explosion is what I love about my job, providing there is enough time in a booking. I sometimes feel that the quickies and the half hour appointments don't let me show my skills as well as I could, but I am always happy to help out in any way I can.
Well it's now 9.30 and still not going anywhere. ....now where's that magic wand?......
Take care everyone, and stay safe! Mwah xx

Thursday, August 1st 2013
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Never ending!
So, our car (One of many my husband has hoarded over the years) is broken. ... can't fix it. ..so the restrictions still apply for now and I only do nights during the week and then 24/7 over the weekend.

I will keep you posted on the progress, but in the meantime I have some more photos to upload to my private gallery and some video clips of my 'bukkake party' which was an epic fail with only two guys!

I am supposed to be having a gangbang next Tuesday but I feel that this is going to be much the same. I love my one to one meets, and think to be quite honest that is the way I will be going in future.

I am looking forward to the weekend, and my hair is going blonder as I go to get my highlights and tiny trim (because I love my long locks!) Although keeping it straight has proved extremely difficult of late and eve with my GHD irons I would end up in a frizzy ness from the heat outside! So i am naturally curly, and that's the way it's going to stay until the weather gets a lot cooler!

Well, I suppose i should get some sleep now, but my phone is still always switched on so if you fancy doing me tonight or if you would rather me do yiu, give me a shout! My number is on my contact page care and stay safe as always
Thursday, August 1st 2013
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Arrgh will it ever end?
Another horrible, sticky day! I went out earlier amd I wish I hadn't, but I feel like Icare everyone, stay safe xxxated another stone off!
So poorly ming ming was delivered back to us for mt husband to go through, connector by connector to establish what the problem is.
You see poor mibg ming was the victim of a flood last October, whilst I was playing in the back with a fuck buddy the river burst its banks and had me breast deep in water and my fb helped to get the car out but she was never going to be the same after that.
The recovery driver shouted to my husband "got your wet wife here for ya!" My husband laughed. ..ahh it was all funny looking back, but the adrenaline rush was amazing! You see I was ACL deficient since the tender age of 11 and since then my quality of life has changed so much to the point where all I could do is go to work and then resting at home afterwards.
I had ACL Reconstructive surgery just over 5 weeks ago and part of my rehabilitation is going to physio and not wearing high heels. Nobody misses them more than me, but I am putt the knee first because I would hate to rupture my graft.
If you are wondering what is an acl reconstruction? It's a commonly know footballers injury and causes terrible pain! I have suffered with my weight all of my life but this knee injury exacerbated the problem.
So, what to do tonight? ? I'm just waiting for the telephone to ring. ..yet again! Take car
Wednesday, July 31st 2013
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A not so great day!
So today (Tuesday, as it's past midnight now! ) I was summoned to ths beautiful city of York. I had my first client at 1pm and he left a happy bunny!

Next on my agenda, to meet my beautiful young lady friend of old for some lunch as a treat from me to her, and we went to a lovely place onnthe outskirts of Huntingdon where we both treated ourselves to a rib eye steak, which arrived on a humongous plate with chips, peas and button mushrooms. As divine as it was I knew from the moment it arrived I wouldn't be able to eat sll of it, but i tried my best
A third later and I was pogged! And then on to do some shopping which resulted in me coning home with some new lacey short type knickers! During ny shopping trip my darling husband gave me some bad news......something we seem to get alot of these days. His car had broken down and so off I had to pop and pick him up from a place in leeds.
Now we have arrived home and we are putting on the thinking caps! Scrap it or fox it? I will keep you posted on any progress but thus far not looking great for poor ming ming, as my little one calls it (the noise that the car makes if you leave the ligbts on and open the door) So I am going to be limited to night time activities for a short while I guess!

Tonight was quiet but I think I need the rest after a long day and with it's ups and downs! Part of life yes, but I just soldier on as only I can!

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day!
Thanks for reading....take care and stay safe xxx

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