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PoshGirlGoneBad94's Blog
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Saturday, August 5th 2023
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August 2023
Its been a while!

I am glad to be back! Although I do have limited availability.

I absolutely love the new house, it's bigger, more spacious and it's my own - no more renting! we are having new windows and doors fitted to help lighted the house up a bit and I'm going to have a go at painting the brown doors back to white soon - so any tips? I plan on updating the kitchen and bathroom at some point and have made a start in the garden - got my own vegetable patch. It will get done slowly but surely and I am thankful for your continued support as this allows us to continue to make house improvments.

In terms of college work I find out my results end of August. I have one more year left of college and then off to uni! Boy am I excited to see ow far I've come from doing my GCSEs to now doing A levels. It's amazing!

Until next time, take care.
Thursday, November 24th 2022
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Sorry it's been a while. I'm sorry I am not currently available. Unfortunately I have less than 20 weeks less of education. This includes constant exams from teachers to mark progression. This is my future so it's extremely important that I take the time to study and get the right grades to get into university.

Once I have these I will be able to play again! Well between studying at university. Anyway I am hoping to be available during half terms although this will be limited as I'll likely still be studying.

I have settled in to my new home and I have to say, I love it here. It's so quiet and peaceful, I don't have to worry about walking the dog at night and the shops are around the corner still. It's big and spacious and because it's my own I can do what I want, when I want. Although at the moment all I do is sleep, walk the dog, go to college and study!

I miss all of you and once again I am sorry I can't give specifics on dates of returning and its a case of keeping an eye on my profile but hopefully now you understand why I am not as active as previously. You're always welcome to send me a message on here as I will still check my emails weekly. Please do not send booking requests or insist on meets.

Be good, I miss you all and have an amazing week!

Lots of love...

Friday, September 16th 2022
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Well what a wonderful summer!

So what have you guys all been up to? I went on holiday to Amsterdam for a week. That was amazing, the sun, sea and sand on my back was beautiful. I tanned beautifully! Even got to visit some museums and really enjoyed myself.

Back to reality with some hard work removing fencing, walking the puppy to. But I managed to reach 10,000 daily step target so that's good.

Now I am back at studying for the second year of college. Its very stressful, tonnes of exams coming up already (yep I know, i've just gone back and they are already insisting on exams).

After living in my home for over 5 years I am finally saying goodbye as the owner is selling up. But good news! I am buying my own home so that's all in hand and i'm very excited.

My work load is reduced at the moment, please bare with me. I am studying for my future (to be a vet) and so I've had to make some tough decisions. Which include reduced working hours or maybe not working at all for a while. But whatever happens I will keep you posted.

Remember my time is super important and limited so please do not book and waste my time but not showing or not telling me. You will be blocked straight away. Because when I'm not working, I am studying.

Until next time, Have an awesome week!

P.S if anyone has a field to rent/sell I would be interested (20 miles of Peterborough).
Saturday, June 11th 2022
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Been a while
Hey guys, I'm so sorry it's been a while! I've been so busy with exam, after exam and suffering stress related illness (I'm now on antibiotics as the first set didnt work, these hopefully will). So I'm giving myself time to heal before I come back and finish the last of my exams (for six months anyway). I've missed you all, its so weird not having fun and my poor pussy feels like she's turned into a nun! But I'm sure you can soon help me change that! ;) Anyway I hope you are all okay and I can't wait to see you again. Enjoy the beautiful weather. P.s im now an auntie so that's pretty incredible. It's been a crazy few months and honestly it's been testing but as always, we come through the other side. Stronger and better! Take care guys! See you soon. Love Kloe
Thursday, April 28th 2022
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Spring time
Hey guys, Sorry its been a while. I hope you are all okay? I'm so busy doing school work and revising for exams. I mean its scary as I'm useless at exams because I either forget everything or don't read the questions properly. And everything always comes down to exams regardless how well you've done all year which is a huge shame. But shows a problem with the education system. I mean sure a fish can swim but it can't climb a tree or fly like a bird and you wouldn't expect them to either right... but thr education system is one thing fits all. However I am now hoping to sort that and do well in these exams as then I can go to university. So please bare with me during these times as I am a busy chick putting my education before dick (who would of thought because I do love dick). Anyway I hope you are all behaving and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Thursday, December 16th 2021
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December 2021
Hey guys, hope your well? I've been super busy revising, working and doing a tonne of coursework! I've not been available his week and dam, I miss dick?! I've been playing with myself using toys and a naughty butt plug. I've also ben to busy for the gym so this week I plan to go back and sweat it out! Don't forget to get your Christmas shopping done! No last minute running around! It's a fun game though isn't it.

I'm excited for Christmas and the new year. I plan to start this new year fresh, leaving some people and memories in the past. You know the saying... On wards and upwards.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and new year and I pray this year is much better for all of us.

Take care guys.
Friday, October 1st 2021
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Dam its cold
Hello guys, hope you are okay? Its been an insanely busy month for me as I am back in full time education and all I can say is A levels are way harder than I realised and very challenging trying to balance education, coursework and playing with you guys. As you can see I am still on my weight loss journey although I don't really have any time for the gym so just eating carefully with a stone now lost and one more to go. Although my boobs weigh about a stone lol. I've added a nice up to date photo so you can see how my body looks now. Why is it so cold of all a sudden?! I hate the cold and I hate flying spiders and spiders to so an unfortunate time of year for me. Anyway I'm off to go do some more studying and I hope to see you all again soon! Take care. Kloe
Sunday, August 15th 2021
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August 2021
Hey, Hope you are all well?

Its been a crazy few months, I've had a few personal things going on... You know when it rains it pours kind of vibes. However I refuse to let this define me and I keep on moving forward as positively as I can.

I have lost over a stone in weight, I am feeling great being back at the gym. I got amazing results for my GCSES (7/7 = A) and now I move onto the next phase in my career (A levels). I am excited for this as it will certainly be a huge challenge.

I've finally got round to blitzing my home and garden and I feel so much better for it. But those weeds grow so fast! I might be useless with flowers but those weeds where standing pretty darn tall.

Please remember that we may be escorts but we are humans to, we have feelings so please treat us kindly and with respect. I'll be honest I've had a little bit of a difficult time lately and a little bit of kindness really does go a long way.

I also had my first covid jab a few weeks ago. All seems well and honestly I just can't wait for things to go back to normal! You know, holidays away without worries... First world problems I guess...

Sorry for the messy photo I was trying on clothes. But I have dropped a dress size. I am aiming for another dress size and then review it from that point.

Until next time,
Thursday, June 17th 2021
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June 2021
Its been such wonderful weather finally!! Being a horsey girl I have the T shirt tan with super white legs lol. I don't want to get bitten by the evil horse flies after all.

Having six horses and my beautiful mare is expecting a foal soon so I am on foal watch.

I've applied now for A levels x3 so wish me luck for that one and hope I get on the course so I can continue my quest in education and bettering myself.

You naughty horny guys have kept me busy! And I love it!!

I've been getting migraines a lot lately so that sucks as they kill me! When that happens I have to sit in a dark room and take pain killers and try and sleep them off.

I managed to break my car so need to fix her as she keeps going into limp mode :( not fun.

Got my covid jab booked in now to. Can you imagine, this time last year we was all on lock down and we still are a year later...

Right, i'm off to go water my ponies.

Enjoy your day... until next time ;)
Thursday, May 27th 2021
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May 2021
I hope your all wonderful? It's been a strange year. Its still freezing cold and raining all the time especially weird considering its spring/nearly summer!

I've finished my exams now until I find out my results I must find away to keep myself busy... any ideas? ;)

Soon I am hoping to move forward onto my next step in education. Although it's difficult I know it will be so worth while when I am finally able to practise in that chosen profession.

I'm glad things are getting back to normality a bit now Covid lock down is easing. Although I'm unsure how many of us shall go on holiday this year?

Although I must say, I am looking forward to stepping off a plan into the beautiful sun and feeling like a sexy goddess.

I am once again back at the gym, had my nails done and been shopping. I feel wonderful. Just can't wait to stop wearing masks.

Until next time, stay safe.
Tuesday, April 6th 2021
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Well ladies and gentleman, I hope you've all behaving?

I could do with saving from this studying and I can think of many more fun ways to study, maybe you could come and help me? *insert wink face here*.

I'm so looking forward to see you all again soon now the vaccine has arrived and lock down has eased. I spend my weeks studying and preparing myself for A levels.

I also get to do weekly covid tests so you can rest assured I am covid free.

I hope your all holding on okay, the warmer weather (needs to bloody hurry up!) But I'm enjoying the longer days.

So we have managed to rehome lots of our farm animals as unfortunately me needing to study means I don't have the extra time but we will have still have a few so I'll still be that farm girl running around chasing animals and driving tractors.

I could deffo do a with a holiday after this crazy year. Hopefully once I get my exams out of the way for my GCSE's I can treat myself to one and finally have my beautiful teeth finished as wearing braces isn't a fun.

But I will say this, I am now losing weight and feeling great in myself, I feel sexy and empowered I need to go underwear shopping! I can't wait to try on new sexy outfits when the shops reopen.

Take care guys and gals, until next time. Stay safe!
Wednesday, January 13th 2021
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Sorry it's been a while since the last blog. Hope your still hanging on in there?

Another lock down, how crazy but we all know that it is important to protect everyone. Question is who is having the vac? I hope we can finally move on to some normality again soon.

So I'm pleased to announce I finally got onto the maths course so now all I need to do is get high grades in maths and science and i'll be on track for uni.

2020 was a crazy year and I can't help but feel 2021 is gonna be equally as crazy but we shall see.

Well that's all for now, short and sweet. I just wanted to tell you to keep on going, your all doing amazing considering the things we've been through and remember in such a negative world lets all treat each other with kindness.
Tuesday, October 13th 2020
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winter is coming
Well fuck me, its freezing!

I hope your keeping warm? I lost the battle with the heating last week :D

So what have you been up to? Me, I've been studying to resit my GCSES then after I've (by some miracle) finally got A's in those I then need to do 3 A levels. I deffo like a challenge because let me tell you maths really isn't my strong suit and its so much harder now!

My teeth feel amazing! Still have some work to be done and i have partial braces atm but yeah they honestly look and feel a million dollars!

I'm still busy at the farm playing with cows and ponies, its super muddy now and all the colts are being gelded (bet that made you wince).

Well that's all of been up to lately,

Take care and I hope to see you soon.
Friday, August 28th 2020
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where has summer gone?
Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't been around much this last month but i've been taking some personal time out and also been super busy with my horses, building a shelter (trying to source reasonable price indoor stables which seems impossible) and courses for work.

Its always worth trying to better yourself and knowledge is key. I am going away to get some work done on my teeth so fingers crossed all goes okay and it fixes my tooth issues - before you ask, yes I have researched the place and all is above board.

Where the hell has summer gone? It's freezing! Been in the hot tub about four times and that's it! (First world problems haha).

I've decided I really need a 4x4 my poor tiny car can't hack the rain/muddy droves. But 4x4s are stupidly expensive to tax, insure and fuel up, so for now my little car will have to continue on the road pretending to be a 4x4 (she deffo has the heart of one - until I manage to get her stuck lol and yes, she does have name... aha, all good cars have names). She's looking pretty sexy now i've brought her some new seat covers, steering wheel cover and seatbelt covers. But i got my necklace caught on the seatbelt cover and broke it (insert sad face here). So brought a cheap pretty replacement as I feel naked without a necklace.

Hope your all doing well and life is going back to some normality which is good. Apart from the ques, no one likes ques and don't get me started on the facemask situation. I've deffo made the most out of the eat out to help out scheme. I probably look a bad sad going out to dinner on my onesie but I can't really cook and I like food so that swayed me.

Well i've got to go get some new tires on my little car ahead of the dreadful MOT whist I pray to the gods she passes.

As always,
Take care

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