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Wednesday, December 27th 2017
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Champagne and Sex reviews!
Hi Guys, well I’m now well ensconced at my home here in Lanzarote. The weather has so far been magnificent with day time highs in the 22/23C and evenings just a few drops below it. Had a wonderful quiet Christmas Day with Dinner with a close friend on my top terrace over looking the ocean in full sunshine – it can’t get much better!

It always surprises me how the mind, once cleared of the usual day to day demands starts to look at areas of your life more clearly. Of course with sex being such a high priority for me…nymphomaniac or what?! I started to wonder about my lack of reports from my guys that visit me. It has never been seen by me to be of real importance, and the interest rate in wishing to meet with me has certainly not been damaged by it!

To add to this are my lovely guys that enjoy sending me email reports to be used, but due to the AW system I can’t just cut and paste them. So, even at this late stage in my Escorting career (and what an amazing one it is proving to be), which makes “Forty Shades” read like a simple love story with a whip thrown in occasionally! I have decided to list some of these, starting from October 2017. I will admit to selecting the best of them, some have little details apart from “Chloe…thanks for a good fuck”…yawn!

So, if you wish to read the more detailed ones take a peak at my listing within my AW profile pages shown as Visitor XXX Reviews. Reading some of them makes me horny too! Do I really get played with as vigorously as this? Well, I certainly enjoy it!

I get quiet a lot of guys that would like to meet with me here on Lanzarote, some even arranging a holiday specifically when I’m available here. I am more than happy to oblige, but frustratingly (literally) this Christmas and New Year sees members of my family staying with me – can hardly excuse myself “whilst I go out to get fucked” at local hotels or even my own home. For the ones that know the island, and should ever consider seeing me here in the future. My home is on the south of the island in Playa Blanca. If I ever do get days available when we could meet up here, I will publish them first on AW. The pic. above was taken of me on Christmas Eve at my favourite and to me the best restaurant in Playa Blanca – begins with the letters ‘Ch’!

Well hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and now looking forward to the New Year – I certainly am with all my delightful guys queuing up to enjoy serious erotic sex play with me….enjoy the rest of the year…love…

Champagne Lady Chloe xx

Tuesday, December 19th 2017
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Champagne in a Windsor Cocktail Bar
Hi Guys…

I have neglected you! The past three weeks have been manic! Lots of my lovely fellas wanting to ensure they get into me prior to Christmas, plus a short four day trip across to New York – a promised visit to a gentleman made many weeks before…well a ‘gal can’t say No, can she!?

‘Oh the pic. of me. Sorry about the quality of the photograph above, it was taken by a guy that I know, in very dark surroundings. I was wearing my leopard mini-dress with 5 inch heel shoes. I was having a champagne…or two in a small sexy cocktail bar in Windsor. Love it there after going out for a meal in the town.

Apologises to you guy I could not get o see recently. I have just added up all the “hoping to ‘book to see you’” phone-calls I’ve had. In the past week alone = 34+! If I could have said ”yes lets meet” to them all…that’s averaging…wait for it…6/7 men fucking me every single weekday, day after day! To say that my ‘bits’ would be red, sore, swollen…etc. is an understatement!

I recently had quite an amazing session with a guy which included most, if not all, that my profile service list shows…phew! The only small problem was that he demanded I bent forward so my tits were hanging down, I was instructed to keep my arms held behind my back. Then for a good half-hour he used a sex-paddle to slap them (my tits) around until he got them both swinging like pendulums. My endorphins soon kicked in, and the pain turned to pleasure and in a mental haze I enjoyed it, until the next morning, where both outer breasts sides were black and blue with serious bruising!

Now I actually don’t mind that, you see they are the personal submissive rewards for such treatment, but to explain it to you guys visiting afterwards was most embarrassing, especially the ones that I had to seriously apologies to for what they saw, they were not happy seeing me so damaged.

It won’t happy again…promise …’oh the bruising? Now nearly all gone except for a rather large thumb print on the top left boob from a severe squeezing, and that was from a previous seen ‘gentle’man….gentle?

Am I full on Submissive? I would be wrong to say I do not enjoy it, it intrigues me, it sparks awake a long held very deep in me mental desire, which until a few months ago I did not know I had! I have learnt to get deep sexual pleasure to the domination of me, and the pain I have learnt to truly enjoy and become aroused with.

Certainly though I see it only has a part of my very full catalogue of my personal sexual cravings. I also enjoy the guys that enjoy me without the pain, the heavy kissing, body-stroking and relatively gentle penetrations into me too. So don’t worry, I won’t expect you all to beat the hell out of me – just enjoy me as you wish to…and how you personally will get the maximum enjoyment from.

This leads me to a regular (too regular) occurrence with quiet a few of my guys. Perhaps only a short time after penetrating me, their desires to cum inside me build up, they at the last moment mentally stop themselves from spunking in to me! Known in the circles as ‘holding back’. We then have the problem of then getting you to orgasm again, with quite a few unable to sadly achieve it, what ever I may do to arouse them!

Guys, don’t do that, it spoils it for yourself and me too! If you wish to cum off just let it come into me. We can always go around again and I will work on you cumming off again – even though this may be by mouth fucking me until you shoot it into my throat…gulp!

Well…my cases are packed (one full with practical requisites for the villa) and Thursday morning at - wait for it….3.30am my driver will be taking me to Gatwick airport for the 7.10am British Airways flight to Lanzarote.

I thought me taking flights at that time were over, obviously not. The good thing is I land at 11.50am and will be at my home there by 1.00pm. I may well be a sleep before we even get to the runway! Hopefully a hot breakfast on board will be served! I may just forgo the champagne…well…until later in the flight!

So Guys…can I wish you a truly wonderful happy, fun Christmas. Hey, and you should get some relaxation and rest too – our bodies need it. A New Year will then start, my diary will open on the 22nd January, so if you would enjoy spending some very hot erotic time in the New Year, phone me and let’s arrange to make it happen for you.

I shall raise a glass…or two to you all, thank you for making my year so much fun, so very erotic and sex wicked – lets try to do it again next year

Love you all….Champagne Lady, Chloe Xxxxx

Wednesday, October 25th 2017
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A Nympho. or Not?
Hi Guys....

A few days ago I met with a guy that had e mailed to say his big desire was to have sex with me, as it would be the first Nymphomaniac he had fucked! At first this came as a shock...am I what so many men desire, i.e. a woman that will take sex use 24/7 - upon demand by any man that wants to use me?

My immediate decision was to visit a load of dictionaries....

OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY = excessive sexual desire in a woman, and constant need for sexual intercourse with different men

CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH DICTIONARY = a woman who needs to have sex very often, especially and particularly with a lot of different men

URBAN DICTIONARY = A female whose sex drive is obsessively high, coloqiually means a horny girl or lady, possibly mature.

COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY = a women in which there is a compulsion to have sexual intercourse with as many men as possible and with out the desire to have lasting relationships with them,

"Well I have to say that all those fit me! As a highly sexed woman, I never would have considered me with such a title or desire. In reading the dictionaries - they did say that this can become a serious mental problem, and has to be medically treated, but this is a rare condition" Thankfully I have mine under control!

I can say 'no not for me' to some men! I'm no lover of beards, even less so of shadow shaved men - It like making love to a sheet of sandpaper, and between my legs, would leave me red raw sore!

On the other hand the huge desire with me daily is to meet with different men, of any colour, of any nationality - and for them to come on to me and take me for their sexual desires and needs.

I see myself as not just being submissive (which i can at times be). But simply as being attractive to men, and my desire is to be sexually used by them. The enjoyment of being penetrated in all my orifices, the feeling of a total strangers penis entering me, and in the good old days being inseminated by them.

This becoming even more desirable to me when they are uncaring (but not roughly or painfully), take me, grope me, etc. etc. Then once being used by them to leave me in a state of undress across the bed, their rich fresh spunk dribbling out of me...that last bit is not in my 2017 service sadly!

So, it would appear that my new found gentleman read me right! I reckon I was in an earlier life banged on the head, grabbed by my long flaxen blonde hair and dragged into his Cave where this hunky neolithic type of man used me as his desire to create a future world with loads of babies....or was he simply sex hot and fucked me everyday?

Which ever way it goes, it certainly suits my modern day desires...now which gorgeous neolithic man will be taking me tomorrow...?

Write again soon....Chloe x

PS The shown image is a frame taken from one of my porn video you can watch on AW

Saturday, October 21st 2017
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Chastity to New York!
Hi Guys – Sorry I’ve not been in touch for a while, what a past month I’ve had! It started really well with lots of guys visiting to me, and numerous trips to Heathrow and London hotels. I then had two dreaded phone calls, both from very close and much loved family members, both within four days, each telling me that their husband had either died or was very critically ill and could die.

I immediately had to close down my many bookings, as the wives both asked me for help. Within three more days, it was confirmed that the second husband had died. Dashing up to Cheshire twice where one of them lived, and then talking through the other about the funeral arrangements, etc. So what proved to be a full on sex month, which I personally desperately needed to be used for, as I get so so horny, was frustrated in other ways – but that’s life rich pattern.

November apppointments are being taken from this coming Tuesday, 24 October. I shall though be out of the UK with a visit to New York for four days (10/13th November). I’ve been invited by one of my gentlemen to go to the famous Metropolitan Opera House to see the final (for this season) night of the Opera ‘Turandot’. Flying BA Dreamliner Business Class. Now a ‘Gal could not turn that down, as it also includes a visit to dinner at the famous ’21 Club’ too!

I am also looking forward to meeting up in London with my lovely gentleman that apart from taking me out for an excellent dinner, I am also his ‘submissive’ for the night. I know he is going to sex dominate me in his bedroom, cruelly treat me, and I shall expect to be so. Can’t wait!

This past month I also had a very interesting email from a guy that wishes to visit me ‘in chastity’. I am not going to put an exclamation mark after that, as it is quote a common desire, and with some a need to be so restricted. He sent a pic. of himself (see above). Apparently he will have been locked in his chastity ‘cage’ for at least a week, and wishes to visit to me so I can stimulate him whilst still in it, and then he will give me the key to remove it, to finish him off by wanking and hard sucking him out until he cums.

The good news is that December this year, I shall be in the UK taking appointments right through ‘till 20 December! It is always an absolutely manic month as all of you wish to give yourselves a special ‘Christmas Present….i.e. fucking Chloe! I’m taking appointments on/from 21st November, so phone me soonest to get your date in my diary!

One of my gentlemen presented with a gift a few weeks ago – a massive, totally soft and flexible, double headed dong – about 24 inches in length. He has used it on me a few times now, and thought it would make a very sexy ‘cum’ photo-shoot. So watch this space, I also have a leather caged BDSM style bra. which will go with it. That’s right caged! Each of my big tits will be strapped individually into it! It’s amazing and would you believe was bought off e-bay!

Think that’s about it for now, must go and shave my pussy ready for you guys fucking me next week, always feel rather vunerable after doing the shave, then I rub lots of oil all over it and inside it too. It glistens beautifully.

Now where’s that razor….will write again soon…I’m yours to give you pleasure
Champagne Lady – Chloe x
Wednesday, September 13th 2017
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Such Wicked Thoughts!
Hi Guys… Just a quick blog to let you know you’re not forgotten.

If you have read my front profile page you will see that I depart the UK later today, and get back on 30 September. I’ll blog you whilst I’m away, may even find a particularly sexy photograph to attach to it!

I must apologies to my gmentlemen that I had to cancel at the last minute, last week. Unfortunately one of those special moments in life happened for me. A very long time girlfriend (and yes, we are bi-sexual lovers too) asked for my help and support. She lives in Cheshire.

Her husband has been very ill for sometime with a major heart valve problem, and was going in to hospital for a huge operation for replacement of his main heart valve (what they can do these days, bless our NHS).

I just could not see her kissing him goodbye pre. the Op. and walking lonely down the corridor and home. You may say that was rather dramatic! But, what I have not told you is that the operation had a high risk of him not surviving it. So that kiss good bye could well have been the last one for them both – a shuddering thought. The good news is that he had the Operation, and survived it, thankfully he came through it well.

This journey was about 240 miles each way from Berkshire, meant me driving there, now what’s so special about that? Well, my partner has done this with me for the past…let’s say many years! This was the first long drive on my own for a long-time!

I actually thoroughly enjoyed it (by choosing the right times of day), the driving up and back down the M6 was even good to me! But what I did find as I drove was my mental thoughts wandering about my present day lifestyle.

I suppose pleasantly surprised when I analysed myself and realised just how much I do so enjoy meeting with all my guys, and the relatively intense sex I enjoy being used for.

The french kissing, the pain from having my tits and nipples quite harshly played with (one of my guys that insists on trying to seriously pull them out of me, to stretch them to his personal target of 3cm in length, sorry ‘D’ that will take you sometime yet too achieve!). The extreme pussy attention I get given and the guys that still try undeterred to get their full hand full inside me – but 'hey keep on trying (hand yes, fisting sadly no) – some do still make it!

From all this thinking what came out it? Compared with all my girlfriends I am certainly distinctive in that I permanently am in need of men to have sex with. Am I perhaps a nymphomaniac? Well having many years ago knew a male friend that had a wife that actually was diagnosed as one (in the end broke their marriage up, due to the embarrassment she caused in men’s company), I’m certainly not that (thankfully).

Even as I drove, these thoughts made me horny, yes, even with the worry and consideration for my lovely friends that I was on the way to help, there was that huge overriding desire for sex. By nowmy panties started to feel damp (as proof of such thoughts). My labia lips with a slight throb within them…I’d better stop it there – phew!

So, I shall, albeit I'm not the youngest Escort on the block, carry on meeting lots of lovely gentlemen (not to gentle hopefully), receiving and welcoming their pretty intense sex use of me to.

Of course in life's rich pattern, I shall though one day have to hang my suspender belt up, and say that's enough…but I’ve decided this will still be sometime off yet....which I am sure will please many of you!

Returning to today - with me going out of the UK until the last day of September it’s made it difficult to take appointments for October, and it’s hardly fair to ask you guys to make a long distance overseas phone call to me!

So the on the Monday, the day after I get back (2 October), my diary is open for your calls. As usual, if my phone is engaged or switched off – do leave a message including your first name, I can then subtly text you back.

In the meantime carry on enjoying my video’s and pics…and keep happy and hard!

Yours….ChampagneLady Chloe x

Thursday, August 10th 2017
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Taken in the Park!

Hi Guys… Rain..rain and rain! I have been trying to do an outdoor photo-shoot these past couple of weeks, but trying to get my photographer, myself and the weather all ok at the same time is proving impossible!

I have a very classy, yet sexy mini-skirt pin striped secretary style suit. The intention being to do some pics. of me in Windsor town with very high heels,etc. Bending over looking in shop windows, bare bottom…gosh even I’m getting horny! We also wanted to take some pictures in the car park of the Windsor Great Park which is close to me. I’ll let you know if I make it happen.

The last time we did this, I drove us to a very private area of the park, mid-week, daytime. Parked up, started to take pics. of me getting out of the car, my legs wide open, making sure my Cnt. was well on show etc. Out of the car bending over the bonnet, showing my bottom, suspenders, etc. Within five minutes three cars parked up, a man on his own in each one – one stayed in his car and I could see he was wanking himself, the other two had the cheek to wander over to us and stared at me – gradually getting ever closer.

I could see that one was rubbing himself through his trousers, the other shouted across how about “ ’aving my cock in yer!”. How course and crude is that! My photographer could no longer concentrate and started to get concerned so we packed up and left. I was amazed though, to this day, as from where they all appeared from! One of those pics. taken is attached above.

This work is interesting in more ways than you would think, for instance when I started in it (prior to serious internet use), the new thing was to be able to find a ‘girl’ who would take a penis in her rear hole. This then grew (no pun. intended) in demand nearly when every other guy wanted to anal take me. I have to admit I was one of the first ladies to offer this service, and boy ’oh boy I must have been anal fucked 10+ times every week!

Receiving anal insertions I must admit to me is really enjoyable, it’s a totally different sensation to the front sex hole. It feels more of a wicked intrusion into the body, and quite a few times, especially when the fucking was received really rough and hard in to me and at a constant thrusting over a long time really deep in me, I would feel an orgasm building, the eventual climax was screamingly powerful and left me usually in tears of joy and erotic feelings.

Now this, from the start and to this day, is one insertion I always insisted was done with a condom. Sadly the demands for Anal is no where near what it used to be, and perhaps only once each week do I get to feel a cock sliding inside my rear hole.

This also goes for anal butt plugs, I use to live with these in me both in waiting arrivals for Incalls where the guy demanded to exam me upon arrival to ensure I was “well plugged”!

Outcalls - at London hotels they would require I departed home with it in me. I had at one time a very big plug which once locked onto my rim was buried well over six inches inside me, and not much less in circumference!

Many a train journey from Windsor to London, a good hour, I had a smile on my face with the constant feeling of it rocking to and froe deep-rooted inside me. By the time I arrived at the clients hotel I was horny as hell, and desperate to be seriously taken by him.

Again, sadly the demand for me to be fitted with a ‘plug’ has now diminished greatly…things come and things go…sadly.

Talking about coming and going…. I shall not be publicising my availability for September, why? Simply in that I am only in the UK for twelve days at the beginning of that month. Yes, you long time readers and followers of me will know me well enough…I’m taking myself off for a couple of weeks down to my beloved home in lovely Lanzarote. I do not get back until the 30 September.

The good news though is apart from a couple of so nights when I shall be in New York in November, you can have me all to yourselves right through until the third week of December!

Well that’s it for now, keep it hard for me...

Back soon...Champagne Lady...Chloe xx

Wednesday, July 5th 2017
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124...and still counting!
Phew! What a day I've just had! Why? You may be asking. Well it's today I am taking appointments for the rest of July. When I switched my 'phone on this morning, there were already twenty one messages left for me to 'phone back.

From then on I've been constantly phoned and have just counted up the total number this has amounted to a staggering total of 124 calls, and still they are coming in! To say that I could have filled my diary for this month three times over would be no exaggeration at all, and here's me wanting to slow up being daily fucked so many gentle (and quite a few not so gentle) men!

Now a few of you cynics would smirk and comment "stop moaning you're making the money". To those I would say "how many times could you cum off a day, and have your rear end hard deep fucked as much as 15 times a week! I also consider the quality of my service and ok for younger girls - but for us more mature ladies, it is not so easy and it does take a lot out of your body.

When I first started in this 'profession' I was being sent (working for an agency in a grotty (damp down the walls} flat in High Wycombe) and I had to service 5/6 guys every day! Starting at 10.30am finishing at 10.30pm or later!

That adds up to 30 men taking me every week - gulp! How did I manage it?! Going home so sore I had to ease myself in to the car at the end of each day. If I didn't take them, Madame would not have been a happy financial bunny!

If any of you guys have been unsuccessful to get to see me in this month, I am really sorry, I hate and embarrassed saying I can't meet as I don't have the date(s) available

Now I've got that off my ample Chest! As you will know I dashed down to my Lanzarote home for just a week, just over a week ago. My partner had a very important formal black Tie ViP Dinner to be at on the following Monday evening, so had to be back in time to go with him.

This was all pre-planned by me, and promised him I'd be back in time, so booked to catch the 6.40pm BA flight back to Gatwick. I arrived at the airport at 3.50pm, took my hire car back and presented myself in the queue to check in on time.

At 6.00pm they put upon the departure board that the flight would be going from Gate 9. At this point I started to get concerned - why? Simply that I'd been sitting in the Executive Lounge - and no BA flight had landed!

It then transpired there were 40 mph winds shear across the runway and the aircraft(s) were unable to safely land. This being one of the most dangerous situations a landing aircraft can experience. I eventually got home to the UK at 2.20am the Monday morning! Apparently our Captain made two attempts and had to pull out at the last minute.

My amazement were the number of passengers that bemoaned this, calling the airline everything they could think of, did not believe the facts in front of them, swearing and cursing, and making their own minds up that "they couldn't see anything wrong with landing that day"!

I found this to be depressing and frustrating that so many people these days have lost the ability to see sense, or even accept the word of professionals that know better than themselves. Where has respect gone? Sadly for good I fear.

Sorry for my meanderings, but perhaps food for thought, do keep those lovely e mails coming in.

A final thought...why can't more ladies be so hugely sex driven as myself...am I that unnatural or even a freak because of this desire?

Have happy horny days, yours... Champagne Lady....Chloe xx

Monday, June 12th 2017
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My fab. Rubber Twin Dildo Pants!
Hi - good to blog you again.

Hopefully our lives will turn back to normal now the election is subsiding. I got to the point some three weeks ago, I could not take any more political guess work by the media and frankly the total intensity of it all, that I decided to not watch the news, especially on BBC and that dreadful woman Koonsberg – now getting named ‘the mouth’ I believe – and not without good cause!

On the sex front, phew! A lot of men have taken me these past three weeks, and a notably enjoyable one with a gentlemen that enjoys wearing ladies nylons and being used as one i.e. needs anal fuck. Thank goodness he keeps himself body-wise clean shaven, I could not stand a hairy man dressed in any part as a female.

I will admit I had to rummage around and find my tight rubber pants, these are really unique as they have a big rubber dildo which i insert in to my vagina, and a sensible size (not overly large) rubber cock to fuck my gentlemen. It’s great, we both enjoy the feeling of being filled, me in particular as the dildo really gets deep inside me. I have put a pic. up above of me wearing it.

Very pleasingly I’m also getting more requests to wear my very sexy, rather slutty, Platform heal shoes (again, see above pic.). I don’t know why but I love wearing them with my guys, makes me feel extra horny and very slutty. To see my legs up in the air wearing them, whilst I’m taking a fucking, gives me a real turn-on! So, try it out when we meet, request me wearing them, you won’t be disappointed!

This Thursday I’m flying down to my home in Lanzarote. I had some work done on the top edges of my swimming pool, so want to inspect it before paying the guys! Am I untrusting or what? The good news for you is that I back on the 24 June, so just 10 days later.

The even better news is that I’m then available to all you guys for ten full weeks (minus weekends) of solid use by you for hard wicked sex! So, all of you guys that wish to enjoy me…’phone me on or after 3 July and let’s get a date in the diary to enjoy our wicked hot sex time together!

To finish this blog, one of my regular guys (who is a great lover of ensuring I receive severe and deep anal sex), asked what is the difference in being fucked in the rear instead of my vagina in the front?

This is not a daft thing to ask, in fact this was what I was asking myself prior to being roughly (and yes painfully) literally ‘broken in’ to take anal fucking. It is a wonderful deep in your body (and mind) feeling. For me it gives the joy of feeling a rock hard penis and a lot of other things (some very long and wide) that have been pushed up inside me. A deep internal intrusion which you can feel deep-rooted as far as my stomach, which until you have been stretched inside is painful to tolerate, but once ‘broken in’, is a joy to receive.

I now must dash for my next gentleman, his usual demand of me – looking as a “filthy heavily made-up whore please”….love it!

Will write again soon…remember – ’phone me from 2 July to meet with me that month!

Love you all….Champagne Lady, Chloe x
Friday, May 12th 2017
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130+ phone call so far this month!

Hi Guys….to let you know I have today put on my profile page that Wednesday, 24 May is the opening date I shall be taking my June appointments. Also note that I shall not be available (away out of the UK) between 15th and 24th June. Remember bookings are only made by ‘phone!

I find it increasingly difficult to match a picture of me to the blog info., this one is rather appropriate though. I have just done an add up of my incoming bookings ‘phone calls between Monday 1st May (Yes I worked on a public holiday!) and 8th May (this just past Monday) I received 137 calls to book me for May. Let’s take out ‘say’ 20 that were of absolutely no interest, for instance “Hi yer..I’m 18 and wan’ner fuck yer arse ‘ard”! Yes those type of calls do happen quite often.

Now I broke one of my arch rules this week. I met with a gentleman at my home boudoir at 10.00am. My rule states earliest of 10.30am. The gentleman in question is a very high flyer and always will try to fit in to his manic business schedule. But it was pointed out to me many moons ago when a working girl with an agency that my starting time was 10.00am.

I use to leave home to drive to High Wycombe and open up a grotty damp ridden flat (as mentioned in an earlier blog). Switch the electric heater on, change in to a very glamourous slut, ‘Oh spray the room - so it smelt as nice as possible – and then wait for the ‘phone to go.

Ring…Ring…”Hi darling…I have a nice gentleman for you just for the hour, he’s on his way”. In those days when money for me was very tight and I would just do anything to ensure I had the money to pay the mortgage and buy food, this would be the first of up to six/seven men every day. I was working until 10.30pm with just a break for a packet of soup and a sandwich.

I would then tidy the flat, dress back in to me ‘civvys’ and walk carefully in my four inch stiletto’s to my car in a totally dark bleak car park scared stiff I was going to be attacked! I was lucky, and sometimes my Madame would be there for me so I could hand the money for the day to her.

They were hard working days, most nights driving the 15 miles home so sore I dare not move in the car seat, and have to say very wet between the legs. But they were good, my Madame looked after me well, and at Christmas she had a big party for ‘all her girls’.

Well that’s it for now, must dash to Waitrose and do some basics shopping and await my gentlemen this afternoon. Am I a nymphomaniac? I have been giving this a lot of thought recently…and I’ll write about this in my next blog…have a good day

Keep horny, wet kisses – Champagne Lady, Chloe x

Tuesday, May 9th 2017
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Swinging tits...love it!
Hi Guys... will this cold weather ever get seriously warm? O.K. so I don't have too much fat on me, but even my heavy boobs feel cold (until played with! :-)). The one good thing is that it keeps my nipples erect!

I have to admit that this past weekend, well most weekends, I love to unlatch my bra and just let them just swing around. My partner bought me a couple of quite thin clinging material round neck tops a short while ago. He forbade me to wear a bra when he took me out with me wearing them!

I also had to wear a wide tight belt to enhance the curvaceous look. Something very similar to the picture of me on this page. It certainly turns mens heads with a smile, and women's heads, under their breath probably calling me a whore and a slut...not too far from the truth.

I was looking to go to the famous Glyndebourne Opera in this coming summer, particularly to enjoy Mozart's wonderful opera Cosi fan tutte. Glyndebourne for me is wonderful in the summer, the men in their Black Bow Tie Dinner suits, the ladies in classic flowing dresses.

Then to take and enjoy in their gardens a champagne picnic with your friends, that, mixed with a Mozart opera can't come much better. Only to find out it wasn't being performed in the Summer, but in the Autumn, and then not at the home of Gylndebourne in Sussex, but on tour. Thwarted again....I shall have to rethink my Opera visits for the Summer!

This is not for me to forget that I myself am on stage singing in the wonderful Verdi opera Un ballo in maschera (A Masked Ball) in July. Each Monday evening I have a two hour singing rehearsal, soon to be followed by the Production Director starting on the floor rehearsals, movements and planning. Then in July we're on stage for a week. Over that period up to 1,200 in the audiences.

I was at a special Gala Dinner this past weekend, we got talking around the table about Opera and just "how can you mentally retain all the music (and acting) for a 21/2 hour long production? It is not until you face yourself with this that you ask yourself that same question, especially as some of it can be in Italian, and most in a translated to English! I think just one word sums that up 'repetition'.

Sorry I must be boring you...to more 'hedonistic' thoughts (I love that word, I suppose it exactly sums me up as a person). My May diary is now full, so apologies to you guys I had to disappoint. To repeat myself when I'm taking appointments, and my 'phone is engaged or even switched off due to me being with a gentleman - please leave me a message of your Christian name and mobile number. I will very discreetly text you back. Without me getting such a message, I shall never know you have called me, and as such doubt we shall ever get to meet!

The good news, between now and the middle of September I am away for just four days in Gibraltar with a gentleman, and a week in June at my villa. All the rest of the time I'm yours for the taking all of fourteen weeks of having daily (usually pretty hard) sex use 'phew!

A few weeks ago I met with a lovely guy at a hotel. He came armed with a bag of goodies for us to sex play with. One of these was a massive in girth and massive in length, designer cock in a very flexible rubber type material. It has a bulging large penis head on each end too!

It took lots of lube and serious stretching of my holes to get it inside me, but when there...wow! What a fabulous feeling and it got me very horny too. Now for a Classy mature lady to be seen playing with one of these, very basic crude toys would be surprising, but you know I've decided to do just that! Hopefully both an AW video clip and stills of me playing around with it will be winging your way soon.

To wrap up for now - a quick true story, following a question put to me by one of my gentlemen recently. I was very painfully broken in for anal sex about 22 years ago. I was in fact one of the first escorts to advertise I take anal insertions. It was one Saturday afternoon in a grotty damp little flat in High Wycombe. I large guy in both body (not fat but muscle) and a huge wide headed cock visited me and asked if he could "fuck me up my arse"?

Not wishing to be a kill joy and thinking little of it at the time, I was put on my knees, some cheap lube was squirted in my very tight anal hole by him, and then the next thing was a searing pain which shot from my anus and up to my stomach as he literally rammed his massive cock head straight in to me.

I collapsed my legs with the pain on to the bed, which made it even worse as he continued to push it further inside my arse, then fast fucked me until he well and truly came off! He eased it out of me, and I lay there with tears in my eyes. I felt very wet below as his spunk was dribbling from me. It was then I put a tissue down there to wipe my self, and it came back bright red with blood!

For four days I could hardly sit down, and when I used two mirrors to look at the damage saw that my anus rim had been torn open by a good half-inch! I did not know it but he did me a big favour.

The good news being, that from that day until now I just love being given a good deep in me anal fucking, and without getting that tear I doubt I could have enjoyed so many cocks, especially very big black ones, and very long ones too. I am often taken and receive anal fucking, without any pain, and the overwhelming joy of the inner feeling of such a cavernous intrusion so very deep up inside me.

'Oh, and yes I do have occasional anal orgasms....but that's a story for another time!

Will write back again soon, keep it hard! Wet kisses Chloe x

Monday, May 1st 2017
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Sorry if you've phoned me!
Hi Guys....Just a quick note to apologise! If any of you have been trying to 'phone me this morning, I was remiss in having my 'phone switched off!

It all came about in that my flight being badly delayed retuning to the UK. It was a brand new BA Airbus, and (apparently} it was fully passenger loaded at Gatwick to come down to Lanzarote and they were already to go when they found that the cockpit door security door locks would not operate! They called the engineers to the aircraft and they apparently took over an hour to fix the system before it could safely leave!

I eventually arrived back home from my holiday at gone 2.00am this morning! Hence I wasn't up and dashing to my phone at 9.00am...sorry! My phone is now on, and my availability dates are being taken up rapidly.

If anybody's interested. The aircraft had the new upgraded interior. Superb leather seating, thick seat cushions (compared to the paper thin things on Easy Jet), and the new M&S Foods brochure (presenting the food you can now buy on board) was masterly in its concept, no wonder they're (the food that is) apparently selling like hot cakes (no pun intended). they certainly were on my flights!

Anyway, apologies again....keep horny - yours Chloe x

Monday, April 17th 2017
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Happy Easter... x
Happy Easter to you all…!

As many of you had guessed I’m spending Easter down at my second home in Lanzarote. Temperature today 25C, but very blustery wind. About to take a walk down on the lovely beach at Playa Flamingo, you’d think you was in the Caribbean it’s so lovely there, and then a glass of champagne (well a quality Spanish Cava) at the beach bar (I like going there as I know I shall get chatted up by the bars owner (dirty sod!), and I shall sit on a high stool exposing my legs so the guys can enjoy the view. As some one once said to me…”spread the joy”)

How shall I be dressed? As it’s just a beach stroll, I shall be in a short skirt (of course with no panties beneath), a black half-cup bra to give me round-top boobs, with a low-cut top so my tits, although bulging over the top, are on 'just enough' display, and swing slightly as I walk. Obviously bare-legged and feet on the beach, and strappy sandals to wear to drive home.

I know lots of you like to see pics. of me, when in my other personal life. The shown one above of me was naughtily taken by my partner about two weeks ago. We were on the half-empty last night train out of London on the way back to Windsor.

We had met up and had a lovely evening at a small intimate restaurant with friends,. A couple of bottles of wine over dinner (and having had two guys take me for sex that day), and I was soon nodding off with the trains soporific running over the rails.

It was a bitterly cold night so was ‘rugged up’ in my wonderful Spanish (rather valuable) designer long leather coat. For the sharp eyed, the brown envelope I’m holding was a book they gave me back which I had lent them to read. Hope you like it, although not overly sexy!

I was relaxed chatting to one of my gentlemen a short while ago, us both laying on the bed exhausted after a particularly dirty hot sex time, and he asked “does your partner mind that you have men turn to look at you when out?’

I think he was rather surprised at my answer…”no, in fact he will tell me how he expects me to be dressed, and this has to include a piece of subtly risqué dress wear which guarantee to turn men’s heads, this also demands me with glossed lips (not overly though)”. He also points out (and rightly so), that ‘any gentlemen that see you whilst in public from my AW and other web sites (where I’m on huge exposure) would expect to see you looking sexy”! His saying to me is...“be seen, high at the bottom and low at the top” - I’ll leave your imagination to understand that!

Back to today! I arrive back late at night in the UK on the 30th April, and on the 1st May I’m featured on the AW Escorts page. This is also the day I shall be taking (by ‘phone only) appointments if you want to meet with me during that month.

I know there will be quite a few frustrated guys that can’t get through due to my ‘phone being engaged, or possibly switched off for a short time as I shall be in my boudoir for sex play.

A TIP! Leave a message with your first name and mobile phone number - I will send you a discrete text , so we can then speak on the ‘phone. No message left will not help us get together!

Incidentally - frustratingly for you guys that enjoy the trip, I shall not be able to meet at my Lanzarote home in this year. I’m going down for relatively short breaks only, and on each time I have friends staying with me. Could hardly say “excuse me I’m now going for a heavy sex session with a guy….or could I?!

Finally for now…I have had quite a few guys recently giving me intense breasts play, particularly in their desire to extreme suck out my nipples. I think they are all in a competition to see just how far they can get them out of my tits! I just love it too!

I have also found that this turns me on, as indeed does having both my nipples seriously stretched out of me, I’m quite impressed with myself - it’s amazing how far I am able to take the stretching! It leaves them a bit sore afterwards, and they then tend to stay erect, so for a time I can feel their stimulating sensitivity as they rub against my bra cup…phew! What else can you guys do to me to get me high on sex thrills?

Will write again soon…keep it hard….yours for sex ~ Chloe x

Sunday, February 26th 2017
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From a Cold to the joys of Orgasms!
Hi Guys…Writing this yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, the day here in Windsor is a dull grey leaden sky, so depressing, so thought I should take a few minutes to write a blog to you all. Hope all is good with you too. I’ve attached a pic. taken on Boxing Day, thought you may like…makes me appreciate the warmth and relaxation at my Lanzarote home...especially in the winter months!

First month in the year gone, my first couple of weeks following my return from holiday was disastrous as I came down with a lousy cold – meant me cancelling a whole week of meetings – I was not a happy bunny! Started meeting again a few days ago.

My pussy was so tight and my clit ultra-sensitive not having been used for a few weeks. I was desperately needing to being given a really good fucking, and have a screaming big orgasm. Luckily my first guy, I met with after my cold, was really up for this, and we both had a seriously hot dirty sex encounter! He only just managed to get a condom on before I took him deep into me. Enough of this though!

The launch on the 23 February of my March diary dates was its usual manic self, especially as I also was on the AW Escort of the Day page. I logged just how many clicks I had to my profile page and in the space of the 24 hours, in that one day alone, it came to an impressive 887 clicks…men!

I had an interesting e mail from a gentleman living in Newcastle Upon Tyne. He asked “Can you (me) have an orgasm from anal sex, if so is it different”? The answer to it is rather a mixed one…yes, this has happened to me on a few occasions, usually when it’s a large long cock right inside fucking me, and I’m at an exceptional height of sex desire…i.e. panting for it.

It is also very different to vaginal orgasms, a feeling builds much deeper inside me, I call it all rather throat guttural by the sounds I make! But then it builds through my body in to my head it’s a massive one – I’ve been known to be in erotic tears following it!

Once a guy was anal fucking my whilst I was laid on my side in the fetal position. He had a long thin cock, and as I always desire, it was in me as deep as he could get it. He fucked my arse for quite a few minutes, and my breathing was get more labored with the feelings building in me.

I could feel him closing on an orgasm himself and the two of us were both getting very heated in powerful fucking building up, I could feel that we were both about to peak when he fast and unexpectedly to me, pushed his whole hand deep up in to my cunt[. I screamed of the shock of his getting hand (thankfully it was a small one!) rammed up in to me, and the orgasm of his action which it brought on me.

It was so intense that as he slowly removed his cock out of my arse, he left his fingers inside me. It was certainly for me a one off incredible sensation.

Another e mail received was “I see you like being fucked whilst having your hair pulled back, why”? I did answer the gentleman that mailed, but though others may be interested too.

There is something deep in my psyche that excites me and sexually stimulates me like being held down by my hands whilst being taken, men’s telling me I’m a ‘whore’ – it sounds all very caveman stuff! One of these is a guy placing me on my knees on the bed, entering either of my holes and then grabbing handful(s) of my hair and pulling, and keeping pulled back my head, as if he was holding and riding a pony (horse?). There is some level of discomfort for me, but it also does excite me too. All very strange…but so enjoyable!

Here I am allowing my head to do the writing again…’Oh…my diary is about full for the coming month, occasionally I get cancellations, so you can always try calling me if you’re looking for sex fun…but no promises.

I’ll blog again soon…yours– Chloe x

Monday, January 23rd 2017
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Homward Bound and 2017

Hi Guys….well another few days and I shall be heading back to my UK home….to meet with lots of my lovely men! I know many of you enjoy seeing me as I am dressed ‘normal’! Well the attached pic. is just one of those. Going out for Dinner with a bi. girl-friend, and she snapped this pic. I thought it was quite nice, hope you like it too. It was taken on the entrance steps to my villa home down here.

Whilst I’ve been here, I’ve spent the occasional hour in doing something I’ve not done for many years, written another piece of erotica. I have to say it is based around an actual outcall visit i.e. location, plus a bit of an extra twist to it. I’m about half way through, as soon its ready for publication I’ll let you all know - first on here.

I’ve also done a rather basic photo-shoot, so as soon as I’m UK home, I’ll do the AW sizing and get it uploaded. It’s sexy glamour in a wicked little PVC dress – I’ll put a taster pic. blog up when the set has been uploaded.

I’ve also written down a list of photo/video shoots I want to do in the next few weeks – some quite wicked, I shock myself at times at my deep sexual thoughts and desires!

But still one video shoot still eludes me – the threesome with two men. I got very close with two guys a few weeks ago, then his mate cried off. I’m amazed that there are not two good looking 35/45 year olds that don’t want to do a dirty fuck-slut style shoot with me! I can’t be as attractive to do one with that I imagined…sad!

For any of you that can’t get to my home to meet with me, or are travelling and staying in west/central London or Heathrow area. The good news is that I’ve changed my timing around a bit so I can do more Outcalls of an evening. Sorry, family commitments though, does now allow me time at weekends, but most weekday nights (not Mondays) I shall be available to join you at your Hotel.

It’s quite interesting how many of you would rather see me at a hotel, they find it more exciting, erotic and a real turn on to meet with me in the hotel bar “with glamourous curvaceous sexy lady” – quote from one of my regular hotel visits gentlemen.

Oh’ - one small point on this, I’ve had to many embarrassments trying to get into Premier Inn’s due to their security levels, and the quality of Travelodges are just simply appalling, that I no longer visit them. Premier Inn are slightly more acceptable as long as you meet with me in the car park – it’s the only way to get past the front door!

4*+ international quality hotels are the ideal, and I’m proud to say I have over past month/years visited as an elite escort all of the top famous ones including the Ritz, Dorchester and the Savoy (I just love the famous American Bar there!).

Finally as a slight prompt…I shall be taking appointments for all of February from around 10.00am on Monday, 30 January – so want to meet with me in Feb.? – Phone me then – apologises if engaged – I know it will be a manic day for me with the diary!

Love you all…and I shall try to keep my self as sexy and erotically wicked for you in the whole year ahead.

Lots of wet kisses – The Champagne Lady…Chloe x


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