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Monday, March 30th 2015
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There's always one bad egg!
There's always one bad egg!

I would like to start this blog by saying I thoroughly enjoy my "job." I always put 110% in to everything I do, and always treat people the way I wish to be treated. This reflects in my feedback.

After been bombarded with over 30 emails over the course of 8 months about purchasing some panties. A member of adultwork finally decided to purchase ONE pair.
I would like to state that I politely answered every one of his absurd questions ranging from, "will I actually post the panties" (why would I not!) to "can I come to your house and collect them because I don't want my girlfriend to see the post"

I dispatched the panties 2 days after the purchase had been made. They were dispatched standard class as instructed by this member.
Two dates later I received an email saying they hadn't been received and should he email adultwork about getting a refund. Must admit I found this quite strange when they had only been sent 48 hours before. I suggested he wait until the next day to see if they turned up.
I received another email the next day saying they still hadn't been received. I replied saying I would refund him. This member replied "should I wait a couple more days?" to which my response was "it's completely upto you." I was more than happy to refund there and then, however this member said he would wait!
2 days later I have received negative feedback.

I have sent panties all over the world and NEVER had anyone not receive them. Must admit, after the amount of emails exchanged and one of the questions in particular (see above) I do find this quite strange?
Saturday, October 20th 2012
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What's new with me?
It's been a long time since I last blogged. (slapped bum) but fingers crossed I will get back to blogging on a regular basis instead of yearly!

Some may have noticed I now have a private gallery and movies library. I have been shooting lots of content over the past few months all ready for your viewing pleasure.
Must say it has been a lot of fun, and whilst I am writing this blog I am drinking lots of water to get ready to do a pissing clip to add to the collection! Ummmm.
Your are more than welcome to email me with some suggestions of what you would like to see me do on these pictures and videos. Although I must say I think I have thought of pretty much everything.

Right, must dash as it's golden shower time!

Friday, April 30th 2010
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Run Suzie Run!

Sorry i haven't blogged in a long time, time is going too quick lately, can't bloody keep up!

Something new in my world is i have decided to start running. Even though i go to the gym on a regular basis, i feel that i am simply going through the same old motions and not really getting a buzz from going anymore, which is why i have decided to enter a charity run.
Ok so it's not the London Marathon (well done to Bec's by the way for running it in a great time!), not even a half one but still it would be a massive achievment for me if:

A) I complete it (without keeling over)
B) I get round without having to walk/stop.

The run isn't until September which gives me enough time to get myself ready.
I have just joined a running club and actually got the huge buzz i had been looking for and looking forward to going in the morning.

Decided to run for a smaller charity one which is based in Yorkshire and it's actually for rescue dogs. Everyone who knows me knows i am a HUGE dog lover, so it is a honour that i will be raising money and helping them.

Bank holiday this weekend, really hope it is decent weather and i can start working on a sun tan. Just had artificial grass put down in my back garden and would love to sunbathe on it!

Hope everyone has a really good bank holiday weekend.


Monday, March 15th 2010
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Thank you from Suzie

Sunday 14th March- Mother's Day should have been a lovely day with my Mum but unfortunately some sad person/persons decided to be me on webcam.

Let me explain, yesterday i realised someone had managed to gain access to my profile and was webcamming as myself yesterday and this morning! I have not been on webcam since Thursday therefore if anyone has been in webcam with 'me' after Thursday then i apologise!

I would like to say a big thank you to Adultwork for helping me to sort out this problem and fingers crossed everything seems to be working ok now. I would also like to thank a good friend for his help too, much appreciated x

Love to you all


Tuesday, December 22nd 2009
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Merry Christmas
So, another year has gone by quicker than the last one, still can't believe December is nearly over with and we will be seeing in 2010 very soon.

I am really looking forward to Christmas for different reasons than others, not so big on the whole eating so much that you can't move for 2 days, so am in fact taking a different approach and going to a health spa for the Christmas period, no it isn't all green food and yes they do serve Christmas dinner (although it is a smaller version lol)
Can't wait to chill out, spend 3 days in a dressing gown and get pampered with lots of treatments!

I would like to wish everyone who i have met whether it be on cam or in person a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and of course i don't want to forget all the girls who are on Adultwork, enjoy the fesitive activities!

Monday, October 12th 2009
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Back from Florida....
Wow just looked at my blog, and didn't realise i hadn't posted one since June! Where has the time gone????

So i got back from Orlando last week and what a fantastic holiday i had, lots of sun (100 degrees of it in fact!) and i wish i could say plenty of relaxation time. In fact i had no relaxation time, up at 7am every morning, to be in the theme parks by rope drop at 9am, usually in bed by 8pm though shattered every night! Such a party animal lol

After a weekend of catching up on Sky Plus, i am now back into the swing of things! Working, gymming it every day and getting ready for my next holiday which unfortunately won't be until this time next year!!!!

Hope everyone is well, and not too cold. I have got my heating whacked up to full, and keeping myself warm with camming for you sexy guys!

Take Care

Friday, June 26th 2009
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What a sad day...
Heard it last night on my way home from the theatre about the legend Michael Jackon passing.

Needless to say, like everyone else i am shocked. When i first heard it last night i did actually think it was a publicity stunt, especially when it was announced that he in fact wasn't dead he was in a coma. Anyway within an hour it was confirmed that he had died. Such sad news at such a young age, and such a talented man.

I am sure even the people who didn't like him as a person would have to agree that he was a fanastic entertainer, but his music will never be forgotton.

Sorry this is a such a morbid post but i know people knew i had tickets to go see him in July, and i am sad i will never see him perform live.

RIP Michael, and my thoughts are with his family


Monday, June 22nd 2009
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Boring week for me...
So, day one of my official most boring week.

I have now got the builders in for a maximum 5 days fitting me a new bathroom, and i honestly cannot believe how boring it is doing nothing!

I have walked the dog for 3 hours today, which he isn't complaining about, but he is now sleeping in the garden and looks like he won't be moving for a while!

I can't even webcam this week because the builders are up and down the stairs and i cannot take the risk of them walking in on me mid show! Painted a vanilla image of myself to them of been a make up artist lol.
It's not that i am ashamed of what i do, i just know some people can perceive things a different way to others.

I have realised though that i could never be a lady of leisure, how boring must that be! I am so active, and need to be doing something all the time.

Might go and have a friendly game of bingo now! Mind you, starting to think it's a bloody fix, only won £1.60 and £12!

Hope you all have a better and more active week than me (sexually) x

Monday, June 1st 2009
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What a lovely weekend weather wise it has been. Although i did spend most of it inside because the pollen count was high. To be honest i was glad to keep cool.

I'm getting a new bathroom at the end of June, and really excited about it, although it will mean i will be unavailable for bookings for 5 days Monday-Friday, it will also mean i won't be camming during the day. I will be on from about 6pm-11pm, however i will put down on my profile which 5 days it will be.

This week i will be celebrating my 24th birthday. I must be the only person who dislikes birthdays, i don't like getting older (bah humbug), however i will be going to see Britney Spears at the O2 on Saturday which is my birthday treat to myself, which i am really looking forward to.

Enjoy your week everyone, hope it stays sunny, everyone is so much more friendlier and happier with the sun out!

Friday, May 22nd 2009
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Don't you just hate mysteries?
Last night i went to see Derren Brown in Reading and wow wow wow! All i can say is the guy is a genius!
I have seen a few of his tv shows which i really enjoyed so decided to book tickets to see him live, and i must say i was very impressed!

Tempted to go and see him again, to see if i can work out how he does any of his tricks, and he is going to be in London for the next 2 months, but maybe some things should just be left as a mystery.

Got a busy weekend coming up, going for a facial (no, not that kind) and going out in London for a meal, followed by a westend show which i am looking forward to.
Hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday!

Sorry pretty pointless blog, would love to tell you everything that Derren Brown did...............................very tempting lol. No i wouldn't do that just in case anyone is going to see him.

Tuesday, May 12th 2009
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Back off my holiday!
Apologies for not blogging in ages!

Got back from my holiday on Sunday. A 2 week Caribbean cruise! Heaven!
Saw some amazing places, although i will say Barbados was by far my number one! Probably because Simon Cowell has a couple of houses there and i felt just that little bit closer to him................. lol
I would recommend anyone to try a cruise at least once, you meet some lovely people and it's such a nice way of life, one that i could get used to!

Ate some yummy food, although i was good and worked out in the gym nearly every day so didn't feel too guilty scoffing my face with cakes!!!!

Only thing bad about cruising is you can't even sunbathe topless! How bad is that! So now i have bloody white tits and a white arse!
I think they should make a nudist cruise, i can imagine it would be very popular, and just imagine how much more 'friendly' people would be! xxx
Thursday, March 26th 2009
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Two fat ladies 88!
My latest discovery is online bingo. Can't believe i have never played it before, isn't it fun! Well it would be if i bloody won something.

I have actually joined 3 different bingo sites in fear that one of them could be fixed and still not won a penny! Surely they can't all be fixed? I have now decided i am just unlucky when it comes to any kind of gambling. Lottery, bingo, the lot.

I can completely understand how people do get addicted to gambling, i keep playing hoping one day i might win even £10 (see i'm not greedy) and i suppose the people who do win, always want more. Anyway have no fear i have only spent £20 so far so i won't be having my home repossessed just yet.

Wish me luck!


PS please be advised if you do decide to have flutter at the bingo because of reading this blog, and lose, i am not to be held responsible. If you win though do let me know haha
Wednesday, March 11th 2009
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I am so happy, i have got Michael Jackon tickets!

I was up this morning at 6:30am with my pre sale code, ready and waiting for the tickets to go on sale, i had to wait for about 10 minutes but seems like i have not bad seats! Would have loved to have got the VIP package but at nearly £800 a ticket it seemed really steep and you don't even get to meet MJ for that!

I am a very happy girl, good luck to everyone trying to get them!
I'll bet Friday is going to be mad when they go on sale to the general public.

Friday, March 6th 2009
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Michael Jackson
Oh my god i am sooooooo excited. I can't believe Michael Jackson is performing at the O2 arena this year!!!!!!

I have waited for a long time to see the king of pop perform and now this is going to be his last show in London...................EVER!

I really want tickets and i am keeping everything crossed that i can get them, to be honest they are really good priced, but if the concerts sell out then they will go onto ebay and will probably get sold for double or more. Mind you i would pay stupid money to get them. It's the one person i have always wanted to go and see and will never get this oppertunity again.

I'm going to put on my Michael Jackon cd today woo hoo!!!!!!!

Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me please........


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