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Sunday, December 18th 2022
How to deal with love
It can be hard to let go of someone you love. We often fall in love quickly and have unrealistic expectations of the other person. This might lead to hurt if the relationship doesn't work out or if the other person changes too much after we fell for them.
In a healthy relationship, we accept our partner for who they are - good and bad moments included. Loving someone means setting realistic expectations about how long this will last, knowing that it might not be perfect from day one and also understanding that both parties will make mistakes along the way, There's something about falling in love that makes us want to focus on the good things. It seems like whenever we're in love, all of our attention gets drawn to the positive aspects of the other person.
This is a great way to live life - by focusing on all of the good things and staying true to ourselves. We shouldn't overthink things or be afraid to show our feelings. Falling in love happens automatically - it's not something that you have to work hard for!

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