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Friday, July 22nd 2022
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Toy Boys and a Birthday Bash
Hello my Friends,

Since we seem to be experiencing some more highly hot weather, I'm going to tell you about some highly hot goings-on from a few years back, when a heatwave turned a family occasion into something less familiar!

I was working away in London for a few days when I realised I was not all that far from where my niece, Hayley, was at university. I called her family to find out her address, thinking I could drop by in the evening, before setting off home at the end of the week. My sister-in-law said that would be a great idea, as it would be her birthday at the weekend. So, come the day, and I turned up at the address wearing a light blouse and a medium-length skirt. It has to be said that my outfit wasn’t particularly modest, as I had taken a shine to one of the guys in work, and was hoping to persuade him to take a shine to me! It looked promising at first, but when the office gang went out to the pub at lunchtime we were met by the guy's wife, which really put a crimp on me laying the groundwork for laying him next time I was down south!

So, all told I was a little frustrated by the end of the day. I didn't have much in the way of clean stuff to wear, and the trip to Hayley's was in stop-start traffic. It also struck me that if I was going to drive home that night I would have to stick to mineral water. I was getting grumpy, and almost regretting wearing my stockings. And it's not often you'll hear me saying that!

Anyway, I eventually got there, parked my car, walked up to the door of Hayley's student house and rang the bell. There was a distant voice, and after a few seconds the door rattled. I actually started to sing "Happy Birthday", but as the door was opened by a half-dressed twenty-something male, I stopped pretty quickly!

'Oh, sorry! You're not Hayley!'

'No...' he said but with a humorous tone of voice.

'It's not your birthday, then.'

He grinned.

'As luck would have it, it is my birthday, but if it's Hayley you're after, we're going down to The Wheatsheaf in a minute. She started early, you see.'

'Ah. I see! Can I give you a lift?'

'Well, it would save a taxi fare...'

He clearly liked the idea, but something was holding him back,

'If you don't mind waiting a bit that would be great,' he said, 'Bob is just getting showered at the minute, and I've got to get a top on, but we won't be too long.'

I hesitated myself, more than a little tempted to tell him not to bother getting dressed on my account! It was odd how looked at one way he definitely counted as a scruffy student, but looked at another his smooth, flat young stomach and muscled arms had worked wonders on my mood. As I thought that, I found myself hoping he couldn't read minds.

'I'm Lorna', I told him and he nodded in recognition.

'Oh, Auntie Lorna,' he said, 'Yeah, Hayley has mentioned you.'

He hesitated a little then, and I found myself wondering what he was thinking. The little silences and looks between us were getting meaningful, I thought. I looked at him again and decided that was a good thing!

'Yeah, sorry, my name's Dave. Come in! Do you want some wine or something?'

'Driving, I'm afraid,' I said, 'Otherwise I'd love to! I think I'll wait till we get to the pub, then see what they have.'

Did he look disappointed? I thought there was a hint of that, but then he said he'd be right back and vanished upstairs. Just after that, I heard a conversation between the two of them. It was difficult to make out exactly what was said, but I definitely heard 'Hayley's Auntie', and I think I heard something that sounded very like 'Fuck off, I saw her first!' Interesting!

When the boys showed up a few minutes later I was a bit disappointed that they were both fully dressed. There's a phrase I use sometimes - "scrubs up nicely" - to describe the effect a bit of effort on presentation can have. These two definitely scrubbed up nicely, and I found myself wondering which one I might go for. Hypothetically, that is, if I was feeling at all horny, that is. Which I wasn't at all, of course!

I got Danny and Dave in the back of the car, and followed their directions to the venue. It wasn't too far, but a long enough journey for us to have a bit of a conversation. I steered the conversation to my niece, half expecting them to be a bit indiscreet, but instead of gossip, I heard how nice she was. Very bland! I asked about any boyfriends, and Danny started to mention someone called Frank, but then clammed up. Puzzled, I pulled into the car park and we went in.

We went in together. I thought of it almost like a scene from a Western, but once we were inside it was more like a musical, where loud dance music dominated proceedings. I recognised Hayley in the middle of a group of about half a dozen female friends. I realised quickly that Dave hadn't been kidding when he said she had started early! I wouldn't have been surprised to find out she had been drinking all day. She wasn't at all sober, she didn't seem very happy about something and she seemed a bit startled that I was there. Actually, startled wasn't the right word. Scared.

'Is my mum coming?' she asked me, then when I told her I was there by myself she relaxed a little and headed off to the bar. She got a round in for her friends, dropped two glasses, and started crying.

'I think she needs to go home,' I told Danny, 'Is Frank here to take her back or should we do it?'

'I think Frankie is here,' he said, then gestured towards another girl who had had a few too many.

'Yes. there she is. She'll take care of her. Wouldn't be the first time.'

I must have looked a bit amazed.

'You didn't know?' asked Danny.

'None of us did...do, even.'

'Hell! Don't say anything,' he said, 'I think she's working up to it. But she's not there yet.'

I nodded.

'I won't. What happens on campus stays on campus...'

Danny looked at Dave, and Dave looked at Danny, then they both looked at me. This wasn't what any of us had been expecting. The group of girls had split into two groups by now, with Frankie escorting Hayley back to her place, and the others clearly intent on a "girls only" session. I started laughing.

'This has been the weirdest day I've had in a long while. A guy I was trying to get off with at work turns up with a wife I didn't know about. I drop in on my niece's birthday do only to find she's a lesbian with drink issues - I don't know which is going to bother her mother more! - I'm starving hungry and all I've got to drown my sorrows is bloody sparkling mineral water on account of I've got a six-hour drive home!'

Danny coughed.

'Well, there is a spare room back at our place. Hayley won't be needing it.'

That was true.

'Well, I suppose I could drive back tomorrow...'

Dave nodded and took over the conversation from his mate.

'And we could cook something, if you haven't eaten. Danny does a pretty good stir-fry...'

'That does sound tempting! Yes, that sounds like takes care of most of my needs. But it's a bit much to impose on you. Bearing in mind its Dave's birthday today...'

Danny coughed again. They looked sheepishly at each other. We were three minds, all sitting around a table, dancing round the one subject nobody wanted to mention. I decided it was up to me.

'Let me see if I can summarise.'

I cleared my throat, took one of the glasses the girls had left, and filled it with slightly warming white wine from a half-empty bottle. Then I sat looking at it, while I started to give a little speech.

'You know, every now and again there comes a time, when you need to set things out clearly, so everybody knows how to behave. The trouble is that some things can't be said easily. Hayley has found that out tonight. She has had a little too much of this...'

I picked the glass up and swirled it a little.

'...something I don't intend to repeat.'

I paused for a moment.

'Can I ask how old you boys are? Danny, Dave?'

'Twenty,' said Danny.

'Twenty-two today.' Dave looked cheerful.

'Do you want to know how old I am?'

They looked at each other, a little worried by my tone of voice. They shook their heads, but before either could speak, I said.

'Forty-six. Forty-seven soon. Tomorrow, in fact. Seems a popular time to have a birthday! I think birthdays are a time when we reflect on what we want in life, don't you?'

They both looked at each other, then me, nodding uncertainly.

'I'm an optimist, though. Overall, though I think today has not really lived up to my expectations, I'd like to think that tomorrow could. Do you agree?'

They nodded again. I smiled a little sadly. I wasn't sure that they really understood.

'I find myself facing a difficult decision. I can stay sober, drive back to the north west, and arrive in the early hours of the morning, tired, hungry and sexually frustrated. Very sexually frustrated.'

Well, that was the elephant in the room referred to. I saw the boys exchange glances, daring to hope that I meant what they thought I meant.

'Or I can have a glass of wine, begin to relax, maybe have something to eat, and enjoy spending the night being fucked repeatedly by two men who are barely half my age.'

I was pleased by the gasps they tried hard not to make!

'Oh, I forgot! I shouldn't take your consent for granted. Has either of you had sex with a woman my age? Either of you had a threesome before?'

Two heads shook a little sheepishly, but with more than a hint of excitement.

'Well, I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but there's a good chance you'll remember what we are going to do tonight for the rest of your lives. Are you OK with that?'

They gave eager nods this time, with broad, foolish grins. I looked each of them in the eyes in turn, Dave first, then Danny. I smiled at him, licking my lips at him, I had a bit of bad news to break to Danny, and I wanted to soften the blow.

' Danny, I'm afraid there's a job for you to do first. I'd like you to sort out a cab to get us all back to your place. Is that OK? Don't worry, you won't miss out for very long.'

Then I looked Dave in the eyes, held his gaze, and drained my lukewarm white wine. At the end of that day, and after all those setbacks, it tasted magnificent. I had burned my bridges, and was officially sleeping with them.

'Sorry Danny, but it only seems fair that the birthday boy gets first go.'

I stood up and held my hand out to Dave. He took it, and we walked out of the door together. There was an alleyway close to the pub that was dark enough, just about private enough, and best of all from my point of view sleazy enough. I just wanted urgent sex. I wasn't too bothered about an audience, but I thought Dave might be. In the event he wasn't all that concerned, and the only witness I saw was Danny, hanging around at the end of the alley as we walked out afterward.

'The cab is on the way,' he said, 'they told me it would be about fifteen minutes.'

'Really?' I asked, 'then there's enough time, if you want to...?'

Danny and I held hands and he walked me down the alley while Dave stood guard at the entrance.

'There is something I should mention about going second,' I said after I had unzipped him and was wanking him gently to hardness, 'You might see it as something to be avoided, but loads of men actively seek it out. If you really don't like the idea, I'm quite happy for you to use one of my other two holes...'

'Other two holes?'

I couldn't help myself, I just had to stick my tongue down his throat.

'Oh, darling, bless you! This is going to be such an educational night for you!'

We walked out of the alley just before the cab pulled up. Danny was a little weak at the knees, and had lost any reluctance he might have had about going second, while I was a little fuller. (Actually, I was a lot fuller, it's amazing how much these younger men can shoot when handled properly!)

We got back to the house and I was shown to my room. We made do with toast to eat, because for some reason nobody really could be bothered spending time cooking. I never did get my stir-fried supper, but before morning I did get two generous helpings of a lovely spit-roast!

Love and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx

Friday, June 24th 2022
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Ladies Day at Ascot
Hello my dear Friends,

This is going to be something of a novelty for me because this blog differs from all my other ones. You'll see how! First, let me set the scene...

Annabelle and I have been saying for some time that we should do more together. If you've been following my posts you'll know that she and I already do a fair bit together, but it tends to be sexual stuff with a man or two (occasionally more!), and what we had in mind was something definitely non-sexual for a change. We have a few pamper shopping expeditions, one involving a very nice lunch together, and they turned out so well that we would keep looking for some "us time".

Annabelle rang me a while ago with news that she had excelled herself.

'What would you say to a classy day out where we get to wear some lovely outfits, hobnob with important people and maybe get ourselves in the papers or even on the TV?'

'Sounds good! What is the catch?'

'There is a bit of driving involved. And a night in a posh hotel.'

I said yes almost without thinking, then when I found out the details, I was glad that I did! Through one of her legendary circle of contacts, Annabelle had managed to get hold of two tickets to Ladies Day at Royal Ascot race meeting. I set aside three days free in my diary, and of course there was a shopping trip or two to ensure we had something nice to wear!

We shared the drive down, chattering and giggling all the way. We got to the hotel in plenty of time, checked in to our twin room (when you've spent as much time in bed together as we have there didn't seem to be much point paying extra for a room each!) and after a freshen up and a change out of the travelling clothes we went down to dinner, then a couple of drinks afterwards in the bar. We wouldn't have been short for company, if we'd wanted it, but we stuck to our "no sex" rule and went back to the room alone.

We had a leisurely start planned the next day, with a relaxed breakfast courtesy of room service and just the business of getting ready for the races to fit in. Or so I thought! The delicious breakfast turned up on bang on time and with the tray cleared away we just had to concentrate on getting ourselves looking presentable. I had been waiting to use the bathroom when Annabelle emerged, looking a little more distracted than when she went in. I asked if her if anything was the matter.

'Would you be upset if I missed the opening parade?' she asked, 'Only something has come up.'

I guessed straight away what that meant!

'OK, Annabelle, what's his name?'

She only hit me playfully, but I could see she felt a little guilty about breaking our "no men" rules.

'Sorry, Lorna, I wasn't expecting this! He's a regular of mine. He set up the hotel and tickets for us, and I was going to sort out payment in kind next time I was on tour in London. But this morning he has texted to let me know he is in the area, and ask if he can drop by before lunch.'

'He's...you're not expecting me to...?'

'God, no! This is just him and me. Half an hour maybe, an hour tops.'

I was on the point of giving my grudging approval - especially bearing in mind how much the hotel must would have cost! - when there was a ping on her mobile. Another text for Annabelle.

'Hell! He's here!'

It was turning into one of those embarrassing TV comedies you might remember from TV years ago. Given that Annabelle wasn't dressed and I was not only not dressed but not showered, our options were a bit limited! We looked at each other and decided the best thing to do was for me to have a luxurious slow bath while Annabelle, shall we say "took care of" her gentleman friend ad his needs. She texted him back to put him off for a few minutes, and I went into the bathroom and got the taps running quickly! With that done I stripped off, stretched out in the hot, foamy water, and set about making myself ultra-clean.

It's funny, but not being directly involved in what was happening made it somehow naughtier. I heard muffled voices, giggles, sighs and moans. I was trying to be ultra-quiet myself at first, then decided it might be odd if I was too quiet, as if I was listening in or something. So I made a bit of splashing and went over my entire body two and a bit times with the sponge. The soap was a good bit smaller when I had finished, and in a highly naughty move I teased myself with the bar, running it over my pussy lips. In doing so I found out that the situation had got to me, and I gave a little moan as I ran the slippery bar over my clitoris.

The noise from the bedroom seemed to have quietened down a little, so I thought Annabelle and her lover might have finished by now. I got out of the bath and began to towel myself dry, purring at just how smooth and scented my body was. I almost felt it was a shame there was nobody to appreciate how good I felt. There was a gentle knock at the bathroom door.

'Lorna? Are you done in there?'

I was in a large white towelling robe by this stage, so I fastened the belt and wrapped a towel around my hair and called out to her through the door.

'Nearly done! Has our benefactor gone?'

'Er... almost.'

She sounded a little sheepish. I unlocked the bathroom door and opened it a little. Annabelle stood by the door, wearing just a royal blue suspender belt, some white stocking, and high heels. She was trying to make sure I was reasonably decent, I think. I was distracted by how large and her breasts looked, and how her nipples were firm and erect.

'Almost? What does that mean?'

I wasn't angry (though I reserved the right to be if he was after a threesome at such short notice!)

'Uh, he is nearly done but he hasn't gone yet. He has a request.'

'A request?'

My mind was full of possibilities. I noticed Annabelle's lipstick was smeared, and guessed some of the gentle noises and moans of satisfaction I had hear through the door had been her giving the guy some oral attention. She shrugged, and just whispered,

'You don't have to do anything, but he wants you to watch while he fucks me. Is that OK?'

Slightly dreamily I nodded, opened the bathroom door, then wandered through. The guy turned out to be in his early forties. He was sitting on Annabelle's bed, smiling, and stark naked. He had a beard, which was neatly trimmed. His penis was semi-erect and circumcised. In a truly surreal exchange, a bare-breasted Annabelle introduced us. His name was Phil, and when he was told my name he actually shook my hand. There was a slightly awkward moment, which Annabelle got around by saying,

'Well, perhaps we'd better get on with...'

'Oh, yes. Of course! If you could...'

He gestured towards his groin. Annabelle sat on the bed, just near his knees, then bent over and began to suck him. He closed his eyes, gave a low moan, then reached out and took hold of Annabelle's breasts. She moaned too as he did. I felt I should do or say something.

'Phil, do you want me to do anything special?'

'Not really. I just like the thought of you watching while I make love to your friend. Is that OK?'

I nodded. He went on,

'I think I'd like to watch your expression at the end. But until then, nothing in particular.'

Annabelle had sucked him to full hardness by now, and sitting up she began to fit a condom to him.

'I have an idea,' she said, 'perhaps if you ask nicely, Lorna will hold you while I get into position.'

He smiled. It sounded to me a bit like the thin end of a wedge, but I went along with it. I stood next to him as Annabelle stretched out and propped a pillow behind her head. Although he was sitting on the bed, we were more or less the same height. I wondered if I was supposed to kiss him, but made do with leaning into him, so my breast moulded into his shoulder. I got a moan out of him, so I decided to get just a little more involved.

'Would you like me to put your penis into Annabelle's pussy?'

Neither of them objected, so I took his rubber-clad cock, and pulled it close to Annabelle's pussy lips, ran the tip between them, then lined it up for him to enter her. I put my right hand flat against his stomach, almost holding him back, then put my left hand onto his buttock. I made him wait just a couple of seconds, then curled my hand to push him to her, cupping my fingers so the tips played between his buttock cheeks as he penetrated my friend.

He was propped up and straight arms, his hips moving as he fucked her.

'Is that good?' I asked him. I got a silly smile in return. I asked the same of Annabelle, adding, 'Would you like me to play with you a little?' I got another silly smile. I moved to stand beside them. My right hand went onto Annabelle's breast and I squeezed. I had forgotten how nice her breasts felt! My left hand went to her groin, and I began to slip my fingers between the two of them. It took a moment to locate her clitoris, but once I had I kept my hand there, masturbating her the way I do myself. She moaned and began to squirm. It seemed to me she it wouldn't be too long until she was coming. Perhaps I ought to urge Phil on as well!

I looked at him, turning my face so he could see my eyes on his, and watch my face. I hoped he could lip read! I began to whisper things to him, all with the aim of getting him off a bit quicker.

'Is that good?'

I blew a kiss at him.

'I bet it is.'

I rested on his shoulder, continuing to let the weight of my breast accidentally press into him.

'I've fucked her too, you know. With a strap on, so I know what you're feeling.'

I breathed warm air into his ear.

'I bet you're just about to cum. When you do, with me here, do you know what?'

I half expected him to shake his head, but he didn't. Hardly surprising, I suppose, he was busy screwing my lovely friend! I went on anyway.

'I'm going to look at your cock once you've finished. See how much you shot into that condom.'

Wait a few seconds.

'I bet there'll be loads and loads of thick, creamy spunk...'

His breathing came heavier, louder now. Time for a naughty change of tack!

'Do you wish you were doing me? Do you wish Annabelle was watching? While you fuck me...'

(He was nearly there now. Just a little something to finish him off!)

'If you had booked both of us...'

I let that thought sink in a bit, then went for the kill! I looked into his eyes and whispered,

'I would put my head on Annabelle's tummy, watching your cock going in and out of her, then when you were ready to come, you could pull out of her, and plunge that cock of yours into my mouth and come there. I could taste her pussy juice as you came...'

He moaned and his hips slammed into Annabelle's. I don't think she was faking her orgasm. There was no doubt about his!
I think it's fair to say he was completely drained when he left. Annabelle and I got dressed and still made it down for the parade, and had a wonderful day. We might even have broken our "no men" rule that evening, but that is another story!

Hugs and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Monday, June 6th 2022
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Nurse role play – for real!
Hello my friends,

I often get asked to do a nurse role-play. These can be great fun, and they have the advantage of the patient starting out in bed and undressed, so there's less messing about before we're messing about! But last week I was almost a nurse in real life...

It started when a guy I last saw about two years ago rang me up. He wanted to know about medical scenarios, so I started telling him how I'd check his pulse and blood pressure, then do my best to make them rise, which got a laugh, except then he followed up by asking if I had actually trained as a nurse. Now in fact, aside from some basic first aid stuff I have picked up here and there, I had to confess that I hadn't.

'Ah,' he said, 'pity.'

I was intrigued. I don't like the idea of letting a friend down, so I asked if there was anything wrong, and more importantly if there was anything I could do to make it better.

'I don't suppose you're free now?' came the rather sad voice.

It sounded as if there was more to this, and as it happened, I had had a cancellation for an evening meet.

'Let me see what I can do,' I said.

As luck would have it, I had showered and got my hair ready. Under the circumstances I thought heavy makeup wasn't needed, and a simple but flattering outfit made for the finishing touch. I went for a loose top and skirt, and opted to go braless (he's a major boob fan!). I was knocking at his door just over an hour later.

I thought he was going to burst into tears when he saw me! He had a metal walking stick and was dressed in his own kind of loose top, a white T-shirt that looked rather big on him, along with grey track suit bottoms. He hobbled aside to let me in, and followed me through to the conservatory at the back of his house. There was a coffee pot waiting, along with some biscuits and two cups. we sat together on his sofa and his story emerged.

It turned out he had what he described as "a bit of a turn" a few weeks before. He had been watching TV, had got up from the very sofa where we were sitting, and gone for a quick pee. After zipping up and turning to go back to the sofa, he told me that he had set off for the other room only to find that his right leg "seemed to want to stay by the toilet". Puzzled, but suspecting the truth, he tested his symptoms against a website. That advised him to ring an ambulance, and an hour later he was in his local A&E, having a scan that confirmed he had had a stroke. In the event it was not as bad as it could have been, but it left him temporarily paralysed on one side. They kept him in for over a week, only letting him go when they were sure he was on the mend and would be able to cope at home.

'My neighbours are taking turns to look in and help with housework,' he said, 'I've said there'll always be someone here, because I desperately wanted to get home, but I get times of the day when I'm left to my own devices. Such as this afternoon. I just have to stay out of trouble till six...'

He left the rest unsaid, but I could see from the clock that meant we had almost three hours alone.

'I see,' I said, smiling at him then nuzzling into his arm a little. He seemed reluctant, which wasn't him at all!

'Are you OK?' I asked.

'I think so,' he said, then told me that he wasn't sure how he would react to a sexual stimulus. He hadn't really felt "in the mood for love", so to speak at any time during his stay in hospital, and hadn't even taken things in hand since his release. In short, I think he was a little concerned at what he might find. It was perhaps the nearest thing to genuine nursing I had done. Fortunately, we are talking about an area I specialise in!

I started by kissing him on the cheek.

'Shall we just have a little experiment,' I asked, 'see what the state of play is?'

I kissed his cheek again, then twisted round so I was facing him. I thought about climbing onto his lap, but decided we shouldn't run before we could walk. I decided to seduce him; gently and slowly, and applying as little pressure as I could to his libido. I kissed him on the lips - a friendly kiss - then started chatting, talking him into sex (or so I hoped!) I kissed his lips again, this time lingering, my mouth slightly open.

'Do you want to French kiss me?' I asked, 'Just a little bit to begin with, maybe. I seem to remember once you said something about that.'

'You're right,' he said, smiling, 'I told you that a woman who would let your tongue into her mouth was probably half-way to letting your cock into her knickers!'

I chuckled, then kissed him again, also open-mouthed, then started kissing his neck and breathing softly into his ear – teasing it a little with my tongue.
'I'm going to kiss you again, in a second,' I told him, 'How badly is that right hand misbehaving, I wonder? Only I haven't got a bra on, you see. Perhaps you could try squeezing my boobs while I'm tongue kissing you?'

His hand was clumsy, but still gentle. He cupped his fingers and fondled me, making a satisfied humming sound as his fingers slowly squeezed me. I put my tongue in his mouth once more for a languid few seconds, the broke off to look at him through heavy eyelids. His hand never left my breast.

'You know, I'd love to fuck you,' I said, 'lift this skirt up, slide onto your lap, then ease your cock into my body and feel it growing inside me. But maybe we should save that for later, once we've established that everything is still in working order?'

He nodded. I set about establishing. I put my hand directly on his groin, smiling as my fingers sought out his cock. I was pleased to see there were signs of life, but I wanted to make sure I didn't rush into things and provoke a setback.

'Did you know,' I began, 'That a man doesn't have to be fully erect in order to orgasm?'

I slowly worked his cock out of the elasticated waistband of his trousers. It was fairly firm, but not the hardest I had ever seen him. Or felt him, come to that. But what I had said was true, and I was planning to prove it.

'Well, someone is pleased to see me! Do you think he'd like to meet my tongue?'

I gave him my best "naughty but nice" look, then dipped my head. I pictured the view he was getting, my hair bright and clean, the fine curls he would see at the back of my head, then imagined his eyes closing as I took him gently into my mouth. I listened to the sharp intake of breath as my mouth closed over his cock, then the slow sigh of his breath as my head rose and fell. One of his hands reached under my body for my boobs, the other played with my head - tracing curls in my hair, stroking my face, occasionally holding my head to his lap. The last action was completely unnecessary - my mouth was staying there until he filled it with his seed - but I thought he might derive extra pleasure from "forcing" me to take it in my mouth. However, he didn't try to stop me when I needed to tell him something.
'I've had an idea,' I said, and reached to the table where the coffee cups sat, neglected save for a sip or two taken out when we first sat down. I picked up the nearly full mug of black, no sugar he had poured for himself. It was warm, not hot, perfect for what I had in mind.

'Black coffee is alright,' I began, 'but it is almost always improved by adding a little cream.'

I took a mouthful of the coffee, then dropped my head into his lap again. I kept my lips in a tight "O", sealing the coffee in and gently taking his cock between my lips. I wasn't completely sure what I would do, but I decided eye contact would play a big part of it! He moaned as I sucked him, his hands eagerly slipping into my blouse to cup and squeeze each breast in turn. With a mouthful of warm liquid and cock I couldn't speak clearly, but I think he managed to work out I would have said 'Mmm, yes, squeeze my tits when you cum!', because within a few seconds both hands caught hold of my breasts and gently squeezed, and he made half a dozen faint grunting sounds while the volume of liquid in my mouth grew larger.

I waited till I was sure he had finished, then took my mouth away carefully. I kept my lips sealed, then brought the coffee mug back up to my mouth. Keeping my eyes firmly on his, I let the mixture of coffee and spunk spill slowly over my lower lip, back into the mug. I put the up down for a moment, then busied myself kissing and licking every trace of his juice away. When I had finished I picked up the mug once more, then slowly drained it, making sure he saw how much I enjoyed the mixture of flavours. I finished the mixture, swallowed again, then turned my face up to his, ready to receive a deep French kiss if he was willing to give me one. He was more than willing!

I think he was willing to move onto round two straight away, but I suggested he could perhaps do with getting a bit more strength back.

'Same time next week?' I asked, as he kissed me goodbye on his doorstep. He was all smiles, his faith in the functioning of that particular aspect of his body fully restored!

And so it proved the following week, when I climbed onto his lap and he finished up shooting his load between my other lips! Though I think he may have relived the coffee blow job once or twice after that first visit - there wasn't as much spunk the second time round!

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Monday, May 23rd 2022
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A tale of two Johns
Hello my Friends,

In a recent blog, I told you about my ideal Sunday morning, and how I sometimes re-lived things I really enjoyed, or fantasised about things that didn't actually happen but might have. If I remember rightly, I said I sometimes "invite in a fantasy lover or two" for my little self-love sessions. Well, after writing that brief description of what I get up to, I couldn't wait to get to my personal happy place, and when I started, I found myself thinking about a dear friend of mine called John and the pleasure he had given me on our last meeting. The only thing was, I managed to mix up this John with another one, another great friend of many years now. I consoled myself with the thought that it was quite easy to do, and that there was a plus side to the confusion: if both lovers were called John, I wouldn't have the embarrassment of getting a name wrong. And that set me to thinking about having both Johns at the same time, and that sent me off to the toy drawer in my bedside cabinet, for a little "rabbit-assisted" ecstasy!

Part of the fantasy was that they guys were interchangeable, so I didn't have to get too concerned about what each would do. I could imagine a mix and match scenario in which both got up to no good on my poor, defenceless body (I was in that kind of mood!) That was good, because John number 1 got to do something he had always wanted to do - punish me! I've always enjoyed a little light spanking, and in my fantasy John got to try out a riding crop on me. He had me crouch on the bed, my bottom pointing upwards, while stroking and pinching my cheeks, telling me I would shortly regret disobeying his instructions. The only thing was, in the fantasy, I was yearning for the sharp pain of each crop stroke to fall.

The reason for that was twofold - I was kind of yearning to be punished, but I also had John number 2 with me. Now John 2 is one of the best men I have ever known when it comes to performing oral sex, and he was somehow wormed in beneath me on the bed, his skilled lips and tongue gently working their magic on my pussy. I think if John 1 had known what was going on he'd have made him stop at once, but that is the thing about fantasies, isn't it? In my little imaginings John 1 never even noticed that another man was eating his girlfriend's pussy. He had me tantalisingly close to orgasm, so close I think I would have come if he breathed too hard on me! I was just on the verge of unzipping his trousers, so I could give his stiff cock the attention its owner deserved, when John 1 struck.
The blow from the crop was not all that hard - he's not a complete sadist! - but I flinched, and in doing so ground my now totally wet pussy into John 2's face. I felt my pussy lips part and his tongue went deep, so that orgasm I had been building up to effectively happened when John's crop bit into my bottom cheek a second time. He landed three or four further stinging blows, and in each case I squirmed on John 2's face, driving his face deeper into me and making the orgasm go on and on.
Around this point John 1 decided that this punishment wasn't having the effect he intended, though he was obviously pleased he had got me to come so quickly! He put the crop down, and instead started to stroke my bottom with his hand. I was still tender from John 2 and his oral efforts on me, so at first I didn't take too much notice when John 1 left my pussy alone. But when he placed one hand on each of my buttocks I realised what he had in mind!
John 1 slowly spread my cheeks, making both my pussy and my bottom gape. There was a moment of delicious anticipation, where I wasn't completely sure what he had in mind but I was game for whatever he chose. Then he leaned over and kissed me, his tongue working into the little tight pucker of skin that I knew he was particularly fond of, and I knew he wanted to fuck my arse!
Thanks to the wonder of fantasy, at this stage John 2 was now magically out of his trousers, and as John 1 gently turned me round so I was facing him, John 2's cock slipped into the pussy he had made so wet just moments before. I was on top of him, in a reverse cowgirl, but he was the one moving, his hips rising and falling as he fucked me. This meant I was able to concentrate on giving John 1 the deep tongue kisses I know he loves!
At one stage I thought there was a chance John 1's tongue would go so far down my throat and John 2's cock would go so far up my pussy there was a chance they would meet somewhere around my chest, but then I realised the sensation I felt on my body was John 1's hands, cupping and squeezing my tits as he kissed me. I have known John 1 long enough to know that means one thing - he wants a blow job!

I undid his trousers and bent down to take his cock into my mouth. I felt his hands on my shoulders, partly resting there, partly holding me in place. We have been having sex with each other for so long he knows that I really don't mind the taste of a man's juice, but he gets a little kick out of holding my head down so I "have" to take it in the mouth, and I get a little kick out of knowing I am giving him extra pleasure, so there's no harm done! When I felt his hands on my head I thought he was ready to shoot into my mouth, but instead he was stopping me from finishing him off.

'I have other ideas for you!' he said, a little mysteriously. Well, that was good, because so did I!

You see, even as John 1 was keeping himself from coming, John 2 was losing his battle not to ejaculate. As I looked up into John 1's eyes, I felt the other man thrust upwards, and knew he was filling me with his spunk. I felt a little naughty, so I "squeezed" him with my muscles, milking him as dry as I could. Between what John 2 was doing to me, and what I was doing to John 2, I found myself having a nice little climax as well!

Once again the magic power of fantasy came to my rescue, because all John 1 said was "are you OK?" when he saw my "O face". I smiled and held a hand out to him.

'Fancy a little spoons with me?' I asked.

He grinned because he knew what that meant. He has always been a big fan of my bottom, and lost no time getting onto the bed behind me, and snuggling close. Meanwhile John 2 (the two men still mysteriously completely invisible to each other!) had stood up, and was now standing by my head, with a semi hard cock, soaked in semen and my secretions, offering it to my lips. I closed my eyes and just enveloped the tip of his cock in my lips, causing him to make a long, low moan. As he did, I felt John 1 present the head of his cock at my back passage, before pushing it deeper and deeper into my arse. Feeling his length easing into my bum made me give a long, low moan in return. I half expected to hear them say "Is there an echo in here?" simultaneously, but that didn't happen. Instead, both guys got down to the business of doing one of my favourite things - two cocks at once!

John 1 was behind me, his right hand - the upper one - steadying himself against my hip, so he could get a good thrust on each stroke. His other hand - the left - slipped between my chest and the top of the bed, before curling upwards to take a firm hold on my breast. Each thrust he made coincided with a firm squeeze on my boob, and a slight grunt from him as he reached the end of the thrust. As he pulled back for the next, the sensation built in me and I gave my own grunt, a kind of sexual tick-tock as he fucked my arse.

My grunting was a little muffled, as John 2 was engaged in fucking my throat. One hand held my head in place, while with the other he seeming flirted with the idea of playing with my tits, before deciding to finger-fuck me. John 2 wasn't always gentle, but then I was very wet with two lots of secretions - mine and his! He fingered me a little ruthlessly, slipping first two then three inside me. leaving his little finger outside me to rub gently against my lips. Every so often he would switch, holding back on the thrusting movements with his fingers and using them instead in a kind of jellyfish pulsation, while his thumb worked wickedly on my clitoris. I felt myself getting closer and closer to an explosive climax, just as John 1's thrusts in my bum were getting faster and faster...

Something had to give in my fantasy session, and it turned out to be all of us! All at once. Like stretching with a yawn, I felt my body moving and tensing as I had a deep and powerful orgasm, then felt the two Johns ejaculating, one with his cock pushed down to the root in my throat, making me gag and splutter, the other using my tits like handholds to pull me close to him and get his cock as far up my arse as he could before pumping his load into me, savouring the muscle spasms in my anus...

Goodness me! I seem to have gone quite filthy there. Sorry about that! But then it was a quite spectacular fantasy.

Now, I wonder if I should try putting it into practice

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Saturday, May 7th 2022
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Shopping for Shoes
Hello my dear friends,

Online shopping has been such a boon, particularly over the last couple of years, that it has become the "go to" method of shopping for so many things in my life. But I am also something of a traditionalist, particularly when it comes to things that have to do more than just look right or perform properly. Perhaps the best example of that are things that have to fit right - clothes and shoes. After one incident where I nearly broke my ankle falling over in a gorgeous pair of black leather thigh-length boots that were just a little too loose, I decided to make a point of trying these out in person. It is an approach which has paid off in more ways than one for me!

(Incidentally I managed to sell those boots that nearly killed me to a fetishist who loved the look of them, but only on the condition that I should be fucked wearing them and let him see photos of the act. I think I still have that "shoe shoot" in my archive somewhere! I did some video of it as well, and there's a clip just for him where I say his name while a very toned young man pounds me, then pulls out to blow his load on my tummy and tits. I got a message back from Patrick saying he always thinks of me thinking of him when he wanks holding those boots next to his face. It's lovely to make someone's day like that, particularly when I think just how attentive and effective that young lover was!)

That brings me back rather nicely to some shoe-shopping I did about three months back when I visited one of my favourite shops. I had nothing particular in mind; certainly I didn't plan how things turned out in the end. There was a new assistant in the shop, a guy in his late thirties, I guessed. He was very particular about things, with a neatness and deliberate approach that caused me to leap to the conclusion that he was gay. He helped me choose two pairs of what you might call "vanilla" shoes, before I got down to the main business - some new thigh-highs.

To give Colin his due, he never batted an eyelid when I told him about my next purchase. He just asked about colour; I suggested black in the first instance but said I would be interested in red and perhaps white. He just nodded and said they were good choices, then said he had all three colours, with the possibility of a little variation in sizing. Apparently one of the black pairs offered a little extra in the thigh area, which might make for a more comfortable experience. I nodded without paying as much attention as I might have, then realised I had just agreed to having my thigh measured! He led me to a cubicle, pulled the curtain across, then crouched down in front of me.

The shop seemed very quiet as I lifted the hem of my skirt, and he actually breathed on the metal tip of the tape measure to warm it up for me! Then as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he put his hands between my legs and ran the tape around my leg, almost as if it was a girdle. Then he brought the tape away and read the figure, nodding to himself as he did. I had had a stranger place his hands that close to my pussy the night before (and closer still later!), but for some reason this seemed more erotic, even though he apparently showed no sign of interest in me. Or so I thought.
Three things then happened almost at once! The first thing was Colin starting to speak, mentioning that the black ones he had in mind would probably be a better fit. He had barely got those words out before the curtain was drawn back by a female assistant who I had seen on previous visit, asking if he could help with a customer who was after something particular.

'Of course,' he said, 'I'll be with her as soon as I can. I'll be just a moment while I finish off with Ms Blue.'

The third thing was that I noticed Colin had developed quite a large erection. Perhaps my gaydar wasn't as good as I thought! I pretended not to notice, while he pretended it wasn't there.

'So,' he said, 'that is the two pairs you decided on a moment ago....'

Colin dropped his voice a little before going on,

'If you pay for those and give me your address, I can drop by after work to help you with the other items you mentioned.'

'Oh, don't put yourself out on my account, Colin, I can always drop by myself another time.'

'Please!' I didn't expect that note of urgency. He went on, 'I would so very much like to serve you.'

He was looking right at me as he said that, which startled me a little. I thought at first, he had said "Ms Blue" again, so I smiled and was about to correct him, when I realised he hadn't said that at all. He had said "Mistress Blue". I thought quickly.

'Well, that is very commendable, Colin. That sort of...dedication... deserves recognition.'

We went out to the counter. I paid for my sensible shoes, and slipped him one of my discreet business cards as I did. (Old-fashioned business cards are another tradition that I find comes in so very handy sometimes!) I took my shopping back to the car, wondering as I drove home what kind of service Colin had in mind. His first, hesitant text came through as I was driving home.

The knock at the door came at about half past six. The first was a little tentative, so I waited. There was a pause of about half a minute, then another knock. So, he wasn't too intimidated then. Good! I opened the door, smiling brightly, and invited him in. He had some of the shop's own carrier bags. I helped him with one of them, leaning close so he would get the full benefit of the rather expensive scent I had put on, as well as a nice close up of the cleavage where I had dabbed it. I glanced down and saw he was hard for me, but I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been like that since the shop closed.

Anyway, he was there. I made something of a show of looking directly at his erection, then back up to his face.

'Can I get you anything, Colin? Coffee, tea, can of lager?'

He shook his head, slightly nervously.

'No, thank you Mistress Blue. Driving.'

'Ah, of course. Maybe a soft drink then? Don't want you getting dehydrated, do we?'

Without waiting for an answer, I went into the kitchen and made up some orange squash. I thought he might follow me but he didn't. He was still in the hall when I returned. I passed him the glass, making sure there was just the briefest of touches between our fingers. I had worked out a plan of what to say if he dropped the glass, but he didn't, so there was no need for either of us to change out of wet clothes. Pity. I waited for him to drink, then tilted my head to one side, glancing down at the bulge in his trousers, making sure he saw me eyeing up his cock.

'So, when you've had that, if you'd like to follow me to the spare bedroom. I'm afraid my room is something of a disarray after last night...'

I felt his eyes every single step of the way to that room. I felt them on my chest as I turned away from him, I felt them running down my back, I felt them flicking over my buttocks and out to my womanly hips as I took each slow, swaying step. I felt them particularly tracing the seam of each nylon stocking. I felt I could hear the whirr his mind was making, as he wondered how far up my legs those stockings went - where they stopped, and where the bare, tanned skin of my thighs began.

'Sorry about the heat, by the way. I want to stay comfortable when I'm trying things on. I want to make sure they fit in with the outfit I've got in mind.'
I wouldn't normally run the place that warm - particularly with how much they're charging now! - but then I wouldn't normally expect to be about to get undressed with someone from a shoe shop. The spare room had a single bed. I patted it and he sat.

'Have you come straight from work then, Colin?'

'Yeah, had a couple of things to sort out, cashing up and stuff. But...'

Was it time to stop flirting and get down to action? I believe it was.

'That's lovely, Colin. No popping home for a quick wank first. Good!'

I saw his mouth drop open. I smiled at him, then turned to go to my room.

'Excuse me a moment while I get changed. Then you can show me your wares!'

If I'm honest, I didn't know what he might be expecting of me. But then I didn't really know myself. I was fairly sure he fancied me - well, you don't fake a cock that hard! - but I wasn't sure that I fancied him back to the same extent. Not that that has to be a barrier, I can usually think myself horny if I want. And he was quite impressive!

Then I thought about the way he had spoken earlier in the shop. It had sounded as if he was dropping a very broad hint that he genuinely wanted to be dominated, and reading between the lines it was something he wasn't used to doing. To be honest, that made two of us, because I don't count myself as a naturally dominant woman. But I thought I could get close enough to keep him happy. Then, as I thought a bit further, I wondered if perhaps he wanted me to be the first to do something like this with him. That made me happy too - I always enjoy taking a virginity!

My chosen outfit wasn't too extreme, but neither did it leave much to the imagination. A black top, short-sleeved, which fastened with laces down the front between my breasts. I carefully arranged the laces to show a good amount of cleavage, having made sure I was wearing a low-cut bra that lifted and displayed my boobs to good advantage. Stockings and suspenders - of course! - and a pair of panties that would offer little in the way of an obstacle to a determined finger, tongue or cock. Or, if I was lucky, all three... A very short, tight skirt, with a pattern that looked a little like snakeskin complemented the look. I looked at myself in the mirror. The outfit covered and revealed my body in roughly equal measures. Time to see what my would-be submissive made of it!
'So, Colin,' I began, in my best matter-of-fact, nothing-to-see-here voice, 'This is the sort of outfit I had in mind to wear with your boots. What do you think?'

His jaw dropped open. Still got it, Lorna, I told myself.

'What I have in mind is something that goes well up my thigh, but perhaps not too high, otherwise it might obscure the sight of my stocking tops. I'm in two minds about the heel and sole of the boot as well. On the one hand I would like to convey a sense of feminine elegance, and a standard sole, perhaps with a stiletto heel to lift my heels, straighten my back and make me carry my breasts that little bit more proudly, would certainly fill the bill.'

At this point I turned sideways on, to let him picture the extra uplift on my already quite impressive bosom. Then I turned back, looked into his eyes and went on, as innocently as I could manage.

'On the other hand, I do like the idea of a bit of extra height. I'm quite petite, so anything that lifts me up even just a little, so that the man I'm going to have can just slide into my pussy without bending his knees too much then that would be nice as well. It doesn't have to be too much of a sole - nothing too clunky. Oh, and perhaps a six- or seven-inch heel to go with it, say.'

I looked as innocent as I could, locked eyes with him, then licked my lips.

'Do you have six or seven inches you could give me, Colin?'

He blushed. Not too badly though, because I think there wasn't all that much blood to spare right then.

'Well, I ... yes, That is to say, I think I might have what you need, Mistress...'

'Call me Lorna, please! I'm sure "Mistress" has its place, but I find it a bit... not right. Too formal, If we're going to be lovers.'

He gulped again, and turned to rummage in one of the bags he had brought.

'The-the-these...these might be the kind of thing you're...'
I could tell straight away I was going to like them. Black, shiny without being over glossy, and with exactly the kind of lift to the boot I had described. The fit was the only possible sticking point, and I knew exactly how to check that.

'Why, they look perfect, Colin! Have you been looking for a customer for these, you naughty boy?'

He nodded. I smiled. Time to throw him off balance a little.

'And what do they taste like?'

'T-t-taste? I don't know, I...'

'Don't tell me you haven't tasted them, Colin! Something as lovely as this and you haven't been tempted to run your tongue over every part of them?'

He swallowed, and lifted a boot towards his mouth. I had him - hook, line and sinker.

'Colin! Don't be silly!'

I surprised myself a little with the growl in my voice, so it must have been a jolt to him. He looked startled, puzzled and last but not least a little frightened, as if his chance was being taken away from him. I switched to a softer voice.

'Why don't you wait until I've got them on before you do that?'

I made him squat in front of me. I made him take my panties off first, because it would save time later. I put my hand on his shoulder to steady myself, while he eased the unzipped first boot onto my right foot, then wrapped the leather around my leg with one hand, as he gently tugged the zip upwards with the other. I transferred my weight onto the newly-booted leg, then made him fit the other boot. The height of the soles and heels made zipping up the second boot a little different. I suppose I could have made things easier for him by opening my legs slightly, but I didn't. Instead I kept them closed, loving the moment where the hand doing up the zip brushed briefly against my exposed pussy lips. I squeaked a little. I felt him freeze, terrified at first that he had gone too far, but then relieved when he felt the wetness on the back of his hand. I sighed.

'I think it might be nice if you took off your trousers, Colin. Don't you?'

He wasn't going to do a thing to disappoint me, I could tell. He stood quickly, unbuttoned and unzipped, then slid them down. I had to make one quick request, but that was all.

'Ah, if you could take yours sock off but leave your boxers on...?'

His underpants were plain white, of a thin cotton fabric that revealed not only the shape of his erection, but also the colour. I could see a foreskin, stretched by the swelling of his penis, and also a small translucent patch by its head. Precum, I thought. Best not hang about too much!

'Now, about that licking? Let me start by saying I have found in the past that I can get a little chafing, where the top of the boot presses into my thighs. Perhaps you could start there? I can make it a little easier for you, if you like?'

He lay down on the floor. I had to sort out the right place to stand - I'm blaming those heels! - but after a little adjustment I lowered myself onto his face, my knees either side of his ears. It was almost a 69 position, but not quite. I leaned forward, bringing my face close to his groin, but not touching. To his credit, he did start out at least trying to run his tongue along the leather, first one side, then the other. After a couple of minutes I decided to drop him a hint.

'That's nice, Colin, I think you've covered how good a fit the boot tops are now! Can I just say, though, that I'm just thinking how nice it would be to French kiss you. There is just one slight catch...'

I'm such a tease sometimes! In my defence I waited only three seconds before relieving him.

'I want to taste my cum on your tongue when I do.'

Seeing how I had originally thought he was gay, then inexperienced, it turned this young man ate my pussy quite exquisitely! I started out watching the swell of his erection through his boxers, seeing the rise and fall of his flesh as he licked, but the pleasure that built up in me soon distracted me. I hadn't been planning to return the favour, thinking that a dominant woman would concentrate on her own pleasure, but I found my mouth increasingly drawn towards the bulge in his underwear. I resisted at first, but as he took me to my first orgasm, I couldn't resist any more, and planted a red lipstick kiss on his pants on the side of his shaft. A second followed, and then a third, and somewhere along the way I think I lost control for a moment. I closed my eyes and moaned, and when I opened them there was somehow a perfect lipstick ring on the white fabric around the head of his cock, and a wet patch spreading from the top of his erection.
'My God,' I said, once I had got my breath back, 'you certainly know how to sell a pair of boots!'

I hoped he could hear me from between my thigh boots! I climbed reluctantly off his face and turned, bringing my mouth to his for our first kiss.

'Mmm,' I said, 'I can certainly taste myself on that tongue of yours Colin. Well done! Do you like the way you taste?'

'What do you mean?'

'Didn't you just come in my mouth back there?'

He shook his head briefly, and a slow grin spread across his face. I must have looked a bit puzzled.

'No, that was all you. I haven't come. Yet. We're not finished yet.'

He started to get up, so I did the same. He glanced round my spare room, chose a wall, then gently backed me up against it. He got out of his damp boxers in seconds flat, and I felt the hot tip of his rock-hard cock parting my lips, then sliding deep inside.

'Yes, we've still got to make sure that you're comfortable with the seven inches I'm giving you!'

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx

Sunday, April 17th 2022
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Sink or Swim
Hello my friends,

Steve is a guy I first met a long time ago, back when I was in my Charlotte days. I don't know if I've mentioned him before, but for our first get-together we arranged a meeting at his place and though, in theory he had the place to himself it seemed as if the residents of his village were queuing up to come round and knock at his front door. We managed to treat it as something of a joke at the time, and in a way it helped, by giving him some recovery time between each bout of lovemaking. There was even a point where I was under the duvet, half-way down his bed when the latest visitor rang the doorbell and he called out, "I'll be with you in a minute, I'm just coming!"

He wasn't lying, either! He stayed to watch me swallow his load, then went out to put something in a collecting tin or something.

Anyway, for various reasons we lost touch with each other, until one day when he was browsing on a site not a million miles away from this one and quite by accident he found my new profile. He sent me a hurried email, just to make sure it was me, and we exchanged messages. I paid a visit to his place, and this time we managed to get in some uninterrupted sex. Good things come to those who wait.

I've seen him a few times since then, and then almost out of the blue he asked about us visiting a club together. He's been single for almost five years, and kind of making up for lost time. Adventurously he said he liked the idea of visiting a swinging club and asked if I'd mind going with him. What do you think I said?

We went for a light meal and a couple of drinks first. This was my idea, to give him a chance to make sure he was comfortable with the thought of having sex in public. He had never been to anything like this before, and I told him we could always just ditch the club if he wanted and just find somewhere nice and quiet where I could give him a hand job if he didn't feel up to performing in public. But I had also hinted at a special incentive to encourage him to go through with the original plan. So a little nervously we wandered up to the door. I even held his hand, and gave it a little squeeze.

With the formalities out of the way we went inside. It was still quite early so it wasn't all that busy. My boyfriend for the night got himself a lager, but told me it was more so he had something to do with his hands. I whispered to him that he shouldn't drink too much; I had one or two other things in mind that he could do with his hands and besides, I wanted him to be capable of doing something with his cock!

We were in a general room. There were about eight or ten men and women there besides us, many in the gowns that most regular members choose to wear. I was feeling a little flirtatious, and pushed close to him, moulding my boobs to the side of his chest.

'I wonder if you're hard yet?' I whispered, slipping the back of my hand between our bodies as discreetly as I could. I felt stiffness in his groin.

'Oh. I see.'

I put my other hand up to his cheek, turning his head down and towards me. The tongue kiss that came next was natural, inevitable and very arousing. He put an arm around me back and pulled me close, pressing his cock into the side of my body. I thought he was ready, but just teased him into it a little.

'Do you want to? Fuck, I mean. We can do it here in front of these people, if you like. It's like being chucked in the swimming pool when you're a beginner - kind of sink or swim.'

His face was above mine, but even so I tilted my head down and looked up into his eyes. The pressure against my tummy from his erection was all the answer I needed. I led him into the centre of the room, where a low bench was waiting.

I helped him out of his shirt, and let his hands run over my body. They didn't travel far; I could feel the heat of his palms on my tits. I closed my eyes and gave him my mouth. He filled it with tongue. I gasped a little. My fingers teasingly unzipped his fly. I slid my hand inside and pressed it onto his body. It was his turn to gasp, then our tongues met again. I tipped my head on one side to make the kiss deeper, using the time to get his cock out of his pants. When it was out in the open I bent down, giving the place in my mouth that had been full of his tongue to the head of his cock instead. There was heat, hard flesh and a kind of savoury, salty taste in my mouth.

I looked up. He was looking down, quite puppy-like, I thought.

'Don't be getting any ideas about coming in my mouth,' I warned him, 'I have plans for you!'

I pushed him back to the bench, and slid his pants down. When he was naked from the waist down I sat him on the bench, arranging his body along it. I had kept most of my clothes on; I lifted the full skirt I had worn and straddled him. I could see the way the other people in the room gave us space, then formed a loose circle around the two of us. Screens suspended from the ceiling gave front and back views. The screen nearest me showed a front-on view, almost as if I was looking in a mirror. My skirt covered everything from this angle. I found out later that the other screen gave a rear view of events. If I had been watching that screen I would have been able to see the delicate way I positioned the tip of his erection at the entrance to my pussy then held it there, as I moved back the few inches it needed to slide inside.

He realised what was happening, and started to say something beginning with "but...". I shushed him, smiling wickedly.

'There now! Aren't you glad I didn't let you finish in my mouth?'

He grinned with raw pleasure. He started to lift my boobs out of the top of my dress, before treating them something like safety handles, something to hold onto for dear life in case I fell off in mid-fuck. I don't always enjoy getting messed around like this, but tonight it felt perfect, as I rose and fell on his erection. I saw the other TV screen at this point. The coloured lights in the club gave his skin an unusual tinge, making it look as if I was having sex with an extra from Star Trek or something. As I lifted higher at one point, the exposed head of his cock appeared glistening between my lips, a glossy purple colour. I looked down at him. I hadn't yet made him come. Time to put that right. I leaned as close as I could and whispered,

'Since you're now officially a member of my "Special Friends" club, would you like to come in my pussy?'

Sometimes I just know exactly the right thing to say, it seems! His eyes closed, and as I couldn't give him any eye contact, I looked back at the monitor and watched his final few strokes. He lifted his hips and pushed, to get his cock and his come as deep into my body as he could. Sometimes I can feel it when a lover shoots inside me, but this wasn't one of those times. I did see his head and chest go red as he orgasmed though, and somehow it seemed to me that there was more lubrication in there than there had been five seconds before! I saw his head drop back onto the padding of the couch and heard him panting. I had almost made my mind up to do something a little kinky with him before we started to fuck, and the thought of that warm air on my body just down there finally decided the matter.

I climbed off his groin, took a couple of short steps to the end of the bench, then lowered my engorged pussy lips onto his face. I couldn't hear him saying anything, but I felt the way he was a little reluctant at first, then just surrendered and went with the flow. I leaned forward, pressing the mound of my pussy over his nose, and felt his tongue licking me - first side to side, then up and down, and finally as deep into me as he could manage. That did it for me and I came, while his hands held and squeezed my boobs. As the pleasure died away a little I started hearing a rhythmic noise, and realised we were getting enthusiastic applause for our performance. There were broad smiles and a hint of envy on the faces of the two women I glanced at, wishing perhaps that his tongue was in them instead of me!

So that is how we became members at a place we still go to once every few weeks. Sometimes together, but not always - I think our little performance really broke the ice, and made him confident enough to go there alone! But we always get together every now and again, to find out what each of us has been up to!

Have a great Easter Weekend!

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Friday, March 4th 2022
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The Black Widow Mystery
Hello everyone x

I had a strange experience recently!

It started with an email. The sender was using an anonymous account (no clues there!) but something about it made me think it was legitimate, so I didn't just bin it right away. The email had some very precise instructions, and as I read through it I became more and more intrigued. I was given a date, a time, and a venue. Two times and two venues, actually - one a small restaurant in a nearby town, the other a fairly new hotel a few miles out of that same town, not far from the motorway. I knew both, so was happy with that part of things.

The more detailed precise instructions mostly concerned what I was to wear. If I had to sum my specified outfit up in just a couple of words, the words I would use would be "black" and "close-fitting". My blouse was to be black, silky, and tight. I was to wear a black belt, glossy if possible, a black skirt, short if possible, and black underwear. There were to be black, high-heeled shoes, in a shiny patent leather, and - of course! - black stockings: seamed, and clipped to a black suspender belt...all items I had in my wardrobe, as it happened. Someone must have been paying good attention to my photoshoots!

I gave the matter a bit of thought. I had been to the restaurant before and enjoyed my visit, so I decided I could go along for lunch, take a view on whether I fancied my mysterious companion or not, and if I didn't want to go through with the hotel part I could bale out and go shopping instead. I like to think I have a good sixth sense when it comes to potential clients, but just to be on the safe side I texted a couple of my friends to let them know about my plan. With basic precautions taken I filed it away mentally as a booking, much like any other.

It wasn't really a normal booking, though, and thoughts about it came back to me every now and again as the day drew closer. I was fairly sure I would be alright, but there was a little buzz of excitement, of what a dear friend of mine calls "apparent danger". (Shortly before he took me into his custom-made satanic temple and laid me out on the altar for sex, but that's another story!)

I could feel the novelty of the situation getting me in the mood, particularly as the day in question dawned and I got up and began getting ready. When I was dressed I admired myself in my full-length mirror, and as I turned this way and that I was sure I wasn't going to be the only one doing so.

I smoothed the blouse down to try and get rid of any creases that might spoil the look. Of course, this involved putting my hands on my chest and stroking downwards. I caught myself stroking more than once, savouring the feel of hands on my breasts, even if they were just my own. I felt tempted to masturbate, but worried I couldn't trust the traffic not to make me late for my rendezvous. The need to come was still strong as I was about to leave the house, however, and then I had a brainwave. It only took me a moment to go back to my room, find the right little cardboard box in my bedside cabinet, and pop the love eggs inside. The lovely sensations inside me as I set off in my car kept my pussy delightfully stimulated, and I even began to see there could be an upside to all the potholes I drove over along the journey!

I parked up at the restaurant. I had been told there would be a reservation in my name, and found myself being shown to a table set for one. The reservation didn't seem all that necessary - there were only four or five in at the time, all looking like office types minding their own business - but I went with the flow. I had an excellent lunch, enlivened by the thoughts and sensations arising from my love-eggs.

I glanced round the room discreetly as I had my coffee. I was sure my secret lunch date was here in the restaurant with me. It was the physical equivalent of a silent phone call, I decided, which meant in a few minutes' time one of these unknown men would be fucking me. The urge to play with myself got a little stronger and I concentrated on keeping both hands on my coffee cup, when I so wanted to put one between my legs instead. I looked at each in turn, wondering if he would be the one to lay me back on that hotel bed and have me. I was sure that whoever he was, he was going to get a surprise when I came at the feel of his cock inside me. Perhaps the love eggs weren't such a good idea after all!

It was twenty to two and I decided I had better think about making tracks to the hotel. I paid a brief visit to the ladies, then attracted the waiter's attention and called for the bill. He was away for a few moments before returning with a piece of paper. I was expecting a plate with a mint on, but he just said the bill had been taken care of. The note he passed me wasn't a bill, it was a handwritten note. I opened it and read "I hope you enjoyed lunch, Lorna! Have you checked your emails?"

I pulled out my mobile and found a Paypal message a few minutes old. I clicked on it, and saw I had received a payment. There was a message attached - "For lunch. Main course. And afters..."

Someone - one of my fellow diners? - had just paid me, not only for my meal, but an hour of my time!

Intrigued, and by now very horny indeed, I stood and went to leave. The waiter insisted on opening the door for me, leaning over past me to take hold of the handle. I smiled, partly because of his courtesy and partly because he nearly lost his balance when he heard the gentle rasp of one nylon-clad thigh against the other.
I drove up to the hotel. My fears about the traffic were unfounded and I arrived in plenty of time. I had been told that there would be a reservation in my name and once again there was. I was given the key to a room on the third floor. I glanced round reception, looking for anybody from the restaurant. I didn't recognise anyone, even though I had the sensation of being watched. I walked to the lifts then, on impulse, to the staircase door. I had remembered correctly, the staircase here was galvanised metal. I started climbing. I was on the second flight of stairs when I thought I heard a door close below me. I glanced down and saw the figure of a man, but not clearly enough to recognise who it was. He started to come upstairs behind me, but at a slow, steady pace, deliberately (I was sure) to keep him directly beneath me, as he looked up at my legs and skirt. The suspense was getting to me a little - along with the love eggs! - and I decided to be deliberate as well. I deliberately didn't look, to keep the suspense up to the last possible moment.

I let myself in to the room and glanced around. Quite anonymous. I didn't close the door fully. Instead I crossed to the bed, lay down and put one leg up. The skirt rose, as I knew it would, exposing stockings, thighs and the visibly damp gusset of black panties. I had only a few seconds to wait, then there came a gentle knock at the door.
'It's open,' I called, 'Just lock it behind you.'

I heard the door close, then some fiddling with the mechanism, a slight cough, and a figure emerged from that short corridor by the door that so many rooms have. I recognised my lunchtime waiter immediately.

I decided to keep up the "silent call" theme, so after he had a few seconds seeing me ready and very willing indeed by now, I stood up, crossed to where he stood and stripped him. I can do this to a man quite quickly if I want, and by now I wanted quite badly! As soon as I had his trousers and pants down far enough, I knelt in front of him and started to give him oral. I slid his pants down to his ankles, and held them in place while he stepped out of them, his cock as far down my throat as I could manage. I didn't go overboard on the oral though. By now I really needed a fuck.

I pushed him to the bed and he moaned. I thought about sitting on his face, but then remembered how he had held back climbing the stairs, admiring the view. Instead I posed with him, sometimes beside him, sometimes on top, turning this way and that to show him my legs and stockings, all the time asking if he liked how my legs and feet looked. I reached into my blouse, freeing my tits so he could see how hard my nipples were, then thrust them in his face as he began to masturbate. I showed him the seams of my stockings and he wanked himself a little faster, then dangled one shiny black high-heeled shoe from my toe and he got more excited still.

I didn't want him to finish before I did, so I made him roll over, and beat his bottom playfully a few times with the shoe. He groaned, obviously enjoying the sensation, so I had to stop just in case he came. I rolled him over onto his back, gave his cock another suck while gazing lovingly into his eyes, then made him watch while I held my pussy lips open and pulled out the love eggs. I made him kiss and lick each one, then set them to one side. I sat across his crotch, leaned down to french kiss him, then sat up and slowly eased his very hard cock into my very wet pussy.

I hope he loved the sensation of his cock gently parting my lips then slipping into me as much as I did! I think I got the better part of it, mind, as I came more or less immediately, then once again as I rode him, breathing heavily. Could I manage a third orgasm? I put one hand down to hold one of the black shoes where he could see it and the other down to rub myself hard while we fucked. I saw his eyes flicker from my face to my boobs then down to my leg, then I had to give in to the sensations I was feeling. I closed my eyes, put my head back and stuck my tits out. I was longing to feel his hands on me, but somehow he resisted the urge to squeeze them. Partly out of irritation, but mostly because I was getting more of an idea on what he wanted, I sat up, feeling his stiff cock plop out of me.

'Are you going to finish on me?' I said, 'You can come on my body, if you want? Shoot your load on my tits? Or would you prefer my legs...?'

He moaned, so I crouched in front of him, exposing the seam of the black nylon to his erection, placing the swell of my calf right by the tip of his cock. He started to come, in a series of hot splashes, each accompanied by a satisfied groan, that formed a puddle of silvery-grey warmth on the back of my leg.

We had used about fifteen minutes of the hour he had paid for. Even after soaking my leg he was still semi-hard, so I decided he would have a good chance of managing a second course of afters. I lay next to him, partly on top. I reached down between our bodies and slowly stroked the length of his cock, all the while kissing him slowly but passionately. When I judged he was hard enough, I rolled onto my back, and gently encouraged him to get between my open thighs.

'So, tell me...' I said, leaving the question dangling. He guessed the answer he was supposed to provide.


'Martin.' I nodded.

'Pleased to make your, acquaintance, Martin!'

He could probably have guessed that by the way I placed the tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy, then raised my hips to envelop him. I folded my legs round behind him, then pulled him down and deeper inside me. He started thrusting, slowly at first.

'So, Martin. Ah!'

I gave a little gasp. This was actually becoming very enjoyable indeed! As I asked him to explain what on earth the whole secrecy thing was about he got more excited, fucked me faster, and in turn I got more excited. Talk about positive feedback! I'll tell you the gist of the story because putting all the noises in the conversation would interrupt the flow!

I asked him why he couldn't just have booked me without the cloak and dagger stuff. It turned out that he and a friend had been in the pub together one night, discussing their ideal woman for no-strings-attached sex. His friend suggested me, and gave a very detailed description of what he would like me to do to him, if he ever got the chance. It might have just been standard male bravado, but in Martin the suggestion had fallen on fertile ground. He said he always fancied mature women, particularly in stockings. (Judging by the way he was thrusting away there was no doubting that point!)

The only trouble was, he said, that he and his mate would have to wait until payday. Unless, that is, they pooled their resources. Between them they reckoned they could possibly run to a half-hour meeting. They would each put up some cash, then toss a coin. The winner would take all, and then report back afterwards in glorious detail to the loser. The only thing was that it didn't sound all that classy to them.

Then Keith, another of Martin's mates from a separate visit to the pub chipped in with a suggestion. Would they mind if he came in on the arrangement? Martin's mate had another mate who said the same thing, and then another mate came on board...

Realisation came to me even as Martin fucked me to my fourth orgasm of the day.

'You mean everyone in that restaurant was there for a shot at me?'

He nodded. Apparently they had cut cards while I was out at the ladies. Martin already knew he was going to fuck me when he brought me that note.

My outfit was decided by popular choice. Everyone liked the idea of black, the tight-fitting blouse was for the benefit of the boob men, the stockings for the leg men, and the black high-heels were just taken as read!

'And that's all there is to it?'

'Pretty much! If it goes well, we might do it more often. If you're up for that, of course? The only thing is that I'd have to miss out if we do - I'm not allowed to win again too quickly. The idea is that I get taken off the list, to give others more of a chance. Keith said, what with the outfit, you'd be a kind of Black Widow...'

I felt him swelling a little. He was close to coming.

'Hmm. So I have to do away with you after the sex, do I?'

He nodded. I don't think he was thinking too clearly at this point, just rushing to finish! I put my hand down between us, wetting two fingers of my right hand in the juice he was pounding out of me. I lifted it to his face, making a pistol shape from the two fingers, then patting his lips with it. He opened his mouth and I put the "barrel" inside. I decided a little extra something would make it even more intense for him, so I whispered,

'Would you mind squeezing my tits when you come. So I know when to pull the trigger?'

Considering how much spunk he had shot onto my leg just a few minutes before he blew a very impressive load into me, then dropped his head next to mine, panting. I patted him between his shoulders.

'You're reprieved. I decided to fire into the air,' I told him, 'otherwise how else are the rest of the club going to find out what went on?'

He took much longer getting dressed. I did think we might manage a third go, but despite my best efforts on the oral front his cock was still waving a white flag at the end of the hour, and we wound up resigned to heading off our separate ways.

Before he left I gave him a few of the business cards I keep just in case, to pass on to his friends. Looking back at it there's no doubt I had one hell of an afternoon in the end, but I'm not sure I quite liked 'The Club' element of things. But the 'Black Widow' idea I think I could go for!

Would you like to be one of the Black Widow's victims?

Have a great weekend!

Love Lorna Blu xxxx
Tuesday, February 22nd 2022
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Fragrant Fingers
Hello my friends,

It's a lovely outfit, isn't it? If you remember, I wore something similar at our last "quarterly update" meeting.

(It was such a good idea to formalise these meetings, wasn't it? You tell your wife you're working away, book a hire car so nobody drives past and recognises a number plate, while I sort out a nearby hotel room for the day at a nice discount! Then the world sees two smartly-dressed business people sitting down to discuss things over a coffee, before they go off to a private room together to cover more confidential matters.)

So, to get the ball rolling why don't stay in our roleplay for a little time, while I deliver my report? If you go and sit in the chair over there, I'll begin my presentation here, then perhaps move to the bed for the later stages.

Over the last quarter things have picked up a little compared to the same period last year. Doing away with the need to observe strict adherence to social distancing has been the biggest factor here - it is so very difficult to bring things to a satisfactory conclusion maintaining two-metre distancing! - but not completely impossible. In fact, I aim to demonstrate through this presentation some new techniques I have learned in this area.

Appearance can be so useful! For instance, I have already mentioned this outfit. I have made it a rule to take account of the preferences of the client-base. So today, I am wearing what I think of as a very sensible business outfit, with just a hint of slut waiting to be discovered...

I know you are a boob man, so while this outfit is lovely and respectable in many ways, the tailoring does nothing to hide the fact that I have quite magnificent breasts, wouldn't you say? The contrast between the black jacket and the crisp, white blouse naturally draws the eye to a focal point, right where my cleavage would be. You hadn't noticed? I'm not sure I believe you! But just to reinforce the point, why don't I gently rest the spread fingers of my hand on my left breast, briefly squeezing its swell through my jacket.

(Did I see you swallow just then, imagining what that feels like to hold that breast? Don't worry, your turn will come!)

I won't go into too much detail of trading activities since our last update, beyond saying that conditions continue to inspire confidence. Recovery has improved too - there has been a twenty percent increase in the number of clients who have had more than one orgasm in the course of transactions.

(From what I remember our last meeting was a little hurried and perhaps as a result we each came only the once. I am very much looking forward to us improving on that this time round!)

Ah, I see you have left the chair and moved in front of me. You appear to be trying to stare down my top. You naughty boy! Let me give you my special, tantalising look - the one that says, "I know you are staring directly at that lovely valley I have created between my boobs. You will get to see and feel them in due course, but for now you'd better start behaving!"

Well, in return for your naughtiness, I think you should spend a few moments on the floor, contemplating my legs? And while you're down there, perhaps you'd like to take a look at my stockings... I thought black ones would be a little out of character for a serious business woman, but you'll be delighted to know that these natural ones are every bit as delightful to the senses - the sound of nylon rubbing on nylon, the look of the mesh clinging lovingly to my thighs, the delightful texture under your fingertips...or tongue. And, more to the point, I get such a delightfully stimulating sensation from knowing just how much you desire me while I'm wearing them. I can see there's something stirring in your trousers.

Do you know what? I imagine you think you're the one who is most aroused by this scenario, but perhaps it would surprise you to know that you're not! I know that we're going to get on this bed shortly, and do the kinds of things that two consenting adults do when they get the chance to, but I was thinking about you earlier on. When I was getting ready, I imagined how much you would want me. I fantasised about having just this effect on you, and the prospect made me so excited I just had to masturbate. Before I even got in my car to come here, I brought myself off, thinking about the erection I was going to give you. I gave myself such a lovely climax. I used my fingers. Do you want to know the really naughty part?

I didn't wash my hands afterwards.
Here, let me stroke your face a little. Now taste my fingers. I'll gently move them in and out of your warm mouth, as if I was fucking you with them. Do you taste that? That's me. My juice. My flavour.

You'll be able to check for yourself in a moment. Perhaps we should continue this report on the bed!

You can help me undress, I can help you undress. Not too quickly, though. I really enjoy the affectionate foreplay stage, and I want to feel your mouth on my nipples, once I've revealed them to you. Is that nice? It certainly is for me. You can bite, if you like. Not too hard, though! Just enough to feel how firm they can be, when handled expertly and sensitively.

Now, while we're here, let's consider a little more about flavours. You can make sure that the scent on my fingers really is me, and I can perhaps kiss my way down your body, on my way tasting the precum on your cock. While I do I will think back to that last time, when I took you into my oh-so willing mouth and slowly sucked you from soft to hard, from hard to almost bursting, then on to the finale. The part where I wouldn't listen about how close you were to coming, when I just kept on sucking and licking you until you filled my mouth with your hot spunk...

I'll probably masturbate thinking about you again this evening. Only this time it won't be about how good your spunk tasted. This time, because business has been so good for us, I will be thinking about a special, quarterly bonus. Let me lie face-down here, across the bed and lift my bottom up for you. Let me put my hands back there, and hold my buttocks apart. Let me stay like that for a moment, while you think to yourself that she can't really mean that, can she? So let me conclude my presentation by saying that she can mean that. And she does.

Your special bonus is to shoot that next load where I can't taste it

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx

Sunday, February 13th 2022
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The Italian Valentine surprise
Hello my friends,

Valentine's Day can be cruel sometimes.

I don't mean counting what has popped through the letterbox (or perhaps worse, what has not!), I mean the way that ordinary setbacks can appear more significant. Before all the tiers and lockdown business really took hold last year, I had a "near" Valentine's date booked. I'm calling it near because it wasn't actually on the night itself. My date was busy on that night having a romantic dinner with his wife. Which was fine by me, of course. My romantic date with him was due to be the night before, and although I do enjoy the affectionate angle that goes with Cupid's and arrows, my mind was less bothered about that side of things and more about earthier matters. To be frank, it had been a little too long since my last liaison, and I was keen to get him into bed and milked dry.

(Sorry, that isn't always the level my mind works on, but on this occasion I really was looking forward to a nice leisurely fuck!)

Anyway, just as I was going into the Italian place we had chosen for the evening, a rather hurried text came through. His "working away" alibi had been blown out of the water because his wife had been taken ill and had asked him to come home and look after her. Talk about Thursday the Thirteenth!

I couldn't blame the guy for complying. To begin with, there was the caution angle, and though there was no reason for her to be suspicious, I thought, perhaps there would be if he insisted on not going back. He would also pick up brownie points by the bucketload, of course, something that might come in handy later on. But that didn't help me as I stood waiting to be seated, carrying a cucumber. I don't know whether it was because I was alone, the way I looked a little sad, or the fact that I had an unexplained cucumber, but the middle aged chap on the desk seemed to understand that I didn't want to be near too many people just then.

'I have just the place for you,' he said, with only a hint of double meaning.

He led me a few feet along a rather dark corridor, through an opening that looked like it went into the building next door, then to an annex room. It was finished exactly the same as the rest of the dining area, but it somehow felt deliciously intimate. He placed two candles on the table and lit them, dimmed the ceiling lights, then drew back a chair for me to sit. He vanished for a few seconds while I looked round the room, then appeared carrying the cloths and cutlery for my place setting.

'Just the one setting, for now?'

His voice conveyed a sense of concern. I didn't have to feign disappointment, so I nodded, a little glumly. Then I found myself saying,

'Yes. Unless you'd like to...?'

His smile appeared genuine.

'I think tonight I shall be too busy. Which is a shame. If only I had known! Perhaps another time?'

With that he was gone, leaving me wondering if I just had been propositioned or not. There was a hint of Italian accent about his voice, but it sounded to me as if he certainly knew English well enough to be every bit as subtle as he wanted to be. In about a minute he reappeared, carrying a jug of water and a bottle of the house white. He put both on the table.

'The water I charge twenty pence for, since we have had the meter fitted. The wine is on the house, though.'

'That is kind of you! I'm not sure I can manage a full bottle by myself, though.'

He beamed, apparently producing a second glass out of thin air.

'I was hoping you might say that.'

He poured us both generous amounts, then left a menu.

'I must do a tour of my territory. I will be back to take your order soon.'

It took him a few moments to return. I wondered if he was the only one working that night, but as he came back I saw him chatting to a younger waiter in the passage to the main room. He jotted down what I had gone for, then took a sip from his glass.

'Busy night?' I said, for conversation really.

'Fairly busy. But the youngsters are good - I have them well trained! They will cope. Which leaves me free to be master of my own little domain here.'

He stood up, and assumed a magisterial look, announcing

'I will put your order into the kitchen. And then I have an important question for you.'

He waited a few seconds, then leaned towards me.

'Why exactly would such a beautiful woman bring a cucumber to dinner with her?'

He looked at me with a seriously furrowed brow, then gave a broad grin and vanished. Again there was that sense of somehow playing with me. I wasn't expecting it really, but it wasn't unwelcome!

There was a short wait for my starter, and I used the time looking around me and thinking about where I was. The room was nice and cosy, and whether it was the house wine or the attentions of the manager, I had rediscovered my romantic frame of mind. I decided I quite liked the circling around we seemed to be going through, and I found myself wondering how far I was prepared to let things go. The urges I had been trying not to think about had started making their presence felt once more!

He came back to clear away the my empty starter dish, then returned carrying my main course. He set it down for me.

' Parmigiano?'


He dusted my meal with cheese shavings from a small bowl. I waited a second, looking up at him. He seemed puzzled, so I said,

'Isn't this the part where you ask me if I want black pepper, then try to impress me with your huge pepper mill?'

Ah, yes, of course! I was distracted by your great beauty. One moment.'

He returned with something that would hardly have looked out of place on my dining table at home. I pretended to be a little disappointed. He in turn pretended to take offence.

'If you want a bigger pepper mill, I could ask one of the boys to come over? They are always eager to show off their grinders. But I think perhaps you are wise and sophisticated enough not to judge only by appearances. Mine may not be the biggest mill, but I surely know how to grind with it.'

By now we were both grinning foolishly. If I had needed any seducing at all before, I didn't now. He sat opposite me and grazed on breadsticks as I ate my meal. Which, perhaps unsurprisingly, was delicious.

'You still haven't told me about the cucumber.'

'It was to go in some cocktails,' I said, 'after dinner.'

'Cocktails,' he said, nodding slowly. 'For two?' I nodded back. The questions started coming thick and fast, as if in a game of ping-pong.

'Fiance? Husband?'

'Uh-uh.' I shook my head and waved a ringless left hand.


'Sort of.'

'Sort of? Ex-husband?'


'Someone else's ex-husband?'

'No. No. Not ye...'


'Someone else's not ex-husband. I see...'

There was a very significant pause, where I tried to work out if I had just said something dreadfully wrong. He was choosing his words carefully. He looked me coolly in the eye.

'That is very interesting! Are there any other not your own not ex-husbands in your life?'

'Might be.'


He pursed his lips and nodded slowly. Non-committal, and yet horny as hell. He knew what he meant, I knew what he meant, and the way I was feeling at that moment I would have let him take me over the table there and then. But it all had to play out with dignity. At least at first. I strained to hear his next words.

'Room for any more?'

'Might be.'

He saw me smile and his face relaxed. He used the same line he had done when he was laying the table.

'Mmm. Perhaps another time...'

'Or perhaps not another time. What's wrong with now?'

I couldn't believe what those damn urges had got me saying! He looked from side to side. I saw in front of me a man struggling with his sense of duty, the second one this evening. I was damned if I was going to miss out twice! I looked along the dark passageway, and saw a plain white door.

'What's through there?'

'It's just an exit door. It goes into an alley between the two buildings.'

I nodded. The night had been fresh when I came in, but not too cold.

'Not overlooked?'

'Only from the far end. But not in this light.'


He looked again towards the bar.

'Well, you've said yourself you've got them well-trained. They won't miss you for a few minutes.'

I stood. He took half a step. I couldn't believe I was having to talk him into this.

'Look, you've served me a lovely dinner, you've cheered me up no end, I have had a much better time with you tonight than some men I have dated. If you like you can buy me flowers another time. Right now there's something else that I want us to do. Is that OK?'

He nodded. I pushed the door open. He followed me. He wedged a table mat under the door fastener, so we could get back in afterwards, then we fell on each other, hungrily. Our tongues fought for territory in each other's mouths, our hands held and stroked and squeezed. I undid his trousers, then bent nearly double to get him into my mouth. His hands worked around my neckline, stroking, squeezing, pulling my boobs free. I felt the chill on them, then the warmth of his hands as he pushed me back against the wall. My panties were suddenly down on the floor - I really don't remember which of us did that - and his trousers were unbuckled and round his knees. He shuffled up to me, pressed close. I felt the brickwork on my arse, cold and slightly damp, then he entered me and began moving quickly. No time for finesse, just raw, utterly unromantic passion. I doubt he lasted no longer than a couple of minutes and yet I still managed to come first, the lovely sensations of my orgasm spreading through me as his climax came and he unloaded into me. I felt his head drop onto my shoulder.

'Fuck,' I whispered, 'I needed that.' I heard the exhaled breath of a voiceless laugh agreeing with me.

We dressed quickly, then crept back into the restaurant. If anybody had noticed there was no sign. He fetched my coat. There was no mention of a bill by either of us. We exchanged business cards as if nothing had happened.

'I really like what you have here, you know?' I said, 'I mean this place, that little annex room. It has given me an idea for a project I have had in mind for a while now. Would you be interested in a little business arrangement, perhaps? Something regular?' He nodded, his lips pressed together into that same serious, dignified expression, then the grin broke through again.

'Sounds good. And am I right in thinking we have agreed on a method of payment?'

I nodded.

'I think so. Don't you?'

He checked the room for witnesses before kissing me. We hugged and he chuckled a little in my ear.

'Well, OK then. Only please don't say you made me an offer I couldn't refuse!'

Hope you have a Valentine experience as much fun as mine was

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Thursday, January 6th 2022
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Desperate Urgent Sex
Hello Friends,

I hope you have all made it through the Christmas and New Year period successfully! I found during this year's celebration that things weren't quite as relaxed as I had planned, though it turned out for the best in the end. Meeting up with friends and relatives seemed to be more of a full-time job than I remembered from previous years, and with one thing and another I found some of my basic needs didn't get attended to. You know the old saying, "when you've got to go, you've got to go"? Well, I found myself in a state which is almost as pressing. Except that mine was completely opposite.

When you've got to cum you've got to cum!

What with Christmas shopping and Christmas get-togethers I found myself one day with what you could politely call an itch I couldn't scratch. I was due to have another get-together with relatives in the afternoon, but I woke up that morning in urgent need of some action. I tried to get it out of my system by myself, but there are some times that you just need the attentions of someone else to really hit the (G) spot. Fortunately, I had a solution - Dan!

I heard a really bad joke once. A guy goes to a fancy dress party wearing nothing except a red wooden box with a glass front over his tackle. Intrigued by his outfit, a woman sidles up to him and asks who or what he is.

'I'm the Fire Brigade, Miss,' he says.

'The Fire Brigade?'

He points at the wooden box.

'Yes, in case of emergency break the glass, reach in and grab hold of the alarm and I'll come as quickly as I can!'

I decided not to tell Dan this joke when I called him, thinking I could drop hints to him that I could really use some male company. I wouldn't say he was suspicious, but he did seem a bit puzzled by my request, in case it sounded a little too good to be true.

'So what's in it for me?' he asked, half-seriously.

'It's more like what's in it for me,' I said, 'Your cock!'

I let him think about for a moment, then decided to put my cards on the table.

'I'm sorry, I know you're busy, but I know you're not that far away, and between you and me I really need to be fucked! As soon as possible.'

'I'll be right over!'

I don't know how he got without picking up any speeding tickets that day, but it was only a matter of moments later that he was at my place and we were wrapping our arms around each other. I let him make a start on undressing me, while I reached up and pulled his head close for a no-holds-barred French kiss that would have left in no doubt I had been telling the truth! I slipped his jacket off while he unbuttoned my blouse to expose my tits, then thrust his hand inside my leather skirt and began to finger me.

If he was wondering how ready for him I was, the wetness on his fingers would soon have told him. We rushed to lose our clothes, my skirt and his trousers soon to be found on the floor. In a way that was good, because it gave me something comfortable under my legs when I knelt down to give him a blow job.

I really didn't need to do it, his lovely shaven cock was already stiff when I took it between my lips, but I didn't want to pass up the flavour of his hot flesh if I could help it. He felt warm in my mouth and tasted clean, with two little tangs that suggested he had had a pee not very long before, but given himself a rinse with soap and water afterwards, which was thoughtful!

Now seemed as good a time as any to lose my blouse, and I gave him another quick suck to make sure he stayed nice and hard. As I stood up his fingers were already working skilfully to get rid of my bra, but when I turned around so he was facing my back, the fondling I was expecting never happened. He concentrated instead on putting the tip of his cock between my legs, then pushing his length home in one quick movement.

He put his hand on my hips and started to fuck me. Even though this was exactly what I had wanted, I was a little surprised at his urgency. But delighted all the same! I might have looked a little silly as my mouth gaped open, but I was loving the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. After the first couple of minutes - just enough to take the edge off my desire! - we settled down to a less frantic pace in a slightly more comfortable position, with him lying on his back and me straddling his hips, riding him in cowgirl for all I was worth.

I had a little climax, which took a little more off the edge of my urge for sex but made his all the keener. To give myself a little break from the action I went back to fellating him, his hot cock given a new taste where he had been marinating in Lorna secretions! The taste of my juices reminded me that I must get round to tasting some more women in the New Year - well, it's a better resolution than most, and one that I have a chance of sticking to!

'I've always liked the idea of a nice fireside fuck,' said Dan, and even though the fire in question wasn't made up of real crackling coals, the way the yellow light shone on our bodies made me realise it was a lovely way to pass the time! We resumed our cowgirl canoodlings: I reached between my legs to guide his cock inside me, and he reciprocated by taking hold of my boobs and giving them a tender but thorough mauling, rubbing his thumbs over my nipples to bring them up nice and hard, then squeezing my tits as I bounced on his body.

I picked up the pace and came again, this time much deeper and longer than before. Dan held back though, waiting to make sure I enjoyed my orgasms - another thoughtful touch! I was feeling much more relaxed after his attentions, but it wasn't going to be fair if he missed out.

'You haven't cum yet, Dan,' I said (I think he might have noticed that already!), 'We'll have to do something about that...some doggy?'

Something indeed saw me bent over in front of the lovely fire, while he fucked me from behind. He moved more urgently, now that he knew my needs were taken care of. I heard and felt the fast slaps as his crotch slammed into my arse, getting me wetter and more turned on than I expected...

'Ah, yes! Come for me, yes!'

Be careful what you wish for, Lorna! I originally had in mind that I'd take his load on my face and tits, but I think lust got the better of both of us and instead he pumped his hot creamy spunk up into my pussy, in spurts that I could feel going home. I stood up, and decided that even though it might be leaking out onto my thighs, at least it meant I wouldn't have to wash my hair clean of cum before meeting my aunt!

You can see this story played out in my recent video (Desperate, Urgent Sex)

Hugs and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Thursday, December 30th 2021
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Hello my Friends,

Sometimes you just can't resist temptation, can you?

I'm speaking generally there, but there is someone in particular I have in mind. Someone who sometimes does things with a bit less forethought and planning than he should, just because he's tempted to.

You do, though, Richard, don't you? Oh, I don't mean the casual generosity, the way you put as much effort into the "dinner" as the "date" when we have our leisurely evening meets, or the bottles of fizz you so often turn up with to get us into a romantic frame of mind.

No, I mean tempting fate like the way you sometimes go for a run on paths covered with wet autumn leaves. Or more pertinently, the time you overdid your weight-training in the gym, then wound up with something like that bloody pulled back muscle, and you had to cancel that appointment I was really looking forward to!

Lucky for you, Richard, that I sometimes find it difficult to resist temptation myself. And, I hope, lucky for all the other readers, who aren't Richard. So take a moment to put yourself in his place, while I slip into something less comfortable. For you, Richard...

I wouldn't call myself a switch as such, but although most of the time it's that soft, very feminine side of me that you'll see in my photosets, every now and again I like to ring the changes. It's amazing how a pair of very black, very shiny thigh-high boots puts me in a more dominant frame of mind. With my legs in glossy PVC, it's natural that I'd be inclined to pull those lovely long opera gloves on, up put my elbows. A black PVC bra completes the outfit, perhaps, something with enough of a cup to emphasise the swell of my breasts, dark and tight fitting underneath, and enough of a cut to them that the tanned flesh and the dark flesh of those firm, broad nipples is almost visible over the top of the cup. Well now, that's my outfit described! How should I describe Richard? Or, as I am thinking of him right now, my prey?

If you'd wanted me not to take advantage of you, you wouldn't have rung me up, describing how you'd managed to do yourself such a mischief. You wouldn't have told me how you didn't feel you would be up to a meeting, even though there was no serious damage, and you'd be having bed rest and physio sessions to get you back into the swing of things.

The one thing you really wouldn't do, though, would have been to let me know, every time we've gone back to your place to make love, just where you keep your spare house key. Because if you hadn't done all of those things, you wouldn't have slowly woken to the sound of someone in your house. Someone who seemed to know her way around, slowly making her way towards the bedroom, to sit beside you on the bed, every movement of her PVC-clad arms and legs making a delicious creak, as she took hold of your hand...

How would it feel, do you think, to be roused from sleep with the index finger of one of my gloved hands resting against your lips, while the other holds and steers your hand, pressing it into my naked crotch? To realize as you become completely awake, that I am using your hand as a sex toy, masturbating with myself your fingers? Nice?

The room is dark. I lean across you, at right angles. Your mouth and mine together make a plus sign, for a moment. You probably wonder why your lips feel wet, then realise that not all the saliva in your mouth is yours. I hope you like it; it took me ages to collect enough to make it a truly wet kiss. Now to make it a truly dirty kiss - two tongues in your mouth, one determined to touch each and every tooth.

'Hello, Richard,' I say, 'I hope you don't mind me being a little cheeky, but after you called me to say you didn't think you'd be able to fuck me tonight, I got a little curious.'

There's another, deep, wet kiss at this point. You're a little relieved that you know the woman who is tongue-kissing you so deeply, the woman whose full breast is pushing into your naked chest, the woman whose pussy you are fingering to delightful wetness.

'Yes, I was curious,' I say, 'curious to see what it might be like for me to be in charge of fucking you, for a change, to order you about a little, to do the taking. While you just lie there and let yourself be taken. What do you think?'

I know you have had a hankering to be made powerless. You've sometimes told me you wanted me to tie you up. Tightly. To make you powerless to resist. Then to have you, the way I want to. We've discussed this in the past; tonight it is going to happen. To you. That's why I have brought the ropes.

I know you have that little bench. We've had sex on it before, do you remember? I do, even though it was quite a while back! I wore that lovely big dress. You came in my pussy, then afterwards I sat on your face.

Yes, that time. I see you've remembered it now! Do you remember all the other times as well, I wonder? There was that time you came on my dainty little naked feet. The time you were banging away in missionary, and I made you pull out, take that condom off, then pumped what felt like pints of hot cum over my belly. The time I pulled you off by hand, wiping the tip of your cock over my stiff nipples as you shot your warm goo onto each breast. Last but not least there was the time we were doing that office roleplay game, when you had me bent over doing desktop doggy, and you pulled out of me and shot ropes of your hot cum along my back and on my bum. I've lost count of the times I've had my lips clamped around your cock when you came, the number of salty, spermy mouthfuls I have swallowed from you.

Ah, so many places where you have ejaculated with me, onto and into my body! I was thinking that maybe this time round you'd even find out what it was like to come inside my bum, but that was before your accident, of course. Before you got yourself into a situation where over-energetic sex could set back your recovery time. So I'll have to think of something else, for my surprise visit.

I'll put you on the bench. I'll tie your ankles, one to each leg. I don't have any very short pieces, so there will need to be lots of loops. I hope that doesn't bother you? There will be enough rope to tie you down at your chest, loops that go underneath the bench, then up and over your chest.

I think I'll leave your hands free, because I am quite enjoying the things they are doing to my body. I might even stop a while, leaving you to stroke, to fondle, to feel. One hand cupping and kneading a breast, the other stroking and fingering me, getting me hotter and wetter. I think I'll let you do that, just long enough to give me that climax I know you want me to have, my head thrown back, my tongue running slowly around my lips as I come. I know you like seeing me orgasm, so I let you watch.

Now it's your turn.

I make you put your hands together, then tie them. I watch your cock twitching, growing harder as I wind each loop of rope around your wrists. I finish with a bow know; it's close enough to your fingertips that you could easily undo it if you wanted to. Somehow I don't think you will, though.

It has been too many minutes since our last French kiss, I think. I like kissing you from on top, forcing my tongue between your lips as you pretend you don't want me to. I pull back, and make you lick the palm of my gloved hand. The one I'm just about to masturbate you with. I know you love the tactile sensation of that shiny material under your tongue. Almost as much as what I do next, leaning across you, almost smothering you with my breasts, feeling you suck in air through your nose while your mouth and lips work to lubricate my cleavage.

I know we have sometimes done this a little, but tonight we're going to do this longer. A proper titfuck, where your length is squashed between my breasts and the rise and fall of my body over yours will bring you off. I lift my boobs up over the edge of the bra, so you can see just how hard my nipples are. I let you put your restrained hands on my body, then press my breasts together, enveloping your cock in warm female flesh. Then I start to move, up and down, up and down.

I know you like the thought of looking into my eyes when I come, even though it's not always possible.

Up and down, up and down...

Tonight you'll find out how difficult it can be to keep your eyes open when you orgasm. I gaze into yours.

Up and down, up and down....

I can see you starting to make involuntary movements, breathe a little more deeply. You're close!

Up and down, up and down...

I hold out my hands to your mouth, one at a time. You understand at once, and kiss them. Then I put them together, almost as if I'm praying. I cup my fingers, making a little space between my hands. I use the PVC forearms of my long gloves to push my breasts together, keeping the pressure of my boobs around the length of your shaft. I drop my hands a little, and the head of your cock is between my hands.

Up and down, up and down...

You draw another deep breath. I have to give you credit. You keep your eyes open for longer than I thought you would be able to, gazing into mine as you answer my prayer.

I return the favour, looking into your eyes, as I unclasp my hands and show you the sticky, spermy mess you have left on my opera gloves. Your eyes flicker to see just how much cum there is - a lot! - then back onto mine, meeting my gaze as I carefully lick each glove clean of your juice.

I toy with the idea of leaving you tied up, but I'm not really that mean. I release all the ropes, leaving you naked and spent on your bench. Another French kiss before I go (I do like the way you're happy to put your tongue in my mouth, even when you know I have just swallowed your load!) then I gather up my things and go.

Before I do there is just enough time to ask when you will be up to something more energetic. You tell me two or three weeks. I give you another kiss, then whisper in your ear that would mean we could be fucking each other by Christmas. I pause at the bedroom door, and looking back over my shoulder I leave you with a tease.

'Not many places left for you to cum,' I say.

Wiggling my bottom

Love and kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Thursday, December 23rd 2021
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Christmas Shenanigans
Hello friends!

Well, we're on the run-in to Christmas! Party season and party-goers seem to be in two minds though, with a new virus variant infecting people like never before and advice saying we should be OK to frolic despite that. This time last year I posted some security camera footage of me going back to a company where I once worked and finding myself searching out a nice, empty office so I could give an old friend a very special Christmas blow job. Just my luck that a senior manager caught sight of me on the monitors, and insisted on taking me to one side at the end of the evening for a personal rebuke. Then again, seeing as I didn't actually work for her any more, and the personal rebuke took place in her hotel bed, I suppose it could have been worse!

I'm still thinking over an offer to go to this year's party and see her again. I think she has a threesome in mind as a Christmas treat for her boyfriend. I quite like audiences, and I'm very keen on couples, but I'd much rather go down ON something than WITH something, so I'm not sure!

One place where (fairly) safe sex is guaranteed is in the past, so I'm going to tell you here about another Christmas party from a few years back, when I had a job in Bradford. I won't go into too much detail is they are fairly well known, so I'll just say one of the things they did was to make and despatch clothing to some popular High Street outlets.

This was a slightly odd party because there was a batch of items - brightly-coloured T-shirts, mostly - that had been messed up. There were various things wrong with them, as I remember it. The stitching was a bit haphazard on some items, and the size labels weren't always reliable, so the end result was you'd get a T-shirt that you might have thought was your size, only to find it was either much too loose or much too tight, with the added feature that it could fall apart if you breathed too deeply. Not much good for the High Street, but perfect for wearing to a high-spirited Christmas bash where the staff were keen to let their hair down - and more besides!

The party had been going for a little while. The meal was pleasant but basic and quickly disposed of, allowing us to move on to the main event - the disco. There was a bar - well, a table full of bottles - and a punch bowl, where the pieces of fruit bobbling on top of a deep red liquid gave little clue as to how much strong alcohol was in it. I know for a fact that there was one bottle of vodka in it, because I put it there myself. I'm sure I wouldn't have been the only one to have had that idea!

So, everyone had had a couple of glasses of the punch, and the novel party game of "try on the reject T-shirts", which was something we had discussed while we were eating our turkey, took a step closer when Hatim came into the room carrying a large cardboard box. Hatim was quite a figure, a well-built Asian guy who had an air of easy, natural authority. There was something about him that made me want to impress him - a bit like the effect Imran Khan had on women who found him the only thing about cricket they could enjoy! I thought I might stand a chance of livening up the party for the both of us by getting off with him. My attempts at flirting with him during the meal got something of a setback though, as when I was trying to make eye contact with him my spoon slipped eating the Christmas pudding and I dropped some brandy butter on my trousers. I saw him chuckle and look away. Perhaps my disappointment was why I might have had a little too much punch at the disco!

Anyway, the big box came in. Hatim stood next to it and asked me and a pretty Asian girl called Renaya to open it and distribute T-shirts to people. The idea was that everybody was to get a shirt at random, because the size labels were all mixed up there was nothing to be gained by looking for a shirt to fit. Renaya was supposed to hand them out to the women and it was my job to do the same for the men. I intended to give the last one to Hatim and maybe exchange a word or two with him, but Renaya beat me to him. There was nothing for it, I would just have to wear the last one myself.

The next step was to put the shirt on. Most just pulled it over their clothes, but I saw Renaya doing that and decided I could maybe give myself something of an advantage, so I took off the loose top I had on. I didn't hang about, but I made sure that both Hatim and the room in general got a pretty good idea that I wasn't wearing much underneath!

As luck would have it the shirt I wound up in was quite a good fit. A deep red colour, it clung to my body the way one or two of the guys wanted to when they saw it! Renaya, a fairly slender girl, looked slightly bulgy with her clothes on under the shirt, I thought, but at least she had preserved her modesty.

With all the shirts on the music started. It didn't take long for one or two people to start having problems with their seams. I was dancing quite carefully, not trusting the shirt to hold up under full-on Lorna Blu boob bouncing!

After a few moments I saw Hatim looking at me, then tipping his head back in a kind of jerking motion. I took it to be a beckoning sign, so I subtly danced over to be beside him, just in case it was.

'Lorna,' he said, 'I think the seam on your shirt may be about to split. Why don't we go to the store room and see if it needs a little repair?'

I suspected this was an excuse to get me alone. Actually, when I say "suspected", I really mean "hoped"! We crept away carefully, and let ourselves into the dark room, closing the door behind us. I heard a slight tearing sound as I lifted my arms and put them round his neck.
'Oops!' I said.

'I think I see where the seams have gone,' he replied, ' then completely ignored the shirt and put his big hands on my boobs. In return I pushed close to him and put my hand on his crotch. As a rule I tend to kiss a guy before I grab hold of his genitals, but I thought we might not be alone for long. I took hold of his nice fat erection, then put my face in front of his and waited for his tongue. He kissed me deeply, passionately, but not too forcefully, just assuming that my sluttish mouth was only there for his tongue to do as it wanted. He was a good judge of character!

I remembered that I had "a regular visitor" due any time, so when he came up for air I whispered in his ear,

"we can't fuck tonight, Hatim, but we can still do something."

I knelt down in front of him, and unzipped him. It was easy to find a cock that big, not quite as easy to get it out, but in the end I managed, and took the end into my mouth. He put his hands on my head, stroking my blonde hair as it fell around my face as I moved to and fro, sucking him. I felt a hand reaching down to lift my shirt and thought nothing of it, then realised there were still two hands on my head. I looked up and saw Renaya crouching there. She pulled my shirt up, exposing my breasts, giving them a little grope in passing, then stood and kissed him passionately while I sucked him off. His eyes were closing and his head went back. I heard her whisper something to him that I thought at first was in Punjabi of something, then realised she had said "but not on the first time?" or something like that. Then she pushed me back a little, just enough to release his cock from my mouth. She took hold of it and began to wank him, french kissing him once more as she did.

I had never experienced this kind of threesome. I sat back on my heels and waited for what I saw Renaya had wanted to happen - he came off in her hand, and she steered his cock as he did, directing the hot spunk onto my bare breasts.

It wasn't quite the end to the evening that I had expected! They were very much into each other, I could tell, so I pulled my top back on and left them to it, returning to the disco. When they hadn't showed up after a few minutes I went back to the store room. I could hear the sound of sex through the door. I went back to the disco, but it seemed that not only was I not into any of the other guys there, they didn't seem to be into me either, which puzzled me.

I stayed for a while longer, then decided to head off home. I went into the ladies to put my other top back on, and realised that I had a speckled pattern across both my boobs and down onto my tummy. I realised at once that Hatim's semen had soaked through the T-shirt, giving everyone a good idea of what I had been up to with the manager. I think perhaps they thought they didn't want to risk their jobs by trying to get off with the boss's "bit on the side"!

I didn't relish a walk of shame with spunky tits (though I probably would be up for it these days!) so I pulled my own top over the top and walked out with as much dignity as I could muster. Hatim and Renaya wound up getting married, and I didn't work there for long after Christmas, But when I saw this red T-shirt with icing all over where my own Christmas puddings are, I couldn't resist it. I hope you like it too!

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

Love and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx
Saturday, December 11th 2021
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A Young Girl’s Fantasy
Hello Everyone,

You probably know I have spent a fair bit of time in my line of work, and you can probably imagine that some of the men I meet in my line of work are curious when they meet me, curious to know more about me. Among the questions that crop up from time to time is what is the most outrageous, or most extreme kind of sexual encounter I have had. Sometimes the question is posed as the most memorable or the best sexual encounter I have had, perhaps with the expectation that most extreme and best go together. It isn't always that way! Quite recently Annabelle and I had a double delight session with a guy who was perhaps the most sexually "up for it" person I have ever met. There is no way we are likely to forget our time with him in a hurry! But although that experience will certainly live on in my memory there have been other meetings, some far less energetic, which I still carry with me, and sometimes provide the basis for those times when I have a bedroom to myself and the urge to relive some of my favourite experiences.

One of them was Bill. (Not his real name!) He was a few years younger than me, booked me for a dinner-date evening, and right from the start I could tell he felt a little nervous. I whispered across the dinner table at the very start of our meal that he shouldn't worry, that we would take things as they came, and that whatever we were doing, if he wasn't happy with the way events were heading, we would stop.

I'm probably running the risk of making it sound a bad evening, because even the conversation as we ate our meal was a little awkward, as if he was dreading the thought of what might happen. The strange thing is, it really wasn't like that. I found myself attracted to him - his hands and eyes, mainly - and I felt sure that though there was a painful shyness about him on the surface, concentrating on that would mean I wouldn't get to see the whole picture.

The meal was lovely and afterwards we chatted a little off-handedly over two cups of coffee, but each time I tried a little flirtation or to give him some encouragement it didn't really seem to work. I had no sense of his anticipation building as we got closer to the main event. When he paid the bill, I leaned towards him and asked,

'So, would you still like me to go back to your room with you?'

He looked uneasy and nervous as if I was putting him on the spot in some way. I felt his reluctance and decided to offer him a way out.

'Or would you rather I just left now? I can do that if you prefer.'

He hesitated again. He really seemed incapable of making that decision. So I made it for him. I stood up, smiled at him. He still looked confused, wondering if he should feel upset about my walking out. He was working up to saying goodnight, I thought, so I decided to make my intentions clear to him. In the nicest possible way I could, of course!

'Room 321, isn't it? Shall we go?'

He was still a little awkward as we got to the room. I kicked my shoes off and suggested he do the same. Then I got into bed, fully dressed, and held the covers up for him to join me. The room had one of those bedside switches that turns out the main room lights. I flicked it, and left us in near darkness, with a yellowish streetlight glow on the ceiling, not quite enough to see each other's faces. I slipped my arms around him, pulling him towards me. I started talking.

'I hope you don't mind me doing this! It's quite an odd thing, but to me it gives a special kind of intimacy. It's not really overly sexual, is it? I mean, the two of us are in bed together, but it's not really an in bed together in a way that has to go anywhere in particular.'

He still felt tense in my arms. I relaxed, so I wasn't hugging him quite so close, and let my head drop to the pillow. We were side by side. If the street light had been any brighter he would be looking straight into my eyes now. Part of me wished I could see his eyes. Over dinner, I thought they looked kind. I had enjoyed the way his hands held his knife and fork as well. I realised I wanted to see more of his fingers. Feel them, too. I went on.

'You don't have to say anything to me, but you can if you want. You don't have to do anything to me, but you can if you want. At the moment, all I want us to do is enjoy each other, just like this - closeness, intimacy. But just savour that sensation.'

I felt the tenseness leave him - just a little! - and continued.

'I really like this sensation. In a way I don't get enough of it. There's a state of mind I sometimes get when I'm with a man, a feeling of great closeness. As if everything is right with the world, and any change would make it a little worse, you know?'
His head relaxed a little more, dropping to the pillow. I heard his hair move against the cotton pillowcase. It really was a quiet room. I knew even whispering he would hear every faint noise I made. I could hear his breathing; I was sure he could hear mine. I was conscious that I was breathing a little more quickly. I've never been fishing, but I imagine those who do will know what I was feeling; the knowledge that I had to do what I was doing very carefully, very gently - completely without rushing. That meant not asking questions I longed to know the answers to, answers that could make our time together better. I wanted to know things like how experienced he was, did he want me to be more upfront, whether I was taking his virginity. I knew I would regret asking upfront. So I decided to talk instead.

'I first felt like this many years ago, you know? I was staying my cousin on a family visit. She was a little older than me. She had this boyfriend who dropped by one day. With my mum and dad chatting to her mum and dad, we were left to our own devices. Listening to music in her room. It was all quite innocent. Well, I mean it didn't turn into an orgy or anything. Not exactly.'

I thought back to that afternoon.

'I think it must have been autumn because it wasn't brilliant sunshine or anything. She had this old wicker chair in her room facing the bed. I was in the chair, they were sitting side by side. I can't remember the music. I couldn't even tell you if it was a cassette tape she had made up or a disk. I do remember it was quite a small room, with a narrow bed, pushed up to the wall on one side. He had his back to the wall, we were chatting about bands we would like to see, I think.'

I chose this moment to take one of my hands from round his body, and gently touch his hair, brushing it from his face.

'It all went quiet for a moment, and then Kay just said "I'm sleepy!" She had been sitting facing me, next to her boyfriend. But then she moved in front of him, so the three of us were in a kind of line, with her in the middle. She kind of wriggled between his knees, then lay back. She closed her eyes and just lay there, with her head dropped to one side. Nothing happened for a few seconds; the room went really quiet. Then she smiled, and moved just a little. I remembered swallowing, then watching, probably staring actually as I realised what was happening. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, he brought his arms up, put them over her shoulders, and let his hands come to rest on her body. It took me a moment to realise his hands were on her breasts. He hadn't asked if he could, she hadn't asked him to do it, but I just watched as my cousin dozed in front of him, and let him hold her boobs. No; not hold. Feel. I could see his fingers moving. I looked at her - she had her eyes closed. I looked at him. His were closed too. I saw her squirm a little, and then his eyes opened. I think he was looking towards me, but he had this strange expression on his face. I thought perhaps he had an erection, and Kay was pushing into him, but nobody said anything. He just kept softly fondling her breasts, looking at me and yet not looking at me.'

I paused, left one arm round his shoulder, then dropped the other by my side. My story was drawing close to its end.
'I think I felt a number of things. I was a little younger than Kay, but I was quite a big girl, even then. I was a bit jealous of her, I think. I don't think they were having sex or anything, but a part of me knew that sex would be involved. I was a virgin. Not quite at the stage of not wanting to be, but that day I found myself wanting that boy's hands on my body, his fingers gently feeling my breasts. While I let him. I think that was the important part - that he wanted me, and I wanted him. I even wanted to do what Kay had done, push my little bum backwards towards him, and feel an erection that I had caused. Then see what happened next.'

Bill's right arm was still around my shoulder as I turned away from him, showing him my back. In the darkness. I sighed, letting out a long breath. I looked at the splash of street light on the ceiling, in an otherwise dark room.

'It's nice here, isn't it?' I asked, hearing the sleepiness in my voice. I felt the bed moving a little as he rolled onto his side. There was an utterly delightful hesitation, perhaps five seconds long, then another movement. He slipped one hand under me, draped the other over me, and crossed his hands to take hold of my breasts.

I never did find out Bill's story. If I really did take his virginity I couldn't tell. But in the darkness of that hotel room, I finally lived out the fantasy of making love to my cousin's boyfriend, the first man I really wanted to fuck.

Love and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx

Thursday, November 25th 2021
Previous Entry 
Following on ... a fantasy or two
Hello Everyone,

My apologies for not completing my tale last week - I was pushed for time. I'm sure you've been waiting with bated breath to hear the conclusion, LOL!

Anyway ... Des is being very naughty with his fingers around my person. I am sure this won't take a moment...

Oh, that was nice. Really nice! There's nothing like re-joining a story just as it's building to a climax, is there? Well, the story itself is still some way off, but I'm not, because naughty Des has just finger-fucked me and made me come. I think he deserves a treat for that, don't you? That works out really conveniently as it happens because if I go back into the story I posted last time, you'll get to find out as well.

So - to recap. I've gone round to Des's, to meet him after almost three years of mismatched diaries and lockdown. We both got a little carried away, and our dinner date and snuggles evening turned into something else altogether, a fast and furious session where he fucked me over the table we were supposed to be eating at. We've decided to give dinner a miss for a moment, and we're under his duvet, naked, just as I'm about to tell him about this idea I had for a jolly time, but first I need to remind him of something he said to me once.

'Do you remember telling me about someone called Melissa?'

'I remember Melissa,' he said, 'but I didn't think I had mentioned her to you.'

'Hazel hair and eyes,' I said, 'Short hair, curly. Quite small boobs. She only let you actually fuck her once, but you did come in her mouth a couple of times. She liked to see men cum, so she used to jerk you off over her tits every now and again.'

'Hmm. It seems I may have mentioned her in passing. Ow!'

(It seems I may have squeezed the head of his cock at that point. Purely in an affectionate manner, you understand!)

'Well, if I remember rightly, you had a fantasy where you wanted to be with her in a threesome or foursome. Beside her on a bed, literally side by side, quite close. So you could watch while someone else fucked her and made her cum.'

'Did I really say that?' he asked. His voice sounded a little strained as if now he had been reminded of the idea, he was really keen on it.

'Do you still see her?'

'No, not for about six or seven years now. The chance to meet up doesn't really crop up all that often these days.'

'OK. Well, I just wanted to know - would it have to be her, or could it work with somebody else?'

'Like you, you mean?' The voice sounded eager. I felt his cock twitch in my hand again, and started to rub him to stiffness.

'Like me,' I said, 'my body next to yours, my head next to yours, my face next to yours, my skin..my skin pressing against yours, molding together as someone else fucks me. What do you think?'

He didn't say anything. He just moaned. I brought my thumb and forefinger together, and slid my hand up to the head of his cock, sliding his foreskin to and fro over his erection. Just fast enough to keep him hard, but not fast enough to get him to cum. Not yet.

'There's one thing though,' I said, 'the someone else who fucks me. I want it to be a woman. I want it to be Annabelle. Is that OK?'

He moaned, and I slowed my hand down. He was definitely too close for a moment there!

'Annabelle, that friend of yours? Amazon of a woman, long, blonde hair, awesome tits, looks like she takes no shit from anyone and can milk a man dry in seconds flat if she wants to?'

His hips were bucking by now. He was trying to bring himself off using my hand. I let go of his cock, then took hold of his hand instead, to keep his fingers from finishing what I had started.

'Well, yes and no. I was thinking she'd be there with us...'

I took hold of his erection again, then carried on speaking.

'Except she would fuck you, not me.'

I dug my fingernails into the skin on his penis, using pain to pull him back from orgasm, hoping that method would work with him. It did; he started thinking a bit more clearly.

'But you said you wanted her to fuck you? I don't understand.'

'Ah, I meant Annabelle, not Annabelle. There's more than one, you see! This Annabelle is hardly an amazon, she's much more petite. More like my size, especially when I have heels on. And she's also much more submissive, as a rule. She likes being spanked, too. Not exactly sure what she thinks of men before you go getting any ideas. Anyway, I'm invoking the "I saw her first rule"...

He was fascinated, but no longer in danger of overflowing too quickly. I started rubbing him off once more, then set out the fantasy for him.

'So, there's you and me, the two of us, side by side on the bed, with a woman who gets her kicks mostly from women and pretending to be a naughty schoolgirl. I thought maybe I could spank her cheeks a few times - just to get them nicely warmed up. Then maybe turn the tables on me? Would you like to see a shy woman fuck me hard with a strap on, Des?'

He gave what sounded like a moan. I carried on.

'And for you, there's the other Annabelle. Easily strong enough to hold you down if she wanted, she'd push you to the bed and ride your cock until it was raw. Assuming you lasted long enough for that.'

He was definitely breathing more quickly now. I looked at him and whispered, drawing his face closer to mine as I did.

'Imagine the two of us, side by side, bouncing as our lovers ride and fuck us. My Annabelle, pushing a stiff plastic cock into me, banging me hard and bringing me close, your Annabelle...'

'Doing the same...?'

Did he really just say that? Kinky boy!

'Well, if you want! But I imagined her straddling you, opening her legs, then sinking down onto that hard cock of yours, as your hands come up to squeeze those awesome boobs of hers for the first time...'

He moaned, and I knew he would be dying to cum by now. I hoped he would make it through the next question!

'So, am I being your Annabelle or are you being mine?'

He could only nod. I hoped I had guessed right! I sat upright, slid my thigh across his waist, then sank down, feeling his erection slip inside me smoothly, easily - almost magically. He just lay there, with a glorious silly grin on his face. I even had to reach down and put his hands on my tits, before I could start to take him properly.

I rode him hard, and to his credit, he lasted much longer than I thought he would. I even managed to cum first, before I saw him twisting underneath me, then thrusting upwards, each upward hip thrust jetting spunk into me. Then, in something that very rarely happened to me, I felt warm liquid flooding out of me, soaking his crotch and the mattress beneath him.

'Did you just make me squirt?' I asked, though the warmth spreading out from me was the only answer I really needed.

He looked even more pleased with himself than before, so I thought I'd better bring him back down to earth.

'Well, with all that exercise I think I'm starting to feel a little hungry. Will I have time for a shower before you serve dinner?'

'Oh, I would think so,' he said, 'but I hope you're not expecting a big dinner! I haven't made a dessert.'

'That's not going to be a problem,' I said, sitting up, then diving sideways to kiss the tip of his penis,

'I'll be very happy to have anything warm and creamy you might have on tap.'

Ooooh, it's made me all horny writing that!

Love and Kisses,

Lorna Blu xxx


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