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Monday, September 5th 2022
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Thank you for the welcome Manchester!
We got to the Travel Lodge in Salford today and imagine my surprise when the guy on reception told me he was a fan of our work.

Definitely a first. Definitely a horny moment though, considering he was so fit. In fact I'm guessing his going to be reading this, so he knows his going to get a lovely thank you.

In fact, if he gets in the lift with me at any point I'm going to let his hands wander, or my mouth. Hint, hint.

Anyhow, I am.once again amazed at how popular we are. Maybe it's because we are down to earth perverts, I don't know. But I love it.

We have met a few lovely guys today, and I have to admit.i can't wait for tommorow afternoon.

A guy I've been waiting to meet for an eternity is cumming, and hopefully cumming in me! Oh Marco!

So sexy.
Saturday, September 3rd 2022
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On the road again, on the road again, I'm going to be f##ked by several men, my hubbies going to suck the c##ks of some of them.

And satisfy the naughty wives.

Who want to live their naughty lives.

Have you noticed yet this is slightly rhyming?

Well, I think it is, as I'm working on my timing!

So see you soon, suck you soon, f##k me soon.

Join in the gangbang if, there's plenty of room!

Ok, that's the rhyming bit out of the way, hope your all.good, whether straight, bi or gay.

Sorry, I slipped a bit more in then.

I like to have things slipped in.....

From 5 inch to ten!

I really should stop rhyming as I'm not a poet.

I'm an escort, a cam girl, check my veris and you'll know it.

I don't think I've ever written a blog like this,

A stream of consciousness, sheer bliss!


What a day.

What a few months.

And.now there's more.

So, your friendly neighbourhood whore.

Will be in Manchester from next week.

When I hope I will feel your spunk.

On my cheek!
Saturday, August 20th 2022
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Cost of living, loving and lying on your back!
So we are once again in a worldwide crisis. Seems to be the norm these days! Luckily for my physical clients I have been very very busy.

This is quite possibly as I have returning clients. To be quite honest I was going to do a lot more content on here, but just have had not time due to all my daytime 'commitments'.

For the next couple of weeks of August I will indeed be very busy still bit have decided with my hubby after that (in September) to carry on with my UK tour as I was loving it.

I must admit that I am nervous about it due to people struggling so maybe not using an 'entertainer' but I am sure that testerone and lust and the fact I have massive boobs will help out.

Why am I nervous you may ask. Simple. I want to visit places that I have not been before. Mainly Wales and Scotland. And possibly Northern Ireland. Places where it will be my first time meeting new people.

Let's just hope it all goes well.

Saying that. It will also be used for time to do more content for both here and for my amazon books. I have after all got a lot of new stories to write and just have not had time to do them.

So I guess, every cloud. For instance as I write this I keep getting interrupted. Not a bad thing per se but might be causing me to make mistakes.

Oh well, I know I never make mistakes when I have something hard and horny in my mouth and soon I will be having a lot more of you!

Love Kitty
Friday, June 17th 2022
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.......and rest....and get naked....
The last few weeks have been great, new job, new place whilst still doing part of my old job and still having my old place as well as being on here whenever I can, and enjoying the swinging life style in my normal life.

It has been great but absoloutely exhausting, so how nice to be able to relax on my first Friday of from my job at the swingers club in, well, quite a while.

Don't get me wrong, I love the place, both for social, domestic and pleasure and that word that start with w and ends in k. You know the one with the o and r in the middle. Personally I would rather have an a and n. He he.

Yep, I live the place, but as I write this I am relaxing naked in my pool, taking it easy in this blazing heat. Oh, and feeling as horny as usual so I may just upload a pic of me for you guys to see.

Not on the blog page, I don't believe we are allowed to do that anymore as it's too public.

Personally I like doing things in public, especially sexual things, but themselves the rules!

Have a great, sweaty and horny evening, love Kitty
Thursday, June 9th 2022
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Price of Petrol and cost of.living crisis!
This cost of living crisis is getting out of hand! Petrol prices, up! Food prices, up!

My prices, nope, I'm staying the same. I do not think it is fair to.put them up. Besides as you may have already read I have just started a new (If quite vanilla job.)

Actually, it is the job of my dreams but in no way connected to the kind of.work I do on here.

Saying that it does mean I will be travelling half way across the country every week so thank god we have a phev! (Plug in hybrid vehicle) to keep the fuel costs down!

It's a vehicle that we can charge for free at certain places and then go dogging when we want. Or even do silly things like use it daily for work. He he. I love it. I've played with a fair few guys in the back of it whilst my hubby has driven around too.

So, anyhow, I hope the fact we are now spending out so.much day to day has not made you guys any less horny. Now, who wants my husband to give them a lift whilst I keep you entertained in the back of the car? He he.

Love and licks kitty
Sunday, May 22nd 2022
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As you know, my back has been playing up a bit over the last few days. I even had an mri scan to see if they can shed some light on it, I have to see a doctor on Tuesday to tell me the findings.

Luckily it is not as bad as it first was when I first did it, but it did make me think.

Moses and I have been in this lifestyle (liberated, swinging, swapping aw etc) for a bit over a decade.

We have met lots of lovely guys and girls.off here and in are 'free' time, and had sex with most of them!

Some have now stopped playing and may be just in there thirties or forties, some, like a certain guy I know who likes to make a joke about the fact his cock will stretch round my wrist are still going into their eighties!

I kid you not.

Anyhow, the back injury had me worried for a while, it still does, I have been making sure the guys I see have been the ones who know how to treat a horny, yet tender lady. I know a lot of them, so no issue

The thing is at some point most of us can not carry on this lifestyle for one reason or another. I'm glad my injury is not preventing me from doing that, but if it had and someone asked me if there was anything sexual I regretted not doing, my answer would be.

'Darling, I've done it all and been fucked by them all.'

In other words I have done everything I wanted and will keep.on doing everything and everyone I want until I'm.no longer capable. Same with Moses, so Don't live your life with regret.

Just do it!

Or her!

Or him!

Or me!!!

Actually, definitely me!!!!!

All my love, with open arms and open legs to you all Kitty
Saturday, May 21st 2022
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So I did miss a day of this blog yesterday but to be fair, I was in bed most of the day, resting my back.

Yes, I did have a couple of clients call round but ones that wanted less strenuous excitement. It is more the gang bangs that I had to say no to this week. A shame as all of my followers know how much I love to have multiple cocks.

Moses, my husband did treat me this afternoon though by introducing me.to a new (very muscular) friend of his with an amazing cock.

We did do a few more exciting positions between the three of us. I even managed taking dvp which I haven't been able.to do for a few days so that's good.

Still not a hundred per cent but getting back on my feet, or back on my back.

So thank you everyone that's being patient with me. Now whose coming for coffee and c@@t?

Licks and kisses, Kitty
Wednesday, May 18th 2022
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See what I did there? Play on words. Luckily my back.is not broken, but it is in pain. I hurt it last week during my martial arts training, well, I assumed it was during my training but my instructor did shag me quite hard after as he always does.

It has been playing up but I decided to carry on, especially since I had so many guys waiting for me in London. In fact last night, I had six of them plus my husband at the same time.

Now I am.paying the consequences!

So, as you can guess I was in lots of different positions, twisting and turning and being well.and truly hammerd by many cocks.

Usually not a problem, and I did love it. Also the copious amount of wine hid any twinges.

Today though, I'm aching all over, but mainly my back.

I feel more ninety three than thirty three so I have had to cancel.or.postpone some meets which is even more painful to my mind but no point in risking it.

Well, at least I can appear online. So not all is lost.

Hopefully be back to full naughty mode soon.

Anyone want to give me a back massage? Lol

Love and kisses, Kitty
Monday, May 16th 2022
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Ello Landan!
Ok, that was me trying to do Cockley in the title. My apologies!

So I got the car tyre sorted, and showed the RAC man my gratitude. In fact I had some of his gratitude left on my breasts and in my mouth after he drove off. You know though, you get a professional to help you with his trade and you want to show him how good you are with your trade in return.

Anyhow, we got here earlier today and have really used it as a day to explore again. Including going to Hamleys which was great, not the usual kind of 'toy' shop o would write about here, and no, nothing rude happened in there.

However, in a pub called the world's end in Camden this afternoon a certain husband of mine got very randy so we sneaked into the loos and oh, well, you know the rest.

Love Kitty and Moses

Suck you soon!
Sunday, May 15th 2022
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Last day in Birmingham and Puncture!
The best laid plans of mice and men!

Or escorts and tarts? Lol.

So, this morning I have been shopping for snacks for our trip to London which should be tommorow, when my car started beeping at me!

Strange! I thought, I was about to reverse but had not started to just yet. Then I noticed the beeping was because of the tyre pressure warning. The back right tyre was going down fast!

Nightmare, now I'm waiting in a supermarket car park for my break down people to come out!

Me? In a low cut top? Waiting around in a car park? With my reputation? What will people think?

Especially since I'm as horny as usual.

May buy myself a banaa or cucumber whilst I'm waiting!

Love Kitty.
Friday, May 13th 2022
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Beautiful day for a walk in the woods.
As I have often stated I do not just have sexy fun for financial reasons. I, as my husband is, am a swinger.

We have not actually had much chance to go to our favourite sex clubs for a while even though I work at one, mainly because of the current tour we are on and because we have been so busy.

Anyhow, today has been so nice we decided that we had to do something very naughty. Just the two of us...... and whoever else joined in!

So, I selected something nice and summary that also showed plenty of flesh (mainly the mammaries!) and went to a local spot by us just by Frankley Resovoir.

What fun!

No other ladies there, but plenty of (bi) guys. None of whom I have met before but some who did recognise me of here.

It was fantastic enjoying myself as well as watching Moses play. Plus leaving feeling very slutty and sticky (in and out) is a great feeling!

So, now, back to the evening job. The club!

See you soon naughty people, live Kitty
Thursday, May 12th 2022
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Nearly forgot!
To write the daily blog! Well my head has been a bit all.over the place today. Been sorting out suitcases for the next bit of our tour, London!

Really looking forward to that. Mind you, got to admit I was a bit annoyed with Moses earlier, he was supposed to be helping me and disappeared. Only found out he was at Sarah's (my best friends house) giving her a good time!

What an excuse! Most wives would be more annoyed that their hubby was shagging someone else. Doesn't bother me Moses, Sarah and I often play together. I was more annoyed that he had disappeared.

To be fair he did say he was thinking with his c ck!. Oh well, no sex for him (off me!) tonight. Lol. So the bags are packed. We will be heading to London Sunday afternoon!

Knees up mother brown!

Oh, and whilst I'm on here, Hampshire if your reading, my apologies again for cutting our chat short. Well, not that I did, I lost connection, but apologies anyway.

Right, I need to get a guy or two round to satisfy my needs tonight as I have banned Moses. Lol

Love him really!

The big bi perve.
Wednesday, May 11th 2022
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Short blog today, as I have been so busy, we met another married guy this morning. He was lovely and a great pussy licker, definitely welcome back!

So, anyhow, I got the job!

As stated before this is not going to make much difference to me being on here but unfortunately I won't be able to see quite so many guys. Oh well.

I start at the start of June in Blackpool so we will also have to try and reorganise some of our current tour.

Saying that, we have decided to go to London for a couple of weeks before I start and then maybe Devon for a week.

I am so excited. Its like my birthdays have all come at once! Now I just need a few things to blow.....and suck. Love Kitty
Tuesday, May 10th 2022
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New Job, new role, new fun!
Well that is if I get it! I am not about to say on here what job I have been offered but let's just say I really want it, and I am really nervous about it!

It will not make to.much difference to me appearing on aw. Particularly as I can always sneak onto I.M as I do on my weekend evening job at the sex club. Plus, I'm too addicted to married men to leave AW completely.

Still it will.be fun if I get it. As stated before I am toning down on the amount of meets I am.having but who knows maybe I will have more fun meets?

That potentially means more movies and pics for you guys.

Moses wished me well before I set off to do my job trial today by giving me a big naked hug and then, well, having sex with me as he told me (as he usually does) that he hopes I am.naughty whilst I am out.

Again I usually am.

So whatever the day brings, I may pop to have a drink after I am finished and see if there are any sexy guys around to satisfy me before I go home.

It's amazing how much a bit of cleavage (or a lot in my case!), gets the guys going!

Love and licks. Kitty.

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