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Saturday, April 13th 2024
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A wee reminder.
Just to make it clear if it wasn't already...

I DO NOT consent to my number being shared. Anyone doing this will be blacklisted from seeing me.

I trust the people I see and I work with ONE number (my personal number) which I ask constantly not to be shared. Almost everyone thankfully manages to do this. Thank you to those who do.

It is extremely inappropriate to share private details to 'friends' or 'flatmates' when I make it very clear that my number is only shared after my own screening processes.

I have a right to be able to choose who I see, and using sneaky methods to surpass my boundaries is a dick move.

Just makes me so disappointed.
Friday, August 11th 2023
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An Update On Lily
Long Time No See!

I have tentatively decided to return to escorting, after threatening to do so for the last 3 years, with little-to-no follow through. My body image and mental health were ruined (like many others) during Covid. I was left licking my wounds, and not shafts, for FAR too long.

So I am back, actually slimmer and slightly less insane (all relative of course) than when I left in 2019ish. I feel like it was time to come back, because this is the only job that makes me really feel fulfilled and also filled.

So to work issues. I am seeing a max of 2 people a day for short bookings- hence the rates. Which, actually, I think aren't too high considering what I offer, but some will think it is, and I apologise. If you are a regular and you feel priced out- so do I- of Edinburgh!! I'm sorry. I just can't work at a lower rate than other people, it makes me feel kinda shitty about myself. So rates are rates unless I have offered a discount previously - REMIND ME, I will check.

So I am glad to be back seeing you all! Being totally honest though, I am now 33- I have some grey hair which I don't dye, I am looking a little older (yet still being IDed for Red Bull) and am absolutely none the wiser. I think my service speaks for itself still, but perhaps I will be horribly humbled on a forum? Who knows? All I know is- lets get down like it's 2014 and I'm not almost 10 years older!

Lily xx
Tuesday, July 6th 2021
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What year is it now?
Hello everyone! It's been a while!

Welcome back to my page, which happens to be a little sparse, thanks to recent times. I feel like I've changed a lot since I was last here, mostly for the better, but also for the worse with the addition of a streak of grey hair.
As such, I'm not really sure how to market myself. Am I mature yet?

Like most of you, I have been firmly at home, being as careful as possible. Reclusiveness seemed to be the way my life was going at the start of 2020 anyway... so much so, that I have NOT HAD SEX SINCE JANUARY 2020. Yes. Really.

Luckily, I had my trusty wand, and some interesting erotic fiction and content. Forget hoarding toilet roll, I think I stocked up on triple x material.

I hope that everyone who I have met, and will meet in the future, got through this all as unscathed as possible.

See you all soon.

Tuesday, January 14th 2020
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Body Talk
So I've been thinking about posting this for a while, but always chickened out. Now it's past that stage and I am announcing another break from escorting- SORRY!

Since mid last year I have had issues with my ankles which have been causing me pain, but have also prevented me from working out as I used to.

Because of this, my family's illness at the end of the year (hello ready meals and ordering food) and Christmas, I have gone from 8 stone 10 to 9 stone 3. I am really unhappy with this.

My current weight gain and body image are putting me off work, and making me insecure about meeting people. Any other job I could wear something nice and flattering- but here I have to show off so much of myself and it is starting to get to me.

I feel like currently I could disappoint people who expect someone very toned and gym-fit.

Part of me knows this is an issue in my own head, but I strive to give 100% every booking, and just now I feel like I can't. So after my current bookings I will be taking 3 months off to sort out my health.

Lily xx
Tuesday, January 7th 2020
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30 Approaches!
Well, 8 years after starting- I have made it to 30!

It's hard for me to believe I had just turned 22 in my first bookings. When I began escorting, I was so wet behind the ears, and still using lube to be wet in other areas.

I have learned so much in the time that has passed- how to actually have sex being one, but also about human nature and behaviour.

Most of all, this career has taught me two things: The value of money and the value of resilience.

Money was something I wasted indiscriminately when I was working a lot more than I am now.
Now I see that as long as you have enough to get by and for a few small luxuries, happiness is far more organic.

Secondly, with ALL that has happened in my work life and my private life, I find you should never take yourself too seriously. Negativity does pass if you hold on tight enough!
Honesty will work wonders if you take time to explain to those around you what your motivations were/are. Being genuine will endear people to you. Admitting things are tough will allow yourself to find the strength to look at your issues head on.
With that, nothing will seem too big of a problem in the long term.

So what is next for Lilywhite?

Well, I plan to take a short break after my birthday to get rid of the 3lb or so I put on over Christmas.
I will probably overhaul my profile a little with new images.
Looks like I cannot travel for tours until after summer (sorry it's just not practical), but will look towards different things later in the year.
Rates will probably go up £5 if I cannot find a cheaper hotel (again, sorry!).

Other than that- Normal Service Will Resume!!

Lily xx
Friday, November 8th 2019
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Cold Front
Well, it's cold again after a blasting summer.

Unfortunately I have been hit with all the micro-organisms rather than all the major orgasms.

I also have noticed in recent years that I seem to be bothered by the 'Seasonal Affective Disorder', which is basically your mind saying - "Nope!" to the changes in weather, and refusing to cooperate.

I've learned through experience that when you feel grotty both physically and mentally it is never a good time to work in this industry, so I have been away and plan to be until late November, so I can get back to peak 'me'.

It is suggesting I post a picture to this blog, which I will decline- I look like a swamp thing just now.
And we all know swamp water is not my favourite liquid to be covered in.

Lily xx

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