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Cute_Taboo_Escort's Blog
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Tuesday, February 8th 2022
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Hey , it's meeeee xxx
Hey everyone!

Hope you are all doing good...im good...just doing what I usually do..'LIVING MY BEST LIFE' hehe!

So do you all have plans for valentines day then? I don't, I'm single so that's to be expected haha....I hope you all have a wicked day no matter what.

I just want to say well done and congratulations to all the people who won the awards on here.... awesome!

The spring is well on it's way and that makes me a happy bunny. I love to see the sun shining-bright and breezy-nice outside, and you can do ALOT outside hehehe ........

Anyway, I'll just keep it short and sweet for now......Love and kisses to you all!


Laura-Louise xxx
Tuesday, January 18th 2022
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Adultworks competition xxx

Hope you are all doing great and living your best life!

Just wanted to say good luck to all the girls and guys in this competition this year!

I'm not expecting to win as I don't promote myself like the previous winners do but you never know do you! I mean if I won, honestly, I'd be over the fucking moon haha!!

So if you like me or any of my content, if you've enjoyed a previous escort meet or enjoyed a cam session or you enjoy my content then please consider voting for me, you can vote for me in all 3 categories I believe... I'm not gonna 'tell' you to do it as im not a pushy person or nout like that but yh...if you do then email me after and let me know , Thank you babes!

((If you go and look under my profile picture on my profile page you'll see where you can vote)).

But honestly there are soooooooooooo many people up for winning this competition so whoever wins should be extremely proud of themselves! Good luck to everyone involved!

As for me, im good as usual, just doing what makes me happy!

Lots of love to you all... Laura-Louise xxx
Friday, January 14th 2022
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It's 2022 baby! Yay xxx
Hey babes, Happy new year to you all, hope you had a great Christmas and a fab new year! What did u get up to ?
My Sis threw a party and was mega fun....I must admit I can't remember most of it to be honest LOL had a few drinks....but I do remember some bits....mmmmmm and they are very HOT memories trust me I'll be thinking about them for a long time to come... hehe .

It's a bit random but anyone here into conspiracy theories? I've always been really interested in all these theories...they go pretty crazy don't they! There are so many too...could go on forever. Got any fave one's, I'd love to hear about it.

My taboo side is still just as well...TABOO .....lol.....I adore exploring and pushing boundaries and limits...for me though, I have no limits...I'm so open minded I'm up for anything, so if you have something you wanna chat about or do just let me know . And my libido is also still just as high... oh how I love a play with my tight pussy or a right good fucking!

Anyways....hope to speak/see you all soon...lots of kisses, Laura-Louise xxx
Saturday, September 25th 2021
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Hello babes...
Heyyyy , how are we all doing?

I've not been great, I went and done something to my right wrist that hurt sooooo fucking bad it was unreal and the funny thing is I dont even know how I did it??!!! I had to wear a support for it that kinda kept it in a certain position , it was tight fitting...it seemed to do the trick tho and sorted my wrist out..but it took a few weeks so I couldn't cam or escort or anything! Was so bloody pissed off! Just my fucking luck ain't it!!! Oh well, done with now.

Did you miss me? I know I missed all of you! Like crazy!

So I'm very much glad to be back, doing what I love and was born to do! And I'll never stop!

Winter is fast approaching and I'm looking forward to it, hope it's a snowy winter! Can't beat a snowball fight! Me and my sisters do it everytime it snows and I always win! Haha! You know what?! I challenge you to a snowball fight anyday hehehehe! That's if we even get snow that is...fingers crossed!

Oh by that way-thank you to the guy who bought me an item off my wishlist! Thank you so much, it's always so nice when this happens! Really makes me smile! xxx

Anyways, hope to hear from you all soon, much love as always from your girl, Laura-Louise xxx Mwah! xxxxxx
Sunday, August 29th 2021
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Hey my sexy lot ..... xxx
Hey,its been a while since I last posted a blog so thought I'd post one now...

Hope you are all doing great, im good, so glad things are fully back to normal, no more fucking restrictions.freedom haha ....

The summer is almost over but bring on autumn, love it, cosy nights in ....
Wanna keep me company?

I've been having tons of fun on direct cam and on escort meets...I love it..Don't think I'll ever stop being a camgirl,phonegirl and escort....I have such a huge libido that just needs to be satisfied...and luckily I have you sexy lot for that. Its not even like a job or work for me, I love sex, who doesn't right?! I love ALL the fun I get upto!!! Including the taboo stuff of course. In regards to taboo, you guys are coming up with some amazing stuff! Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just wanna say a quick thank you to the client who bought me the naughty restraints off my wishlist..THANKS BABES , always means so much when somebody treats me. I never expect or ask for it, I'm not like that. I really appreciate it and am going to have a ton of fun using them...ohhhh myyyyyy yessssssssssss...hehe .

Hope you all have a great and naughty bank holiday weekend.....

Anywayssss..... love to all of you...MWAH.... Laura-Lou xxx
Wednesday, July 28th 2021
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Heyyyyyyy xxx
Hey how are you all doing? Im good , just been doing my thing, camming, escorting, been to a couple of party's which was fun, been chilling with my Sisters as usual too and watched a few horror films.. Got scared and had to sleep with the light on LOL, I'm such a baby! Haha.... This hot weather is well making me HOT lol, it makes me so fucking horny. Think it has that affect on most people too tho, mind you I do have a huge sex drive. Love sunny days but I also simply adore heavy rainfall...such a relaxing sound. Storms are great fun too, love watching lightening...its beautiful yet crazy right? Anyway,thought Id keep it short and sweet... Lots of love and kissess from your girl... mwah xxx
Monday, June 14th 2021
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Return of the schoolie.....
Hi guys, how are we all doing?!

Im lovin this heat and sunshine! I just lay on the sun ounger in my sisters garden and chill to the max....I never tan tho, I sometimes burn but always peel and back to aas pale as a ghost haha!
But ya know what I like being pale....as they call it, 'the pale and interesting look'....id rather be that than a crispy looking orange coloured girl that looks like shes been tangoed! haha! nah, each to thier own init!

So ive decided to go back to my roots and wear my school uniform...it makes me feel 'me'...it brings back so many great naughty memories too, I just love it.

I really hope you all like it as much as I do.

I just hope others dont start copying me like before, thats why I stopped wearing it.

Anyway, what shit news from Boris tonight, restrictions still in place for a while yet...but at least its not full lockdown...we do have some freedom. I'm still escorting and camming as normal.

Anyway, love to all.... Laura-Lou xxx

Friday, May 21st 2021
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Hey everyone! xxx
Hey guys, hope youre all well!

Im good, im full time camming and escorting, living my best life! To be honest I never really stopped hahaBut because the site diabled the bookings facility guys were unable to leave escort feedback although I had one guy who was nice enough to leave escort feedback on cam feedback because hed had a cam session first. But he was the only one that did that.I think another guy might of done too or maybe even more but Im unsure now LOL because I was off here for a bit so cant remember. Anyway if so theyll be on my feedbacks somewhere.
*** EDIT/UPDATE***Had a escort booking (today 24th) so you can check that feedback out as the bookings facility has been re-enabled so guys can now leave escort feedback!

Am buzzing for june 21st when all restrictions will be lifted, imagaine, no more annoying social distancing and face masks! How good it will be to get back to normal, pre covid!

The whole covid situation kinda put a hold on being able to use guys for a stunt cock in clips, pics etc so im hoping now guys will start coming forward and having some fun with me, it will be great fun I promise!! hehe.

Ive been a very lucky girl and had a few items bought by guys off my wishlist, a big THANK YOU to you!!!!! They are so good, mmm the toys get me cumming so hard , love it!

Wish this fucking shitty weather would sort itself out! Its like autumn! Come on sunshine! Ive got my sunglassess ready and waiting for you haha!! WE NEED A LUSH HOT SUMMER!!!!!!

Anyway, lots of love to you all, Laura_Lou! Mwah! xxx

Wednesday, April 28th 2021
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Quick catch up! xxx
Hi everyone! Im back. I've not been online and available much since January really, had stuff going on (not covid may I just add)...BUT im going to be online and available much more now, oh how ive missed it! Had a meet last night, was superb,but as the bookings facility is disabled the clint left feedback on a cam session we had had previously.Went great, LOVED IT!!! But he accidentally put neutral rather than positive lmao but the actual feedback speaks for itself, was great. It fantastic things are getting back to normal,but as for the hairdressers reopening , well I will never get my hair cut, I love it long, like super long.Makes me feel like a little princess hehe.... Had a great time the times I have cammed, last night was mega fun too..really enjoyed it, always keeps me wanting more and more. I look forward to spending more time with you guys on here and on meets, so relieved this covid shit is almost over...I personally think this summer will be superb and I for one cannot wait! its more of an endemic now . BRING IT ON BABY!!!!BRING ON THE NAUGHTYNESS!!!!BRING IT ALL ON!!!! Im still at my Sisters, will be for a while longer and the forseeable but ill be popping back to mine in london sometime in May...and most likely coming back here in birmingham to my sisters. I love it here, cant help it LOL. I've been dieting and working out more and more, I dont personally think I neeed to change my body but I think we can always improve ourselves and its great for a healthy mind...keeps you busy and energized...cant beat it. Working out has always been in my life and I continue to keep it that way... Have to look my best dont I!!! Hehehehe . Anyway guys i've just added a pic of me pouting again haha! By the way the pic has pink tinsel in the background on my bed, I've kept it there since Christmas lol just cos it's otmretty, this is not an old pic, I took it tonight.... Hope ya like, LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!! xxxxx Laura Lou xxxxx
Friday, April 9th 2021
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Catch up!
Hey babes, hope you are all doing well!

Where is the sun?! Last year im sure we had an early summer but this year it seems to be pretty fucking cold! It annoys me because I realy love being in the garden trying to catch some rays! It always super chills me but guess im just gonna have to wait! Oh well! I only talk about the weather just because I love nature ,being outdoors in the sunshine, proper makes me smile! NOT because thats all I have to talk about HAHAHAHAHA! I mean im a proper home body dont get me wrong but getting out and about on a nice day is good for us all, especially after ll these fucking lockdowns!

Im still just living as normal as I was pre covid...all apart from going to bars I guess LOL. Looks like things are deffo getting back to normal though, I just cant wait till we get to PRE covid life again in all aspects....OPEN UP THE BARS! I want a fucking cocktail haha!

Im thinking of having my hair curly soon, maybe, not sure yet.I do love a change now and again. Im lucky becuase I think either straight or curly suits me but we will see. What do you all think? I mean my hair is SUPER LONG and the curls will just flow so lovely I really think itll look super cute and pretty. But maybe ill keep my hair straight like it is,I dunno.

Anyway,Love to you all my darlins!!!

Love from Laura Lou xxx
Monday, February 22nd 2021
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Hey, me again!
Hey my naughty lovelies!!!!.....

Oh my its been a long time since I last did a blog post!


Time has flown by its late February already, where has the time gone!
With lockdown I think all days and nights have rolled into one.
BUT spring is on its way... and I do love spring....Cant wait to chill in the garden with the sun beaming down on my body , listening to the water fountain flow...so relaxing right?

I havent been online and available a lot but i am back now and cant wait for the fun to begin again.

On another note, Boris or B.J as I like to call him lol has finally announced a way out of lockdowm, I did'nt quite understand it all but I did get the part that everything will be back to normal by 21st June...so im looking forward to going out for drinks etc ...re opening of the pubs clubs etc is gonna be amazing, whoop! Roll on when we can go out and not get caught and fined for it lol.

Im just carrying on with life as normal to be honest.

Anyway hope you are all well...Missed you all, and am glad to be back!

Lots of love, Laura-Lou xxx

Friday, December 11th 2020
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Santa Claus is coming to town!
Heyyyyyyy you sexy lot!

How are you all? Gawd aint this covid shit dragging on...
It feels like this year has flown by...where has it gone?!
Im just hoping 2021 is gonna be good...I think we all need it to be dont we!
At least there is good news with the vaccine being rolled out hey.......

BUT CHRISTMAS is almost here.... yay!!!! Cant wait to open my presents with my Sisters, ill be with all 3 of them. And of course start the day off with a little booze haha!!! I love Christmas...I guess im a big kid at heart LOL.Hoping my Sister gets me an Iphone 12 but doubt it lol, a girl can dream right?

Ive just been carrying on as normal to be honest..doing what I usually do.
And I will keep carrying on too!

I was thinking of camming with a more natural look? Like no make up at all...Kinda like the girl next door look...only thing is I look younger and dont know if you'll all like it or not? I mean I dont wear loads now, just a bit to look a bit glammed up..But I like to change up my look alot...I get bored of looking the same haha! If you look in my free gallery youll see 2 pics I think of me with no make up , what do you think? Yay or Nay? By the way I escort however the client wants me to look...Which is usually just a bit of make up on and however he wants me dresssed .

Hmmmm we'll see hey...maybe ill just keep this look for now..anyway....hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a happy new year!
Love to all of you! Love Laura-Louise xxxxxxxx

Tuesday, November 24th 2020
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Im back hehe xxx
Hi everyone! Ive only been gone just over a week and missed you all so much!
I was in london at mine,just sorting some things out, sorted now! And back in good old brummy at my sisters!
Feels like home!

How have you all been?
Thank fuck the lockdown is almost over!

Its my birthday December 5th so perfect timing!!!! Dunno what ill be doing yet but something good hopefully !!!! I damn well need some fun! BIGTIME! HAHA Hoping my Sisters will throw me a party...I love a good party .
I really love a celebration...and Christmas is almost here too! Whoop whoop!
What are your plans? I just love a great time! But then again who doesnt,right?!

2020 Has been a pretty shitty year for all of us hasnt it so im hoping 2021 is ALOT better!

Anyways hope you are all great, love to all, your girl Laura-Louise, mwah xxx
Monday, October 26th 2020
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Hey my beauts!! xxx
Hi everyone, hope youre all doing gooood, well as good as can be in these times anyway...

Im good just been doing my thang lol....

I thought id answer a couple of questions on how my escorting and camming set up is managed whilst im staying at my sisters... (Its my eldest Sisters house, my other 3 sisters do not live here,but arent far away and pop round often).....
Its a 4 bed fully detached house, spacious rooms so we both have plenty of room to do what we want...for me to cam...and to both do our escorting..there are no limitations for meets etc...its ALWAYS possible. Hope thats reassured anyone who was curious!

Also im often asked if im a genuine taboo girl and to answer than bluntly, YES I AM! If you are unsure pop on cam and see for yourself! I dont do bullshit, im too lazy and fakers are always caught out in the end.Ive always been this and always will be this way.. but I also love to play with my fingers and toys... I love to cum, who doesn't lol x

Now thats all sorted , what are you all upto? Anything good? Come on,gimmie something happy to hear.
Halloween is fast approaching and I myself love it, plenty of horror movies on to watch late at night in bed which i adore! Just wish I had a snuggle buddy to spoon with whilst watching them (after all the naughtyness anyway lol) but hey ho!haha! I might dress up for it, shall I be a sexy pussy cat? Cos,well, I certainly do have sexy pussy haha x

Im hearing more and more filthy naughty taboo ideas coming from you guys, its so much fun,I love it! So all I can say to that ia, KEEP THEM COMING!! x

Well I hope to hear from you soon! As always, adore hearing and seeing you lot, keeps me happy and sane....Lots of love and kissess and usual! MWAH!!!! Laura-Louise xxx

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