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Wednesday, December 21st 2022
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The end of 2022
Congratulations to all of you reading my latest blog as it must mean that we have all made it through another year. I’m fully aware that it’s only the 21st December today and that we have another 10 days to go. Whilst it’s supposed to be the shortest day of the year, I get the feeling that it’s going to be a bit longer for me as I have been awake since 3:30am. I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment and so at 5am I decided to get up and start work.

Business is going well, and the online section is going to be taking the front seat this coming year. I’ve currently got seven shoots booked in and I’ve got another five lined up to book in before the end of March. I intend to keep that rate going all year and build on the success that I’ve had during 2022.

My real time meets will only continue as a touring escort and it will stay as that as I have no intention of taking visitors at my home address.

In July, I started offering webcam shows on a more frequent basis and they proved to go down well, and certainly much better than a lot of guys could do on a hot loaded shemale cock. I really can’t understand how so many guys struggle to pleasure a penis with their lips and it was this year that a friend of mine gave me their opinion on the subject. She told me that they are just being lazy and they need to open their fucking mouths. I’m sure that memory will keep me amused for many years to come.
Friday, March 18th 2022
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escorting in Staffordshire
I’m going to stop escorting from my Staffordshire/Derbyshire home location by Easter. It is quite possible that I wont offer these services again from said address.

Why the change?

When we went into lockdown, I put more of an effort into my online services. That business continues to grow and I can't ignore that fact.

In 2020 I had breast augmentation and in 2021 I addressed an injury I had. I’m now back doing more sport, more filming days and touring just as much as before. When I look in my diary, I can see three spare days between Mid March and Mid April. The requests to meet at my home location is a 24 hr drip feed and no matter what I do, I can’t funnel the business into the days that I’m available. As a result, I’ve felt like I’ve been on call 24hrs a day for the past few years and I’ve had enough. I need time to switch off and this is the only way of doing it.

What I may do is add East Midlands airport to my list of touring locations. This is a location that I used way back in 2008 with a degree of success.
Thursday, December 30th 2021
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au revoir 2021
I’ve been meaning to write a blog for some time now. The problem has been that I believe that blogs should be kept positive and I haven’t been able to put anything together which could be seen in the slightest bit positive.

I’ve spent the first 10 months of the year in a fragile state, mainly to do with my Dad’s poor health which was due to his cancer and the treatment of it. He’s ok for the moment, incase you wondered. I’m quite surprised how I’ve managed to keep it altogether. Life for me has changed considerably since my breast augmentation 14 months ago and I see my work with a different set of eyes. I’m pleased to announce that my fitness is getting better following a decision to get my body repaired and fit for life. That can be covered in another blog sometime.

It has been an odd year and I’m still trying to piece things together. Why did certain things happen, should I have responded that way and how did I get to be in this position? I’m all good but there were far more situations this year that have left me with an undesirable feeling. There’s no time to go into detail here but I’ve had a million and one things going on and I’m in much higher demand than ever before. I’d love to say that everyone who contacted me turned out to be magnificent specimens of the human race; but I can’t. Added to that for some was an unwillingness to accept that I’m busy. A positive way of putting it would be that the intensity of desire for me has increased dramatically. I can understand given how much money, work and time I’ve ploughed into my business over the past two years and also how the effects of covid restrictions may have affected people, but how do I deal with the variety of scenarios that have been presented to me? I’m confident that my Dad’s health made things seem worse. but even without that, the stories I’ve accumulated outstrip previous years.

Back at home, people have found it hard to make bookings with me because I only have limited availability there. It used to be that the people who contacted me only had time available between 10am and 9pm Mon-Fri because they were travelling with work, but not now. My online business is now much bigger than it was two years ago, I continue to renovate properties and I’m back on the training regime to keep fit. It all takes time and due to the nature of the business, working from home gets the lowest priority. How it all works is that every month I’ll book in my escorting tours, film shoots and admin days which may consist of medical appointments, business meetings and afternoons at the hairdressers. I then add in weekends off and plan days to carry out renovations. For January 2022, I’ve currently got 10 days left that are available without adding in two film shoots, one day for a photo shoot and a kitchen fit to do.

Over Christmas I’ve been continuing with the renovations myself because the plasterer failed to turn up for work. Saved myself a bit of money doing it myself but it meant goodbye Christmas rest period.

I intend to put something together so that I can set aside a few days a month to work from home and have the rest of the time as complete shut down to enable my rest and recovery. Looking ahead, I can see that road coming to a junction. I’ll let you know if I decide to turn off onto another road. Nothing more to say at the moment.
Sunday, October 17th 2021
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The rest of 2020
Wow! Good news arrived earlier in the week and whilst it was something we were hoping for, the financial impact was suddenly realised. (Edit 20 hrs later. Financial aspect sorted.) Both myself and Lucie are taking time out this Winter from meeting people and it all begins on the 13th September and wont finish, assuming it all goes to plan until early December. For me, I’m having breast augmentation which means I’ll be taking a month off work, although I’ll be on cam and phone for part of that time. For Lucie, she has her own little things going on and with the need to isolate because of Covid, the timescale above becomes as big as it is. It may very well be that the date in December comes and goes and I’m still not escorting because I want to protect myself from people man handling my breasts and once again the impact of covid. The Winter months are generally quieter for escorting. December has 1 reasonable week at the beginning and January and February are hit and miss due to weather, location and what marketing work I’ve been involved with recently. So who knows what availability will be like over the Winter months. I’ll be touring Cardiff, Bristol and Reading in early September and I’ll be at home until the end of August. After that, there’s no planned opportunity to meet anyone. For those of you that have visited me over the past 3 or 4 years, you’ll know that I have been renovating properties. I have the current home in a comfortable state and ready to lock down for Winter. I’ve just got the front door to replace this year, the grass to seed and a repair on a wall to do. I’m not spending any more money on it until the new year. With the extra time spare I will be producing more content, making myself available on webcam and phone chat and looking after Lucie. It’s very peaceful where we live and it’s ideal for everything we do. Financially, the coming months will be uncertain (now sorted), but I’ve stretched myself several times before and I know what I’m doing and in what order to ensure that we get through to Easter 2021 ready to go again. Some would say I’m fortunate but I’ll put it down to experience and work ethic.
Sunday, October 17th 2021
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Isolation and the outdoor photo shoot
I have now completed 10 days of isolation and I'm still getting emails on here from people asking to meet despite writing it on line one of my profile. That's ok though as I know many of us don't bother reading profiles or terms and conditions. Many of them are too long, full of gibberish and worded in ways that I struggle to understand, but sometimes it really does pay to take attention of such things. I'm sure we've all be caught out at least once. This brings me on to my latest video titled the shemale sex club with a twist. It was requested by one of my customers as a custom video where he entered a sex club and I presented myself to him as his cock caged sex toy. Had he read the terms and conditions he would have known that the club was only for the pleasure of guys with 8 inch cocks and those who entered with anything less would automatically enter an agreement where they took the opposite role of pleasuring the big dicked men. Bit of a shock for some, especially when you see what you need to be able to do to work there. Yesterday both myself and Lucie took advantage of the good weather and went out to a nearby woodland to take some photos. Despite briefly losing one of my earings, the day worked out very well. It had come off during one of my clothes changes and it was easy enough to find. If I remember rightly I took 5 changes of outfits and a dildo as a prop. I only usually take three changes of clothes but for some reason I took more and we managed to get through the shoot a lot faster than usual. The best shots came from the same area of the woods and I suspect it had a lot to do with how the sun penetrated the woodland. The Sun wasn't the only thing that was penetrating in that set and if you want to know more, go over to my private gallery. There wasn't many non-erotic shots other than this one of me in my lycra, so you wont be able to see them on the free sections of this site.
Sunday, October 17th 2021
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The movie viewing/pricing system on this site has changed over recent months so I've tidied my movie library up. I now may appear to have less videos but it should make looking through them a lot easier. Most of it has stayed, but instead of 4 minute clips you'll get the whole video and at a higher definition. I had uploaded some in 4k but the site has a limit of 2gb per movie, which equates to about 12 minutes when I edit it. I was asked the other day why I don't use the videos I filmed before 2016 (went on hormones) and I initially said that I didn't feel that a lot of them did me justice. Following that I had a look at them and I realised how much I have moved on with them in terms of production quality and looks. Working with the larger production companies played a large part of that and I try to bring back those standards and procedures back to my own productions. For me, there's a big difference in performing and having sex on camera. There also comes to a point where they stop selling and if you had this in any other business, I doubt you'd list it. Have you ever looked for a product in a shop but can't find it? Shopping online is just one click away from another business who may have something else to catch your eye. Those right at the bottom will stay for the moment as there are various aspects which make them hard to upload to the site again. So far this year I've uploaded about 25 new full length videos to the site. I intend to do more but rather you judge me on my actions as opposed to taking my word for what I intend to do.
Sunday, October 17th 2021
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Hi folks, I’m back on the continent writing from Covid central, better known as Brussels. Two weeks ago, the UK and Belgium added more restrictions due to the growing cases of covid and whilst I expected something like this to happen mid October, finding out exactly what I needed to do was slightly harder and after investigation I decided to head out to Belgium a week earlier so that I was at least in the country. It’s cost close to £1000 more in doing so but by doing nothing, you leave your fate to chance and surrender control to the redness of the tape. As a worst case scenario, failure could have easily added a 0 to that figure. I’m at the point where I’m counting the hours down to surgery. The current count is 40! The whole thing hasn’t been easy and with Lucie still in the early stages of recovery with her surgery, I’ve been grateful of all the help that has been presented by people both financially and physically. I’ve continued to keep the wheels rolling on my business whilst out in Belgium with new uploads on many of my sites, but in terms of producing more content I’ve only managed one day where I did a photo shoot in four different outfits. I’m just knackered and need to switch off. Besides, I feel as though anything I do now will soon be very dated due to my impending date with the Surgeon.
Sunday, October 17th 2021
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Enhanced breasts
The first time I had a serious conversation about having breast surgery was around 2008-2010. At the time, I didn’t present myself as Katie and I had quite a split life, something which is pretty normal for many trans people. Time passed, events happened and more people became familiar with Katie. What happened wasn’t an easy time for me but to cut a long story short, I found life to be easier when I started to live my own life and not have others try to live mine for me. I wasn’t 100% sure that having breast augmentation was the right thing to do or that I wanted them until we arrived in Belgium one week before surgery. Having seen examples of some breast augmentation surgeries, I had concerns. I did a fair bit of homework on various surgeons and I didn’t consider timescales or price until I found the right person. I decided that if I was to have this surgery then I needed to be confident in whoever I asked to do it because I wanted to have no regrets. When it came to choosing what size, I told the surgeon that it needed to be in balance with the rest of my body. Some of the concerns that I had were the visibility of the scars and the overall look. Following surgery, there was a period where the area was inflamed and it’s taken a while for everything to settle down. I also had a bit shaved off my nose and that’s taken longer than I thought for the swelling to subside. The whole experience took quite a bit out of me as my body concentrated on the areas that needed healing. I had also stopped taking my hormones for the surgery and when I started taking them again afterwards I put a fair bit of weight on before losing it again. The scar line that I have is 2 inches long and like any scar, it will take time to become less apparent. However, given the position of it, I can only see it if I lift my breast up and look in the mirror at the same time so it’s not something that bothers me. So what’s it like to have them? I love everything about them and they are part of me. I can do all the sports that I used to do, they give me a shape that I feel is highly desirable and they are great to touch. When I compare a photo of how I used to look with how I now look, there’s no question about which I prefer. I wouldn’t be without them!
Monday, June 1st 2020
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June update
I promised to do an update on 1st June some time in April, so here it is.
I hope that you are all keeping well. I have used the past two months to pump my online business and I’m happy with the results that it has produced. You’ll see that I have added nine new videos and I have another that’s on Lucie’s list of to do jobs. The results are from hard work that I’ve been at for many years, driven by the fear of another recession which I’ve been expecting since the brexit vote. It’s not been overnight or easy but it’s allowed me to get through this without state hand outs.

I spent a good two months working inline with the governments guidelines, and my highest risk activity until I spilt paint in my eye was going shopping every week. Had I not been able to sell my content online in the volume I have, I’d have been very stressed. However, it’s not all been plain sailing as we have missed certain members of the family and lost one person who has added a great value to my life. I should be at the funeral on Wednesday, but that’s been a complete cock up too.

Anyway, where are we now?
Well I’m at home and I expect to be there for two or three months. If I tour this year I’m now looking at September or October. That does not say I will tour, it only says that those are the only two months that I will consider it. If I do I’ll be in Cardiff and Bristol first but it will depend on what I feel comfortable with and the options available.

What’s my view on working during covid-19?
I feel that escorting is a high risk business to be in, but perhaps no more so than some of the health professions. My understanding is that the virus is passed on a lot easier than the normal flu, hence this 2 metre rule. Many shops are trying to be seen to do their best but continually failing in one way or another. Some businesses are being allowed to survive whilst others are being thrown to the dogs. Common sense is being left on the sidelines to tick boxes and gain popularity points.

We’ve already seen the witch hunt that surrounded Dominic Cummings and whether you agree with it or not, we might be more inclined to agree that it was exacerbated by the press. We will see a lot more of this whilst restrictions are in place. When we went into lock down it was very much black and white for everyone except for our local Range store. Now I just see several variations of grey.

I don’t see a green light for intimate encounters until a vaccine is widely distributed within the UK. If you choose to meet someone in this situation, you do so at your own risk. Risk is something that I am more than aware of and it’s nothing new to me. I spent several years in the RAF where I prepared for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. There was also the dangers of operating large mechanical machinery late at night. I still use risk assessments and that's partly why I don't work after 9pm.

Speak to you soon!!
Wednesday, May 6th 2020
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May update
HI everyone.
Quick update on how I’m doing.
Apart from the past week which has been very hard, I’ve been fine. On Sunday Lucie and I did a 30 mile bike ride, had a bottle of wine and woke up to a death in the family. Not the best way to start the week and I’ve spent until 1pm in bed today as I wasn’t feeling great last night and I’ve been in a fair bit of pain today. Tired, run down and a feeling of not being able to do anything right sums up the past week.

So what else? I’ve had the personal email through from Rishi but I’m not sure yet if I’m able to claim. Why not you say? I’ve seen a huge increase in online business recently and it's carried me through this lockdown without a great deal of concern. I’ve been expanding my online business for the past four years and it’s not something that just turns on at a flick of a switch. Never rely on someone else to provide for you if you can do it yourself is how I’ve always lived.

Before we went into lockdown I bought another video camera and decided that the only way it would work would be if we used it. So, I arranged several shoots which I’ve been very happy with and as soon as we’d finished filming the last scene in Southampton, there was an announcement that the UK was on lockdown. This investment into my business has allowed me to keep my head above water over the past month or so.

Moving on from keeping heads above water and saving money for the future is something a little different though. I’m continually assessing what I can do to get me through until next Easter and from previous experiences it has to come from me earning money. I have the facility to use the never never but my memory from the last recession was that the credit companies tightened their belts and the goal posts moved so that’s not something I’ll be relying on this Winter.

Talking of Winter, I’m really not confident about escorting during the Winter with covid-19, 20 or 21 looming. I’m supposed to be having surgery late October and I’m hoping that it wont be pushed back too far if it is. So what I know is that I’ll be resting from escorting for 2 months after this date. I also think I’ll be spending a lot of this year at home in Staffordshire. I’m guessing that if I do escort this year, I’ll have a four month period that I can do it.

When will I escort?
Still really don’t know. There’s a lot of information coming out all of the time. Some of it contradicts and every one will have their own view of what everyone else does. During the first month of lockdown I was getting calls on a daily basis from people who wanted to see me, none of which were my regulars. The response most got was me asking them if they were retarded. I think for the majority of people at that time any thought of doing such activites would be considered thoughtless. As time went on opinions have changed and as I’ve previously said what people say and do are two different things. The road traffic has increased, suggesting most are ignoring the government and I think we’ll be coming out of lockdown earlier than liked because of economic need and an unwillingness to comply with the majority of the public.

As it stands, I’m not touring this year. If I do, it will be Bristol and Cardiff first. I’m expecting to be in Brighton at some point but have no idea if I’ll be working. I’d like to be able to but I’m thinking possibly not.

In terms of vetting clients, yes I do not take all bookings, I'll be operating with the same safeguards in place. The basics include 9am-9pm conversations, no withheld numbers and no texts.
Sunday, April 5th 2020
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Words of hope
Hi folks,
I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Over here in Needwood I’ve been uploading both new and old films to the site.

Two reasons, Firstly was that I’ve bought a new camera as I’ve got to the point where that £300 hand held hd camera just doesn’t cut the biscuit and secondly I’ve been trying to upload good quality older videos on here at a better quality as the site used to have a limit on what you could charge for the file size
Result is mixed. Some of them are being rejected (but not on other sites) but what is being accepted is now the full video. So there’s no need to flick between scenes or accept the lower quality of what was accepted 3 years ago. The other thing is that I hate having too much to choose from and I don’t want to buy something that is crap, meaning that I have to buy something else to achieve the same results. Down side is a slight increase in price. Upside is that you actually get more at a better quality and probably end up paying less.

Why have I done this? Times move on and so does technology. I always look at my services as if I was the purchaser because it’s the best way to see your own faults and rectify them before anyone else notices. If someone notices before you, income drops.

I’ve invested a fair bit this year and I have a clear direction to success. I’ve questioned what I want, where it will get me and what I have to do. I’m pretty sure we are about to enter a recession, and I’ve planned for it since 2016. Having felt the harshness of the last one, I’m pretty confident that I can come out of this one better than where we are now at. I now have 13 years in business on my own and the past 4 years have provided me with so much confidence. I’ve pushed my boundries so much in the past that this is just the norm for me.

For every negative action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

For those of you just setting out in business I think it’s hard to know what to say. Words of encouragement mean fuck all when you are one or two weeks from missing payments. I remember being there in 2009 and then having to go into hospital in Feb 2010 for a double hernia op. What got me out of the shit was selling my house in Aug 2010 and releasing all of the capital I had invested in 2002. Nine months later (March 19th 2003 my 26th birthday) I'd go into work every day waiting to be told that I was going to war. Life is a roller coaster! The roller coaster at the time was that I was being paid to train in Lanzarote and for a fair part of that Summer I'd be living in Vienna. It was a fun year but I still remember walking through the hanger wondering if I'd be sent to war

The biggest problem I remember having was being able to discuss my situation from 2007-2010 with someone and how to move my business forward. Mainly because of the business I’m in and not wanting to let people know what I do. I would explain it like throwing a tennis ball at a wall and finding it kept coming back to the same position.

Over the years I’ve met the odd person who has had something valuable to contribute to my business. They’ve been few and far between. One lives in Stafford, another in Lichfield, one in Hinckley and another somewhere in the USA. Mr Hinckley and Mr Lichfield can be a knob jockey but they’ve both bank rolled me when needed. Mr Lichfield told me I had to work. Mr Hinckley showed me that it could work. Mr Stafford doesn’t know how much of an impact he’s made but I’m forever grateful. Simplistic is what I would describe his teachings and Mr Vegas taught me that you achieve through a process. This was perhaps the most important lesson as it puts success in your own hands and not someone else’s. It’s not the person that makes you successful, but the process that they implement. Then there’s my mother who gave me the multiples of costs over income from a business to consider it viable.
I could go on and mention Ms Rolls Royce but I don't think I was ready for her. Missed opportunity or the need to feel to follow a different path. Who knows? Not everything in life is orientated around business.

If you are struggling and working within this industry, I'm available to talk.
I've been there and come out of it strong. Sometimes one sentence is enough to push you into comfort. Knowing that others have gone through similar before and have come out of it prepared for next time can be comforting in knowing that you're not the only one.
Wednesday, March 25th 2020
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I wrote this blog on the 20th March. I never like to open up my life to others but I thought at the time it would provide some help to other. I know 12 years ago I searched long and hard, but trusting people was something else.
If you're struggling now, it may very well feel as though nobody understands.
I've only decided to upload this because of how the share price of BP. has gone since then and it made me realise that someone will need to read this story. Where I was and where I am now.
With regards to investing, don't do it if you don't have the money. If you do, be aware that the stock market is fixed. I expect it to be like a yo-yo this Summer. There's a saying, go away in May and come back in St Swithens day. Also, and don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Rolls Royce is a possibility if it drops to £1.70 but the dividend is poor. Some of you might not understand why I'm talking about shares, don't worry, just accept the principle.

So here's where the blog starts.
I’m not sure who will be interested in reading in this blog, but if you don’t remember the last recession or you got through unscathed, it might be worth 5 minutes of your life. I’ve seen nothing but doom and gloom and I certainly remember something very similar happening 12 years ago.
Back then I had not long left the RAF and started up my first business. It ticked over, but I wasn’t really interested in pushing it and I didn’t really have any cares about it either. In the first month I took £90, 2nd month £180 and the 3rd I took £270. I had other concerns, that being the Berlin marathon, but if I’m honest, that was never going to work because my head wasn’t switched on and committed to it and this is the first point I’d like to emphasise. It’s time to switch on! Berlin marathon was dire, I threw up at about 38k and watched Austria’s 1st lady pass me in front of the Brandenberg gate in these red running knickers. That, slapping some woman around the face at 11 miles for walking across the course in front of me, Haile Gebresallissie not getting a seat on the elite coach and an American guy called Jason who dropped out at 4km citing a lack electrolytes was about all I remember of the Berlin marathon. Just for the record, this guy (Jason) kicked some Belgian guy out of his hotel room in the morning as me and my friends Mark and Wilfred (one of Haile’s pace makers and our team mate at Birchfield harriers) went to breakfast.

Months went on, changes were made and I got myself into the adult industry. The first business was now only there to answer awkward questions about what I did for a living. I started up and invested in another business which initially went well until paper advertising went tits up, and my property rental business hit me like shit on a fan. It wasn’t good and I was supplementing my income by running road races and picking up a little prize money here and there. It was pretty dire, but I didn’t know any different. £100 from the Derby 10km, £450 eventually from Birmingham city council for the half marathon, after they were pressured into paying up what was promised (They had written their prize list out badly). It didn’t go far, especially when someone had an alsatian in your 2 up 2 down house who wasn’t paying rent. I couldn’t ask anyone for help because I’d have to explain what I was doing and I felt that there was so much stigma in being a sex worker and transgender. I guess there was always the option of getting a job and it wasn’t until May 2009 that I took the plunge and started escorting properly. It was a godsend, but it still only kept my head above the water as the credit companies turned the screw and the next tenants in my house wrecked it. I only had that as a business because I couldn’t sell my house when I left the RAF back in 2006. I was doing everything by the book and it wasn’t working.

Nothing that I touched except the adult industry seemed to work, so I grasped at something that I had previously done, investing.
From 1994-200, I worked for HSBC and kept an eye on investments. I didn’t earn a lot of money, never have done. If I did I wouldn’t tell you and I certainly don’t waste it! Whatever I spent usually has the question attached, will it make me money? Do I need it? I put off buying an mp3 player for about 10 years as it failed these questions. It would have been nice to have something to keep me entertained during my 2 hour Sunday runs but I opted for the fresh air and the fields around East Staffs and Staffordshire moorlands

Anyway, RBS looked a good buy, so I bought and bought. A mistake I’d repeat a few more times before I would write this. I used to stick to HSBC, RR. and BP but having a look through my settlement statements last month I was investing in anything that moved. I was desperate and sometimes it worked and others it didn't. I'd began to operate outside of my comfort zone. For example, with investing you need to be in a position where if you lost the money, it wouldn't make too much of a difference. Secondly it needed to hit a certain %. My tagert had always been 30% but I was now looking at 10% and quick turn arounds. I had set these figures as a safety barrier when I was thinking straight and now was the time that I should have trusted these rules I'd set myself.

My head was ready to explode in February/March 2010. I was recovering from a double hernia operation and I made another mistake which I wont discuss, but my Mother later told me that she thought I was living on the edge, by that she means suicide and she’d be about right. It’s a place I’ve been a few times since but I bet you’d have never guessed. It was without a doubt hard, but perhaps only because I’d never experienced something like this before.

I’ve never missed a payment, except for when I told 3 mobile phone network that their mobile dongle was a piece of shit and I wouldn’t be fulfilling my contract with them. Anyway, as it all turned out, I sold my house in August 2010, went on holiday the following day for 3 weeks in the French Pyrenees, met a new friend who would become a very good friend and life really seemed to turn around. That was until I felt the need to make a quick buck on the stock market and 38k went to 42k before it dropped to 11k. I pulled it back a bit but I couldn’t get back onto the housing market where I stepped off it two years earlier and ended up in a cheap 2 up 2 down terraced house that needed attention. I invested my time and money in myself and my house and after 4 years sold at a profit. I did it again and I’m now doing it again. I work hard, I think about what I do and I realise that money doesn’t come easy.

When the UK decided to leave the EU, I thought we’d go into recession. It’s been a waiting game as far as I’m concerned because my research suggests that we go into one every decade and here we are. The financial implications are not new, goal posts might be in a different place but it’s still the same goal posts. Money is not easy to come by and my lasting comment on here will be to think with a straight head and work hard. The stock market is very tempting if you have excess money, but most of us wont. My tip is BP. , Shell or HSBC. All provide good dividends, stability and a worthy upturn but you need to be able to leave it there for 5-7 years in case it doesn’t work out as we expect it should.

So there we are, the white zindafel has now gone and it’s approaching 10pm. I’ll get the Moscato out and read through this in the morning. I don’t know how it will read to all, but I hope that some of you will read it and remember that when things turn bad, you’ll know I’ve been there before and without doubt many other people have done the same.

If you want to be successful, talk to people. You can learn so much.
I recently took out a new mortgage and was asked if I wanted to fix my rate. It was a reasonable rate but I decide to pay the extra for a variable with the economy being uncertain. I knew that if the economy picked up, my business would go through the roof, if it dropped, the base rate would drop along with my mortgage payments.
I chose to play safe and I'm waiting for Santander for their revised payment schedule.
Saturday, March 14th 2020
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Touring with Covid-19 around the corner
Everywhere I turn I can’t get away from the news about the world’s latest virus.
I’ve had one of my tour bookings on a flexi booking and I’ve decided to cancel that. The other two are not and I guess I’ll decide closer to the day on whether its worth going or not. My touring can be more profitable than staying at home, but only if the work is there.

What I will be considering is that I haven’t been available much in my home town now since July last year and I also have a lot of work at home to get on with. Over the years I've also realised that guys have put sex before anything else. How anyone can have sex when they are ill is beyond me, but I know that some people do. I anticipate the escorting workload to be hit and miss over the next two months.

Not really got much else to say about it other than I hope to be arranging more tours for June, up until mid October.

All tours cancelled until further notice. London is too much of a hot bed to even question going.

Only taking regulars assuming I'm not busy with DIY work, which I plan to do a lot of in the coming weeks.

I'll be uploading more videos over the coming two weeks, and you may very well see me on direct cam if and when I've little else to do, or feel the need to top the bank balance up.
Tuesday, February 4th 2020
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Sahara Knite
Both myself and Lucie travelled down to the Gatwick area a week last Saturday so that we would be ready to film the next day without too much travelling and I used the opportunity to check out locations for when I tour.

We turned up on the Sunday and were greeted by Sahara Knite and Lacey Starr’s husband. Nice location to film in and we had a choice of sets to use. We got into filming pretty quickly and before we knew it, I was banging her tight pussy and sprayed my juices all over her hairy bush. I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out as there wasn’t much editing to do. No messing when it came to the cum shot either. I’ve recently had a change in my hormone medication and as a result there was a big hot load of cum.

So who is Sahara, how did I get to film with her and why don’t I have any other female videos yet?

The last time I filmed with a girl was way back in 2008 on an estate near Newark. What was filmed would have been good had the photographer not been talking over the video. From then on I just didn’t even consider working with females and just focused on what work was coming in which was guys and trannies.

I'm open to working with other females and who knows who I'll pop up into next.

Times have changed over the past few years with regards to the trans scene. Perhaps my 2008 shoot was ahead of its time in some respect, but I also work in a business that is based upon fantasies.

I made a comment on one of Sahara’s tweets on twitter and a suggestion was made that we should film. I knew that she was willing to work with trans folk as I’d seen some of her previous content and this was partly why I found her approachable. We quickly got it organised and that was it. She’s down to Earth and has a good figure. What’s not to like?

Taking the following info off her website, Sahara started out in the business in 2004 and has worked on the phone chat channels, appeared on the cover of a few magazines such as Mayfair, Men only, Hustler and Escort. She’s also starred in Game of Thrones but I must admit that it’s not something I’ve ever watched. Sahara is now the chair person for the UK adult producers association.

Fingers crossed we’ll sort another shoot out soon. I also promised to film with a few others in the 2nd half of last year but I struggled with not having anywhere to call a home where I could relax and switch off and it hampered my ability to do anything but escorting.

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