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Thursday, May 8th 2014
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Why I Am Not A Feminist
It's no secret that I dislike feminism, and I've had several twitter discussions which have ended with ‘well I'll just write a post about it'.


I wish to emphasise that I'm absolutely for equality. I believe people should treat one another equally, both on legal and social levels. I don't genuinely believe that feminism is really about equality.

Wikipedia defines Feminism as “a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.”

The issue with feminism within this definition is that it specifies the fight for rights for a particular subset of people. Personally, I believe in a fight for rights for all people, regardless how many rights they may have started out in history with.

Obviously there will be feminists who disagree with this specific definition, and ones who agree – feminism encompasses all kinds, from mild to extreme. I have discovered, through my encounter with feminists of numerous types across internet, that I don't agree with their thought patterns or views. I haven't found that feminists fight for the rights of men equally as much as they do for women (even though some claim this). I dislike that they claim the term ‘feminism' means ‘equality for all' despite employing a term that's specific to only half the population.

If feminism is truly about equality, one could call themselves both a ‘feminist' and a ‘mens rights activists' without raising any ire, but this concept seems ridiculous to the majority of feminists (and, unfortunately, most mens rights activists as well).

When I read feminist articles, or even the general culture of feminist forums on the web (which I actually do), the argument for usage of the term ‘feminist,' and a struggle for equality ‘for a particular gender,' is that women have been systematically and historically oppressed throughout history. That in itself is a further discussion, as I'm not sure they actually have, however for| the purposes of this post I'll assume it to be true.

The notion of days gone by shaping the present is odd, and frequently damaging. When we believe we're nothing more than simply products of our past, then the past becomes merely a justification for anything in the future. The past creates us like the wake in the water creates a ship, and we must see ourselves as in complete control of what we are and what we will be. To blame the past is helplessness. We should move forward, always forward, and take complete responsibility for our actions. We should not hurt others because we have been hurt in the past, and we should not use that as an excuse.

So I believe that's why I've a concern with gender-specific equality. Simply because women were oppressed throughout history gives them simply no right to any sort of oppression now, no granted advantage over the male gender. Not even if it's subtle, even when it's affirmative hiring practices.

Feminists seem to assume that they are entitled to automatic power because their gender was once stripped of power beneath the law, and I disagree with this massively. We should be absolutely equal beneath the eyes of the law, not unequal to ‘make up' for past inequality. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Beyond the basics of the law, power should be earned. Men are born with an inherent expectation that they work for everything they get, while women are born with inherent power through their bodies. I see that feminists tend to be unused to a world where they must earn what they want. You will find few female CEOs because women don't work for it as hard as men do. Women have a lower average wage than men mostly because they don't undertake dangerous (and thus higher-paying) jobs. There's nothing wrong with making this choice, but there is something very wrong with making it and then bitching about the results. Women are not owed by default benefits that men slave to earn.

So the vast majority of things I see feminists discuss fall within one of the above categories – entitlement, or helplessness from the past, or fighting consistently for rights only relevant to one gender.

And that is why I'm not a feminist!
Sunday, March 23rd 2014
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Missing It
Hello everyone, I hope you're all well. I’m sorry I haven't written a blog in so long.

As you know, I hung up my stockings just over a year ago. I left AW as I was curious what life was like outside sexy cyber space and to pursue other projects. I must admit it was some time before I could sit in front of a laptop without feeling compelled to take off my clothes. As it turns out life without AW can be pretty mundane and thats the last word I could use to describe an AW life. I had been modelling, stripping and escorting for 9 years and I kind of feel like I’ve lost a limb when I’m not doing it. I think those of you who have abstained from AW before will agree life isn't quite the same without it.

I was feeling a bit in limbo, so, I had a good long think about what i wanted to do. I started making fetish clips at the end of last year for another website. You can find a few in my movie gallery. I've also decided I will be starting back on AW from April. I've got a new webcam, laptop, lighting and loads of new sexy outfits and will be on direct cam as well as offering messenger shows.

So, why leave something you love? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colours. And the people there see you differently too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. I am so excited to be coming back.

Anyways hope you have a lovely Weekend,
speak soon,
lots of love Alex
Saturday, April 21st 2012
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Spring Spoiling & Satisfaction
Well, here I am again, so soon after my last post, like a bus I guess, You wait ages, then three come along at once. Sometimes I succeed in `blogging` often, and other times its sometime between posts.

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party", and I think we all got lulled into thinking it was upon us, but unfortunately, it didn't last long. No matter, it was nice while it lasted, hopefully its a taste of whats to come. I'm dead set on leaving my winter wardrobe in storage, sexy as it may be, I cant wait to slip into my sexier spring and summer outfits.

As some of you would know, I get terrific delight from the art of giving, and I do love to spoil, but once in a while a lady requires a little spoiling herself, so I indulged and took myself off to a Spa in Birmingham. I spent all day enjoying the jacuzzi, steam room, sauna and pool. I genuinely feel as if I have been `spring-cleaned`. It was absolute heaven.

I had an amazing date the other evening, I got invited to stay at the Malmasion Hotel in Birmingham. Always an exquisite encounter staying there and to enjoy the Restaurant is invariably a treat. Particularly classy and sophisticated. Birmingham does have some amazing hotels and being a Birmingham girl, its fantastic to connect with my city and explore what it has to give.

I'm getting really excited about my 6th Adult Work Birthday next Thursday, I have decided the best way to spend the occasion is sharing it with you guys on Adultwork where it all began. Join me for my birthday party Thursday live from 12pm-5pm & 9.30pm-Midnight.
Friday, April 20th 2012
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My 6th Adultwork Birthday
It seems almost impossible to comprehend, in 6 days it will be my 6th Adultwork Birthday! Also over a year has now gone by since I launched my blog and published my first posts. So much has happened since I joined AdultWork, it became part of my life and now its's a way of life.

As I have said before, when I started out I had no real ambitions apart from to have a good time. Never would I have guessed that discovering a website could change my life so much. The fact other people follow my profile & blog and how it has developed over the years is something I am both extremely grateful for and continually surprised by.

Indeed, as a result of the internet, I have got to know some extremely interesting and charming people. The fact some of these people are from all around the world, whilst most are from outside the scene adds to my fascination over the sites influence.

Whilst there are undoubtedly some who do not like it or me, that is just life. They are entitled to their opinion and if they dislike it, or me, it is beyond my control. However, I do receive many positive messages and feedback.

The number of hits of my profile has continued to grow and recently passed the 800,000 mark, which I think must be quite good? Therefore, although I do get it wrong on occasions and I certainly do not know anything like everything there is to know about the scene, I must be doing something right if people do enjoy and take something from my ramblings.

In January I got involved in projects outside Adultwork which have been taking up a lot of my time. One client commented, "Alex sometimes you are harder to get hold of than the pope." I took this as a compliment because the pope is a pretty popular gent but I must apologise to those of you who have had to wait a little longer than usual for email replies. I can only apologise and appreciate your persistence and constant support. After all, it is you who makes it worthwhile and I extend my sincere thanks and good wishes to everyone who has chosen to follow my offerings in such a positive, open-minded manner and continue to do so on a regular basis.

Thank you for reading and for making my profile what it has become………so far!
Thursday, December 29th 2011
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Wonderful Christmas & New Year
Its been a while guys but thought a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year was well over due. Did Santa come to you with his bulging sack and empty it into your stockings?

I'm hoping you enjoyed a nice moist bird over the festive season, the trick is to smother juice all over the breasts and keeping the legs together will keep the middle moist. I am referring to birds that gobble, Turkeys! You and your dirty mind. I must say I have never been keen on sprouts but I do like a little stuffing. Is it me or is Christmas FULL of innuendoes and I have been loving them.

It's been a good, bad and ugly year, i'm pleased to say the majority exceedingly good. Thank you to all the guys who have frolicked with me this year. This year I have been overwhelmed by the appreciation I get from you guys, appreciation is a beautiful thing and I can only begin to express how grateful I am for the support you guys give me. Adultwork has taught me that you never can know everything but you can learn a lot from others and have a lot of fun doing it.

The only way to spend New Year's Eve is either quietly with friends or in a brothel. Otherwise when the evening ends and people pair off, someone is bound to be left in tears. One resolution I have made, and will try always to keep, is, to rise above the little things.

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

All my love and wishing you a wonderful 2012.
Sunday, September 4th 2011
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Flogging 101
For the Novice: Flagellation or better known as flogging is the act of methodically beating or whipping. Historically carried out as a form of punishment religiously or by the military. Thankfully nowadays normally carried out in a dungeon or controlled environment by a mistress/dominant to her or his submissive/slave/worshiper.

Material & Sensation: The first thing you will need to think about is what material your flogger is made from, that is going to determine what sensation the flogger is going to give. You can get deer hide, kangaroo hide, cow hide, resulting in a scale from thud through to stinging. So you should talk with your self or submissive about what sensations they are looking for. If you are looking for more of a thud, I would suggest using a flogger with more tails, preferably deer hide or cow hide. Rubber floggers are good for a stinging impact.

Safety Note: Keep to the bum and the thighs ( fleshy areas). Avoiding the spine and any joints.

Good Luck & Happy Spanking x
Saturday, September 3rd 2011
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Foot Fetish Research
Some really interesting and actually serious research is currently being done on fetishes. Researchers rather than looking at us as perverts are now concerned with why? It turns out that one of the most common fetishes in the world is the foot fetish. This I got from Wikipedia but I have seen the papers from the neurologists report.

Wikipedia’s proposed explanation of foot fetishism:

Neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran proposed that foot fetishism is caused by the feet and the genitals occupying adjacent areas of the somatosensory cortex, possibly entailing some neural crosstalk between the two.
Because the area of the brain that controls the genitals and the feet are right next to each other, scientists theorise there might be some cross chatter between the two of them. Interesting that what we would assume to be psychological actually be biological.

Another theory is because the feet produce pheromones, but how much pheromones actually affect humans sexually is up for debate. For some, foot fetish is integrated with worship and is more part of a submission ritual.

Did you know some famous foot fetishists include: Ricky Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Elvis, Andy Warhol, Ludacris, Britney Spears & Quentin Tarantino?

Foot Fetishism, heels, toes & stockings… how do you worship yours?
Saturday, August 27th 2011
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A Hard Man Is Good To Find
Hiya Boys,

This feels weird, I haven’t posted in ages, but I thought I better before some of you started to worry. Call off the hounds, I’m back.

I’ve been having a crazy whale of a time recently, life is wonderful and everything is going good. I’m totally recovered from the Charity walk and I am so pleased to announce we’ve raised £1050 for Cancer Research. Thank you to all of you that donated.

I was in my favourite city last week “Amsterdam” and had the greatest time. It had been secretly arranged by my travel companion for a rather neat driver to await at Amsterdam airport for our arrival. To my surprise he was holding a sign saying “Ms Summers,” and showed us to a very extravagant Mercedes. We spent the night at the “Toren”, which is a very sexy canal side boutique hotel, the room was unique & enchanting, if I were a room that room would be me. Equipped with a Jacuzzi & roof terrace, it was a recipe for a great time.

Returning back to the UK ( slightly blurry eyed) the following day I had the pleasure of spending the day at the Ess & Emm dungeon in Warwick for a torture session with an endearing sub and two other smoking hot mistresses. We had a total riot and our sub really took it like a man.

My little Mini has been causing me a headache for the last 2 years now with a breakdown or major mechanical failure on average every 3 weeks so I have ordered a new one, hopefully this one will be on the road more than in the garage being repaired. I must say I’m pretty excited too (any more excitement and I will burst).

I have been asked quite a lot recently what I plan to do in the future, whats my motivation, goals etc. These questions always stir me up and get my cogs turning. Until now my answers have always been along the lines of, I will carry on like this forever or long enough to buy a small holding and live like a dingle. Until yesterday I had an epiphany ( I love that word)! I have decided to train in something I know I will be awesome at and that I think you guys will too also find very useful. I’m not going to reveal all yet, you will need to wait and see.

And finally another true story:

I was out at lunch yesterday, I was on my own, minding my own business ( for a change). To set the scene I was wearing a beige & blue striped dress ( aged 11-12 ( i’m petite and it looked hot )) & little ankle boots. All of a sudden a sinister looking lad in a track suit walked over to my table, extended his arm, threw down a folded piece of paper and ran out of my view. I didn’t want to appear keen so I waited till the coast was clear to unfold the paper. Scrawled were the words, and I quote… “Call me ITTY 07** *******” (almost getting his own number wrong may I add). Some of you will have seen the corresponding picture I posted on twitter of the said note, seems a bit mean to post it here, but it can still be found on my twitter. I looked around me and the track suit clad boys had gone but I notice a gent sat across from me that seemed to like my dress and boots. I stood up as I was leaving, as I was passing him, gave him a little wink and slipped the note on the admirers table. What can I say I think they made a sweet couple.

Hoping you’re enjoying my new pictures. They are from a meeting with a client ( now old friend) from earlier this week. I think you will agree they are awesome. Today had been filled with the mundane task of linen shopping but it will be delightful to snuggle up in new sheets tonight.

All of my love
All of my kissin’

You don’t know what you’ve been a-missin’

Missed you guys!
Friday, June 24th 2011
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Summers School & Cheeky Monkeys
I'm on holiday from Adultwork until early July making some finishing touches to The Bungalow before the summers officially over. I'm frustrated at the mo cause I'm restricted, I usually love being able to walk around my house in any state of dress or undress, but i'm having to keep my clothes on because the blinds are being replaced so my windows are naked, I can't wait till the windows have got some clothes on and I can be naked again.

Hey, I'm always in the search of knowledge and I heard an interesting fact last night that I need to share. Did you know back in 1910's there was no cure for male infertility. So some clever spark proposed that grafting thin slithers of monkey scrotum to the scrotum of a human would be the answer. The procedure became hugely popular and by the 1920's over 700 surgeons were carrying out this operation. In around 1925 it was discovered that the theory was a load of "bollox" and didn't improve fertility but actually could be where the AID virus transmitted to humans from monkeys. And there's me thinking that it was those lonely lumberjacks and forest people.... sorry guys.

The truth is AID's was discovered much later on and the chances are that all those who under went the monkey bollock surgery were ether dead ( of AID's or old age) or were to embarrassed to admit they had undergone the op by they AID's epidemic.

If you haven't heard I am doing a 40K walk on July 22nd for Cancer research. Donations can be made on my justgiving page ( link on my twitter) and are hugely appreciated.

Love Ya xxx
Thursday, June 16th 2011
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Crazy Idea's, Zumba & Smiles
Hi Boys & Girls,

Its been a a while since i've had an opportunity to write to you. I've started to hit the gym in training for a 50 kilometre/ 10 Hour charity walk, me and my crazy idea's. If you would like to sponsor me just send me an email and i'll send you the donation link.

On the fitness trail, i'm certainly not the pioneer but I have discovered "Zumba." Zumba's choreography incorporates hip-hop, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts and some Bollywood and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are also included. My first class is next week so I will let you know how the Zumbaing goes.

Maybe its my age but recently i've been getting bored with contemporary movies & music so have started to enjoy some old technicolor classics. My new favourite film that I watched for the third time on Sunday is Gypsy, the story of Gypsy Rose Lee an amazing movie, I could watch over and over. If you have any recommendations I would love to hear them.

Finally, I received an email today that I would like to share with you, it really touched my smile spot.

Hi Alex, First can I say that I bow my hat to you, you seem very very hardworking and a really professional lady, I've also been amazed by your blogs, your obviously a really intelligent lady, and that makes you even more sexy!

To be honest I've never used your or anyone else's services before and am some nervous to take that step lol I am often in your area on business so will hopefully get the courage to match the will and book with you. Your figure is amazing to say the least and as I follow you on twitter I see how hard you work out, dedication to your work and your body is to be praised Alex. I've met a few working girls socially when I lived in Spain but have honestly never came across one that seems to be so level headed and in control of her life, so just wanted to say a massive Hi and a huge well done, you have my respect and admiration and hopefully time when I strike up some balls lol

Thursday, June 2nd 2011
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Higher "Sexual" Education
This week, in my search achieving a high level of sexual education I have learnt a few new phrases, wild expressions and erotic acts that I would like to share with you. Enjoy.

Arabian Goggles – A “seldom-seen” maneuver when you put your testicles over her eye sockets while getting head. (Picture it: ass on forehead) It may be anatomically impossible, but what the fuck else is new

Auxiliary Intercourse – Sexual climax achieved by moving the erect penis back and forth in the armpit

Dental Dam – One type of moisture barrier. People can use one during oral sex to stop STDs, including HIV. It is a square piece of latex that can be put over someone`s anus or vagina. (This way germs cannot get into someone`s mouth from blood or sexual fluids found in the anus or vagina or else into the vagina or anus from blood found in the mouth.) Dentists use it when they work on someone`s mouth so that blood won`t splash everywhere. Most escorts should keep a supply of these.

Erotophobia - Fear or anxiety of sexuality or the expression of sexual love.

Etch-A-Sketch – Trying to draw a smile on a woman’s face by twiddling both her nipples simultaneously.

Femoral Coitus - Penis -thigh sex.

French tickler - A condom with ridges, bumps, or something else designed to give women extra stimulation during intercourse. Not reported to work above and beyond what the man is otherwise capable of..

Icolagnia - Sexual arousal by looking at pictures.

Menthol, The - The act of getting head from a woman who just moments earlier ate a numerous amounts of cough drops, thus insuring a pleasurable, tingly feeling on your cock.

Queef (also know as “Vart”)- A well known, but sometimes embarrassing occurrence. Queefing happens when air gets trapped in a girls vagina, and makes a soft hissing, or farting kind of a sound while that air is released.

Tears of Joy - Your joy, her tears, when she swallows that rod so far back it makes her weep.

Xeronisus - Inability to reach orgasm
Thursday, June 2nd 2011
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Le Blog de Journal d'Alex
I have posted lots of informative posts and lists recently so I think its about time that I get personal and let you know how i'm doing.

Here we are in June, blimey, i've been at The Bungalow for a year and it now feels like my home. Decorating & renovation has been done all over the place. All I need to do now is get round to replacing the multicolored/ tartan sofas with something a little more sexy. The plan is to move again in a year or two and renovate another house but for now i'm staying put.

As i've nearly finished working on my house so I have turned my attention to my hair, I needed a change so have decided to gradually ( well the hairdresser decided) to go blonde. I'm thinking eventually a blonde mid-length sexy bob a bit like one of the current judges on BGT.

As well as my quest for sexual knowledge I have learned a few valuable life lessons recently, the main one being to not sweat the small stuff. Some things you can change, some things you can't, a intelligent person can spot the difference between the two. You cant help those who don't help themselves and you shouldn't feel sorry for those who feel sorry for themselves. There are some incredible people in this world who have overcome some unbelievable obstacles, how? They stepped out of their worried minds, stepped into real life and just got on with it. Enough of the incite and mysticism and back to the naughty stuff.
Sunday, May 29th 2011
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Come Closer…. Sexy Q & A's
Favorite sex position?
My favorite sexual position is Doggie Style or Laying Down

What turns you on the most?
beautiful body, low sexual voice, strong arms, touching and groping

Does size matter?
I guess somestimes. Ive had sex with a guy that was not very big and had great sex, then theres the guy that is well endowed… and has no clue what he’s doing

Most times in one day?

Most orgasms in one session?

What do you think about during sex?
If he’s bad…. “If I start masturbating will that offend him? and if it good… Im sceaming in side “Wow this is great”

Ever had a Three-some?
YES of course yes!

How often do you masturbate?
At the most 5 times a day, at the least once a day

Do you like oral?
Yes I love it, best part of my job

What’s better, someone you care about or a one night stand?
I say someone I care about, I was never a one night stand kinda girl

Sex or money?

How often do you have sex?
Average, every other day

Do you lick/suck?
Both : )

1-10 you in the bed[be honest]
9 because I use protection, If it was uncovered it be a 10 hands down

Name 3 favorite places to have sex?
Pool, on a beach, on the counter top

Do you like your hair pulled?

Do you like recieving oral?

Do you talk dirty during sex?
sometimes on my own, but not normally unless requested

Does music help get you in the mood?
Oh yes I believe so

Do you watch porn?
Yeah, to masterbate and to get great tip for work

Do you have any fetishes?
Before we had intercourse, he proceeded to arouse me first by fingerbanging my vagina.

Do you consider yourself a freak?
Yeah i like the taste of my own pussy so I think that classifies me as a freak

Do you like to be bitten?
lightly behind my knees

Do you bite?
Yeah, not hard very sensually though

Do you scratch?

Does it turn you on to be watched while having sex?

Have you ever taped yourself or been taped while having sex?

Do you watch yourself in a mirror while masturbating?
No I like imagining

Do you like being in control or controlled during sex?
Being in control

Do you remember your first time?
Yes I do

If you could change your first, would you?
Yes I would

Foreplay or Roleplay?

Rough or sensual?
I like them both, but place at the right times

Have you ever had a one night stand?
Yes one

Do you prefer to make love or f*ck?

Do you like kissing during sex?

Would you consider yourself loud or quiet?
In the middle, but I find my self forcing my face in the pillow at times

Do you moan?

Do you like to talk dirty?
Yeah, If im in the mood. Not a big fan of faking it!

Do you like to be spanked?

Could you live without sex?

Do you like oral sex?

Have you ever been caught in the act?

What’s your biggest turn on?
A guy the that moans, I LOVE It I guess it lets me know im doing a damn good job!!

Have you ever had sex with someone else in the room?

Are you still gonna have sex when you’re 70?
For sure

Have you ever used toys during sex?

Have you ever tied someone up during sex?

Have you ever been tied up during sex?

Can you remember who gave you the best sex of your life?
Yes and he’s some what famous so I cant say his name (wink)

Can you remember who gave you the worst?
The worst, to many to count

Do you get down and dirty?
Um I would like to say yeah, but im a safe girl so every things protected. So some people would probably disagree

Ever been with someone you regret?

Do you like to be on top?
Sometime! if its to big or to small it might not be as fun…

When is the best time of day to have sex?
Morning right when im waking up or right before bed

When was the last time you had sex?
120 minutes ago

Where was the last place you had sex?
On my bed

Do you remember who it was with?

How long did it last?

Did they enjoy it?
Very much so

Longest you’ve gone without sex?
One week, it was horrible
Sunday, May 29th 2011
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Escort Industry Jargon
Those who read my blog regularly will know of my dislike of the slang used in the industry, but sometimes we find ourselves using it, or reading an ad with it and not knowing what they are talking about so here is some lingo that might help you understand a little bit better:

GFE: Girlfriend experience, meaning a girl who is warm, open to kissing and preforming a blowjob with out a condom.

Roses: Another word for money

Kisses: Yet another word for money

Requested Donation: Money.

BBJ/ OWO: Bare back blow job ie one with no condom.

Greek: Anal sex

Outcall: She comes to the client

Incall: The client comes to her.

Thats about it for now, any other terminology that you come across that you can’t decipher, please let me know and I will post it in a further posting.

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