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Saturday, December 1st 2018
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A lecture about safe sex
It's been a while since I posted a blog on here, and this is atopic I think a lot about, and I have pretty strong opinions about.

Bare back sex. We all love it, right? I know that I certainly do.
I’m afraid that this might become a condescending lecture, but please, stick with me.

How often do you go for a drive without your seatbelt on? How often do you get on your bike without a helmet? How many times have you travelled to an area with Malaria without Anti-Malaria tablets? How much time do you spend weighing up the risks and the benefits of bare back sex with an almost stranger who you may or may not ever see again?

I was in a relationship for about 5 years, so have only recently come back “on scene” so to speak in terms of sex in both my personal life and the requests of punters here. I am SHOCKED by the number of guys making reverse bookings requesting bare back sex. These aren’t people who have known each other for a while and have built up an element of trust. These are people seeking strangers for risky sex. Sometimes they offer a premium – a few extra ten’s of pounds. Or maybe, the luckier women get offered a few hundred extra. I guess this is where the risks vs benefits come in. Benefits = an hour or a few hours of uninterrupted, skin on skin sex, the kink or the intimacy of cumming inside her, the memories for the wank bank. The risks? I’m not sure what people think of in terms of risk if they are willing to have bareback sex with a stranger.

Recently, in my personal life, I was in bed with a guy – he knew I was coming over, he knew I was planning on staying the night. I asked him if he had a condom – he said he didn’t think he did. I got one out of my bag. It was surprising how quickly he found his own stock of condoms when he needed a new one quickly. Did he really think it was going to be that easy to fuck me without a condom? Another guy got childishly angry with me when I got pissed off at him for persistently trying to fuck me without a condom. He didn’t get invited back. It was a stark contrast to Paris. The beautiful Parisian who got an invite back to my hotel room, asked for a shower, and, whilst I was showering, he got the condoms and the bottles of water ready by the bed.

There are approx. 38,000,000 working age people in the UK – let’s assume that this is the general body of people also having sex in the UK (yes, an estimate, yes, a generalisation). Only about 3.5 million people got an STD test in 2015. That’s a hell of a lot of people having no idea what their sexual health status is. In most London boroughs in 2015 there were more than 1000 new STI diagnosis for every 100,000 people. And that is just the people getting tested that are getting tested!

I have no experience with most STI’s, but through my travels and volunteer work, I have seen people living with the effects of HIV. Actually, it is more accurate if I say I have seen people dying of the consequences of HIV. I’m pretty sure that none of them would have said the benefits of unprotected sex outweighed the risks.
So, in conclusion of my lecture:
- Think of the risks and the potential outcome before you have unprotected sex
- Go and get tested (I love an early Saturday morning trip to Dean Street, combined with brunch at Muriel’s kitchen – feel free to join me!)
- Don’t be a twat – have the discussion about protection
- Try and encourage me not to move to Paris……..
Friday, August 4th 2017
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One of those phases
We all have them don't we.... one of those phases where you rush home, close the curtains and put your hand down your pants to play with yourself. When you call your booty call becauee, frankly, you just want a good orgasm. Where you log back in to those kinky websites that you are an ad hoc member of for the times when you are feeling really horny.

I'm having one of those phases right now. I just can't stop feeling horny. Direct chat really helps - although I have been known to finish a chat and just keep playing.

I wonder if there is a trigger for it..... maybe I need to work that out. Can't complain though, I'm loving all the orgasms right now!

H xx
Monday, April 3rd 2017
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I went home this week.

I had to use up my annual leave before the entitlement year restarted, and whilst trying to save some money I thought I would spend it at home with my parents.

They live (and I grew up) on a little road, 3 miles away from the nearest village, and about 10 miles away from a little town. Although my parents are always busy, it is such a change of pace – a mid morning coffee, a drive to town for a few chores and a midweek shopping date with a friend. It has been heavenly. I have had time to sort out all that life admin - a cashback credit card, a regular savings account, renewing my passport, cleaning the car, setting a budget. I have looked after myself – regular short runs (weather permitting), Pilates, a walk up a pretty big hill to a local landmark and lunch (and a scone) up there. I also had my first Sunday roast since Christmas! And all of that fresh air, nature, and luckily some sun this week too!

I am not looking forward to stepping back in to London life and upping the pace this week – it will certainly be a shock to the system. I will have to be clever with my working pattern and get a few long weekends back here next year, but my annual leave allowance is looking so sparse for next year. I guess that’s my own fault for having booked 5 weeks of travel already so far!

Where would you guys go in the UK for your ultimate chill out break? Any great places to visit? Any recommendations?
Thursday, March 30th 2017
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I’m in the process of booking a holiday with a couple of travel friends, and it has reminded me just how much I love staying in hotels.

I think it all stems from when I was growing up. Our holidays always tended to be in self-catered apartments, so when we did have the occasional stay in a hotel, it felt like luxury. It’s not always fun and games (vomiting in the corridor of a pretty posh hotel after picking up a vomiting bug on the plane, the air con leaking in the middle of the night – the hotel staff wanted us to stay put until the morning but we kicked up a fuss when there was an inch of water over the entire floor -the shock on the porters face, and the shock on my face when on a road trip it was post-midnight and found the only hotel for miles just to notice there was a pistol on the table of two guys having a few drinks outside our room…….). But generally, I love staying in hotels. Maybe it’s the anonymity. Maybe it’s the nice firm mattress, or the fact that someone has made the bed perfectly for me. Perhaps the views are what do it for me (I’ll never forget the view of the empire state building seen from the pillow of my bed at an NYC hotel). Or the excitement and the creativity – finding what is essentially a spanking bench in the room, working out what I could be tied to, or other ways of heightening the pleasure.

So yes, I love hotels. And if you want to invite me to one, I would very much enjoy it!

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