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Monday, February 13th 2023
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Hope you are all good
Sorry I haven’t updated my blog for a week or so but I have been so busy and we went to Spain for 5 days. My “normal” job has been full on and I’m enjoying it but struggling with the whole work / home life balance.

I did talk to hubby while we were away about me reducing my hours by 2 a week and he didn’t say no. He is really busy at work and is going to get busier and might need to work more hours so over the next few months we are going to see how it goes and then I might reduce my hours to be able to keep on top of the house work, talking the dog out and different appointments I have. I can then spend more time on my adult work.

I love being on here as I really enjoying meeting people and the fact they want to spend the hard earned cash to meet me, means so much and it really boosts my confidence.

Any way, I need to post some more photos and try to work out how to post videos that don’t cost too much for you to watch. Hope you are all well and have a good week xx
Thursday, January 26th 2023
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It’s almost the weekend!
It’s almost the weekend!

I’m only working tomorrow and 3 hours on Monday and then on Tuesday we are off to Benidorm for 5 nights.

It’s not our first choice but its a very last minute holiday as the one we did have booked to the USA for 2 weeks we had to cancel.

I am hoping the weather is going to be nice so we can go for walks and explore. I am hoping it will be warm enough to get my bikini out for I can get some photos by the pool or on the beach.

I am really looking forward to some time away to relax, think and chat with hubby about reducing my hours.

I am really enjoying my new job but there is so much to learn, I keep getting confused and going around in circles, I feel like my head is spinning most days. I can’t wait to take a step back, relax and not think about work for a week.

Any way, thats enough of me going on. I hope you all have a great Friday tomorrow and have something exciting planned for the weekend.
Wednesday, January 25th 2023
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Busy week and its only Wednesday.
Busy week and its only Wednesday.

Half way through the week and its been a busy week as I was in Somerset Monday and Tuesday with work.

I was hoping to take some naughty photos and videos in my hotel room once I had finished work but I had such a busy day, I fell asleep watching TV.

I’m finding all this travelling with work a bit much and I’m getting so tired.

I have worked out, if I reduce my hours from 32 hours a week to 30 hours, I would have 4 hours extra a week to myself, to do what ever I want.

I would work 6 hours a day and not 6.5 and I wouldn’t need a lunch break so my working day would go from 7 hours a day to 6. I already work 6 hours on a Wednesday and love the idea of working 6 hours a day, Monday to Friday.

If I have worked it out right, I would only lose £64 a month so I would need to make that up from my adult work and other pages.

I do meet 1 or 2 men regularly men but I would love another regular, greedy I know but I always feel so good on the lead up to a booking and after. Having more time to myself would make this easer.

Hubby and I are both off work next week so I’m going to run it all by him and see what he thinks.
Sunday, January 22nd 2023
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Busy, busy, busy
I’ve had a busy weekend and have a busy week ahead.

I treated myself to a little bit of shopping yesterday and even took some naughty photos in the changing room. Today has been a family day and we all had a very cold walk at -2° followed by a warm up and lunch at my parents.

Tomorrow I am off to Somerset with work. I do have a hotel booked that I will be making the most of from 3-7pm as I have a gap with work and I need to take some photos.

A very regular gentleman has purchased a set of photos and even brought me a very sexy out fit. I have been taking photos for him few a few years and its so much fun. It does help, he has a very good taste for sexy outfits and he knows what he wants. He always sends me a very good list of what he would like.

Tuesday evening, I have a booking with a regular. He is a lovely gentleman and I always have a good time.

I need to re start my sale page as I love wearing my panties and tights for you horny people. I do have a “normal” job and I also have another online page so please bear with me.
Friday, January 20th 2023
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I have been thinking.
I have been thinking.

While out walking my dog, I always talk to him. It’s the best conversation, I can pour my heart out to him and he never judges me.

He has helped me through some dark times and without him, I’m not sure where I would be mentally. He is an amazing listener and has been a great support to me. However, I always find myself going back to the same question…….. do I reduce my hours in my “normal” job and spend more time with my “adult work”?

With my “normal” job, I know how much money is guaranteed to come in each month. With my “adult work” it is different ever month. When its the time of the month, I cant work, if we are on holiday with the family, I cant work and if my mental health takes over…….. you guessed it, I cant work!

With my “normal” job, at the moment, I am contracted 32 hours a week. I work 4 days 6.5 hours and 1 day 6 hours. If I reduces my hours to 30 hours (drop 2 hours a week) I have worked out, I would save 4 hours. I have worked this out because when I work 6.5 hours, I have a 30min break. If I reduced my hours to 30 hours a week and work 6 hours each day, I wont need a lunch break and would save an hour each day. (30min break and the 30 min I would drop)

Keep up because even I’m getting confused lol………… so if I have worked it out right, if I drop 2 hours a week, I would save 4 hours. 4 hours extra I could spend on my “adult work”.

If you have managed to read to read all of this and understand what I am trying to say, please feel free to message me and let me know your thoughts.
Wednesday, January 18th 2023
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I need to make more of an effort!
I need to make more of an effort!

I need to make more of an effort to lose weight and be healthy.

2018 - 5 years ago, I joined Slimming World and lost almost 3 stone. I lost weight, started jogging, eating healthy and being healthy. I then had treatment for something, put some weight back on, COVID then hit and I ended up putting 2 stone back on.

I’m trying to lose the weight again but its not that easy. I really want to start jogging again as that really helps my mental health. We are going to Spain on the 1st February so I might start jogging when I’m there as no one I know will see me lol

Ive been working on building up the straight in my legs to prevent injury so hopefully by holiday my body will be in a good place to start jogging again.
Sunday, January 8th 2023
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In bed and thinking
In bed on my own and thinking. It is almost 2am and I really need to be asleep.

Could I make adult work into a full time job, work for myself and work when I want and not when people tell me to.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my new job but the hours don’t suit me. One week I work 8-3 and the other week I work 9-4. I hated my old job but the hours suited me as I worked 7-2. Both jobs, I worked from home so I just roll out of bed and start work.

My new job also involves me travelling. In my interview they said I would need to travel once ever three months but so far I am travelling almost ever week or every other week.

I feel I don’t have time for myself and as I suffer with mental health issues, I really need some time for me. Time to go for a jog or a long walk with the dog, time to process things in my own head. I have been in a very dark place and I don’t want to go back. At the moment I am 80% happy and positive and don’t want my new job to change things. I really don’t know what to do foe the best.
Sunday, January 8th 2023
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It’s been a busy weekend.
It’s been a busy weekend, I don’t feel like I’ve stopped. Visiting family and DIY on the house, I need a day off to get over my weekend.

I was hoping to save my legs an paint my nails but I ran out of time. I wont get time tomorrow as I’m working and then I have Slimming World in the evening. I did lose almost 3 stones and then COVID hit and I put 2 stone back on, I am now desperately trying to lose the weight again but am struggling.

I need motivation, eat healthy and start jogging. Lots of people tell me they love my shape but I’m not happy with how I look and I snore too much lol
Wednesday, December 28th 2022
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Regular fun
It’s been such a long time since I have posted a blog and I really need to post more often.

I had major surgery on my elbow back in August and it has been a long road to recovery. It’s still not right and am still in lots of pain.

I also started a new job in the middle of September. It’s going really well and I’m really enjoying it. There is so much to learn and I am travelling to Somerset a lot. Hopefully as time goes by I will get more confident in my new job and I will be more relaxed of an evening.

I have managed to have some fun with 2 regulars and I even got to visit one before Christmas. We had lots of fun in the bedroom and then had fun in his living room with Christmas lights and tinsel.

Let’s hope in 2023, I can have some more fun and meet some new people.
Thursday, July 7th 2022
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So hubby and I are currently on vacation on a Gree
So hubby and I are currently on vacation on a Greek island.

We are coming to the end of a 11 night stay and it hasn’t been the relaxing time we thought it would be.

Hubby tested positive for COVID on day 2 and the past 3 days I started to have a cough and feeling unwell to the point I was finding it hard to breath and needed to find a doctor. I think if I had left it any longer, I would of needed an ambulance. They sent me to the hospital where the kept in for IV antibiotics and I was put on a nebulous. I got discharged with more antibiotics and an inhaler!

It also hasn’t helped, I got my period 10 days early….. At least that should be over by Sunday! Fingers crossed.

I had planned to have some naughty fun while we where away but that never happened. I had also planed to get lots of new photos, on the beach, hiring a car, hiring a boat, photos on our balcony. I have been able to take a few but not as meany as I wanted.

If only the UK was hot then we would do a staycation. Hoping to get away again in September if everything goes to plan.
Thursday, June 30th 2022
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I love the hot weather!
I just love the sun and the hot weather! So I am making the most of our holiday in Zante.

I hate the cold and hate being cold. My favourite time of the year is the summer but hey, its the UK and we all know what the weather can be like.

We are on day 3 of a 11 night stay. I have been making the most of the hot weather and been relaxing by the pool in my bikini bottoms……. Yes I do go topples and if I had the opportunity I would go naked but I don’t think some of the wife’s would like that lol I can imagine the men would love it though lol

There is a nudest beach about a 30 min walk so I am hoping we will go there this holiday but hubby isn’t too well at the moment so we will see. There is only one way to the nudest beach and its not a great walk for a loan female plus I need hubby to take some photos.

If hubby feels ok, we will be going for a walk along the beach tomorrow as that is closer and I can go topless there. I hope to get some photos tomorrow to share with you all.

Any way its almost time for me to put some clothes on as we are off to get some food in a bit.
Saturday, June 25th 2022
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The past 10 days have been some ups and downs.
The past 10 days have been some ups and downs.

I have had 2 fantastic bookings with 2 very talented and lovely gentleman. I have also been unwell.

I had to take 2 days out of work and spent the day on the sofa. I have been in a lot of pain with my back and legs and have been so tired. The doctors are doing blood tests and I saw a physio.

They both feel I am suffering from long COVID. I have never tested positive, when I have been unwell and when I have been ill I have taken a test and they have always been negative.

They is a chance I could of have COVID and not had any symptoms as I don’t test that often as I’m working from home. Any way I am feeling much better and now have 2 weeks off work and fly to Zante on Monday!

My first booking was with Mr J. I have seen him a few times now and he is a lovely, gentleman who is very talented. He gets me VERY wet, I soak the bed and he has even made me squirt!! I love our 2 hours together. He is so easy to talk and get along with, its always a pleasure and he is starting to become a friend.

I still hope to use his garden to get some naughty photos!

Sadly our 2 hours was cut short as Mrs Mop (AKA his daughter) decided she wanted to come round and clean his flat! He paid me the full amount even though I was only there an hour and a half.

I told him I only wanted £200 as it wasn’t either of our faults that we had to cut short but he instead on paying me for the full 2 hours. When I got home, I messaged him to let him know I owe him £50 or an extra 30min.

I told him, I am not going to take his money if something is out of our control. If he had asked me to leave because he changed his mind then that is different. I guess thats where I’m different to some people, I wont just take their money.

My second booking was with My King, he is great. I have known him a few years now and over the years he has become more of a friend.

We first arrange to meet a few years ago but he cancelled the day we were due to meet. He wanted to pay me for the hours booking as he didn’t want me to be out of pocket. Sorry, I’m not taking your money, he was ill, it wasn’t his fault, thats life, these things happen. He then phoned me on direct chat, wanting to give me some money, again, I told him I wasn’t going to take it.

I didn’t hear from him for about 9/12 month when he sent me a messaged. Turns out he was proper poorly, the day we were due to meet he got diagnosed with cancer. Thank god he has been given the all clear and is ok.

Since he has been better we have meet so many times, I have lost count.

I have a great time with him. He always remembers what I have been up to or been doing and always asks. I think that’s lovely and he is more like a friend.

We have had some great times together. He gets me very wet and his bed sheets always get soaked!

We have experimented with food, ice, photos and filming. I have even trusted him to blindfold me! I wont let just let anyone blindfold me as there needs to be trust. There is no way I would do this on a first meet.

He has a very open relationship with his children (adults) and they know he uses AW.

He told them because if they go round and he doesn’t open the door, they will worry. They have a key and if he doesn’t open the door they will let themselves to make sure he is ok. They have come up with a code word if he is expecting someone. Mr King now tells them he has a “Carer” come round.

That’s absolutely fine with me as my background is care and in a way I am caring for him when I’m there. I’m caring for his needs, his sexual needs and I love it!!
Tuesday, June 14th 2022
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Off for a jog
I’m loving the sunshine and hot weather. I often wish I lived somewhere hot all year round.

I do wish I was slimmer though. I look at some women in their little shorts and top and wish i was me.

I am trying to lose weight. About 3 years ago i lost almost 3 stone but then had treatment for something and put 2 stone back on. I’m now trying hard to lose the 2 stone but its not easy!

I love white chocolate too much lol

I’m off for a jog, I’m not very fast but I love going out, I find it really helps with my mental health.

I have been laughed at and shouted at while I’ve been jogging but it doesn’t bother me. Just makes me want to run faster.
Friday, June 10th 2022
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Happy Friday
I had a job interview on Tuesday.

I had a job interview on Tuesday, they told me they would let me know the out come next week. They phoned yesterday to offer me the job and I accepted.

I’m nervous but so happy as I really hate my current job. I will be working the same hours, doing a similar job to what I’m doing now but for more money and hopefully more opportunities.

So tonight, to celebrate I’m having my favourite drink, Cherry Sourz with Diet Coke. No ice as it makes it too cold and I hate being cold lol

So glad it’s Friday as I’ve had enough of my “normal” job this week. Tomorrow I shall be resting as its the time of the month and day 2, I always get bad cramps. We have no l kitchen at the moment so I think we might get a take away, have a few drinks and chill.

I do have to shower my dog at some point tomorrow and will be fun as he hates it and I get soaked lol

Any way Happy Friday everyone xx xx xx

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