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Tuesday, June 16th 2020
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Returning to work 4th July
Hope you've all been keeping well and relatively sane throughout this crazy world at the moment!

Soo after retiring my stockings and 95% of Lilly_Lovesit for the past few months (some long term regs still got private pics /chat time) I'm more than ready to get back to my much-loved career of playing with penis's! <3

As I rushed off to work with the vulnerable I will be self isolating for 2 weeks then sorting my return out for 4th July hopefully ... Just in time for my 4 year Ho - versery on the 9th! :-D

Throughout the whole pandemic I've been PPE'D up for civvy work and completely symptom free.

My work room has it's own private balcony so will be nice and airy, all the door handles/surfaces will be cleaned (including the clean up wipes packet) before and after aswell as the usual protocol of changing the bedding .. Mattress and pillows are wipe clean so will get dettoled then fresh bedding applied and obviously as per usual the bathroom will also be fully cleaned in between bookings.

I'd like for you to hand monies straight over on immediate arrival (as opposed to after pleasantries /when we actually get in the room/after you've been to the bathroom ect) then go straight to the bathroom to wash, I will hand sanitise after dealing with the monies.

I can't think of much else that I can put in place so any other suggestions welcome?!

The main thing going forward through this has got to be PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY ... I'm responsible for my choices and risks as are you for yours.. I know I won't be seeing any of my family members so won't be risking "killing my nan" therfore you guy's are responsible for the same ;-)

I won't be reducing any of my service list or booking times as I do what I do how i do it because that's what I enjoy!

Last but not least.. Let's get back to enjoying our sexy selves! :-)

Looking forward to receiving your rock hard cock!

Love Lilly Xx

Monday, November 11th 2019
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Long over due a blog update so here we go!...

Some of my long term regular clients and a few new friendly faces may already be aware that I was filming for another TV documentary about sex work (November 18/May 19)
All my clients who know me know that I have not partaken in this for fame or fortune but to try educate, change hearts, minds and opinions surrounding the sex work industry as a whole.
It was originally scheduled for August but ITV changed the date last minute... I can now confirm that on Monday 25th November part one of two 1 hour long episodes of "A Very Yorkshire Brothel" will be aired on ITV 10:45pm after the news (I'm slightly disappointed as it was originally commissioned to be a 9pm prime time show however ITVs balls don't seem to be big enough as they backed out of the prime slot due to not wanting to deal with the possible backlash of their "comfortable" viewer's.. What's the point in making something like this to shy away from the issues?! )
Anyway, in this documentary you will see the life ruining story of me being outed as a sex worker and also things such as campaigning with the English collective of prostitutes for decriminalisation /law changes along with a few light hearted, usual, normal moments of our jobs as sex workers and talking points around it!

If one person changes their views or it sheds a bit of light on the subject making it less stereotypical ect then me exposing myself in such a way will have been worth it
Eg.. Oh she's a business woman not a prostitute.. 
Women like that have the right to be safe regardless...
Their not all broken damaged ppl...
Laws need to change... Ect ect

Anyway there we go let's see what happens..... I'm here for a good time not a long time hope you enjoy! :-)

Lilly Xx

Friday, April 21st 2017
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TG fetish ball number 2! And normal update
Hi all

So as you know I attended my first fetish ball in Edinburgh in February and had an awesome time so much so I have to go see what the one in London is like to compare!! As I have heard it's bigger better and naughtier :-) hehe lol so off I trot this weekend can't wait to see some more sexy amazing sights! Unfortunately your not allowed to take pictures or videos :-( but I'll see what I can get away with

On a different note I was unfortunate to experience my first bad client since I started working in July :-/, I'm fine but it did send me on a bit of a wobble and if I'm honest I did rethink my new career choices a bit but fortunately I'm a strong person who doesn't give in that easy and refuses to let one bad thing spoil all the good things, people, and fun I have been having since becoming an escort :-) I guess it was bound to happen eventually and it comes with the territory as an occupational risk. Obviously I'm going to be even more vigilant and careful about which gentleman I see and try minimise the risks as much as I can. I still love what I'm doing and enjoy spending sexy time with you lovley horny guy's! So back on form and it's all buisness as usual :-)

Kisses Mwah X xxx

Love Lilly Xx
Thursday, March 2nd 2017
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Fetish ball edinburgh update
Hi guys, long time no speak.. still rubbish at keeping my blog up to date :-/ lol

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I managed to have a fabulous weekend away in beautiful Scotland for the infamous fetish ball!

Thoroughly enjoyed myself and the atmosphere and can't believe how nice and friendly and open everybody was :-) saw some amazing costumes and cool people but mostly the venue which was set underground in caves blew me away!

The stage shows were also very cool... Latex fashion show, burlesque dancers and a lady playing a tune off jingle bells attached to her privates! They do say you lean something new everyday :-D hehe lol

I managed to enjoy my first experience of wearing full latex too! which after the initial strange feeling turned out to look and feel SEXY AS HELL!!!! :-D hehe think this could be addictive lol

I had such an awesome time that I definitely plan on visiting more of these weird and wonderful events, it was so good to see people being free and exploring themselves I especially liked viewing people playing in the workshops and playrooms.. Something really hot about walking round seeing people with red bottoms strapped to walls being spanked /flogged /whipped /roped ect! Again very sexy :-) hehe Xx

My trip wasn't all about sexy fun I did have a bit of time to explore some of the beautiful sights and attractions in Edinburgh too like the castle and the camera obscurea museum of which I ran round like a big kid! :-) Hehehe lol

So all in all a wonderful time was had and it was really nice to get away and enjoy some personal fun and me time!

Back to the usual routine now of meeting and playing with all you naughty horny gentleman that I still thoroughly enjoy ;-) hehe and if anything my little break has made me even more of a horny, naughty, Greedy girl!! Lol

Look forward to receiving and treating more of your hard delicious squirting cocks :-) hehe

Sexy sloppy kisses

Love Lilly Xx
Wednesday, January 25th 2017
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January's nearly over
Wow can't believe how fast this month has gone.. time flys while your having fun so they say and I've certainly been having a lot of fun after the TV appearance! :-)

Think I got away with my 15 minutes of fame quite lightly considering I had no idea how I'd been edited lol really pleased that the programme was a hit.. People are driving to city sauna just to take pics with me! It's madness but I love it nonetheless. Thank you to all the clients too that have made special journeys to visit me :-) met some lovely people as always and enjoyed dishing out my sexy skills for you! hehe Xx. And of course a big thank you to my regular clients as well that have supported me along this nerve wracking TV journey! Lol Mwah X xxx

Next on the list of things to do is my first ever trip to the famous torture garden party!! REALLY excited about this :-) I will be attending the valentine's Ball in Edinburgh which is held underground in caves! Its going to be an awesome mind blowing, kinky, fun fetish night of which will definitely open my eyes to more weird and wonderful sexy fun! :-) hehe
Although I must state that I am a tad nervous about wearing proper latex :-/ something I haven't experienced yet so I do hope it suits me! Lol

Watch this space for how I get on and for an outfit preview ;-)

Sexy kisses Mwah X xxx.

Love Lilly Xx I
Monday, December 19th 2016
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Christmas update + TV appearance!
Hey beautiful people!

I do hope you are all ready for the festive season :-) I've had to tweak my plans a tad due to finally receiving a release date for the channel 4 documentary I'm appearing in! I did originally plan to take myself to Amsterdam just after the new year to celebrate my birthday which is on the 4th January but now it looks like I'll be exposing myself to millions of people instead! :O haha. The show will be on Wednesday 4th January 10pm channel 4.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :-) lol oh and I'm already up on the c4 website as the poster girl for the show too :-) hehe it would be lovely if you could all catch it even if Just to say "I've had my cock down her throat"!! :-) Hehe lol

In other news I contacted montycashxxx who is a British porn producer over in Spain to ask him if he'd be interested in expanding his categories of porn into BBW! The porn industry is currently changing at the moment and I fear for the worst stupid laws are being put into place to control content :-( He did message me back saying he has a lot of work on and he doesn't know himself with the new porn legislation what he's going to be doing with his buisness but he Did say that he may be interested in doing some shared content and to contact him in the new year with some pictures! :-) so fingers crossed it looks like I'll have another photo shoot to organise! The last photographer off here connohten let me down massively :-| but I did manage to find someone else who was really great.. He shot my pussy pic gallery! He was really nice friendly and professional so can't wait to work with him again

Again as always I'd like to thank you all for your for your interest and support along my new career path... 6 months in going strong and still loving it! :-) hehe

So a massive heartfelt thanks to all my clients old and new, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy new year! :-*

Love and sexy kisses Mwah X xxx

Tuesday, November 8th 2016
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It's been a while!
Hey all,

Firstly I must apologise for being a tad rubbish at keeping up with the blog! :-/ I have had some time off over the past month or so after catching the dreaded cold! That time of year for all of us now I'm afraid! And the last thing I want to do is get reviews online such as " great head until she sneezed all over my cock!" :') haha lol so had to make sure I was properly better. I've also had ridiculous headaches with car problems... The only other thing I need a man for apart from cock! Lol

social media and blogging is not really my forté lol but I am now trying a lot harder to keep up with things and have just set up twitter and instagram for when Lilly_Lovesit finally hits the TV screens!! :-)
Speaking of which I still have no news on a release date apart from end of this month /beginning of December :-/ all I've heard is that it's still in edit. I must admit I'm getting really unnerved about it coming out now!! But what's done is done and I still go with my thinking that it's better to take an opportunity and possibly regret it later than regret not taking an opportunity at all! :-)

I was trying to get some more content sorted for my profile and was looking at setting a website up however I have been let down by an apparent well established AW photographer! :-( not best pleased. I will still try to find someone else but time is of the essence these days

On another note more work related I have had the pleasure to meet and experience yet more lovey kinky gentleman for pleasurable moments to the point of I'm now thinking I should be paying some of you guys!! :-D hehe lol love receiving amazing orgasms off my clients! So thank you to you all the pleasure is mostly mine ;-) lol

Also pleased at the reviews I'm receiving on other parts of the web such as UK punting and Wysg this really helps build my reputation and buisness so I am extremely grateful and thankful to the clients putting me out there :-*

Can't think of anything else to natter on about for the moment! so will sign off for now and catch up with you all soon

Sexy kisses

Love Lilly Xx

Friday, September 16th 2016
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Hey guy's,

Again, it's been a while since my last update as always recently I've been a busy girl.. Finally finished the filming for channel 4 it was a rap last Sunday!! :-) just 7 weeks of editing now so I've been told which will again push the release time back but I'll keep you updated. I'm quite relieved for it to be finished as to the back end it was getting a tad tedious repeating myself all the time! Definitely not as easy as it first seemed or or looks lol although it was tons of fun and a great experience none the less :-) I think the closer it gets to being shown the more nervous I will get :-/ haha lol I know I've shown my absolute true self but out of all the hours of filming I've taken part in I have no idea which bits will be shown so should be a nice surprise for me!

I was also busy with doing my first ever photo shoot! I went up to beautiful Scotland for it and worked with a great guy called Brian Richmond who has been photographing for over 25 years. I again had tons of fun and a fantastic experience :-) although I must say it was actually more hard work than I thought it would be! The lights make you really hot and all that posing in different positions ends up being quite a work out! Lol. Buzzing I went and did it though and I can't wait to see the results

I'm now hoping to get back to some sort of normal routine now filming and projects are out of the way and possibly work towards setting my own website up watch this space!

Again I'd like to thank everyone for their loveliness and any help support and guidance my sexy clients have contributed :-)

I'm still loving this new path I've stepped on and look forward to enjoying more hot naughty dirty sexy fun!! Hehe

Sexy kisses from me to you Xx
Thursday, August 25th 2016
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Just a quick one..
Hi guy's

just wanted to tell you all I have secured an audition for a new up and coming porn production company tomorrow!! Super exited :-D. Hehe

They are based in Leeds and put out mini films for companies such as Bendover productions to test the market see what's popular before spending the money on a full production so sounds pretty cool! :-)

This is something I've been looking to get into properly for a while now and something I know I would thrive doing!

Wish me luck! lol I'll let you all know how I get on

Fingers crossed they like and enjoy me as much as you lot do!

Love and kisses

Lilly Xx
Monday, August 22nd 2016
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Been a while since my last update
Hey guy's

It's been a while since my last update as luckily I've been busy as hell!

Really pleased with the progress I've made so far since taking the decision to make this my new career. I have been having some awesome orgasms and tons of fun playing with you all! :-) slowly building myself and my profile up and so far I have received some amazing feedback which obviously I'm pleased as punch about!! I mean we all think we're good but now it's actually been proven :-) hehe lol so thank you to all I have played with and satisfied so far Xx I also want to thank those clients who have imparted their knowledge and expertise onto me and made me aware of the discussions about me on punting websites wysg ect without them telling me I would have been clueless! :-/ lol Xx

Still taking part in filming with channel 4, they have actually run over and instead of airing the documentary in October it has now been pushed back to mid November and this still could change yet! It's been a crazy time.. Definitely fun but recently getting a tad stressful :-/ lol not sure I have the patience to be a "star" haha lol Xx

Away from filming in the sauna with channel 4 I have a photoshoot in September with Brian brisby who shoots up in Scotland for G7 magazine which I'm really excited about!! I may not get into the actual magazine however I think Brian is the best bet to bring out my personality and features as he's usually an alternative type of photographer.. Kinda rock tattood biker chick style which is great as I don't think the typical "glamour" photographer would do me any justice as I'm not the usual size 8 blonde hair fake boobs /lips/hair kinda gal!! Lol we shall see how it all turns out Xx

I have been advised by the sauna and channel 4 to take a holiday before the documentary is aired as apparently last time it went mental over there with people queuing out the door and coaches of American tourists arriving on the doorstep!! :-/ haha lol so if any of you fancy whisking me away or letting me use a retreat somewhere then feel free! ;-) hehe lol (if you don't ask you don't get!) xx

Look forward to catching up with you all soon and updating you on my new slightly crazy but HIGHLY enjoyable life!!! :-) hehe lol

Take care guys, thanks for reading

Lots of love and sexy kisses

Lilly Xx

Friday, July 29th 2016
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Appearing on TV!
Hey guy's

I'll of been working a whole month on the 7th of August and I can't believe the stuff that's happened already in such a short time!

I've even had time off to enjoy a long weekend at the Vw festival bugjam that I love going to (seen as my main aims in life apart from wanting to be a nurse are to have a vw camper and a harley Davidson!) i had an absolute blast the weather was gorgeous if not a little too hot to traipse about sometimes :-/

Upon my return I have been taking part in filming with channel 4 for their follow up documentary to A very British brothel

The programme follows mother and daughter that run city sauna over in Sheffield. Channel 4 contact me as I'm new to the business to see if i would like to come and meet the girls and maybe work one day a week over there.

I completed my trial shift on Wednesday and what a blast I had!!

The girls are lovely as are the owners aswell as the clients and local characters! I do prefer independent work however this can have its drawbacks with time wasters and obviously some safety aspects. So going over there one day a week is at least gaurenteed safe work.

Back to the filming...
The women from the channel 4 crew that are filming are absolutely adorable so fun and relaxed and up for a laugh. I have been filmed being shown the premises and being introduced to everyone and I completed my own 2 hour interview with them talking about my job and sex work in general, I found myself terribly nervous in the beginning however I've been told I'm a natural with a big personality and great banter and throughout the interview I relaxed into it so much so that I now can't wait to see myself on TV!! :-)

I am taking part in more filming on Sunday, Monday and next week. I just can't believe that within one month of starting up I'm bringing the dough in, meeting fantastic clients and will appear on TV!

Gutted I never entered this industry sooner I've never felt so empowered or been as happy in a long time. Hopefully this is a great start to my fantasticly fun career!

Going to love you and leave you but will definitely update you all soon, take care and don't forget to keep your eyes out for me!!

Lots of hot sexy kisses

Lilly_Lovesit Xx
Thursday, July 21st 2016
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My first 2 weeks!
Just thought I'd write a bit about how much fun I've had so far since setting up my AW profile 2 weeks ago today!

I have met some wonderful guy's already it's been a really pleasurable yet eye opening experience and I'm loving every minute so far as I really enjoy trying and doing new things :-)

and of course I've absolutely adored the attention I've been getting along with the fabulous orgasms!! :-) hehe

Really pleased that I have made this career choice absolutely loving it and have already had some amazing feedback and truly feel this is my vocation in life! I love being desired, wanted, enjoyed and most off all draining you guy's of your delicious cum juice ;-) hehe

Watch this space as I'm taking part in a documentary for channel 4 about sex work! So if your not lucky enough to experience me in person then keep your eye out for me on TV!!

Thanks to all the lovely clients I've seen so far that have really been a pleasure and re affirmed my new life choice!

Lots of love and sexy kinky kisses

Lilly Xx

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