Monday, November 27th 2023 |
Taboo chats and censorship: ethics and kink! |
I'm quite aware that, having been on AW since 2014, and heard so many fantasies, my mind has been through a very unusual journey. I love hearing your kinks and I hope that I make the world a more fun place to explore these ideas.
Sometimes I get asked for taboo chat roleplays. My personal opinion is that taboo roleplay can be very cathartic and healing and help to process limits in the unconscious mind that need attention. The performance aspect of creating a 'scene' allows us to express things in a little bubble reality so that they don't continue to bubble up through our actions in everyday life!
So I personally think that taboo roleplay between consenting adults is actually very therapeutic, but I'm aware that, taken out of context, it could be very easily seen to be problematic. I do wonder whether access to performers such as myself, might be helping or might be encouraging problematic thought patterns. It's very hard to tell and I would love to know more research on this. For instance, animated porn involving taboo could involve things that would be entirely not okay if done in real life.
I think that the more we try to inhibit fantasies, the more there's a risk they might change who we are in the world. I really enjoy being free with a partner to explore our psyches, but that is with someone I know well in real life and know that I can trust them to keep it to fantasy. I am thinking about whether I know my callers well enough to trust that taboo fantasies are merely catharsis and healing. I would sincerely hope that this is what I'm providing.
It's a bit of an existential crisis. It's very important that humanity doesn't make rash decisions on this stuff. We need to be brave enough to heal all traumas, and not freak out and censor that process. But we also need to be there for each other when difficult things do arise from having opened up Pandora's box.
I believe that humans are ready to explore issues around mental health, self esteem, power dynamics and emotional turmoil. I stay within the site rules but I do actually wish that roleplay of all kinds could be safely treated as therapy, if done with respect.
Answers on a postcard! x |
Wednesday, November 1st 2023 |
Irish Accents (and accents in general!) |
I am trying to figure out exactly why it is that accents are so sexy. Any time an Irish guy, in particular, or Scottish, or another accent, calls me up on phone chat, it really turns me on. Perhaps it's the musical lilts to certain accents, as I do love music. Perhaps it is something tribal. I still don't know exactly why, but, as a woman who has lived and moved around in the South of England and isn't quite a BBC accent, but can pull it off if asked... Well, I do just love an accent. I am horny tonight and waiting for a call back from an Irish guy.
My exes? I have dated a lot of people who are not British/are half British and half... a Smorgasbord of the world! I like a bit of Viking, I like a bit of Asian, I like some Caribbean... My sexual tastes are as varied as my cooking. I love to try a new recipe. Want to be my new recipe...?
Bring me to the kitchen table and let's go at it. And let me hear your sweet voice talking dirty to me, if you will! :) x |
Tuesday, October 31st 2023 |
What the Actual Fuck (it gets political) |
I cannot tolerate the horrors going on in this world. I have been sure to dance and write poetry and sing and I should do more art as well. I am getting better at pool. If nobody is on the table, I go solo and play myself. I make it difficult! I practice my breaks over and over because, if you ask any of my exes, I am rubbish at breaking. And I am going to do a stand-up comedy set. I have been heckled before, and I was actually naked then, so I reckon I will handle it. Although I do have to leave most of the most juicy stuff out of my set! lol
Today, I wanted to stay in to avoid the mayhem, and I have a little bit of a sore throat but I don't feel ill aside from that. I am lying here, alone, in my bed and feeling playful, hopeful, fanciful, but like life is trying its best to get in the way.
I really enjoy giving joy, or JOI! I will bring that to the world, and let's dance. If you want some poetry then I will, want some jokes, or need a bit of therapy? Be nice to me and I will be good to you. I want you to leave with a smile. I seem t be able to get the text and/or audio to work on my laptop and I have my phone chat... turned on.
If you feel sad, angry at the world, frustrated, in need of hope and a muse, I wanted to turn my cam on, even though I wasn't going to do makeup or lighting, but I do come with kindness. If you want to chat then I have free mode enabled for text chat, and my phone chat hopefully works (I haven't been on the site much recently), but cam is going to be a technical issue that needs assistance!
Tech support! Get your dick out! Hmmm! For the greater good!
Sending love. Humanity must stand together. |
Wednesday, October 26th 2022 |
Cheating, and... What Your Wife Wants.... |
Are you cheating on your partner? Why is it like this? So many men are not living up to their moral compass, when it comes to their sneaking away. I think we all need couples' therapy! And, yes, you should have that private therapy too, but wouldn't it me amazing if instead of cheating and secrets and lack of communication, you could turn your woman back on again?
I think we need to explore the woman's pleasure. Treat her right. I don't want to talk dirty about how she isn't pleasing you. I want to talk to you about how you might get her turned on! Female sexual divine energy is precious. I have given out a lt of it, but, please, husbands and boyfriends out there... Do you have something sweet? Can you ignite her spark? And she's probably stressed taking care of things!
So if you're cheating, why are you not putting that lustful energy into some real time together, where you look into each other's eyes and worship her a little bit!
Thursday, October 20th 2022 |
Celibacy and Erotic Energy |
This is probably something that everyone faces, at various points in their lives. Sex is best shared (two, or more!) and when times mean that the right meeting of energies isn't forthcoming (nor for coming over?), we can be at a bit of a loss.
I had a very sexually and romantically charged relationship a year or two ago. Before that, a time of almost celibacy. Now, I am back to almost celibacy...
I enjoy getting guys aroused, and watching, and directing. I prefer to do it from the angle of giving some sweet loving to a fellow soul who wants a spark of flirtatious passion in their lives.
I await mon amour. The deep, tantric love-making.
When I do my phone chat and cam sessions, I feel like it can give me a little boost of erotic energy. I like to share that. |
Sunday, May 8th 2022 |
15 Reasons for Booty-Calling...! |
Yes, I know, it's naughty! But I did it, again! Here's my justifications:
1. Just because it IS naughty! It's a bit of a gamble to send that text. So that's a bit of a rush in itself!
2. The chemistry is there. I know that when we get close to each other, our pheromones take over. I basically want to rub him all over myself, and vice versa. It's intoxicating.
3. It's especially fun rubbing ourselves all over each other when we've both been building up sexual frustration through being single and not doing one night stands!
4. We know how to make each other cum. Like, a lot! We know how to turn each other on too. So there's no question of whether putting our, err. puzzle pieces together is going to feel good! I know that if we hook up, I am going to cum, which, in itself, gets me more horny in advance! I know he knows how, and that we wants me to cum. We know each other's bodies very intimately!
5. We've got all those mental images. It's natural and easy to fantasise about exactly how our bodies will look and feel when all over each other! There's a lot of vivid content stored up there!
6. We're barebacked each other, so... we can still safely bareback each other! And it feels so good. And I like feeling that cum spurt into me!
7. Kinks. I know which kinky things might be options. I can safely jump right into certain kinks, or put forth certain others, without my kinkiness level being seen as way extreme and crazy! (It is a bit extreme and crazy at times, and, sure, he doesn't need to know/want all of it, if I know he likes plenty of it!)
8. There's so much still to explore...!
9. Basic proximity. With booty calls, he's usually minutes away from my flat (or outdoor locations!!!). So if we're both awake and free, and in the mood, we can be on each other within minutes.
10. No faffing around, going on dates that don't lead to anything, and all of the social awkwardness involved. No putting on of lingerie and getting dressed up only to find that there's no chemistry with someone else. (If the chemistry is already RED HOT!)
11. The hugs feel nice still. The pheromones don't just make us lust after each other. It's cozy too. I like that.
12. Easing tensions. Especially if we get kinky! I was enjoying scratching him when we fucked the other day!
13. We already know that we fancy each other. Less reason to overthink little insecurities. I know we won't need to spend ages getting ready because we've both already seen each other in our natural states, and if I don't feel like spending ages on makeup, we'll have longer to spend fucking!
14. My adultwork isn't a secret, so I know he sees the whole person! He's seen my content (been in a little, and helped film/photograph a little!), so he knows I'm slutty, but without the judgment/assumptions someone might make about my lifestyle! Yes, I am very naughty and kinky and have a vivid imagination. It's good when someone knows enough to respect the rest of my strange self more than someone might if you only saw the images on my phone gallery!
15. He already knows I have blogged about my sex life. So I can blog about why I am still booty-calling and why it's hot!
I think the summer will be a lot more fun if I continue to get some action! What a waste of erotic energy, if we are in need of some action and might otherwise be left unsated! |
Wednesday, March 23rd 2022 |
Audio/Fantasies |
I've been having another fun morning of fantasies. I listened back to some audio erotica that I recorded for the site a few years ago! Plus I've been having lots of ideas for new erotica. I've been typing some up, currently for my own amusement, but it's definitely getting me in the mood!
I also watched some hot porn clips: interracial outdoors, with facial, and she wasn't exactly being quiet! Reminds me of a few summer days of my own! Very pretty blue eyes and such a curvy, sexy ass! There was another clip that I wanted to watch, with a redhead in, but maybe after this! ;)
Wednesday, March 23rd 2022 |
Why Blog on Adultwork? |
I blog quite often on my Adultwork page. I have done since I joined. At the time, I was dating a pro domme and she was a regular sex blogger, running through our real life shenanigans, as well as her musings, challenges and fun memories. I used to enjoy reading them, even though we already chatted and/or saw each other every day! So I appreciated that train-of-thought insight. You get to understand a person, and, on Adultwork, I think that it's refreshing to see more sides to a person than are easy to summarise in the main profile. (I know that if a client takes the time to fill out the text section of their profile, or to put up profile pictures, it helps me to feel more rapport and authentic first communications! Client blogs would be even better!)
A blog provides an opening for conversation. We can relate our messages to what's been relevant to the other person lately.
Adultwork performers can often be very busy, replying to emails, doing webcam or phone chat, scheduling meets... Plus family life, friends, day jobs! So writing a blog helps me, effectively, talk to all of Adultwork at once! (Although, of course, it's more personal in real-time!). At times, it's like catching up with old friends! Plus you can choose to direct your attention to my kinky sex blogs or to my more philosophical content!
It also serves as a journal over time, for myself to reminisce and reflect, or for potential clients to see my journey, check my authenticity, etc. Being Verified helps too!
Another reason I blog on here is to fill gaps between calls. Busy as performers on the site can be, there are also plenty of quiet moments! I'm often online in the early hours, so writing a blog and seeing if anyone fancies a call before bedtime makes a lot of sense!
Plus, it lets you all know that I am still here and will be back if I am off the site for a while! Thanks to those who sent well wishes as I've been (slowly) recovering my energy after Omicron in Jan! :) x |
Sunday, March 20th 2022 |
We Must Come Together! |
Disclaimer: this is a political blog, but with an edge of euphemism! If you follow my blogs, you'll see that I do post about stuff other than sex! (Although I do post some naughty talk too!). World events are on my mind this week. Let me begin...
Earlier this year, covid (Omicron?) finally knocked at my door. It was mild. A bad headache for a day, but otherwise no biggie! But I have fibromyalgia already, and it's triggered a bad flareup of fatigue. Really getting in the way of my sex life right now! :o
I broke up with my boyfriend. He seems to have moved on pretty fast. I wish him well but it's a shame to lose his companionship. We got each other through last winter's lockdown, between the cooking, walks and fucking! We came together, for sure!
Now warfare is upon the world again. But I am single again. And spending 23 hours, most days, in bed, should be fun! But it is sadly not cos of rampant shagging this time! ;)
So if you agree that the world ought to come together now, well, I am in bed, I am single, and I am up for a chat! ;) x |
Sunday, December 19th 2021 |
Kitty Isn't Just For Christmas. |
Last year, due to the lockdowns, family Christmas was cancelled for all who were to visit, but I was lucky because my family and my boyfriend were staying nearby, so we were able to congregate briefly. As the clock ticked towards midnight, some wondering if we might get caught out doing an extra game of Scrabble, the 4 of us, and be in terrible trouble! I assured her that the military police had better things to do at 1am than crack down on family members staying for a second game of Scrabble and a small glass of wine. Especially as we had only come half a mile to attend anyway.
Afterwards, I went back with my boyfriend (aka support bubble) and snuggled with my cat and all was cozy and warm and nice.
This year, vaccines are out, as are the new strains. But the cat is still here for company. |
Sunday, December 12th 2021 |
Seriously; Safe Words... |
I don't like the idea of silly random safe words because they ruin the flow of the scene. My safe word, however, is... "seriously". If I say that, take it... seriously. That's all, if I say the word 'seriously' during a kink scene then anything I say after should be taken... seriously! That's my tap out. I don't need traffic lights or systems of random fruits or secret codes. 'Seriously'. That is enough. That's how I like it. Keep it real and raw but if someone in your kink scene says to you, 'seriously...' then anything that follows is outside of the scene and they aren't playing. That means that I could screw someone, and have done, and beg them to stop, cos it was kinky! And we were in fantasy land and really enjoying the power exchange of the scene. But the moment I were to say, "seriously: don't fuck me any harder cos I need to pee and I seriously don't want to piss myself, even if I might have been getting off on the thought of you making me do it, as a fantasy..." But, when I say 'seriously', that's all the safe words that should be needed. Sometimes subs like to pretend they are being used and abused but they do want a cuddle afterwards! In the moment, in character, in the scene, all kinds of obscenity can be fun and it's a thrill to take on different personas and roles. It's all fun and games, yes, but let's take it... seriously.
Although, if I do say to you, "seriously: fuck me as hard as you can and pin me and use me and cum in or over me wherever you like...". I said that I meant it, seriously! Don't hold back. If it's too much I will tell you again, seriously.
That aside, I hope you're having fun and frivolities in between these moments of safeguarding our psyches so that we can trust enough to really push our limits! |
Saturday, December 11th 2021 |
Cumin my Ginger. |
I think I might be feeling like something a little bit exotic today. Something more spicy to warm me up inside. Would you like to get your cumin all over my fiery ginger?
Sage wisdom tells us that when we cook with more flavours, things become tastier. Take some thyme and enjoy the moment.
I want something juicy in my mouth right now. Something that I haven't tried before. It excites me.
Do you want to taste some of my sauces? Sometimes they're sweet but there's a lot of heat in there.
Let your tongue explore my palette. Lick my plate clean. There's a good boy. |
Friday, December 10th 2021 |
Watch Me Fuck Your Ex. |
I'm on phone chat again tonight so my mind is obviously full of fantasies! Yours, mine, hers, other people's... It's packed pretty fucking full with fantasy!
So, what if you were to watch me fucking your ex girlfriend? Seducing her, stripping her breasts bare and teasing her nipples... I would kiss her neck and grab her hair and make her lick my nipples too.
Women taste so sweet to kiss. Their lips are so soft. Their skin is so soft. I'll devour her.
I want to get her wet. I want her audibly wet, slippery, delicious, on my tongue and on my fingers. I know how to make a girl cum. I have a very agile tongue and I delight in the little squeaks and moans and thrusts of a woman in ecstasy.
I can make your ex cum. I can make her so turned on that she'll lick my pussy and taste my juices. I'll slide my fingers into her and make her do the same. I will guide her, if she's new to this. I know she will love it. Both our soft skins against each other, and mine so pale, and my red hair tickling her breasts as we play.
It's a sweet, sweet game. I can seduce her and she will want it and she will enjoy it. My tongue in her pussy and then rapidly across her clit. I bet she would get wet for you just thinking about it if you brought her to me. |
Friday, December 10th 2021 |
'Forced Bi'... |
Of course, everyone must consent, but what I do really enjoy is making a 'straight' guy suck dick for the first time while I watch. Give control over to me and I will get that virgin face of yours swallowing his cum for me as I giggle and summon the next guy. I have done this before. I had friends with benefits who were 'straight' but submissive and I had them suck dick for Miss Kitty. It really turned me on.
I think that, deep within many people is the desire to do all kinds of kinky things, but that they feel trapped and unable to do so unless they do it on the premise that they have been instructed. You really wanted to have your friend touch your balls while you both jokingly watched porn together, but made laughter at how you were just there for the tits. You really liked feeling the vigor of his arm as he wanked himself off next to you and you did the same. But it wasn't gay, cos you were looking at women getting fucked.
Who were you imagining being, in that moment, that you came so hard? Was it the guy fucking the woman in the porno? Was it pretending you were a voyeur in the scene and that he or she might instruct you to go next? Were you thinking, perhaps, what she was feeling, when she was moaning and moaning and covered in cum? Or was it the feel of your friend's arm stroking his own dick next to you, and wondering...? |
See the rest of my blog here. |
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Showing most recent pictures, 30 of 235. Click here to view them all. |
What is your starsign? |
Virgo Aug 24 - Sept 22 |
What is your Primary Language? |
English (UK) |
What is your Secondary Language? |
French (poorly) |
How would you describe your non-binary gender? |
NA |
What is your favourite colour? |
Purple |
What is your best feature? |
Hair |
What three words best describe your personality? |
Mischievous, intelligent, flirty |
What is your favourite food? |
Home-cooked (I love to cook!) |
What is your favourite drink? |
The elixir of life, if you're offering? |
What are your favourite flowers? |
Morning Glory (seriously!) |
What is your favourite perfume? |
I don't wear perfume |
What is your favourite gift? |
Delicious food |
What is your favourite holiday destination? |
Brighton |
What is your ethnicity? |
Caucasian (White) |
What is the colour of your eyes? |
Blue |
What is the colour of your hair? |
Red |
What length is your hair? |
Shoulder length |
How would you describe your body type? |
Slim |
How tall are you? |
5'6" |
How much do you weigh? |
8½st |
What is your leg measurement? |
32" |
What is your shoe size? |
7.5 |
What is your dress size? |
10 |
What size is your chest? |
30" |
What is your waist measurement? |
28" |
What is your hips measurement? |
38" |
What is your bra cup-size? |
GG |
How would you describe the size of your breasts? |
Very Large |
Are your breasts natural or enhanced? |
Natural |
How is your pubic hair fashioned? |
Natural |
Do you smoke? |
No |
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? |
Neither |
If you have tattoos or piercings, how discreet are they |
None |
What times are you always available? |
Rare. Evenings/night/early hours perhaps. |
Will you do overnight bookings? |
No |
How long are you prepared to travel for? |
NA |
What sort of men turn you on? |
Intelligent or creative guys. I have a little bit of a thing for geeky, misunderstood men or for those who are gentlemen! I'm naturally a switch so definitely get the most out of chatting to guys who get a thrill from both dominant and submissive roles. I don't often get on very well with strict dom types. |
What sort of women turn you on? |
Curvaceous, natural women with a direct communication style. I get shy around women I fancy so either she should take the lead or she should have a submissive streak so obvious it turns my domme side on! |
What is the most memorable sexual experience you’ve ever had? |
Making love and feeling held. |
What is the most outrageous thing that you’ve done sexually (be honest!) |
I used to be too wild. It would be safe, sane and consensual. But I like it diverse and interesting. Trust is important. Try to have better karma than you did yesterday. |
Where would you most like to have sex? |
Wherever the love is. |
What is your favourite sexual position? |
A lot of things are fun with deep connection! |
What is your second favourite sexual position? |
Find out! |
What is your biggest turn on? |
A big, sturdy intellect oozing with sexual content. |
The most sensitive part of my anatomy is? |
Best in combination, my dear! |
Describe the experience (when and where) |
My first time was complicated. I felt more at ease the second time, with another guy, when we had a giggle and were ready. |
What is your favourite sexual fantasy? |
Making people happy. |
How often do you masturbate? |
Hardly ever! I prefer to get intimate! |
What sexual activity do you enjoy the most? |
Seduction, building erotic energy, mutual climax. |
When is your libido at its highest? |
When I see the look in their eyes and they want me |