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Monday, February 9th 2009
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Lovely Weekend
Hope you all had a good weekend and the snow is not causing you much problems. Thankfully it has all pretty much gone around here, it's just constantly raining now, forcing me to buy some wellies today as i am sick of my socks getting soaked through when i am walking my pooch.

Yesterday i went out for Sunday lunch at one of Gordan Ramsay's restaurants and it was gorgeous, one of the best Sunday lunches i have ever had (apart from my own of course) lol joke. Wish i could bloody cook that good, i'm too bloody lazy though and i prefer pasta or something quick and easy like that, so it is nice to go out and have a 3 course meal somewhere.

Valentines day is coming up this weekend, not all that fussed about it to be honest, i am usually the one in Sainsburys on Sunday buying the half priced flowers! Hey what's wrong with that? I am a northern girl, i love a good bargain!
So don't forget to buy your loved one a nice card/flowers/chocolates. Or even better cook your lady a meal Gordan Ramsay style!

Thursday, January 22nd 2009
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Bad Girl Course!
Just before Christmas i got caught speeding (tut tut!) I wasn't even aware i had been caught until the letter came through the post, it turned out it was a man in a van who had got me driving................wait for it.........a whopping 35mph! 5mph over the speed limit.

Anyway instead of paying the fine and taking the 3 points, i was offered a young drivers course which would cost me a little bit more than the fine would have but would mean i wouldn't get the points.
I'll be honest, i was tempted to take the points as the thought of sitting in a classroom for 2 and a half hours didn't exactly excite me, however i had literally just got rid of my only 3 points off my licence and really wanted to keep it clear.

The course luckily was not too far away from me thank god, and like i say it was only 2 and a half hours out of my life. It was pretty dull and basically went over things about road safety etc.
So after the course i thought, well at least its over with right? WRONG i now have to complete 4 seperate modules online, and i have to leave 4 days in between each one each module takes 30 minutes! Here was me thinking i had got off quite lightly! Oh and i have 28 days to complete them all otherwise i will get my 3 points.

Moral to this story to girlies is hope you get caught by a police man, at least you can attempt to talk yourself out of it! lol


P.S i forgot how hard it is to sit in a classroom and actually concentrate, i was seriously knackered when i got home!
Thursday, January 15th 2009
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Sally Morgan
I went to go and see Sally Morgan on Tuesday night and i must admit i wasn't too impressed. The whole evening was very showbizzy for my liking i.e she got changed at the interval, and clips kept getting played on the large projector screen.

When it got down to the readings, she did seem to get quite a lot wrong and wasn't exact with dates, names etc. Also when she was doing a reading for someone in the audience she didn't stay with them for very long, it was all very vague.

To say she does readings for celebrities and did readings for some of the royals i expected her to be a lot better than she was. Ok it was a nice evening out and the tickets were not expensive but still.....

Maybe i expected too much or maybe she was having an 'off' evening, who knows and please don't let this blog put you off if you are going to see her. She came across as a lovely lady and was a good entertainer.

So, i have now booked tickets for Derren Brown after watching his latest show. The man is a genuis and seriously impresses me. How on earth does he do it? Really irritates me when i don't know how tricks are done etc! Oh well i am really looking forward to going to see him even though it is in May!

Tuesday, January 6th 2009
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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and New year. It's hard to believe it has been and gone already!

Whats new in my life? Well i had to have a minor operation at the beginning of December, nothing serious and i am now back working now and camming which i haven't done since November! tut tut!

Back in full swing at the gym and i'm actually looking forward to this year, booked a few concerts through out the year so i have things to look forward to. Going to see Sally Morgan next week and really looking forward to it. I have recently read her autobiography and thoroughly enjoyed it. Fingers crossed i will get a message but judging by the size of the venue i will be lucky if i can even see her! lol

Pretty pointless blog i know but it has been a while since i last wrote one so just thought i would say Happy new year and i hope you all have an enjoyable and safe 2009 (god i sound old! lol)

Monday, October 27th 2008
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Long time...
Wow it has been a long while since i last blogged!

I was on holiday at the end of September for 3 weeks in my favourite place in the whole world! Florida! I am addicted to the place, the food, the weather, the shopping and some very hot women!
There are some really sexy women in Orlando, especially in the water parks wearing their tiny little bikinis ummmmm. I had a great time perving on them all! Shame you can't go topless in the water parks, however it is probably a good job with me around, after all it is catered for families!

Also i am really excited as i have booked a ghost hunt! Never done one before and i am curious to know what goes on at these events, my pal and i are gonna be screaming the place down no doubt but hey it is nearly halloween so good time of year for it. Stay tuned and i will let you know how it goes.....

Must go now as i am going to meet up with the gorgeous model-escort for some tonguing action no doubt and some very horny fun. Must pack my extra large dildo...........
Thursday, August 21st 2008
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Bugs......Who needs them?
Apologies to everyone who has tried to contact me these past few days.
Unfortunately i've been laid up in bed with some sort of bug, literally wiped me out and felt like i had aged 40 years!

Luckily i'm feeling a lot better now, can't believe it's Thursday already and another week has gone by and i haven't done anything, apart from lay in bed. I haven't even wanked for well over a week, thats when i know there's something not right!

I'm going to my favourite health spa this weekend and intend to have lots of relaxing treatments and eat some yummy food and will come back looking younger haha!

Hope you all enjoy your bank holiday weekend



Sunday, July 27th 2008
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Feeling hot hot hot!
It's been ages since i blogged but to be honest i haven't done much to write about.

This weekend i did plan to cam but unfortunately my plans went out of the window, due to having a relaxing facial yesterday (and no i don't mean that kind of facial!) lol and i came home and was so relaxed i ended up watching 'beaches' and crying to that! Love that film but god isn't it sad? Has to be one of my favourites though.

Today i went to the gym this morning (whilst it was cool) and ended up going into London, spent too much money in Harrods and Harvrey Nicolas but got some great purchases!
I love Harrods but seriously i can't get over the size of it! I still get lost and have to ask for directions!

Ended up coming home walking the dog and eating a fatty fat fat roast dinner with chocolate fudge pudding and double cream but i do intend to take the dog out later on to walk it all off! So i will be back camming tomorrow late afternoon/evening and hopefully getting horny as i haven't even had a bloody wank this weekend, it's been too hot. Excuses, excuses i know, but i may have a wankathon tomorrow!

See you soon

Monday, June 16th 2008
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The Lion King

I have had a great week last week and weekend.
On Saturday night i went to see The Lion King at the west end. Wow it was incredible! If anyone has seen it i would be interested to know if everyone else thought it was amazing too? I am easily pleased lol

Ended up coming home and downloading the bloody album off i tunes! I have just been listening to it whilst in the gym. Hope nobody could hear it! lol

I love west end musicals though, been to see Fame and Grease and both of them were really good too. Still loads more what i want to go and see. I think next one on the list is Les Miserables. Only thing is though what is it about?
I enjoy going to musicals that i know the general story so it's easier to follow.

Yesterday i had a chill out day, cooked sunday lunch yum yum and caught up on Big Brother and Hollyoaks. lol lol i hear you say? What can i say im hooked on both!
Nothing else to write about really. Going to cam today so hopefully see you on there.
Sunday, June 8th 2008
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Fish And Chips With Bits On
Wow what a beautiful day today, can't believe how hot is is, especially as the weather hasn't been too great lately.

I have had a great weekend, i did celebrate turning a year older last week, and went upto to Leeds to see me family.
Went to see the spiritulist again and to be honest i did not think he was as good as the first time i went to see him. There were a lot more people there so it instantly gives you less chance of receiving a message. Needless to say i did not receive one again.
Going to see him again in July and we will see if he is any better then.

I went shopping in Leeds on Saturday morning and bought tons of new clothes, some very sexy shoes and more underwear. I will of course be modelling it on webcam but i'm going to save it as i have a professional photo shoot on Wednesday. Looking forward to getting some more photographs and putting them on this site.

Saturday afternoon i went to see Sex and the City. Oh my god it is the best film i have ever seen. Loved it so much i may go and see it again as i don't think i can wait for the dvd to come out. Still thinking about it now lol!

Catching up on my sky plus tonight and hoping the weather will stay this hot tomorrow as i have bought a lovely pink sun lounger and would love to sunbathe naked on it tomorrow! Been to the gym as i ate loadsa rubbish at the weekend. You can't beat fish and chips with bits on in Leeds! Find it quite funny how some people in London don't know what 'bits' are lol. Guess it's a northern thing!

Tuesday, May 27th 2008
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Hello everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday weekend.

Well, i did go to Passion on Saturday and thought it was ok but not as good as Erotica. It was on a much smaller scale and found that most of the stands sold the same thing.

However, i did enjoy myself and purchased a few new outfits and toys to keep me entertained!

I also tried out this toy which resembled a neck massager. Actually it was a neck and back massager and is meant to be used for medical reasons, however i'm guessing people have found better uses for it and now it's sold as a pleasure massager too. I have forgotton what the proper name for it is though? Anyway i was very tempted to buy it but when i sampled it on my back i felt like i was going to take off! Bloody hell i thought the sybion was powerful!
I opted for a smaller vibrator instead.

Next week i hit the big 23!!!! arrghhh i hate birthdays, who wants to celebrate becoming older anyway? I have booked myself in to a spa for the day to looking forward to been massaged everywhere....

Anyway i am now going to cam until this evening. Hopefully see you soon

Wednesday, May 21st 2008
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What have i been doing?
Hiya all!

I have had a really good last couple of weeks. Been really busy and been shooting two completely different films.

One was a dominatrix film which was lots of fun! I don't do a lot of domination work but when i do i always enjoy myself. The scenes i did were mainly tease and denial which i love doing, i also spiced the scene up a bit with a bit of hand spanking, and then went onto a bit of caning!

Sometimes the producer doesn't like you to get fully naked and i always find it really hard keeping my clothes on! I automatically go into wanking mode and sometimes can't help rubbing my pussy hee hee.
All been well i will be shooting another domination scene next week.

I have been shooting today for Television x and as on all my shoots i had a very horny time. Luckily the weather was great so we got to shoot outside on a terrace.
The sun was burning down on my back whilst i was getting rogered from behind, it make me extremely randy and gagging for more.....

This weekend i will be going along to Passion at Earl's Court on Saturday. I will have a wonder around and perv on some of the sexy girlies working on the stands.
I remember one year at Erotica i was walking around and found a stand which sold Sybians. These are incredible, large machines and i simply had to have a sample of what this powerful piece of apparatus could actually do.
Well, i sat on it and within one minute i was having such an amazing orgasm. I completely forgot where i was and when i opened my eyes i realised i had attracted a group of people. Ha ha

Needless to say my face was very pink both from my wonderful orgasm and embarassment. I can get shy at times you know! lol.

So i now sat here with a face mask on and planning on catching up on Hollyoaks and Gordan Ramsey. Enjoy your bank holiday weekend and hopefully i will see some of you soon

Wednesday, May 7th 2008
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Summer Months- not always a good thing
Ok, so it's two days running now that i have woken up to the sunlight blazing through my curtains. I do love summer, especially the shortage of clothes....

However, i have been a long term hayfever sufferer since i was a nipper and as soon as i know it's going to start getting hot i also know that i'm going to be 16 million Brits with a runny nose, and itcy eyes.
I do get all of the medication such as the nasal spray, eye drops and the tablets (i get them all over the counter now as i refuse to go to my doctors, doctors aren't too great where i am!)
But i hate thinking that i'm going to be taking this medication every summer for the rest of my life!
Surely there must be something else which can be used instead?

Last year i bought some tablets from one of them chineese medicine places. Did it work? Did it bollox! The tablets looked like rabbit droppings and smelt vile. I had to take 4 tablets three times a day and i swear to you i was rattling down the street! I took them for about a month and felt no different.

Considering accupunture, has anyone ever tried it for any ongoing medical problems and did you find it worked? Also, how many sessions do you need?

Anyway, enjoy the sun!

Monday, May 5th 2008
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Bank Holiday Weekend
I hope everyone has been having a good weekend so far. No sign of any heat wave or anything but hey nothing that a sunbed can't do lol.

This weekend i have been busy catching up with friends. On Friday night we went to the cinemas to watch The Eye and wow what a great film.
It stars Jessica Alba and not only is she brilliant at acting, she is also very sexy so at least you have a bit of perving material too whilst watching the film.
I also watched another of her new films the week before called Awake and again it was really good.

To be honest i don't know why i watch scary films, as i get older the more scared i get especially in a cinema. I usually end up watching the whole film behind my hand haha! Bit of a waste really but i usually get an idea of what the film is about.

Today, i am going to do a bit of shopping, and then will hopefully be camming tonight.

Is anyone going to Passion at the end of May? It's supposed to be very similar to Erotica but hppefully better. I don't really rate Erotica that much. Anyway it's at Earls Court. Im suprised there has not been more advertising about it. I only heard about it from a friend, i need to go dildo shopping so it's a good excuse!

Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday weekend

Friday, April 25th 2008
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On Wednesday night i went to see a clairvoyant. Well it was actually called a medium night as anyone can buy tickets to see this particular gentleman, and there is about 100 people in one room.
The Clairvoyant will then proceed to give out messages to people in the room from people who have gone to the spirit world.

Now when i booked tickets i was a little skeptical about it all. The tickets weren't expensive and i figured it beats going out to the cinema or to a bar.
I didn't really believe in life after death and i guess i always thought once your gone your gone, well this guy completely changed my mind!

I don't want to say too much about what went on during the course of the evening but i will say the guy was exact about everything, dates, names, places, details that only you would know about.

I personally did not receieve a message which i was a little disappointed about, as im sure everyone else who didn't receive one was. However, there were people in that room who needed their messages and it brought a tear to my eye the things that were said.

I would advise anyone to go, especially those who like me didn't really believe in life after death or people who have lost loved ones and feel they can't put closure on it.
I know this is a tad morbid subject to be talking about on a Friday afternoon, but im still thinking about it 2 nights on.

Hope everyone has a good weekend im planning on camming


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