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Monday, March 25th 2024
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Bad girls do it well

I hope you have all been well.

I've caught urge to travel so I have a few holidays planned in May and June, as well as a couple of tours planned too as you can see on my profile.

July and for the rest of the British summer I will be staying put in the UK keen to do more tours. Please feel free to suggest your city if you'd like to see me, I'm always open to travel and meet new people.

Apart from that I've been binge watching Vampire Diaries... I know I am centuries late to the show but please no spoilers.

I rejoined the gym to build my strength so I'll enjoy hiking on holiday.

And I've been doing lots of cooking including traditional spaghetti bolognese, beef brisket tacos, and spicy mac and cheese.

Saturday, March 4th 2023
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Field reports
Hello gorgeous people,

I have had two lovely clients who have written field reports for me recently that I would love for you to read in my AW profile.

My professionalism as a provider is genuine, I enjoy meeting new people and if we haven’t met yet I look forward to meeting you.

If you feel special or enjoy the session more than you thought you would that’s because you deserve it, I treat you all with respect as you are worshipping me and making me feel just as good as you… if I’m smiling your grin will be so big. I want to see your eyes light up.
And that’s why I’m here, for us to create a magic couple of hours that will be engraved in your memory forever.

Read for yourself as you might be the next person I have a special chemistry with. Or if we are old flames who haven’t met up for a while it may be nostalgic to be reminded how sweet I am.

Best wishes,
Wednesday, February 15th 2023
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Up to mischief
I hope you are well.
It's been a while, hasn't it?

Admittedly I’m mischievous, profoundly explorative and rebelliously kinky, ambitiously romantic. But didn't you know that about me already? Couldn't you tell? Though you may have predicted I must say I am far from predictable. Though young I live in the moment vivaciously, exclusively to offer companionship to worldly suitors that give me butterflies.

Yesterday my head was in the clouds. Wondering if I prefer martini, or a margarita? Probably martini. Some days you'll be made to smile by the people who you least expected to make the effort. And thats what makes life special; surprises, selflessness, spontaneity.

I've been to the theatre and been to see some live music, I've got a few holidays booked, and life in every other aspect is going just the way I'd like it to.

Lets create a rare, authentic connection.

I'll be waiting to hear from you...
Monday, November 7th 2022
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2022 End of year
Hello to all of my gorgeous clients, and to everyone who I am yet to meet.

This has been a spectacular year for myself, and I hope for you too?

I have announced my end of year availability on my AW profile now, so that you can squeeze me into your schedule before the New Year as I know it makes things easier when I reveal when I am available.

I will be touring Edinburgh as of tomorrow, and I will be away some of November.

Any other tours will be updated in my availability, and any tours for 2023 will be announced once booked, and any changes to my schedule will be updated in my availability section.

I hope to see you in 2022, or 2023.

Billie x
Friday, February 12th 2021
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Virtual Bookings 2021

Before 2021 Virtual Bookings were exclusive to regulars only.
Due to the current circumstances I am now offering Virtual Bookings which are just as easy to book as in calls or outcalls.

This starts from 15 minutes, and all of my rates are on my profile.
It can be by telephone, Zoom, WhatsApp video or FaceTime.
This can be paid by bank transfer, or gift card for Amazon or Asos.

It has been so fun so far to meet new people virtually and together fantasise about what we'd do if we were together.

I look forward to seeing you virtually!

Billie. x
Monday, February 8th 2021
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Looking back & being grateful.
Hello all,
I hope you are well & safe.

It took looking back through photos, to this grainy old pic of me in a bath a few years ago, to realise how far I've come.

Since I joined AW I've completed a degree, and started a new degree. I've started a business which has led me to another business venture.

I don't think I'll be exiting or retiring (ever) any time soon, as I find being a companion, or whatever you want to call what I do, so much fun and really enriches my life.

Even those of you who I just catch for a glimpse, some of you have made me laugh and motivated me on the days I needed it.

2021 has been hard, and has been the longest I've gone without sex & intimacy since I lost my virginity. The few clients who I have managed to see in the past year know all about it, because I'm so excited to get them undressed.


I am remaining to stick to seeing 1 client per week during the lockdown. Testing times have hit my other businesses, but have meant I've had enough time to start studying again. So, bare in mind you'll be the only person I'll see that week, lets make it special.

Best wishes,

Billie Brookes.
Sunday, January 10th 2021
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Lockdown 3.0

Having neglected my blogs for a while I thought it best to update and write a little. I find writing satisfying and I'm wanting to express how I feel. (she's gone soft!)

What have I been up to?

Well firstly I have been lucky to spend some time with Jane and Alexa, two friends who I offer doubles with. None of us are much alike, with all very different looks so a range of types. But I love building connections with people I'm unlikely to be compatible with.
That is why what I do is so interesting and all of the clients I meet I'm constantly learning from.

This year I've had to take lots of time off thanks to our unwanted visitor Corona Virus. 2020 was a year of tragedy and stress, but also a lot of peace and serenity in having lots of time alone.

This alone time gave me the freedom to explore my wants and needs in life, and I ended up loosing weight, getting fit (fit-ish, I'll always be curvy) and changing my career/studying path. I took up hobbies in cooking (improving it), gardening, wild swimming, canoeing and hiking.

Usually I would be flying, skiing, and being cooked for in my favorite restaurants, so the change has been unusual, but I'm happy with all I've learned and how I've shaped my future.

Being a companion enriches my life so much and I'm so lucky to have had the experiences that I have had over the few years I've been on AW. Unfortunately this year I've had so many missed calls and texts I've not replied to, I'm being EXTRA discrete in this pandemic as I know you are all at home with your phones close to loved ones. If I haven't gotten back in touch with you, tell me if I can, or keep trying!

I've attached a photo from the summer photoshoot I did.

And heres to a fun filled 2021 of healing, and hope.

Yours truly,
Billie Brookes x
Sunday, October 4th 2020
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A recent session with filming
I hope everybody is well all things considered...

I have slowly been taking bookings again as you may have noticed on my profile!

It was very exciting to be asked for a GFE booking with filming (which is one of my extras), and so I wore my new blue bordelle set that is an open top bra, stockings and suspenders and a thong, as I wanted to wear something bespoke whilst being in front of the camera.

Filming is for personal use only, so I like it to be intimate, personal, sensual and personalised, so that when you watch back, you have the best memories of our time together.

There is something really seductive to me about being filmed, and being re-watched at a later date.

So I wonder... if you were here with me...
What would you film?
Saturday, March 30th 2019
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Hello Northerners,

Its such gorgeous weather, I've never seen this amount of sun whilst up North and its stunning.

I finally got settled into an apartment last night and have had such a wonderful day in the sun, sat up on the balcony enjoying some fruit cocktails and have been giving some lovely massages.
Sometimes tours work out well, and sometimes too well. I've been so busy that I've missed so many calls and texts that I haven't replied to and I'm seriously gutted I didn't book my tour here for longer, however, it is making me consider touring Manchester regularly. Perhaps every 2 months, or every month. So I think this is something that I will be announcing officially soon.

The city is full of charm today from the Man City team beating Fulham. As much as I don't want to leave, I've got Leeds to explore, and then back to London.

Few hours this evening I have available, I wonder what I'll end up doing, likely drinks somewhere I bet.

Thats all as I'm off to dinner. x
Wednesday, March 20th 2019
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I just had a hilarious experience...
Ok so apparently theres something that I do, that isn't normal...

I was watching Netflix, laying on my rug on my stomach, with a pillow underneath me and my butt in the air.
I'm sure most of you tap your feet or shake your leg when you're concentrating... its a very normal thing that lots and lots of people do. But when I watch telly or do admin (like writing this blog right now!) I lay on my rug and stick my butt in the air and twerk/shake my booty. I do it automatically without thinking!

Anyway, my neighbours have builders in that I hadn't noticed, so whilst they're getting on with their brick work they literally had a full view through the window of me laying on the floor transfixed on the telly with my butt in the air jiggling about, when I noticed they were out there I apologised and we all had a giggle.

Then they said "never would I ever think I'd see someone watching the documentary about a bank robbery with their butt in the air jiggling away"

I had to promise I'm not an absolute weirdo, and we all laughed it off. I knew they'd find it funny as they must have been staring for long enough to know what I was watching on the telly!!
Shame they're both happily married as otherwise it could have been like the start of a porno haha.

Hope you're all have a day as nice as watching documentaries whilst jiggling your butt and making friends with builders. x
Tuesday, March 12th 2019
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Hello All,

I haven't blogged since the end of last year, and we're a few months into 2019 now. I've got no excuse other than pure laziness!!

So as some of my regs will already know, I've got myself an incall space in Central London where I will be seeing clients with good references, and regs only.

The apartment is lovely, close to Kings Cross, well connected transport links, great bars and restaurants near by for dinner dates.
I won't be hosting overnights in my incall space, but can still do overnight incalls from hotels.

I've got upcoming tours in Cardiff, Manchester and Leeds.
Will be planning more UK tours when I get back in April.
Its looking likely it will be Edinburgh, Oxford and Brighton all at different times this year.

I've got a new shoot happening in May! As well as a holiday booked. So I've got a lot to look forward to.

I still will be hosting incall days in hotels once or twice a week in Central London for last minute sessions! These will be announced on my profile.
I often book hotels in Aldgate, Liverpool Street, London Bridge, but I think I'll also venture to Hyde Park soon, too.

Sorry this is just a short rather boring announcement, but now you know a little more of my plans we can plan the real fun. x
Tuesday, December 18th 2018
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As you'll likely all know by now, I'm a foodie and I love to cook! As much as I try and go vegan I can't resist a bit of lamb on a Sunday.

I've recently been cooking for my friends and clients making them roasted duck with a special secret sauce I condense down, served with chicory and bacon.

But last night I hosted an odd special dinner with an old client of mine, where we'd managed to get hold of some exotic meats, which I prepared with different marinades and sauces.

If you've had dinner with me before you may have known my love for fondues, raclettes and hot stones. Dinner you can play with!

Anyway so last night we had duck and lamb (standard!) but we also had ... zebra and buffalo.

Out of the two buffalo was my favorite, zebra I wasn't too keen on, I found it a bit chewy, but the buffalo was perfect with a buttery, similar to peppercorn, style sauce.

I'm so excited to host my Christmas dinner this year. I've got a big bit of lamb, homemade mint sauce, rainbow carrots and the rest of the Christmas staples: yorkshires, roasties, sprouts.

For afters (as I dislike Christmas cake) I've made a Gingerbread house! That I've taken a photograph of for you all to see haha, just because I want to show off my skillz. ;)
Monday, December 10th 2018
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Where, and how to catch me!
As you may notice..
I have a very busy Christmas coming up, where I shall be travelling basically all over the UK visiting friends, family, Christmas shopping, you know the drill.

Although I am taking my time swanning around the U.K. so that I have plenty of time for dates, so I have updated my profile with a tour and my tour dates in Cardiff, Bristol and Manchester.

If you want to see me in London before Christmas, please notice I have 1 day left available and will become quickly booked, so best to contact me as soon as possible if you'd like to see me! Otherwise you'll have to wait until mid Jan, which is also fine as your patience of course will be rewarded.

If I don't see you before Christmas, have a wonderful time, I know I will be!
Wednesday, November 7th 2018
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Touring, travelling/fly me to you's...

I started travelling a bit more since my dog is more settled in my flat, and she's happy to be left with friends for a few days whilst I jet off exploring.

This year I have been to Lisbon in Portugal, Stavagner in Norway, Frankfurt and Mannheim in Germany...
In the UK I've been to Liverpool, Manchester, Cardiff, Brecon, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Port Williams... just to name a few places.

For fly me to you / holiday bookings I'll ideally need 48 hour notice - I love the excitement of a spontaneous trip away, although sophisticated planning is also most convenient so I'll be happy to pre-book something in for the future.

Perhaps, also, you'd like to take a holiday with me but haven't thought of where to go? Drop me a message as I'm sure I'll be able to find us somewhere perfect - my travel addiction has left me with some knowledge.

Myself and Annie Lilja were lucky enough to fly over to Norway when it was summer, attended a food festival where we had tacos and beer, toured the fjords on a boat where we saw waterfalls amongst other beautiful sights, we stayed in a gorgeous hotel with a spa, spent a lot of the time in the hotel room playing of course.
I then returned with Lilly Lust to see the same client where we explored a lighthouse and then went to the same hotel to relax in a spa and of course get up to mischief during playtime.
This was very different to other fly me to you bookings which I have had in Spain and France, however, I appreciate both the traditional holidays, and exploring new places (this includes the UK!)

Portugal was also fun, drank a lot of wine and cooked a lot of tapas-style meals for my friends, did late night swimming and of course, in true Zoe style, attended the spa.

I'll be excited to end 2018 knowing this year has been incredible, exploring new places, meeting new people, lots of new lingerie, plenty of amazing massages, explored new sexual fantasies and much more.

2019 is just around the corner! Before then I will be in London then touring Oxford and Cardiff and hopefully Glasgow - so keep your eyes peeled for dates on my profile, to end the year on the most perfect note aka in my company.



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