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Friday, April 4th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Compliments, fun and a T.V.?!
Hi All

I've been meaning to write on here for a while but things get so hectic at times.......in a good way though

Savannah and I have been having even more fun recently between Aberdeen and Glasgow, so many great times and laughs are had. Recently we had a very grateful gentleman comment that the only thing that would have made the experience better was if Sky Sports was on at the same time!!! We decided to take that as a compliment ha ha We did wonder though if any more of you gorgeous men thought the same too? So we decided to ask another lovely gent his opinion but he was dead against it.....to be truthful he was rather otherwise occupied most of the time anyway

We took great pleasure recently in tying up a really lovely guy then teasing him by having fun with each other and all he could do was watch. The look on his face was priceless and the begging and pleading just made us do it all the more! He did enjoy it all very much and we untied him........eventually He also brought us both some wine so we had to make sure we thanked him properly by making sure his ass resembled the colour of beetroot by the time he was leaving ha ha

On the odd occasion we do get quite carried away with the having fun thing and heels can be dangerous things........the bruise on my thigh is testament to that! lol

I was having a very nice chat with a gay man recently upon which he said I looked lovely........that's a huge compliment in my books. I was struggling to get out of the door when it came time to leave though what with the size my head had grown to

I do hope you're all having as much fun as I am and look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Thursday, March 6th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Not Again?!!
Hi All

I sometimes think I have far more than my own fair share of embarrassing moments!!

I love my little jaunts into the city centre and always have lots of fun but the downside is that I have to carry my bits and bobs each time I'm there. It's not a huge deal for me, just a bit of humphing back and forwards. This morning as I was heading in I stopped to pick up a coffee and was suddenly aware of a buzzing noise somewhere, I stopped and had a look around wondering where it was coming from until I realised it was my bag!! I then proceeded to nonchalantly pretend there nothing untoward wrong in the hope that no one else nearby was able to figure out where it was coming from and what exactly it might be.
Of course my fantastic new vibrating strap on had decided to come to life..........it must have been getting in practise for the day ahead ha ha

It's not the first time this has happened to me, in fact I once put my bag on a hotel reception desk to then realise it was merrily buzzing away!! Perhaps I should take out the batteries before I carry them outside........mind you that sounds far too sensible a thing for me to do

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Thursday, February 20th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Gone With The Wind!!
Hi All

Sometimes i find myself blogging quite a lot and others there can be quite some time in between. It's simply because there are times when I have more to say on here than at others.

Take recently for example, I've been a bit of a numpty to say the least and I'm the first to hold my hand up and admit when I've been silly. If I can make it a little funny all the better........ok.......electrocuting myself may not have been funny at the time but I could laugh about it afterwards
I'm sure, however, you don't want me ranting on about my political beliefs. This isn't really the place for that and I tend not to force my own beliefs on others anyway.
I also don't always give away all the details of my goings on as I've always fancied myself as a bit of a woman of mystery. Only problem with that is the minute I'm asked I blab away gruesome detail by gruesome detail! So if you feel like 'probing' a bit further just get in touch!!

Anyway, my reason for writing this blog is that I find myself all too regularly asked to fart in clients faces! Now don't get me wrong, it's not on a daily basis but I have to wonder about their reasoning that I will be suddenly able to produce this amount of wind solely for the duration of their time with me and what kind of diet must they think I have?!!

Anyway......has no one ever told them that a Lady doesn't fart? ha ha

Lorna x
Monday, February 17th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Alternative Valentines Date
Hi all

I hope you all had a great weekend.

I had yet another eventful one with lots of fun involved. On Friday night Savannah and I decided to hit the town and paint it red!
We started off by going for a meal, well that was an adventure on it's own!! There seems to be an issue with two females going out for dinner on Valentines night, the looks we were getting from other diners were priceless! We did think about making it more interesting by giving them something to look at but decided we shouldn't tease

Our waiter was quite the flirt himself mind you and we laughed so much when he asked if we were from Sweden......must have been the blonde hair ha ha!
He was lovely though and I never could resist an Italian accent.

Saturday night I was out with friends at an organised event, it was a pretty random evening with the strangest of happenings going on but I guess that's becoming more and more normal for me I met so many lovely people and had a great time.

Next weekend is definitely going to be a quiet one for me........well, maybe lol

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Tuesday, February 11th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Shockingly Good!
Hi All

Well I don't know about all you but I had a fantastic weekend!! So much fun was had and I even tried some stuff I haven't tried in such a long time
It was one of those weekends when there is very little sleep done and I've been recovering ever since but it was very well worth it! ha ha

To top it all off I am now the very proud owner of a Violet Wand. Now I know after my little run in with electricity recently I decided to leave it those who know what they're doing but with this kind of electricity I know exactly what I'm doing! There may be lots of little shocks going on but they'll be the lovely, sensual kind (and not the nasty scary type).
It's definitely one of my favourite pieces of equipment and has already had an outing which was thoroughly enjoyed.

Things are going to be shockingly good!!! ha ha

Lorna x
Wednesday, February 5th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Happy Hump Day and New Toys!!
Good Morning

Happy Wednesday to you all

It seems that Wednesday is also known as Hump day.......well I don't know about you but that sounds good to me! So Happy Hump Day to you all

In a previous blog I had written about needing to go toy shopping and wanting a certain new item. Well......I finally managed to go at the weekend and I now have a shiny brand new vibrating strap on to add to my collection! I also bought another new toy while I was there.......it is very quickly becoming my favourite and it has an amazingly powerful vibrate to it.

Savannah and I had a very fun time at the weekend with a gorgeous gent and my new toys were well and truly christened! The strap on was used in various positions by us both As for the new favourite.......well, all I can say was It is so powerful I was almost on the ceiling at one point!! ha ha

Now, when we are together we have loads of fun and sometimes we find ourselves in the strangest of positions! This time I found myself being smothered by Savannah's boobs......it should have been a very uncomfortable position for me but I couldn't help enjoying it and was just thinking to myself what a fantastic way to way to go

Lorna x
Tuesday, February 4th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Size - Who does it matter to?
Hi All

Well life has managed to be calm again (well almost!) and I've learnt a few valuable lessons over the past week or so!!

I was pondering the other day after receiving some texts about penis size, does it really matter......who does it matter to........why does it need to be an issue at all?!!

The texts were ones which I receive periodically and I'm sure if any of the women on here read this they will all find these very familiar. They began normal enough, just looking to make a booking but then slip in the fact that he is 9" and is that ok for me? It really doesn't matter to me what size he is so I duly replied saying that is not a problem. Then follows another text asking something else about time etc plus adds in 'Are you sure I'm not too big for you?' I reply again assuring afore mentioned gent that this is truly not a problem to me. A third text then arrives asking something else but once again comments on how big he is and he's worried he'll be too big for me!!

As I mentioned before I receive texts like these every so often (from different men) and I don't think any of them have actually followed through with a visit which just leads me to believe that he is not the size he is making out to be. It made me ponder why someone would feel the need to ask that question? Who does size really matter to?

Personally I'd prefer someone with a good imagination and some passion than to have a big cock and neither of the other two. It's not a case of what you have but what you do with it. Thinking of the female anatomy I love all boobs but have to admit to loving burying my face in a beautiful pair of really big boobs!

Hope you all have a good Tuesday and I'd love to hear from anyone who would like to add comment on my thoughts of size.

Lorna x
Thursday, January 30th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Disasters do come in 3's!!!
Hi Again

Two blogs in two days.........must be a record!! ha ha

Well it seems that I spoke far too soon yesterday and that disasters do in fact come in 3's! I guess it isn't a complete disaster but I managed to have another 'incident' this morning and I'm becoming rather weary of this.
Perhaps if I just go to bed and stay there till next week nothing else will happen......sounds rather good to me actually especially if I had someone there to keep me warm and perhaps a little busy

I prefer my life to be calm and incident free and the only 3's I like is when it's 3 in a bed Speaking of which Savannah and I will be getting together very soon and a very sexy 3sum with a lovely guy so it's not all bad.

Right, time to keep my head down and get life back on an even keel. Surely I can manage that...........

Looking forward to hearing from you all very soon.

Lorna x
Wednesday, January 29th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Knights in Shining Armour
Hi All

As you can see I'm still alive and have no burnt or frazzled bits........thank goodness!!

I did have another go at my little electrical problem but I decided to switch the electricity off this time before I tackled it. Yes, I know......I should have done that the first time but you can't say I don't learn from my mistakes ha ha!
After having a good look at it and saw that bits had moved and something had fallen onto the floor which I don't know where it goes I reckoned it might be a good idea if I left it to someone who knows what they're doing!

Yesterday I had a Knight in Shining Armour come to my rescue On my way here I developed a bit of car trouble, thankfully it wasn't anything serious but it did need fixing and I had the most gorgeous guy come take it away for me, repair it and bring it back again. What more could I have asked for......restores your faith in mankind.
I'm just wondering if there'll be another little drama to come yet, you know how they say things come in three's. Just as well I'm not superstitious really but another Knight would be rather nice!!

Now.........I wonder if there is a Sparky nearby?

Lorna x

Oh......just a little footnote. I had been doing a search for a picture of a sexy Knight to go along with this blog when I happened upon this picture. It made me smile and wish there was someone doing that to me right now!!
So I thought I'd share it with you all x
Tuesday, January 21st 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Shocking!!!!
Good Morning Everyone

I am feeling bright and breezy this morning which is somewhat surprising considering the day I had yesterday!
Ever had one of those days you are so glad to collapse into bed and be thankful you are still alive? That was my day and it was shocking!!!

The day started off fairly ordinary and lulled me into a false sense of normality until I discovered a small electrical fault, now this problem wasn't unknown to me and I knew exactly what the problem but had never fixed it myself so far. It was a simple case of changing a small fuse in a switch box.....easy, have done it on other appliances many times so I set about finding screwdrivers etc and began the job at hand.

Now I'm always very careful when touching anything electrical and if I'm not sure I will happily leave it to someone else but I was confident this would be easy but what set out to be a simple task began to grow arms and legs! I unscrewed a couple of screws I shouldn't have and.......well.......long story short I decided to take a short cut instead of the longer safer route, got careless and ended up receiving a shock from the blasted thing! Thankfully it wasn't a bad one but was enough for me decide not to try again straight away but leave it a while and calm down.

I was due at Savannah's later that day for a lovely duo with a gorgeous client and was just pondering when I would begin to tidy up and head over when I had a text from her saying I was supposed to be there already! A little mix up with the times (not entirely my fault.....phew) meant I had to leave as quickly as I could and make a fast dash into the city. When I arrived slightly flustered and out of breath I was greeted by two smiling, friendly faces, a hot chocolate and a piece of cake. Thank you Q.....the legend!

Once I was home things went a little smoother but it was a busy evening and I was truly glad to see my bed that night!

So today when I arrive I still have the electrical problem to solve, don't worry though as I'm better prepared and will do the sensible thing and take the safe route this time. If you don't hear from for a while however............ha ha!!

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon

Lorna x
Tuesday, January 14th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Light bulbs and Strap on fun!
Hi All

I have recently had one of those light bulb moments, you know the type when you suddenly have the answer to one of those nagging questions which has bugged you for a while!
Well..........it all started last week when CurvySavannah and I were having some Duo fun with a great client and she brought along her most recent acquisition, a brand new strap on I have needed to go toy shopping for a while now and have always wanted a strap on that vibrates (guess what this one does!!)
I had the honour of being the first for her to try it out on and I liked it very much So much so I am going to be the owner the of a brand spanking new strap on to add to my collection. We took turns of using it on each other, I really do love a bit of girlie fun........well, maybe a touch more than just a bit!!

Anyway, back to my lightbulb moment! When I was using it on Savannah I was thinking about how my thigh muscles get a really good work out and that was when it struck me!! That's why men's legs are so much stronger than womens are.
I'm a runner but it has often puzzled me (and sometimes frustrated me) that men are so much better at running than women. I have accepted that men are better than us women at some things and vice versa but when a man that has done nowhere near the same amount of training that I have is able to pound of into the distance and finish so much faster than myself it does grate a tad on the nerves. So it's the exercise you all get during sex that builds strength in your legs!!! Well that's my theory anyway and it's reason enough for me to be more than happy to use it

I've been having so much fun in the city centre of late that I am going to be there for three full days next week and so looking forward to it.

Guess I'd better get shopping soon.......a little more fun first won't go amiss though

Hope to see you all soon.

Lorna x
Monday, December 9th 2013
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Our F*&@#?g Scottish Weather
Hi All

Wow it's been such a long time since I've written, loads been happening, lots of fun had and I can't believe it's almost the end of another year!!

I have just had a great wee trip up to Aberdeen, unfortunately Savannah was unable to make it this time but fingers crossed she will next time as we have so much fun and laughs. I had a fantastic time though and all you kinky Aberdonians kept me so busy.
I have to apologise though for my hasty premature departure. I had decided to take the train this time to avoid the chances of having to drive in bad weather but of course because of the strong winds trains were cancelled and snow was forecast for during the night and the next morning. I didn't want to take the risk of not getting back on time so I decided to play it safe and catch a bus home early. In true typical style though my train left on time the following morning so I would have been fine to stay but we all know that our glorious weather is incredibly unpredictable.
I think to be on the safe side I shall just wait until the spring before I return. Sorry for any disappointments this causes.

Last year at this time I wrote about my usual last minute rushing to get ready for Christmas and how I was going to turn over a new leaf and be better prepared.........have I done it yet? Naw!! lol
Well, to be truthful I have actually started a little shopping which is more than last year but I am in no way ready and the next couple of weekends will be manic running round, fighting crowds and waiting in huge queues with my feet aching and dreaming of sitting back, feet up and a glass of wine in hand. That'll probably be the only thing which will keep me going

Meantime I'm very much looking forward to seeing you all very soon and indulging in a little Christmas treat or two

Lorna x
Monday, September 9th 2013
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ Glasgow!!!
Hi All

Well it's Monday morning and despite having a caffeine induced sleepless night I feel remarkably bright and breezy!

I am very much looking forward to my days in Glasgow this month and especially as this week as I'm going to be seeing one of my favourite clients and also the very sexy CurvySavannah all at the same time!!
Looks like it's going to be one of those great days you don't want to end!

I now have to apologise for what I'm about to do......I'm very very sorry as I hate moaning and am usually a very positive person but I've discovered that because it appears as though I've not been on here for long some folk have got the impression that I'm wet behind the ears or buttoned up the back
Believe me that is very far from the truth, I've been here for a while now and know pretty much when someone is trying a scam on. I'd love to say I've heard it all before but new scams keep popping up from some very imaginative folk! Mind you, the more elaborate and imaginative ones keep me amused and give me a laugh lol

Ok, rant now over and back to being my usual glass half full self

Lorna x
Wednesday, September 4th 2013
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ The Weird and The Wonderful
Hi All

Well it's safe to say last weekend was one of the weirdest I've had so far.....ever!!

Now don't get me wrong, my life in general is a pretty normal one with nothing out of the ordinary happening but just every now and then it gets a little crazy and that was the craziest it's gotten in a very long time!!
Think it's time I had less nights out!! lol

It was great last week catching up with Geri, we had lots of fun but don't forget I just love arranging to have loads of fun with CurvySavannah. I'm not a giggly girlie girl by any means but when we get together I just can't help getting carried away!!!

I promised before I wouldn't discuss the weather in my blogs anymore as I seemed to jinx it in the past but isn't it so nice having warm weather still Makes the summer seem even longer..........cue the rain and freezing cold now lol

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x

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