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Tuesday, October 9th 2018
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It's been a while!
Hope everyone has had an amazing year so far! It's been a while since my last blog post and I thought it was about time that I posted again to let you know what I've been up too!

7 months back my Mom decided it was finally enough and had a word with me about moving out, it was very sudden, so quite a shock! I was pretty much out the day after our chat. It happened so quickly that I'd not actually had time to process what was going on, she wanted me to fly-the-nest, WOAH! Little quick and sudden don't you think?

Which get's me to the point of, how the hell does a young Lady survive in London? Don't even start me on the rent, living costs and other bills you have to pay to live here! So I leave my Mom's with only a suitcase filled with important personal item's and Incall/Outcall item's to make sure I can still get on with my life during this quite sudden, shocking but exciting time.

Luckily I have a close friend that helped me out and I stayed with him in New Cross Gate for a few month's or so. Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Now, I sit in a beautiful house in Warlingham (temporary) and the quality of life out here is just amazing. Warlingham is just past Croydon and only a 30 minute train journey to London Bridge, so cannot complain! Very hard if you have no means of transport but who care's? Ill walk. Greenery and scenery is also in abundance. YAY. The simple things in life aye?

Very soon, I will be located in Central London permanently and you'll be able to contact me for Incalls on days I wouldn't usually be available and be able to book months in advance. I finally look forward to having a set, permanent location.

Will start updating my blog, so watch out for new blog posts! Meanwhile, I'm out here trying to find the meaning of this thing we call 'Life'.

Jema xo
Wednesday, January 10th 2018
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The Hydra Facial & update
Hey all,

Happy New year everyone! This year is going to absolutely amazing and full of travels, so keep watch out for where I will be! One thing I adore about my job is that it opens me up to the world of travel and for me; that means the world! Travel = knowledge = growth = a more confident, vibrant Jema. Feeling so positive this year!

I want to take the time to say thankyou for AW! And the lovely men who help along the way. I appreciate you all! Last year I wasn't the most confident woman and have realised how much I have grown last year. Being in the adult industry has seemed to have had a LOT of benefits to me that I never expected! Who knew! My overall sexual confidence, zest for life and body has completely changed! Thankyou universe!

I will be going for a facial on the 11th Jan and it my first ever try so I will explain what I will be getting down below.

The Hydra Facial

What is a Hydra Facial in simple terms?
The hydra facial starts off with a detoxification of the skin using lymphatic drainage, followed by deep cleansing of the skin using a microdermabrasion technique in conjunction with glycolic acid. Followed by an application of hyluronic acid, antioxidants and vitamin E which is delivered deeply into the skin using vortex infusion. Red and blue lights are then applied over the treatment area to target congestion and calm the skin leaving it deeply cleansed, refreshed and rejuvenated.

How long till I see results?
Straight away! You look refreshed, youthful and a LOT clearer! From day 1. No down time.

Who can get these facials?
Absolutely anyone! 18+ I would recommend anyone with acne, fine lines, rosecea, dry skin, redness, oily skin, men and women! etc.. anyone that loves beauty can get this non irritating facial. But do be aware of over senestive skin that might react with some of the serums/products they might use.

A LOT of people ask what I use on my skin to get it glowing and I will keep it simple here. A dedicated skin care routine. Period. If you want nice clear, glowing, spot free skin then have a simple skin care routine in place AM & PM and watch your skin change from dry, spotty, congested, irritated and red to moisturized, clear and glowing! It all starts with a wash, cleanse, tone, moisturize, AHA/BHA (acids used for exfoliation) and targeted products (Eye creams, spot creams for targeted areas and concerns) When you get a simple skincare routine in place (Wash, cleanse, tone & moisturize) then you can start exploring with other products!

One thing that upsets me are the number of men who believe they shouldn't wear moisturizer! I cannot stress enough how much you NEED to be wearing one! It is not being femenine at all, it is looking after your skin. If you are a man and feel like you cannot go for a facial or have a skin care routine, please think about it! Looking after your skin can help a LOT of skin concerns.

I currently use a mixture of Vit C serums, AHA/BHA's, Peptides and a LOT more! One great thing about having great skin is that I have no need to wear foundation and I get to feel great.

Peace and love!

Saturday, December 30th 2017
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X-Mas and new year updates!
Hello all and hope everyone had an amazing festive X-Mas!

It has been a while since I last posted and a lot has happened. Literally. X-Mas went well and looking forward to what 2018 has to offer, I hope this year is a little more productive/organised and a little better for me regarding my luck.

For anyone that knows me will know I am a filthy fucker and just have to show you the carrot I pulled out to peel the other day for the X-Mas dinner lol I had to leave it to one side and NOT eat it. Thankyou. Reminds me of way to many memories lol Again - for everyone that knows me will know I love bum fun and this carrot reminded me way too much of my double trouble. Picture attached.

Hair is looking a lot blonder and have had yet more highlights and toned out through so I can achieve what I want. I'm going for the Blake Lively look :) Watch out fellas!

Really really looking forward to 2018! Hopefully I can move out, start webcamming and work towards what I want to achieve. Success and happiness. Peace.

Jema xoxo
Friday, October 27th 2017
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Finally fitted with ceramic braces!
Hope all is well!

Yesterday I finally got my long awaited braces fitted. So far they feel a little achy and I can just about eat scrambled egg, let alone anything else. Not good - considering eating out is basically my hobby lol DARN IT! Soup for starter it is. Minus the bread. Really looking forward for my smile to get bigger! and straighter. Anyone had braces before? Any tips?

They look amazing. Clear and discreet. With a hint of cute teenager :D Looking forward to showing them off! and trying to suck with them! Hopefully I can still do some DT!

J xo
Thursday, October 12th 2017
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Braces OH braces!
Hello everyone!

This post is pretty much about braces. Ceramic braces. Today, I go to the dentist to see the Orthodontist to straighten my bottom teeth. They were never "wonky" as such but definitely need a little straightening! why not? I have always wanted big pearly whites and my teeth are substantially lovely at the moment so cannot imagine what the outcome would be with further improving.

My teeth are quite white at the moment as I've been using 'Crest professional effects 30 min strips' for the last 2 years and they make them peroxide white :D white no horrible side effects! So, if anyone here has any sort of minor yellowing they will definitely help. There are many Crest strips to choose from, from sensitive to 1 hour treatments. I'd give it a go, thank me later. Note: it works along dentist cleaning and general dental hygiene!

Don't worry, not going to look any different. They will be white and hopefully, they won't get in the way! Been very quiet at the moment.. feeling horny and lonely! darn it!

J xo

Tuesday, October 10th 2017
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BLONDE BOMBSHELL New hair and feeling better!
Hey, Jemas back! and better than ever! and blonder too! :D

So, a few days back I went to get my hair cut, dyed (full head of highlights) and a blow dry. Anyone know FOUR London hairdressers on regent street? That's where I go.

I go to the lovely Melika, who owns the amazing salon. What a great woman and talented at that! She suggested I go "Blake lively blonde" which I concurred with as she has lovely hair! Not too platinum but keeping it classy you know!

Feeling a lot better since I was ill and have put some weight back on, yay! Feeling SO MUCH BETTER AND NEED SOME SEX! GEE! where all the men at?!

Hope everyone has been well

Jema xo
Tuesday, October 3rd 2017
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Had a feeling of, LIFE.
Hey all and hope everyone is having a great start to the week. I am. I'm feeling ALOT BETTER and cannot wait to get back to AW! I've been incredibly, kinky, naughty, dirty and masturbating a lot to compensate no sex! Naughty Jema :P

Been feeling a lot better and have my hair consultation today so feeling great! Hair will be done on Friday so looking forward to showing my new hair off and meeting some new people! Feeling extra kinky so looking forward to starting next week when I have sorted all my appts out! See you soon!

Stay kinky,

J xo

Friday, September 29th 2017
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Saturday vibes!
Hey Y'all, hope all is well!

Its been a few days since the whole illness flare up! and I'm starting to feel a little better now. I have lost around 5-6 llbs and I am already very small (small size 6, now 24 inch waist!) its going to take a while to get how I want to be but slowly and surely I will. Hate getting ill as it brings me down majorly but lots of things to look forward to I guess! Looking forward to coming back to AW, healthier and stronger!

I was totally aware before that my size is very small but didn't realise how much I wanted to put more weight on since this flare up. Think I'm going to try my hardest (if my fast metabolism lets me) to put on at least a stone, if not more!

I have 4 appts next week. Dentist, consultation for hair, dental hygienist and then finally hair to be cut and dyed! MORE BLONDE YAY! Jema is coming back blonder, more vibrant and healthier! hopefully :D Anyway, 2018 is my year. Gym, blonder, boobs? travels, business plans and hopefully I can find someone to call "Boyfriend". Wishful thinking?

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

J xo
Wednesday, September 27th 2017
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Upset stomach! Unlucky first incalls!
Hope everyone is having a great start to the week! Mine hasn't been so good. Nor has the last 6 days.

As you all know, I was offering in calls from 22nd - 27th, FINALLY! = DID NOT GO TO PLAN!

22nd - I packed my suit case and arrived at the apartment. Settled in and sorted out a few errands before the weekend starts. No bookings for that day as I wanted to chill out.

23rd - I have a meeting at 3pm, really looking forward, excited and nervous as its my first time hosting. Wine CHECK, water CHECK, TOWELS CHECK, looking smoking CHECK! lol :) He arrives and we have a quick drink (4 hr booking) before leaving to head to a local bar. We enjoy a few drinks and get to know one another before heading back. At this point I am buzzing, horny and ready! My stomach feels a little weird but nothing out of the norm. We kiss and fondle for a while, ready to fuck! then BAM! Upset stomach (I can only describe as MASSIVE WAVES OF NERVOUSNESS!) nausea and dizziness. Oh no! I've had this 5 times in the last 2 years and this cannot be food poisoning this time, IM NOT GOING TO ACCEPT FOOD POISONING AS AN AWNSER THIS TIME! I spend the next 5 hours rolling around in bed by my self and my best friend calls and says "You need to come home now! otherwise I'm calling your Mum!". She knows I don't want to bother my Mum so I pack and leave. More of a fright or flight kind of thing!

24rd - So, after a whole day in pain after returning home. I feel better! OMG THANK YOU! I pack up my bits and bobs and try again at around 5pm, take 2! 8pm I am hungry and I know I shouldn't eat but I am super hungry. Chicken kebab? Why not, woops.... I stumble home in agony (the food has set me off again) and try and get some kip, I fall asleep.

25th - 9am AND I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN! Thinking to ring 111 as its getting too much now and I cant keep getting episodes of this mysterious condition. Eventually my Ma arrives and so does the ambulance. 2 hours after calling. They take me to St Mary's Hospital, give me gas and air plus a painkiller for the pain. It isn't stabbing pains, its my muscles, I just know it. Contracting big time! Nothing works and I just want to be cold out at this point. What is going on with me?! Put it this way I spent the whole day in the hallway of a hospital.... crying. I do get a suspected diagnosis. Pills, then 14 day review. 7pm I arrive home, no pains.

26th - Getting my strength back up and trying to eat small amounts. Lost at least 7/8 llbs. Not good. Spend the day relaxing. Best friend comes to visit me in PM.

27th - Taking it easy and hope the meds work to help me. I have an apt very soon, real happy. For now I need to rest up and get my health and strength back up. Feeling quite low. You watch! I'll be back soon. I am also very sorry for the cancellations. Forgot to mention that today, I had at least 15 clit orgasms (AND THEY WERE MULTIPLE "O"s! 4 days of no sex has really got to me lol! Still a horny little minx!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Jema xo
Sunday, September 24th 2017
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Unlucky first time incalls!
Happy Sunday everyone!

Hope everyone has been well! So, yesterday I woke up, fresh, ready for the week! Had breakfast around the area and arrived back at my apartment to get ready for a incall. Feeling HOT, sexy and ready! Met him, went for a few drinks (started to feel a little dizzy and it's not the drink) and arrived back at apartment. Got down and naughty.. had a great time! BAM. Super dizzy, stomach cramps, nausea and extreme anxiety (from the cramps) GREAT. Amazing start to my incalls.. now I've taken the day off and feeling a lot better but disappointed to cancel on my clients today, devistated! Resting up today and will feel a lot better tomo. Not sure if I should just stick to outcalls?

Why am I so unlucky?
Thursday, September 21st 2017
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Nails day!
Hello readers! It's that time of week where I need my feet and nails done. Ofcourse. This week I have red and I think that's pretty much every week, either way, I love red lol however! I have 2 shades of red! A much darker colour on my feet and a light more "Prostitute" red on my hands. Great! It's like when I get a pamper treatment, it almost always goes wrong! Oh well, next time.

2 weeks ago I went to a nail shop that messed my nails up quite a while ago and I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt as the other was just way too busy. I go in for a pedicure, PRETTY DAMN EASY RIGHT? Not for them! They cut half of my toe nail off and ended up cutting me too! That is only just healing now.

9 weeks ago I went for a trim. A TRIM! THE "Creative director" ended up cutting 2 and a half inches off. I asked for 1 as I'm growing it and then proceeded to sheer my hair off! What is wrong with people?

Really hope my next treatment goes well, argh! If you a girl with 2 coloured nails, that's me lol

Monday, September 18th 2017
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Last nights ventures! Hakkasaan!
Hope everyone is well! Happy Monday :D My fave day! Lets all have a productive, positive week ahead!

So, what did I get up too last night? Sunday funday! Everyone knows I love restaurants and food, so decided to book Hakkasaan for 8:30pm. Went for pre-drinks at The Mayfair Hotel, one of my favourite spots. I arrive at the bar at around 6:45pm and right away I order a glass of Sauvignon blanc. 5 minutes later I get the tap on my shoulder and its not my friend! "Would you like to have a drink with us", it was a older man.. clearly on business. I kindly turn him down as I was waiting for one of my male friends, wouldn't look very good would it? Great - now I look like a hooker... Oh wait lol I am!

Pre drinks done! I get too Hakkasaan. Order duck rolls and vegetables with iceburg lettuce too start. Ofcourse I have a bottle of white! Lets not forget a good old wine! Chicken, pak choi, rice and various others for main. YUM. I just love this restaurant, it oozes class and the food is just amazing. Not too mention Nobu, Sexy fish and Novikov down the road. All my faves.

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend like me!

Jema x
Sunday, September 17th 2017
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Duos with another girl?
Hey, hope all is well!

Thinking I'm going to need another kinky, open minded, slim, blonde, hygienic girl to work with! What man wouldn't want two hot bombshell's sucking their cock? Ofcourse everyone that knows me knows that I am a hard-core woman so a girl who offers PSE is preferable. Maybe you might know someone who would like to work with me? Looking forward to getting to know some girls. After my last bad experience with another girl, I am very fussy! (You know who you are, bitch!)

I am looking for a girl who is similar to me. If you see this, get back?


Jema x
Saturday, September 16th 2017
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Most embarrasing moment while escorting to date!
Going to give blogging a go and post for the first time! So, what happened to me the other day?

A few days back I had a meet at Gatwick. Amazing time! 2 hours that went waaaay too fast! That's another story lol I sit on the train, quite tipsy at this point as we had quite a few at the bar. Stumble off the train and had another at Victoria station before I left, with someone I had met when I got off! A large glass of white and a jamesons later - I'm feeling quite drunk now and order an uber. I stumble out of the car and make my way to my apartment.

My mum texts me to see if I am ok and somehow I've text her saying "I'm on balc xxxx". She comes out and notices I've had quite a bit to drink. Again, somehow the entire content of my sex bag is on the balcony floor along with my normal bag! :O My dentist device, my flogger, my lube, my XOXO paddle :O She rushes out and picks up all of my toys, assuming she doesn't want the other neighbours to come out with all the noise I was making. I scramble to pick up my sex very explicit sex toys, almost falling. Apparently telling my mum to "Shhhh, sh" ? What's that all about?! How, embarrassing! I could not explain the embarrassment when I woke up the next day. I had my head down pretty much the whole day. We all know the feeling of "doing something bad" when you've had a drink and the repercussion's the next day! Nice one Jema! Thinking I'm going to need to move out soon!

Going to start posting some of my interesting meets so check back soon!



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