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Tuesday, October 22nd 2024
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Phonenix ! the resilience ! x Happy Tuesday x
Hey my sweethearts Happy Tuesday xxx big loves and kisses too you x

Hope your well ? x

Positive characteristics of the phoenix include:


People with phoenix traits are often seen as powerful and resilient They are often creative and charismatic, and have a zest for life. They may also be seen as tempestuous, as they are known for their passion and intensity ! everything I do in life is full of passion ! and I will not stop until it is right and where it needs to be ! I absolutely love this bird!

What Is the Phoenix?

The Phoenix is a mythical bird that symbolizes rebirth, strength, and perseverance. It is said to live for centuries before bursting into flames and then rising from the ashes, reborn and renewed. The Phoenix is a powerful and enduring symbol that has captivated the imaginations of people around the world for centuries.

The Symbolism of Rebirth and Renewal

The symbolism of rebirth and renewal is perhaps one of the most enduring aspects of the phoenix. The bird is often seen as a symbol of rebirth and regeneration, representing a cycle of destruction and renewal.

As the phoenix is consumed by fire, it is reborn anew, symbolizing the idea of never-ending cycles of de*th and rebirth. This idea of renewal is often used to signify hope and optimism, as well as a reminder that though life is transient, it is also cyclical and can be reborn.

The phoenix is often used in literature, art, and popular culture to represent this idea of rebirth and renewal. No matter how bleak the circumstances may appear, the phoenix serves as a powerful reminder that a new start is always possible and that hope should never be lost.!

I will write some of my own poetry too soon ok ! As I have had my writing head on again lol I have been writing some of my own music too ! I have really been in a great space again for writing and creating !I love when I feel like this! My head is in a good head space ! even when sad I relay this into poetry or music especially writing ! ! Soon to be introducing my acoustic guitar again ! It has been a while I have played I am so excited to be having lessons again ! any of you guys play guitar or something ? x As soon as I pick it up again all those fond memories will come back again I know it !

Some great poems here too

Unbroken Wings

In the storm, I find my peace
Where others falter, I release
My spirit soars, unbound and free
A phoenix rising, wild and carefree

Silent Strength

In the stillness, I find my voice
A quiet resolve, a heart of choice
To stand tall, to face the test
To rise above, and do my best

Tattered But Unshaken

My edges worn, my fabric thin
But still I stand, and still I grin
For in the fray, I’ve found my might
A resilience that shines so bright

Rainfall of Memories

Memories fall like rain
A deluge of moments, sweet and pain
But in the downpour, I find my strength
A resolve to hold on, to hold on tight

Burnished Copper

Like burnished copper, worn and bright
I’ve been through fire, and emerged in light
My scars a testament to my plight
A story of survival, of endless fight

In the Eye of the Storm

The winds howl, the thunder booms
But in the centre, I find my rooms
A place of calm, a place of peace
Where I can breathe, and find release

Unwritten Pages

Before me lies a blank page wide
A story waiting, yet to be tried
I’ll write my own, with every scar
A tale of resilience, from near and far

Petals of Resilience

Like a flower that blooms in snow
I’ve learned to thrive, where others go
My petals bent, but still I stand
A beacon of hope, in this barren land

All Poems are written by
Elizabeth October 14, 2024


More importantly I have grown from pain ! from life's trials and tribulations! it has made me into one of the strongest people I know ! We all have pain don't we, but it depends how we bounce back and how we do it ! Every fall I have ever had in life , it has taught me something different every one, I cherish and learn from every one !god I wish I knew what I no now ! In my youth ! gosh I would not have made those mistakes ! but don't we all hindsight is a pointless thing eh lol

The one important thing I have realised is to respect yourself and walk away! and no your boundaries from any given situation that isn't your ideal! ! and do not give love out so easily ! choose this wisely think with the head a bit more ! and do not act on emotions, but act with logic and from experiences and be on guard in everyday life that is! being wiser is a great tool to have ! eh lol

One thing Is certain

If ( a big if ) you have me as a friend I will support you where needed, but that is not given out so easily anymore ! and the people closest to me! know what I am like as a friend they will tell you this ! how hard I love, how generous I am etc! and yes sometimes this is taken advantage of . If we allow the wrong people in our life ! this is not an aim at anyone MAY I ADD! it is my summary of life ! and from lived in experiences ! you can count your true friends on one hand ! that is one of correct information . This is why animals I have time for them all day long ! faithful as an old shoe eh there is a lot of truth in how I write my blogs ! and how it comes across ! life is full of those wrong steps and turns ! but it would be too easy if they wasn't there and I love a challenge ! and I am glad they are there to keep me on my toes ! give me animals, my guitar, a good book, notepad and a pen, and nature any day of the week , then I am in my element ! then my imagination ! is off! I may travel the world one day ! all over who no's watch this space! eh. I have always wanted to do it ! cleanse myself again ! and meet the man of my dreams eh ! It takes a lot for me too ! fall in love ! and for you to bring out the real me! when you do well you will see it ! and you will say I know what she means ! when I am in love well I am all in ! but until that day comes ! eh x

Have a great day

Happy Tuesday ! My mood is banging today/ and one of reflection lol ! haha x

See you x soon my love x

Love Sophia X x X

Sunday, October 20th 2024
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Thanks too a beautiful and blessed weekend x
Hey all thanks for a beautiful weekend!

It is all positive and so on the up ! after some great news ! so excited ! things are really looking up ! and going from great too wonderful ! if you put effort into ! life it pays off ! Had my weigh in and the weight is falling off !and well I know where I am going with this and how much more I want to loose !

Thank you to all the people that have supported me through out my years of being on here ! to my regs for being there and too some newbies hey it has been a pleasure to meet you .I have truly loved being on here ! and getting as far as I have ! so thanks so so much to each and every one of you ! you have touched my life in more ways than you realize ! some life long friends too x

I do truly meet some wonderful souls on here some amazing people !

I look for those now ! all the positives ! that is all that matters now ! focus on this and things do feel so much better ! I am excited for Halloween, fireworks and Christmas and New year this year going too be a great one ! so many plans too ! so lots too look forward to ! Tomorrow I will have my nails done ! and a Pedi self care is always so so important !

Well studying is going so well I wish I COULD say more here about what I am doing. I cannot for MY privacy ! but the people closest to me know what it is I am doing ! I have had so much support surrounding it ! I know exactly where in life I am going and what I want too surround myself with ! x I am feeling so happy in myself ! so positive and willing to face any challenges !

My new things I picked up on Thursday they are taking time to get used to as they are different to my other ones may need adjusting! and well my activeness is really going well ! enjoying it and pushing myself to the max x loving doing my gluteal muscle atm ! and my stomach loving that too ! x well all of it if honest and the ladies well a great bunch ! so my hours on cam will be scattered ! as I will be doing my activeness activities ! 3 or 4 times a week atm ! until lost more ! then maybe down to 3 ! and swimming to ! x making me feel on top of the world if honest with you I feel like a bird that is now free to fly and achieve my goals x ! x

Healing and Inner Strength

It’s no secret that I love poetry/ writing too . Poetry has gotten me through the toughest times in my life and it’s the one thing I always turn to when I need to purge my soul and acknowledge my emotions, but process them healthy ! I write with and from my heart through the verses I scribe- it is how I inspire healing from my hurt and focus on my inner strength. It’s not something I force, when it flows, it flows, and I embrace it. and write it down through a poem or a song ! it is a great girt to be able to do !

Sometimes, just reading a short verse from another perspective on love, pain, or the inner mechanics of that person’s heart can inspire something within you or me! . This recognition, a connection, is like a knowing that you are not the only one that feels what you feel.

“I Carry It with Me” from The Touch of 10,000 Words

Somewhere there is a place where I belong

Where an orchestra plays my favourite song

Butterflies gather and birds fly high

A beautiful place in a sun-lit sky

I wake and I wonder the land of the free

Where souls dance happy and the shore meets the sea

Mermaids chat and whisper the day

And Gods of hope are not far away

The place where I belong sits right in my hand

It lies in oceans blue and drifts of hot sand

I carry it with me, for my eyes to see

That the place I belong, sits within me

By the motivational angel !

Again a huge shout out too Lady Rochelle ! for always being there through out ! everything phoning me supporting each other as we do ! I would not swap our friendship for anything in the world ! and I do really love you ! so so much ! you mean the world to me ! more than you realize ! we have been through loads together ! loads of fond memories with you ! and we laugh so much ! x here is to many more ! x

I hope you like this poem good night x see u on cam tomorrow ! still loving it as much as meets my sweethearts always there to cheer me on ! always! love you guys so so much x x

All my love and kisses


Sophia x x x

Saturday, October 19th 2024
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The important of brain health x
The brain! Important ways to maintain brain health

The brain is arguably the most important organ in the human body. It controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows us to think and feel, and enables us to have memories and feelings-all the things that make us human.

Here are 12 ways you can help maintain brain function.

Get mental stimulation. ...
Get physical exercise. ...
Improve your diet. ...
Improve your blood pressure. ...
Improve your blood sugar. ...
Improve your cholesterol. ...
Consider low-dose aspirin. ...
Avoid tobacco.
Don't abuse alcohol

Care for your emotions

People who are anxious, depressed, sleep-deprived, or exhausted tend to score poorly on cognitive function tests. Poor scores don't necessarily predict an increased risk of cognitive decline in old age, but good mental health and restful sleep are certainly important goals.

Protect your head

Moderate to severe head injuries, even without diagnosed concussions, increase the risk of cognitive impairment.

Build social networks

Strong social ties have been associated with a lower risk of dementia, as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy.

So for me I drink plenty of water now I am being more active ! A lot more ! Sleeping 8 hours I make sure ! Protecting my brain from emotional strains of every day life as a whole ! I often do many puzzles and love reading to keep my brain active ! Like anything you look after your brain it will look after you ! Plus getting out into the world a lot more doing activities I love ! I am now picking up guitar lessons playing again ! My first lesson soon I will keep you updated soon how I am getting on ! So hobbies are also good to have !

Here are six things recommend in order of importance:

Exercise regularly. Exercise has many known benefits, and regular physical activity also benefits the brain. ...
Get plenty of sleep. ...
Eat a Mediterranean diet. ...
Stay mentally active. ...
Remain socially involved. ...
Keep your blood vessels healthy.

More importantly make time for yourself self care rest etc xx

Have a great weekend

All my love Sophia xxx

Thursday, October 17th 2024
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Some sad news today ! my heart goes out ! x
So some sad new today Liam Payne sadly lost his life too addiction ! which he had suffered with for many years and his mental health until today I never knew how much he suffered and we don't do we ! we hide it well and put on a show ! something close to my heart! I am so deeply sad that another celebrity ! has been lost to this terrible dis ease ! it does not matter if you are a celebrity or a normal person if it wants you it is right there awaiting does not spare it's victim ! until you know what it is like or walk in those shoes ! you will never truly no what this dis ease is like ! ! I really feel if this young lad had not of found fame he would still be here ! but that can not be proved it is just hindsight! ! and in fact he doesn't live that far ! AND the media should be ashamed of themselves putting all info about his hotel room and what was found ! that does not need to be published ! and that is horrible for his family to see ! shame on the MEDIA for doing this just to sell a effing story ! ££££ at the expense of this poor young man's life and family ! I was and am still in such shock ! x As we say warrior down ! and you who know ! will know what I mean ! I am sure some with disagree with this and have opinions and you know what that is cool no probs ! we all see it different don't we ? x

The Voice Of Addiction

By Carrie Roush

Well, it's nice to finally meet you.
I've been waiting for your call.
I've noticed you've been crying,
And I've watched you pace the halls.

Whatever has been hurting you,
I can make it disappear.
You know you have nothing to lose,
Nothing to live for, nothing to fear.

Thank you for your invention.
I'll be sure not to leave your side.
We'll become very fast acquainted.
My naive .... ch*****, there's no use trying to hide.

I should probably introduce myself.
I am your very own addiction.
But you cannot be angry with me.
I am you own self-conviction.

I bet you feel rather stupid,
Falling right into my lap.
I'm a master at manipulation.
You'll never escape my trap.

How does it feel to dance with the Devil?
For he and I are one in the same.
God has completely abandoned you,
So you might as well stay in the game.

Are you honestly going to try and beat me?
A useless battle if you want to know.
Go ahead and make an attempt.
Besides, I'm in the mood for a good show.

I guess you think you're special.
But your sobriety has only lasted a year.
I'm still around every corner,
In the back of your mind.
I'm your greatest fear.

I'll always be your dirty little secret.
I won't disappear over time.
Twenty years from now you may falter,
And I'll be the first thing that comes to mind.

A vicious cycle, that's what you're thinking,
But I'm only speaking the truth.
I'm S*ta* we*** of m*ss destr******
The silent kil***! you know the one

It's genius when you think of it.
Everyone's looking for some Arm**edd*n w*r.
But what the fools don't realize
Is every day Arm******ddon walks through their front door.

by Carrie Roush. "The Voice Of Addiction."


I will blog some more over the weekend where I can as I have been super busy in my normal life ! doing things behind the scenes to ! too make things better and more exciting ! so keep those eyes open lol as I am sure you will lol haha x
Have a great Thursday ! and yes it is nearly the weekend too ! x

See u soon my loves

Lots of love Sophia x x x

Wednesday, October 16th 2024
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positive changes being mindful
Lets start again here ! swiftly moving on ! positive mindset ! it is always best x

Positive changes that I am proud of and more x small steps grow into bigger steps ! x

I have joined an activeness group the same sex with a pt! and a app comes with it ! diet ! recipes ! boot camps etc it is a really good app ! and it is about loosing more weight ! getting out there socializing again with like minded individuals !t is not too overwhelming too ! and a great bunch of ladies so I am excited to start my journey x

Weight loss 4 stone ( on my own and other things too )
Getting out there again and active plus making new associates/ acquaintances
Plus going to pick something up tomorrow had these since I was yay high!
plus I am studying as you know and this is going really well and I am looking forward to what will happen from that how things will move forward for the better!
Lots of positive things on the horizon and I am super excited about those x

It goes to show we can do anything if we put our minds to it ! eh x I am beaming from ear to ear ! finally noticing things and the progression is great x

I have way to many nice things happening and I am happy within myself to be miserable and sad ! I will keep happy plus upbeat where I can ! life is for living laughing and enjoying the special moments ! not caring about anything else ! x

have a great Wednesday

Feeling in great spirits buzzing from today thank u, I had an amazing phone call today too ! and had some great news so I am buzzling absolutely buzzing about that some great news that was on my mind for a while !x

love Sophia x xx

Tuesday, October 8th 2024
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Boundaries setting them clearly xx
Love this statement ! Very powerful words xx

Johnny Depp once said:

“What you decide to tolerate more than once will inevitably become a pattern that will repeat itself. By not setting clear boundaries, you teach others – and yourself – that certain behaviors or situations are acceptable, even if they make you uncomfortable or hurt you. Every time you allow something that goes against your principles or your well being, you open the door for it to be repeated. Setting boundaries isn't just about firmness, it's about self respect. "

Definitely! Strong wise words ! This is to all aspects of my life and choices made xxx

Night ! See you tomorrow xx

Love Sophia xxx

Sunday, October 6th 2024
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Profile changes !
Hey all

Happy Sunday ?

How is you day going ? I hope it is well and you are well? x

So again I have gone through my profile and took loads out that doesn't need to be there ! and again the rest of the week I will see where I can condense it ! I want to still keep it informative whilst exciting but flow better! It still isn't perfect and I won't stop until it is !Until it has that flow ! then as soon as that happened then I will think yes I have hit it ! x But I have some more ideas to do ! but still looking at them ! as I write them down if they will work or not ! I am always trying to find new ways to improve my services so I can bring you something different !

I had another eye test yesterday and my eyes are very much the same ! they haven't got worse ! I was advised as I get older ahha that i need to wear my glasses somewhat more instead of my lenses ! uhmm so i must follow those guide lines ! I have gone for Vivienne Westwood specs a totally different style I'm so exited ! plus some prescription sunglasses a different style too! I am also doing some more modelling ! I will tell you the details ! I am SOOO excited I can't tell you ! I am working really hard behind the scenes too !

Have a great Sunday and all the very best my loves x

I will blog more when I can

All my love xx sending positive vibes too x

Sophia Crystal - Tease

x x x
Friday, October 4th 2024
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Friends are like stars feeling safe xx
Hey all ! It’s Friday lol or Fri yay lol in such a great happy mellow mood today ! Feel amazing and a spring in my step !

Wow! Nearly the weekend how the devil has that happened lol

So my studying is going so well really enjoying it every one in my class so friendly just amazing ! 2nd class today ! My how much I have learnt just eager now to start it further! I will update more soon ! I will tell my regs more ! As I am not being so open with all ! So limited here ! On what I can share for my safety and privacy on line ! So I will protect myself where needs be !

Any how moving on …

So the picture ! On here Remember Lady Rochelle remember this ! These words how fitting I cherish this picture every day I pass it ! Thinking of this ! Really makes my day special !

“ friends are like stars you may not always see them’ but they are always there “

How bloody true are these words ! Every day we talk about everything! We laugh we joke etc our friendship is really something I truly value ! Just no I am there ! On your lonely days ! Ur dark days ! Your happy times !I am there for all !

You have enriched my life more than you realise ! Sending me those beautiful flowers! ! Through the lows/ highs you’re still there ! But that pain has passed ! I am stronger better healthier ! And more determined than I have ever been ! From pain I have grown into the strong woman I am today ! I stand proud of who I am what I am ! I feel positive ! And ready to move onto future things ! Goals that have been made ! And ticked off ! Moral is always stick to the plan ! what you believe in ! Never give in ! Or give up which I never do ever !Even when you’re weary etc this is when I am at my strongest ! Nothing in life is easy ! It’s a test ! Everything is ! It’s how we deal with things is what matters !

I am really getting into a certain book atm too ! I have Just purchased Catherine Princess of Wales Biography! I am a huge fan of hers And I admire what she stands for ! I will let you know how I get on !

I have also made profile touch ups ! I’m still not completely satisfied it still needs work ! I want it to flow properly without being too wordy ! So yes again this needs work ! Basically having a makeover on everything watch this space ! More to do over the weekend is just Isn’t right x

But believe me months ago ! I wasn’t in a good place in and out of appointments! Etc etc copious amounts of stress because of certain things it made me really poorly ! So now I stop and think of my mental health my boundaries and my self care !! It’s a work in progress ! But I am feeling better ! Way stronger ! I can actually sit in my own head ! In uncomfortable feelings and deal with them healthy now ! That is a hard thing to do but I do it ! I have really grown as a person !! That I do from writing poetry art ! Writing music ! Playing my guitar it takes me to a different place ! My happy place ! Even play sometimes on the beach for inspiration! So freeing ! I am in a really good place mentally and spiritually! So fitting into this big world we have can sometimes be very challenging ! But I get by ! X

Blog 1 part 2 coming over the weekend !

So much to say so I will try too limit it ! Until another blog

All my love , best wishes

Have a beautiful weekend

All my love

Sophia Crystal Tease

X x x

Thursday, October 3rd 2024
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Cold/ Flu season important notice x please read x
Hey all

Important notice concerning COLDS/ FLU AND ILLNESS !

So an important notice concerning this time of year, as it is autumn and winter will be fast approaching ! this is where colds and flu are looming ! so can i ask if you have colds or flu do not book ME please! as this has happened before in previous YEARS! then I am ILL and have to take time off ! this is a business like any other ! and I do not want to be taking time off this is very selfish to do this ! IF i believe you are ill upon arrival I will ask you too leave ! and non return of deposit this is NON NEGOTIABLE SORRY ! as you knew this before you booked ! I am sorry this seems harsh ! but it is a reality ! I have to have close contact with you ! and do not want to be catching what you have ! so please I ask be mindful of giving me your germs ! do not be a top class fool lol x Again I DO NOT WANT YOUR GERMS ! X

I hope this is a clear message too you ! to be considerate not just think of yourself and your own needs ! to think of me as well ! when you are poorly stay at home get well and then book is a sensible thing to do isn't it !

Any how moving on ! have a great Thursday see you on cam ! or it be nice to meet you ! lol x


600 wow is all i can say thanks so much for all the feedback and to be honest it should be more than this ! as mentioned in previous blogs why ! but again thanks so so much ! for all you kindness your support ! your continued visits to me on cam and meets ! It has been a real pleasure to get to know you and spend some time with me ! I must be doing something right eh ! so thanks a lot ! I am working hard and even behind the scene with lots of things happening you will see lol ! so it is continued work ! and all very recent material too ! new pictures new content etc as i like to keep it very recent ! enjoy reading my feedback and yes it isn't always on show for a few reasons . The main one is privacy for me and my clients ! and i do have 10 field reports and still growing then and my feedback ! x so it is not always on ! but believe me they are all good nothing to hide here ! and my field reports I do not put on for obvious reasons ! again privacy ! but i you wish to read a few before making a booking with me sure ! I can show you a few ! no problem at all ! of what you will be in for a real treat! as I come from a few areas not just one specific ! so you are spoilt for choice of what to have with me lol anyway until another blog

Have a beautiful day and yay the sun is shining today yay! and it is nearly the weekend ! x

All my love


x x x

Wednesday, October 2nd 2024
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Butterflies ! my heart skips a beat ! feelings x
Thanks for a great meet today ! you know who u r handsome ! what can i say ! my heart skips a beat when I see you and you give me butterflies !

Does heart fluttering mean love?

When we are first attracted to someone, our brains release chemicals like norepinephrine and dopamine, which make our hearts flutter and make us feel happy. So you Mr give me those feelings ! and make me happy ! it is such a joy to know you and spend time with you ! I am writing this blog as it is fresh in my mind ! I write this blog as it is all natural and not made up ! We have known each other a while now have we not ! I am so thankful to this job I have met so many lovely people ! that have really bought me so much happiness and enriched my life for the better thank you so much x

Thanks for being amazing as you always are ! I wish you well and a speedy recovery my love ok ! xx

All my love

Sophia x

I hope you feel the same to baby x mwah x

Friday, September 27th 2024
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Happy Friday life of Sophia Crystal Tease update
Hey all

Happy Friday I hope you’re well ! Omg where has the week gone

So let’s start my blog off as positive as it can be ! Xx

Any how moving on ! I have some exciting things coming up!

Sorry my cam times are mixed here and there ! I managed to get.a few cheeky days away to Scotland! Managed to visit Edinburgh! Well some cheeky shopping had to be done lol plus I visited Bamburgh castle omg just amazing a beautiful castle on a beach ! Had a beautiful lunch here ! Bought a few art pieces etc had to be done ! So I have some new pieces to wear for you so I will be looking super sexy ! And well had to visit a fav lingerie shop of mine lol ! Plus studying which I said in previous blogs my regs no what it is ! They are super excited for me ! Things are positive! On the up the lodge where I stayed was amazing such beautiful scenery !hot tub made use off too lol !

all in all a great time x I shall blog more on this another time x
Monday, September 23rd 2024
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Thank you beautiful xx

Happy Monday

A huge heartfelt thank you !! Xx

I just want to make a shout out again to an Adult work lady mentioning me in your blog ! Omg thank you so much !Emailing me telling me that you appreciate my profile my blogs etc ! That had really picked me up so so much ! To know that you have reached out ! Do not be a stranger ! Ok reach out when you need to ! I know straight away my darling ! You’re a sweet soul straight away ! How you put yourself forward ! Thank you again sweet heart ! It has been appreciated more than you will know !! Have a wonderful day hun xx wishing you so much love right now xxx to know there are still some nice people out there is a nice comforting feeling !

I have so much to tell you talk about etc ! I will leave that when I have more time to tell you ! As this week on cam here and there ! Meets doing the weekend ! Excited too see you ! Missing you loads ! Head in my study books ! All I can say is I’m loving it ! I really am ! Life is really on the up !!

Have a beautiful Monday

Sending best wishes postive vibes so much love !

All my love

Sophia xxx

Sunday, September 22nd 2024
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Happy Sunday reaching for the stars

All hope you are well ?!

How has your weekend been ? Mine busy in a good way ! So meets I will be back doing next weekend and cam I am doing here and there ! I am back studying for the next year ! I am super excited too see where it leads ! Friday I came out of class absolutely buzzing ! Met so many wonderful people ! Plus some great contacts.

So if you think I’m too old to start again fact is we can do anything in life ! If we get knocked down in life we get back up ! I manifest so much ! It really helps too !!things are so positive right now ! I know I am where I need to be !

I am loosing weight bit by bit ! Next year I will introduce more intense exercise to tone up ! This is where my PT trainer comes in give me that kick up the ass ! Keep going even when. I do not want to !

All I can say is I am feeling so positive ready to start achieving goals some of which I have reached ! And will continue to do so ! So this weekend I have been studying loads head in my books .whilst doing bits on cam here and there .The same next week classes and studying! But do not worry I am still here will cam where I can ! Doing meets yes and camming too ! I am going no where ! Still loving what I do ! Plus some more exciting things / projects coming up ! I will leave that for another blog !!

Always reach for the stars !!!

Loads new adventures to be had ! Lots of exciting things happening too ! Things are moving forward very quickly omg I’m so excited for whats to come !

But I’m absolutely buzzing ! Some more pictures/ content coming but wait hold on with a twist lol !!

Always take time for you ! My strength is unstoppable! I’m one of the strongest people I no !! I just keeping getting stronger ! In mind body and spirit! Not all in life we will Like or be liked by all ! I quite simply have no care ! As long as I have people that no me for me ! Love me which they do I quite simply am oh so happy ! Most people I have met on here your oh so amazing And I am so happy I’ve met u xxxx for a reason to for good or bad xx it’s all a test hey !! Who we should let in our lives !!

Have a wonderful blessed Sunday

Always reach for the stars keep negatives at bay xx I have some great people in my life ! Plus meeting up with another cam girl watch This space you never no I have ! Known her for a few years ! Another great person !?!l some times people stay in our lives some go what ever the reason ! My mind is not bothered any more ! Too busy living! And I do not care what other’s opinions are ! To happy to care !! Xxx enjoy life so much !!

My novel of my life has new beginnings!! I am a happy go lucky positive person ! And love cam / meets too which new ideas are being bought more forward to meet your needs more ! So I can cater for All needs plus a varied spectrum of fetishes ! Obviously that meet AW terms and conditions! So I have been sex toy / lingerie and well some secrets and super duper supreme surprises omg shopping to one of my fav places! Bought more things to excite you more !! Omg omg excited

Until next time

All my love and best wishes

So much love for you !! My darlings


X x x
Tuesday, September 17th 2024
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Standing out !!thanks so much xfor these so beautf
Hey again.

Thanks so much my beautiful client ! Dear friend for these today just wow whilst I do not expect ! Thanks so much love flowers I do have a few favourites ! My reg client you know what they are lol x

Thanks for an amazing day again. Thanks so so much I really appreciate you so much xxxx

Ways to stand out from the crowd

From sources across the web
Show some grit and resilience
Emphasize your soft skills
Demonstrate a growth mindset
Show your creativity
Add a personal touch
Start doing the job already
Know yourself
Be confident
Be disciplined
Be kind to everyone
Cultivate emotional intelligence
Practice listening
Always be of service
Be a master collaborator
Be responsive
Lead with excellence
Take yourself seriously
Talk to someone
Be Prepared
Customize your job applications
Don't make everything about you

Embrace your authenticity. The first step to standing out from the crowd is to embrace your true self. By being genuine and authentic, you instantly differentiate yourself from others who may be trying too hard to fit in or follow the crowd. Your uniqueness is your strength, and it sets you apart from everyone else.

More importantly be you ! Be who you are allow yourself to be! creative plus imagination is a great thing lol one of my greatest assets lol keep standing out for the right reasons ! Embrace who you are the rest will follow !!!

A few things I have learnt in life is be emotionally intelligent and be one step head again the rest will flow and follow x

Any how I will write another blog soon ! that is it for now my sweethearts

you vous remplissez mon cœur plein de joie et plein d'amour mes chéris ! x

All my love

Sophia xxx Crystal-Tease xxx

Sophia where has this come from ! I deeply no why this name I chose to add to my name ! it is deep within and I only I no this deep sadness why ! as some of my clients no so I want to keep this name alive for this reason which fills me full of love that is why ! and keeps this memory alive ! and it is such a pretty name too x

And would have been the name given so there we have it !

Sophia is a feminine name that comes from the Greek word sophia. It's also spelled Sofia, and other forms include Sophie, Sophy, and Sofie. The name was first recorded in the early 4th century and became popular in the West in the 1990s.

Sophia is a popular girl's name that means “wisdom.” From the Greek σοφία, Sophia was an important Hellenistic, Platonic, and Gnostic concept denoting cleverness, intelligence, and wisdom—even forming the root of the word philosophy, meaning “love of wisdom.” In the contemporary English-speaking world, Sophia has ...
It also connotes knowledge, power, and bravery.


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