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Saturday, March 25th 2023
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How do you put a first timer at ease?
I thought I’d do a blog answering this question as often I get guys who have no intention of making a booking, but want to chat about it! Also I know it’s why some guys don’t take the plunge and get really nervous.

Just to be clear nearly everyone gets nervous about meeting someone for the first time. It’s natural as we are meeting someone for the first time and a house you have never been before so of course there is going to be some anxiety.

Back to the question. How do I put you at ease?

• I answer the door straight away so you’re not left out knocking.

• I am a very friendly and a naturally warm person and this makes guys feel comfortable.

• I tend to take the lead so will offer my hand to take you upstairs.

• I always make the first move and invite you on to the bed so you’re not left to wonder what to do next.

I am also very lucky to have been left a lot of feedback as I know that often guys might want to keep seeing a Trans Woman private but from this feedback I hope it gives you confidence that you’re meeting a nice person. X

Thursday, May 12th 2022
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My Cock ! To be or not to be, that is the question
I received a message (below) in my in box on a Trans Site. My response was maybe too harsh …. I regret replying like this as his reply came from a good place I’m sure. I shouldn’t have been offended. But I was (at the time) I do think it’s a mind field for guys choosing the right words and phrases and I’m usually mindful of this. If I was asked for advice on what guys should say, especially if they are just getting into the world of Trans is Listen and respond. Don’t feel the need to say more than you need to.

MESSAGE RECEIVED: I am going to Sheworld tomorrow night. You look amazing. I also love kissing and cuddles and have no interest in your male parts and you look like a stunning feminine milf and that is how you will be treated as someone I would be proud to be seen with and chat if we ever meet

MY RESPONSE: “Well my “male parts” as you put it are part of me. They are one of my pleasure zones and although some girls want them removed. I see this as self harm. I have a woman’s heart. I am naturally feminine. This defines who I am as a person not my genitals. Also this “treated as… and “proud to be seen with” is BS. Irrespective of how I’m treated, I am who I am. How other people perceive, or treat me has no baring on the way I feel about myself. I have embraced who I am”

Maybe it was harsh reply. I guess it’s because it was a site I don’t meet people. It is just for chat. I think it was because my ‘sex organs’ I don’t see as being ‘male parts’ I see them as being my body and my pleasure zone. A chick with a dick!

This leads me in to telling you more about my cock….

My cock needs different stimulation to a guy it seems. I like very slow and light touches to my cock. I find a lot of guys want to wank it fast to make me cum. That doesn’t make me cum. Slow wins the race as I don’t need that fast crescendo.

If it gets too wet, or too much attention to the head then it becomes desensitised. Also Just gently touching/moving foreskin is heaven.

I love my cock being watched or even admired. Just laying back and relaxing whilst my cock is being pleasured is my ideal of ultimate pleasure.

Let me let you into a big secret. Inexperienced guys are usually the best at touching/sucking my cock. Maybe it’s the hesitation or anticipation that suits my cock.
Thursday, December 9th 2021
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I’m back! I’m happy. Im in the Christmas spirit x
It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas…. Happy Christmas to everyone who reads my Blogs. I’m sure that’s not many. I don’t mind. It’s more for me to have a little natter.

My news is great news as for the first time ever I can put all my time and energy into Adult Works and it feels really exciting. I don’t have any other commitments so I won’t being going AWOL and will be checking my messages regularly.

Looking forward to meeting the people I’ve already met and also new people who I hope will also want to meet me again. Xx
Tuesday, November 16th 2021
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Absence makes your cock grow harder?
Firstly I would like to apologise for my absence. I haven’t logged on for a while as I’ve been working away and just haven’t had time to meet anybody. So rather than having to message and put people off I thought it would be easier to wait.

Just realised I now need to put ‘Secondly’ OK Secondly …. Erm I’ve had my Covid Booster Jab. So my 1st and 2nd, also I’ve had Covid last month for natural antibodies and now the Booster so you can safely say I’m safe to meet (if you’re worried about getting Covid)

Thank you for being so patient. I know I might have lost half the people who have messaged but hopefully the other half will have forgiven me and still want to meet. Xx

The great news is my job is coming to an end this Month! I’m so so relieved and it means I can give myself completely to Adult Works and make arrangements to see who ever still wants to see me (who have feedback)

I know I’m a stickler for feedback but I can’t stress how many hours I’ve wasted with fake profiles. I know not having feedback doesn’t make you fake but sorting the ‘Wheat from the Chaff’ is just soul destroying. I have made exceptions and been let down. Again and … again.

After going through the Zero feedback messages. I’m noticing this message ‘The member that sent you this email is no longer active on the site’ so again these fools have no intention of following out an arrangement.

On a lighter note…. From December I can start meeting again and hopefully a few regulars. Xx
Sunday, August 8th 2021
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No feedback curse

I just wanted to explain myself in detail as I’m getting so many messages where people are taking the time to message me and I’m just not responding as I think I am very honest, and clear in my profile. No feedback = no arrangement. This doesn’t include webcam or phone feedback it’s from an actual person that you have met real time and it’s not years ago.

I have been on this site for a few years now and there was a time I did meet people with no feedback and I have been messed around badly so many times that for my only sanity I made the decision to only meet people with feedback. Also As I only accommodate it’s a big trust thing to give my personal address out to unverified strangers. It’s my decision and I hope you respect this. There are many more girls better than me who will meet with no feedback and so please focus your energy on these as it will save both our time.

I have been busy helping a friend for the last 5 months (amongst other challenges) so not had chance to arrange meets and my first thing I do is go into the messages with no feedback and 90% of them when I click on the profile no longer exists! Which reaffirms my decision not to entertain profiles with no feedback. The ones that do exist I’m sorry irrespective of how genuine, or sincere, or local you’re I’m not going to meet you.

I hope this doesn’t come across in a bad way. I think if you have read my previous blogs I’m not wanting to meet everyone that messages me as I love what I do. I also don’t have any prejudices so age and race are all welcome if you have feedback. Thank you for your understanding. Xx
Monday, February 8th 2021
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Snow settling
I’ve been told that it’s not often we get snow settling in this part of the country so loving the snow scene out of my window.

I too am most Definitely settled in my new home. Loving the area and the abundance of takeaways on my door step. Maybe a little too much!

A big thank you to everyone who have helped me feel settled. :-)

I am counting down the weeks until the clubs open in and around London. Before lockdown I had so many clubs I wanted to try so I will be continuing to dip my toe in each of them. I even have my outfit all planned for the first time I go. A bright yellow dress with matching yellow heels and yellow bag. You will see me coming from about a mile away! I think that might be my outfit for ‘The Way Out Club’

The outfit for a sex club I’m going to wear my infamous leather dress. It’s my dress where my cum and a few guys cum has been left to dry on the leather. I just feel so slutty and naughty when I walk into the venue knowing that I might get covered in some more lovely cum. Also I might be lucky enough to have my boots covered in cum. Please lockdown end soon :-))
Monday, December 21st 2020
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It’s started to look a lot like Christmas...
My latest ‘moving in’ update.

For the first time since moving Ive started to feel settled. My sofa has been delivered so I now have a comfy living room. The biggest hurdle was sawing a beam on my bed so the headboard would fit up the stairs and re joining it in the bedroom. (With help) yesterday it took me 4.5 hours to put a flat pack chest of drawers together! It feels really homely and looking forward to entertaining you guys in my bedroom.

I just need to put up curtain poles and bathroom cabinets. The kitchen will have to wait until after Christmas.

Shelly xx

Monday, December 14th 2020
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I’ve moved to Romford! Hooray & Sorry.
Moving Update ...
And the reason for my absence.

Without sounding too dramatic and with the knowledge that every house move is stressful well mine was the most disastrous move I’ve ever experienced.

I am still trying to get settled and that’s the reason for not being in touch and answering my messages. Sorry for the delay.

My Moving Disaster: I didn’t get the keys until end of play so Unpacking in the dark was no joy. My sofa’s wouldn’t fit through the front door. My bed and only storage I had wouldn’t fit up the stairs. The washing machine attachment wouldn’t fit, the oven doesn’t work are just a few hurdles I’ve encountered.

Also to boot my back is in agony....

I am getting sorted by ordering new storage and new sofa etc and trying to get my bed sorted. I’m sorry I’ve not been in touch but I promise as soon as My beds sorted and I unpack my things I will be in touch. Thank you for your patience.

Shelly xx
Tuesday, November 24th 2020
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Moving Forward ....
At last ... I’m moving (2 more weeks) from a very isolated place in the country to the Big City! The contrast could not be any different.

I’m so excited to be moving to civilisation with pavements, local shops and having take-aways who deliver to the door! In a way Covid will make the transition a little less dramatic!

I am going to be leaving a job behind that mentally I love but physically it is breaking me and moving on is undoubtedly going to be my saviour. I’m so looking forward to being a stop at home doggy mum.

I’m really looking forward to meeting You guys again. For as long as I enjoy myself with you, as much as I hope you enjoy yourself with me, I’m going to be here. Big Kisses. Xxxxxxx

Tuesday, November 24th 2020
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Ogi ogi ogi
Interesting fact !

Dr Ogi Ogas is an American computational neuroscientist and author of the pop-psychology book, A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us about Sexual Relationships. Dr Ogas and his colleague Dr Sai Gaddam analysed a huge amount porn statistics, porn history and data from dating sites in their book, the authors estimate their research reflects the online behaviour – and therefore probably the sexual fantasies - of approximately 100 million people. 
“One of the most popular types of erotica is transgender porn,” Dr Ogas said in a lecture to promote his book.
“We had no idea interest in transwoman porn was so popular, we spoke to sex therapists about it and they had no idea what it meant either in psychological terms.”  
Orgas described the attraction to transwomen in porn as kind of "optimal illusion".
"There really isn’t anything gay about liking [transwoman porn]. Gay men are not interested in it at all,” he said.
Tuesday, October 20th 2020
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First rambling Blog
To be truthful I’m not actually sure what a Blog Is. I’ve heard it talked about so many times and I thought what the hell, it’s a great opportunity to make my profile a little more personalised as reading my profile might seem a little too much focus on ‘feedback’ it’s also 6am something and I woke up far too early and I can’t get back to sleep. Yawn.

So what’s happening in my life at the moment ... Well I’m in the middle of moving house and everything is up in the air. It’s so true that it is one of the most stressful things you can do. I just hope I will be all settled before Christmas! Or look at this blog again and think blimey that was only a few weeks ago!

I just can’t wait to empty all my boxes and find my clothes, heels, makeup etc new homes. They are my treasured possessions and even though they are boxed up it’s been quite reassuring loading more of my photos and videos on here so I can see my outfits. I’m having a complete new revamp! I’m really not very technically minded so it’s taken me years to get used to operating this site! It’s strange seeing older pictures of me when my makeup wasn’t so great. I’ve resisted removing any picture as it shows my growth in the last few years.

Maybe I could use this blog to somehow recap and give my story. It might even be therapeutic as even if nobody else reads this It’s been good for me to ramble and I do feel sleepy. Much love and respect. Shelly xx

Tuesday, October 20th 2020
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This is me ...
Hi, I’m Shelly.

I just thought it would be nice to introduce myself to you all. ( or at least who ever is reading my blog! )

I am a T Girl. A Trans woman. I’m a chick with a dick to put it bluntly! The 3rd sex. I’m not Pre Op, or want to be Post Op! I’m just Shelly who is happy in my own body. I have a woman’s heart. I am naturally feminine and feel a complete woman with an extra special surprise in my panties. I’m not going to have my cock chopped off, nor will I personally feel anymore womanly with a carved out vagina. However, I would adore boobs and hopefully I will be able to save enough money to buy some boobies one day. I know it must seem like I’ve got a substantial pair but there is a lot of packing!

I remember when I was 6 nearly 7 I knew I wanted to be a girl but quickly realised that it wasn’t possible as that was in the early 80’s and never ever realising that was a possibility like it is today. I remember having 2 Christmas wish lists. 1 that had dolls and sparkly things that I knew I had to keep secret and 1 with boys things, or more unisex things. I always wished my sister present pile was mine and adored spending time in her bedroom. It was so exciting and when I was the most happiest. I remember having these tiny dolls hidden away I loved getting them out when nobody was looking. I used to spend all my pocket money on buying my sister things that I couldn’t have. So I spent most of my life not really knowing who I was. I was straight until I was 30 and then had an experience with a married guy as although i didn’t feel ‘gay’ it felt right being with a man. So anyway I became gay as it was a better fitting box. Looking back clearly it was the wrong box as I didn’t want a guy to fuck me, I didn’t want to suck a guys cock, or kiss and eventually just got so bored of gay sex that I just stopped having regular sex unless it was detached.

When I eventually gave up a very stressful job I had a lot of time to reflect on me, and my life and all of a sudden I just didn’t feel scared anymore of the consequences of me being Shelly. All of my suppressed feelings started to unravel and I made a pact with myself that if I let Pandora out of the box it would be my secret and my life wouldn’t change. Though things are now naturally evolving and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life. No regrets. I have made a determined effort not to believe my whole life has been a lie and the negative feelings around that. I am where I am today and I’m happy.

I won’t tell my parents/family neighbours friends work colleagues etc as I am too old for all the judging and being known or thought of as a Tranny! I want the best bits of Shelly. Such weird things have happened since though with my body changing with some boob growth (slight) I lost a stone without trying, the way I stimulate my cock completely changed and the sensation has changed and there’s not that urgency to cum for me as much as there was. It’s more mental as well as physical.

When I first had sex as Shelly it just felt amazing. So so different. So real and I love sucking cock, I love having a cock inside me. I also love kissing and making a connection. My heart is all woman as when I don’t wear makeup, or dress I’m still Shelly. My real identity has been realised and I’m loving every minute of it.

As you can imagine because of all the things I’ve missed out over the years I now have a very extensive wardrobe. And my makeup collection is off the scale. I have tried hopelessly to slim this down but every item is my treasure. I also have lots of Jewellery and It’s mine and I feel so glamorous and special. I can’t explain how it feels going into my bedroom and it’s all mine. However, this comes at a price and was really the driving force for setting up an Adults Works profile after amassing a huge debt as I’ve had to buy a life’s worth of everything I have always wanted in a relatively short space of time and making lots of misjudgment of sizes etc etc. I had also just become so tired of being asked for sex and taking hours and hours to get ready and when meeting guys left feeling a little cheated and unfulfilled afterwards. It just seems a very one sided transaction most of the time. Where as when meeting on Adult Works I’m compensating for my hours and hours of time getting ready to please a man. I also get an incredible feeling of being desired, which in turn really pleases me and turns me on. I am also a naturally warm and approachable person so it comes naturally to want to put guys at ease. Everything is a win win and I’m hoping to clear my debts and save for a boob job and become a better version of myself. Guys have always made me feel good about myself and I have had no negative experiences.

I am a natural walking in heels and I wear them in bed and don’t take them off during sex. I just love the feeling and it makes me feel so horny. I I want to please a man in every single way possible and enjoy and embrace everything feminine and girly. It is also important that I enjoy the whole experience as guys know if girls are just doing it for the money and if that was the case I personally wouldn’t enjoy my experiences. I crave wearing stockings and suspenders and high heels and short skirts and dresses and crotchless panties. I enjoy the different fabrics and the way nylon feels on my legs and feet. I also tend to overcompensate in the bedroom with not having a pussy to please a man and be much more adventurous, sexual and filthy as guys love and need sex and they need they extra kick. I also think the combination of the femininity and the taboo of a cock is like the perfect sexual desire for a straight man.

I love and adore SEX. I am yet to find my limits. I don’t like saying No to a man. It just feels wrong to. I want to fulfil all of his desires and release all of mine. I have never been shocked by what a guy needs as long as it’s me who can give it to him. I enjoy so much when a guy is comfortable being himself and relaxing and when he is with me he can just unleash his sexual being. I enjoy all the dynamics and diversity of being a woman. I love the sophisticated side and also the contrast of feeling a complete slut serving a purpose of being used for a guys pleasure.

I do have a partner but we don’t have sex as he is gay and so just likes men! There seems to be this misconception from some guys that to like a Trans woman it somehow makes people say “I’m straight but I fancy you” that is a ridiculous notion as previously said ‘Gay men like men!’ To be honest we have never really been sexually compatible. We have an ‘open relationship’ which isn’t complicated as there’s no jealousy, or resentment. It’s actually quite grounding and feels safe and he completely support me being on here. Lastly for peace of mind he isn’t around when I arrange meets on here! X

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