Friday, May 6th 2022 |
Where have I been! |
Hello Gentlemen and Ladies <3
It has been far too long since my last blog post, I'm so sorry!! I guess I completely forgot about the blog section here after birth haha. I know that I'm still due to catch up with a few of you since I've given birth. It has been so nice catching up with those who I spoke to before I got pregnant and those who I spoke too whilst pregnant. I thought the pregnancy lovers would have cleared off but you guys where the first to jump on cam to me :)
Although I do wonder where 051 has gone ;)
Life as a new mummy is amazing! I have definitely adjusted and have everything I could ever wish for. Any tips would be much appreciated. And onto the naughty stuff.... Yep my dad caught me on AW! Hahahah pop in on cam to hear how that went.
Love Marina xxxx
Friday, November 12th 2021 |
Forever Pregnant Marina |
So I’m pretty sure I should change my name to Forever Pregnant Marina :) I’m past my due date now and no sign of labour! Which I guess means I have more time with friends and family it before the arrival.
I’ve moved in with my father now so haven’t been online much the past two weeks. My dad let me have a large room next to my new bedroom as my own living space. So I have had lots of fun cleaning and moving things whilst growing a baby.
If anyone has any tips for feeling like I’m about to explode they would be greatly appreciated. As my body has more or less stayed the same but my bump is huge haha.
Lots of love, Marina xoxox |
Thursday, October 14th 2021 |
36 weeks and counting |
Hey guys <3 Sorry for being quiet on the blog and content front lately! I guess being pregnant has taken priority. I’ve been busy organising or trying to organise my life in time for the baby. As usual other people’s plans don’t always fall in line with mine haha. But don’t worry, I have all the items I still need on my Amazon prime wish list. So if I do go into labour before I’ve set everything else I have up then at least prime will make sure it’s delivered the next day. Yay haha.
It’s safe to say I’m pretty big right now. If you haven’t popped into see me then you better see for yourself. I have no stretch marks and you can’t really tell I’m pregnant from the shoulders up or behind haha.
Lots of love, Marina xoxox |
Wednesday, July 7th 2021 |
Living the life - minus the alcohol |
Hi guys, I hope you are all well?
I thought I would update you all on my recent boosted health kick haha. I have been super healthy in the most recent years. I think its a combination of being more health conscious after all of these lockdowns, social distancing guidelines and just making an effort to build up my immune system as the best protection during Covid. I really think its worked! I've not had one positive test and I work for the NHS so I'm pretty much exposed on a regular basis. I do think i may have contracted it before we were actually taking it seriously in the U.K an so that may have built up my immune against it along with my recent health choices.
I havent touched a drink in about 5 years, by choice. I just didn't like the choices I made wwhen intoxicated and didnt enjoy waking up with a hangover. Sure you feel skinny! But you find that as a woman feeling skinny actually isnt the greatest feeling hahah for me anyway.
I'm not sure if there are many of you who dont drink? It's funny when you tell people you choose not too, they look at you as if your an alien haha. Apologies if I no longer wish to have an alcoholic lifestyle as my norm but please feel free to do so if you enjoy. Being pregnant is great as I don't have to explain my reason for not drinking however I'm not overly obviously pregnant so i do still have some explaining to do. How do we get out of not owing strangers or friends explanations? Can I just give them one word answers followed by a thanks without being classed as rude?
Anyway, thus was supposed to be a light hearted post about my recent healthier lifestyle choices but its more of a sober rehabilitation post hahah.
I hope you are all well and I can't wait to chat and catch up this week ;)
Love Marina xxx
Monday, June 28th 2021 |
Less work, more play? |
Hi guys,
It's been a while since my last post.
So what have i been up to? Well I am doing alot less hours at the hospital now due to my pregnancy. I've been making an effort to meet my friends for lunch n my days off while I am still in London. Most of my friends live in Central as I have lived on and off between up North and London for the lat 10 years. Most of my stuff has been packed and moved out already. I really am ready to get home and get into my nesting stage hehe but I'll stay for a few more weeks to a month.
I've had no cravings, apparently my friends have said this is a load of rubbish haha as they never experienced cravings either. I'm gliding through my 2nd trimester although i could do with a mummy massage. I can actually see my back changing and my bum protruding even more every day along with my boobs getting bigger.
This post wasnt supposed to be about pregnancy haha guess its on the brain. I would love to know how all your weeks have been and any good news you have. I'm in such a positive mood, as always haha if you know me then you know thats me :)
Any way take care lovers and speak soon xoxox |
Saturday, June 5th 2021 |
Nature is healing!! |
Hi guys :)
I hope you are all well and enjoying the warm weather, weekend fun and of course me if we are camming hehe <3
There is such a positive vibe around everyone! Enjoying food and drinks in the sun, students drinking so much they pass out on pavements and the ever growing baby boom i get to be a part of :)
So far I have .... Had a trip to the cinemas with popcorn! Ate out in a few restaurants, inside and outside. Visited different places around the U.K trying out restaurants And most importantly .... finally visited 1 half of my family who I hadnt managed to see since before Christmas! Still need to get out to Spain to see my mum but hopefully that will be sooner than later.
I have been keeping up with my daily exercises using my exercise ball, although some of you will know this as I am regularly sitting on it on cam haha. My little Pomchi was absolutely poofed from all the excitement last week! Meeting lots more pooch friends and many walks and runs in the park due to the great weather. She ended up with a limp for 2 days as she tired herself out! Ooops so I have had her on bed rest for a week but she is itching to get out so I'll make sure I only put her on grass tomorrow.
Does anyone else think they prefer dogs to humans? haha
Love Marina xxxx |
Thursday, May 13th 2021 |
Baby news! |
Hi guys <3
You may have noticed I haven't been on so much lately! I haven't been sharing this with everyone, but then i realised only my favourite friends on here actually read my blog :) There are a few I haven't had the chance to tell yet with the nausea and low energy I had been experiencing.
Yep, Im pregnant :) I can't wait to tell you all about the experience and share my cute bump with you and huge tatas haha.
So far I have experienced a roller coaster of hormones and side effects. But its all really worth it! I honestly didnt think I would get pregnant so quickly as I used a donor.
Love Marina xoxox |
Friday, May 7th 2021 |
Super woman! |
Hi ll!
I hope you are well :)
Are you looking forward to even more restrictions being lifted and an even more sense of normality on the horizon? I definitely am!!
So I managed to get on here quite a lot last week but sadly was hit with mountains of extra work in the hospital and have been in all week. Finally time to relax! I will be here in the early mornings - afternoones this weekend :)
Im struggling to concentrate when I chat to you all today as I decided to get up really early and put a lamb tagine on in the slow cooker. The house smells amazing! I dont know if I can take the smell for another 3 and a half hrs hahahaha. My mouth is watering, but I suppose you guys and girls would like that hehe. Honestly this is another level of torture for subs and doms!
This weekend i will be asking you for input on my next lingerie haul. So far I have had requests for anything leather and satin/silk. So if you have an ideas/ requests then please let me know. Or if you would rather, send them straight to me through AW market place <3
Lots of love,
Marina xoxox |
Wednesday, April 28th 2021 |
My ever growing boobies |
Hi guys,
It’s been a while since I have had a chance to post here! Which is a shame as I love this blog. I thought I would keep this light, as I was very passionate and moved in my last post. Don’t get me wrong I still am! But I’m not here to jump down your throat, unless we’re talking about the literal sense ;)
I’m loving the sense of normality on the horizon. Just knowing I have a bi it more freedom makes me feel better and kind of begins to tip the scales back in our positive favour after the dark period which is lock down. There are so many things I want to do and to change!
I would like to go kayaking and clear the river of plastic. I follow new influential people who actually have life experiences that can make a positive impact on our society and not the kind that sell protein drinks and clothes made in China. I educate myself on our past and present in preparation for the future. Rotten is a good watch on Netflix, it’s completely changed the way I look at avocado.
I have really enjoyed the simple things. I have visited the hairdressers twice! And I’m back in next week :) I’m waiting for indoors to open to dine for food and right now I’m just getting back from visiting some of my family who I haven’t been able to see for over 6 months due to being a nurse during covid.
Anyway, that’s enough blabbering from me for now. My next post will have to be about my sexy lingerie haul coming up, new content to follow ;)
Love Marina Xoxox |
Thursday, March 18th 2021 |
Stop Asian Hate |
Good morning beautiful men and women of the AW world.
Today I am touching on a more sensitive subject. I have just heard about the sad and awful crimes taken place in America, around the world and ofcourse Atlanta <3
My heart and love goes out to all of those affected by hate crimes and racism, no matter what race you are.
I have always loved being different, growing up in the U.K as the only non white girl in a white community wasn't the easiest. It was accepted to be racist to Chinese people and to treat me differently because with 'Chinese people its not racism as were white.' That was their excuse.
The same people who would call me names growing up are now the same girls getting the new fox eye lift. The same guys who supported the BNP and the message that we all need to be sent back to our own country wolf whistle me in the street.
A white family member of mine commented that the Chinese had alot to answer for after the outbreak of Covid 19. This disgusted me. The Chinese race is one the largest in the world. Their health regulations and basic human rights are almost void for the lower half of their economy. They tried to have chicken as their main food source and ended up with bird flu. They all wore masks after SARS and yet still another Corona Virus came.
Countries will buy from them as their unregulated labour costs provide a better GP for businesses in the U.K, USA and more. If you were to look around the room you are in now, would most of the objects in there actually be manufactured in China, Thai land, Tai Wan? Of course they would because we exploit countries where the bottom half stuggle to survive so much that they will work until their fingers bleed to feed their families and hopefully themselves. With this so far rooted into our society and economy we can't fix this without the government making changes.
The real people who need to answer for the hate crime and racism which takes place right now is us. The people who stay quiet and don't enforce change. So please, love each other regardless of their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and w.e label society has attached to us. xxxxx |
Monday, March 8th 2021 |
Sexy Secretary Marina |
Hi gorgeous guys & gals,
I hope you had an amazing week and you are looking to another filled with fun and love x
I have been spicing up my wardrobe this week, enjoying morning shifts at the hospital so much! My Pixie (dog baby) is also enjoying me being a day person now. She loves her morning walks, even in this is not so great weather.
I am also looking forward to the gyms opening! Who wants to see Marina with some stone cold abs? haha. Hopefully i will get to keep my day shifts so I can squeeze the gym in early mornings too.
So today I have my blazer attire on in cam, I love wearing a blazer! Obviously I have had no reason to lately. Not having coffee dates, lunch dates or any sort of attendance in university means I'm either in srubs or in lingerie on here haha. What do you think about secretary wear? Would you like your naughty secretary to tell you off for being a bad sissy trying to up her work load? Bend over while I spank you....
lots of love, Marina xx |
Thursday, March 4th 2021 |
DIY Marina |
Hi sexy guys and ladies xox
So what do you think about aa 5ft5 petite chinese girl who loves to try her hand at DIY? Ikea furniture, Wayfair, anything flat pack or not then im your gal. Why arent we taught this stuff when were in school?
Although I am no pro! I have made so many mistakes. Including locking myself and my flat mate in our own home over night as i tried to take the front door off to get something out and ended up jamming the door shut, ooops! I had to call out an emergency handy man and stayed up all night with nightmares of how to escape if there was a fire hahah.
Let's see what else have i done? My first chest of draawers I put together was a disaster. basically a waste of £80, an electric screwdriver couldnt even save that poor thing.
Do you find a woman who can put together big stong objects that last sexy? |
Sunday, February 21st 2021 |
Hi guys and beautiful ladies <3
So i had a new lingerie haul and with more time off from work and catching up on my studies from December I had time last night to try them on.
Sometimes i really struggle with my naughty and nice side, I can be so devious and other times as sweet as an angel hehe.
I have uploaded some of the red lingerie already onto my private pics and you won't be dissapointed! I forgot how much I love wearing suspenders, stockings and pretty red lace. It definitely made me feel so sexy! I honestly think that we should all wear our sexiest best under our clothes when in public at all times, or no clothes which ever you prefer.
I will be uploading the rest of my haul over the next few days in time for my next haul. If you would like to see my new collection then you will find me ready to be your very own china model and doll on cam <3
I am currently dancing around my bedroom to oldies whilst practising the scissor splits, see you soon.
Love Marina xxx |
Thursday, February 18th 2021 |
Catching Pokémon |
Hi guys,
So this week I have been hitting the books hard core with a lot of study time. I find that if I’m not in work, studying, working out, walking the dog or doing the weekly food shop then I will just end up studying again in my spare time. And that exhaustive list above is basically my life in entirety during lockdown.
This site has been a great distraction, I really enjoy camming, texting and calling members on here. But I figured I needed another hobby, preferably one that didn’t involve watching murder mystery’s on Netflix. Pokémon go? I have had this for 2 days and I am totally hooked. I actually made sure I changed my dog route walk today so I could get certain checkpoints hahaha.
See the rest of my blog here. |
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What is your starsign? |
Leo July 23 - Aug 23 |
What is your Primary Language? |
English |
How would you describe your non-binary gender? |
NA |
What is your favourite colour? |
Pastel Blue |
Who is your favourite celebrity? |
Tiger Woods |
What is your best feature? |
Smile |
What is your worst feature? |
Smile |
What three words best describe your personality? |
Caring, sensual, fun |
What is your favourite food? |
Steak |
What is your favourite drink? |
Homemade lemonade |
What is your favourite film? |
Catch me if you can |
What is your favourite TV programme? |
Bad girls |
What are your favourite flowers? |
Sunflowers |
What is your favourite perfume? |
Chanel |
What is your favourite gift? |
Surprises |
What is your favourite holiday destination? |
The beach |
What is your ethnicity? |
Chinese |
What is the colour of your eyes? |
Brown |
What is the colour of your hair? |
Black |
What length is your hair? |
Long |
How would you describe your body type? |
Small |
How tall are you? |
5'0 |
How much do you weigh? |
7½st |
What is your leg measurement? |
29" |
What is your shoe size? |
5 |
What is your dress size? |
6 |
What size is your chest? |
30" |
What is your waist measurement? |
26" |
What is your hips measurement? |
28" |
What is your bra cup-size? |
EE |
How would you describe the size of your breasts? |
Very Large |
Are your breasts natural or enhanced? |
Natural |
How is your pubic hair fashioned? |
Shaved Completely |
Do you smoke? |
No |
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? |
Tattoos |
If you have tattoos or piercings, how discreet are they |
Discrete |
How long are you prepared to travel for? |
2½+ |
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you in public? |
My ex's wife found 10 years worth of emails and naughty nudes of me on his laptop. She replied to our email chain letting me know that she was still married to him. |
What sort of men turn you on? |
All men, different shapes and sizes <3 |
What sort of women turn you on? |
All women, different shapes and sizes xXx |
What is the most memorable sexual experience you’ve ever had? |
mmmmm unfortunately I still have not had as much experience as I would like. Maybe you could help with that? |
What is the most outrageous thing that you’ve done sexually (be honest!) |
I am a natural dominatrix. I once made my first boyfriend wear a dog collar and eat cheerios out of the dog bowl for fun. I took lots of pictures and sent them to his friends xx |
Where would you most like to have sex? |
wouldnt you like to know xx |
What is your favourite sexual position? |
Doggy |
What is your second favourite sexual position? |
Reverse cowgirl |
What is your biggest turn on? |
Money |
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