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Sunday, January 10th 2021
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Written By Slave D
This took place before the current restrictions .
Following the success of my wank and spank service I decided to hold a detention session for a few of my regular participants .
We got together 5 spankees for a school detention .
They had to arrive promptly and were seen in to the detention room by Miss Scarlet the head girl .
They had to change into school attire ,grey shorts ,white shirt and tie and long socks and well polished shoes .The head girl performed the kit inspection and any shortcomings were noted and the miscreant would receive additional punishments .
Peters shoes were not shining enough ,Paul needed lessons on how to tie his tie ,and both were given a short sharp shock by having the tawse across their outstretched hands ,this made them both yelp!!
They were then ready for their spankings ,they had to kneel on chairs facing each other in a small circle ,(very hard on the knees I am told ) then the head girl changed into her gym outfit with a very short skirt and stood in the centre ready to hold them over the back of the chair for their 6 of the best .
They then had to drop their shorts and pants and the head girl held them down whilst I caned them each in succession .
They could after caning kneel up but not get down I enjoy seeing them very uncomfortable ! Whilst still kneeling they were not allowed to rub their sore bottoms ,the head girl applied some deep heat to them causing much discomfort much to my sadistic pleasure .
The 5 were then allowed to relieve themselves ,Peter couldn't do it so the head girl applied deep heat to his cock and balls and this soon had the desired effect causing much screaming .
All 5 are wanting another session soon .
Sunday, January 10th 2021
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Maid In trouble
Written By Slave D

Today I had a busy day planned ,first my male domestic slave P was due to arrive ,slave D was coming later , I decided as I had to go out to collect something that my maid S would be left in charge of P and cleaning tasks were given to her for him to do when he arrived .
I then left S in charge and I would be back before D was due .
When I returned I came in through the back way and found to my disgust that P and S were sitting chatting in the studio !! What is going on I shouted and two sheepish people were very apologetic with their replies and clearly P hadn't done any cleaning .
I was clearly time for me to take charge and decide suitable punishments for them both ,when I leave orders I expect them to be carried out to the letter!!
P was told to get the bucket and mop ,I told S she had clearly let me down and so was told to remove all her clothing and stand ready to be put on the cross ,for some reason best known to her she left her shoes on ,not acceptable a said ,when I say strip I mean strip naked I shouted .
The next thing is the bell goes and D has arrived ,I am not ready so I let him in and leave him in the anti room whilst we get prepared for his punishment which was to involve lots of spanking .
I then dress ready ,place a naked S on the cross and P is instructed to start cleaning the studio floor on his hands and knees .
D is invited it and instantly is excited at seeing S naked strapped to the cross on tip toe ,this was going to be uncomfortable for her but perhaps it would teach her a lesson that when I trust her and leave in charge of my domestic slaves she doesn't misbehave .
P is now cleaning S is tied so I must now deal with a very excited D and a one end of the studio floor is wet he will have to suffer on the whipping bench for a while .
I place a dice in S mouth and she drops it to reveal how many strokes D will receive this is done four times and collectively it adds up to 19 ( one throw was a one this doesn't count and is treated as a seven ) So 19 lashes with my best cane is administered for P and S to see !
Now D has to endure some CBT ,i let S down from her position and P has also finished so they both are made to face the wall with their hands on their heads .
After D has had his torture I decide he should spank S so he is instructed to put her over his knee and redden up her bottom with a hand spanking .
I am now sending P and S away for P to finish his cleaning tasks and S is allowed to put her clothes on and go her merry way .
D has had a real treat today .
Wednesday, December 2nd 2020
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Tiny Tina Week 2
The device came with six rings. From past experience, I thought it best to put the largest ring around my balls and cock, before fitting the device. But in the muddle I got myself in trying to get a hold of my balls before they could retreat up into my body, I put the second largest ring on, before fitting the unique numbered lock and sending photo proof to Mistress Pixie.
The first nights sleep wasn't so bad, nor the second. It wasn't until the fifth night (Tuesday night into Wednesday morning) that I was woken by a rock hard painful boner at 2am, having gone to sleep at midnight. I could only lay in bed, waiting for it go down. And so it did. But I awoke again early in the morning with the same problem. Wednesday was also the day I was allowed to remove the device for hygiene reasons. However, I was to film myself showering and then fitting a new unique numbered lock, and send the film to Mistress. No wanking allowed. And so I showered, and the device came off. My balls had formed into a curious, scrunched up shape, and were tender to touch. My ablutions completed, I refitted the device, but this time I put the largest of the six rings on, knowing it would be a bit more comfortable for me. You couldn't really tell I'd done this in the video, as the device was just out of shot when I put it down to shower. I snapped on the new numbered lock and held it close to the camera so Mistress Pixie could make a note of it. And there I was, back in chastity following an all too brief, frustrating and orgasm-free release. The video was 12 minutes long, and I sent it to my Mistress. Two more nights in bed with no wanking followed, and then on Friday, disaster struck.
I had been using a cream to keep my balls from chaffing inside the ring, and on Friday afternoon , I was laying in bed, desperate for a wank and holding my balls, trying to offer them some comfort. Because they were slippery from the cream, and because they were in a slightly wider ring, one popped out. The other followed, and that was it: so close to being locked for one whole week, with only one very non-private release, I was now free of the device. I immediately tried to slip my balls back through, but they weren't having it. The only thing I could do was message Mistress right away and tell Her what happened. She wasn't happy, and accused me of letting myself out to try and wank. Harsh punishment was promised. I implored with Her that it was an accident. I sent a photo of the device with the same numbered lock still on, and eventually she accepted what I was saying. I cut the lock off, refitted the device, this time with the smaller ring, fitted a new lock and sent a photo of the new number. I did not take the opportunity to have a wank. My next visit to Mistress will see Her fitting a proper padlock and keeping both keys. And so, my fate will truly be sealed.
Sunday, November 29th 2020
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Barry's Inspection
Written By Slave D

I decided to have some fun with Barry my domestic slave .He arrived on time as normal and stripped off and put on his small apron ,I didn't want to see his pathetic private parts yet .He also had his collar put on with the dogs lead attached.
He decided to up his tribute and have my lovely maid join in today ,this was going to be such fun !!!
His first task was to clean the toilet with a toothbrush paying particular attention to the seat where both our superb bottoms had been earlier .
His next task was to make us tea which we enjoyed whilst he scrubbed the dungeon floor on his hands and knees ,his bottom twitched when I told my maid to whip him to get him to work harder and faster ,she was leading him round on the lead ,it was then his turn to lick our boots nice and clean ,we don't want to dirty the clean floor do we ?
After some dusting it was time for the maid to take him to the local shop ,he was to dress but without his underpants and whilst I was walking this morning I came across some stinging nettles which I bagged up and we put them down is trousers both front and back and my maid then walked him to the shop for him to treat us to some cakes ,she forgot to remove his collar and we both wondered what the shopkeeper thought ,oh well he does like to please me !!!
When they got back we inspected his privates and bottom and boy were they sore ,oh well never mind you have your mistress to thank for the discomfort.
He was now to get 6 of the best before dressing and going home .
Until next time Barry
Wednesday, November 25th 2020
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Tiny Tina Week 1
It's been a funny week.
I found Mistress Pixie on Saturday, had booked with Her on Tuesday, was taking Her strap-on on Thursday, and by Friday night, I was sitting at home with a chastity cage around my cock. I didn't even let myself have one last wank before I messaged Her and asked Her if She'd like me to put a numbered lock on, and send her proof. She confirmed that She did want this, and that was it. I was now her chastity bitch.
Mistress Pixie has also informed me that in order to serve Her, I must wear sexy, pink ladies panties. All the time. Photo message spot checks will occur, and punishments (that I WON'T enjoy) will result from late replies or non-compliance. Needless to say, the sight of my caged dick, bulging balls at the sides, hardly hidden at all behind a thin piece of pink fabric, is an hilarious sight for Mistress to behold.
The cage is comfortable enough, no pinching (I've worn worse), but the fact that I can no longer touch my penis is something that will take getting used to. It isn't a steel cage, where I can offer comforting touches through the bars, but pink (naturally, for my pink loving Mistress) and fully encasing plastic, with just a few small airholes and another hole for pissing through. Unlike some cages, there is NO chance of escape, no wriggling our for a cheeky fondle. My dick really is trapped. I could, at any time, cut the plastic, uniquely numbered lock off, and free it. But as I've already sent a video to Mistress of it going on, and She has a note of the unique number, She'll know I've strayed. And this is only a temporary measure. My next visit to Mistress will see Her removing the device to wax off my pubic hair, and refit the device, but this time with a metal padlock, both keys to stay with Her. Then, any release will be entirely up to Her. Any visits to Her won't necessarily mean a release, no matter how well I've behaved or the gifts I've presented. A Mistress has moods, and a slave suffers accordingly.
So for now, i will go to bed without stroking myself to erection. I will wake with a bulge and lie in bed, frustrated by waking dreams of Mistress Pixie smiling sadistically down at my predicament. I will piss sitting down, as all women do, my shameful panties around my ankles. And I will live in fear of my Mistress, wonder where she keeps the keys, and dread whatever degrading and demeaning lifestyle choices She has in store for me.
As I write this, it hasn't even been twenty four hours. This is just the beginning.
Tuesday, November 24th 2020
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Slave D's Inspection
Written By Slave D

Slave D arrived early for our appointment,my lovely maid let him in ,he was early so my maid had him strip and put his belongings neatly in a container,he was to then wait outside my door facing the wall with his hands on his head ,my maid left him there and he was to wait until I was ready to deal with him !
When I was ready I opened the door and he entered and was instructed to kneel on all fours ready for his body inspection carried out by me and my maid .
We then soundly spanked him for being early and wasting my maids time .
My maid then left the room after restraining him to the cross for some CBT .
After lots of torture I then moved him to the bench where he was restrained for a decent caning and after 6 of the best he uttered the safe word and he was allowed a breather resting on his knees ,apologies were coming from him for being weak in my presence!
It was now time for him to play the peg game ,this is one of my favourites he could only take 50 on his privates clearly he needs extra training to keep his mistress amused .
Whilst restrained on my special bed my maid re entered the room and was amused at his failings so we decided he should spend a little time in the cage whilst we enjoyed a cup of tea.
Next time slave D comes he clearly has to do better .
Slaves must remember they are only here for my pleasure and my pleasure alone and if they fail to please me then serious punishments will prevail .

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