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Saturday, May 7th 2016
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Right today's shoot up date : 1st shoot in Greenwich at 8.30am then 2nd shoot up to Hemel Hampstead to shoot at 12 noon then 3rd shoot back to Greenwich. All finished by 3.45pm all boy girls with pop shots!. I was the one going up the M11, M25, M1 like a bat out of hell. Only took me 1 hour 20 mins to get up to Hemel Hempstead and 1 hour 10 mins back to Greenwich and that was via the very busy Blackwall tunnel. My hair is legend swish! These are the days that people just would not believe. We do work very hard. It's a tough job but someone has to do it!
Tuesday, March 22nd 2016
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No Show with a No Show
Film-making whether it be a Hollywood block buster or low budget adult film is hard enough. It's a bit like a magic trick. The producer is the magician in his top hat and tails. He is the showman that is going to amaze you. He pulls up his sleves and smiles with confidence, just to tease you how good his trick is going to be. He waves his magic wand and hay presto he sticks his hand in to his top hat and pulls out... A BIG FAT NOTHING. That's right A BIG FAT NOTHING.
I just don't understand it. I have been working on this production for weeks. I had the production costs. I made hours of endless phone calls to book my cameraman, lights, location, male model, female model and make up artiste. The cameraman could do the 15th but not the 16th. The female model could do the 16th but has to re-new her test on the 15th. The location I could only have on the 14th or 17th and the lights I got back at 11am this morning because me being a nice producer loaned them to a good friend who was suppose to bring them back last week. What the hell has gone wrong with my production?
Is it something on the level of an Einstein equation? Is it something I have missed? Or is it something that I said to someone to piss them off. Think, Think, THINK? The day of the shoot is here, the crew are set up and the stud is hard. Oh no it has just clicked. It is something really simple. Something really simple indeed. The female model has not shown up and her phone is switched off. Bugger, bugger, bugger.
All that time, money and effort I have put into my film production and it has all gone down the tube because the female model can't be bothered to let me know that she cannot make it to my shoot. Maybe her mum is ill? Maybe her cat got run over? maybe her house fell down? Sorry to say I have heard it all before. The truth is she has been out partying all night, downing Vodka and coke and earning more money from her escort job than I as a humble adult film producer could pay!... and as the female model always says "what the hell it's only porn!"
Saturday, March 5th 2016
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Well this year is explosive lol. Last year I was working in Switzerland, Germany and France. Not to mention all the shoots that I did in England, being nominated for Best Male Performer and winning Best Male Performer.
Busy busy busy and I'm not even a bumble bee. This years is even more manic than last year.
These are my dates that I am booked so far in March/April. Peterborough Sat 5th March. London Sat 5th March. London Sun 6th March. Dublin 9th -11th March. London 12th March. Paris 14th to 18th March. London 19th/20th March. London 23rd/24th March. Reading 27th March, Bristol 30th March. Dubai - 4th to 11th. London 22nd to 24th April.

Book me through ADULTWORK for adult movie shoots as a STUD, web camming as part of BOY GIRL WEB CAM or for DINNER DATES.
Anyone want to book me please be quick.
Thursday, March 3rd 2016
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Hey Tony James here... what a great day shooting down on the south coast. Well there I was on set just have blow a load over the pretty little sluts face when the producer asks me. "Did I know anyone with a big cum shot". I will ask around I said. So guys if you live in London, Brighton or any where in between and you want to be involved? I need a guy. You don't have to show your face. If you think you would like to do this on a pretty sluts face then in box me asap please
Sunday, February 28th 2016
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What does CFNM mean? CFNM means "Clothed Female Naked Male" and the best production company in England that produces this kind of genre I think is cfnm.
So there I was on Wednesday in their nice studio down on the south coast. It is always a great pleasure seeing Charlie and Simon the producers of CFNM. I have shot so many times for them, they are like my family... great guys and the scripts are always so funny and today's was no exception.
You see I was at work in my suit and tie on my computer when I had five minutes to myself and I thought I better wrap up the perfume I got for my girlfriend. I have been seeing her a year now and tonight was a very important night as this might be the night we have our first kiss.
"What did you say nerd boy" said Ava Austin. "You have a girlfriend" said the dutch actress Chelsey Lanette in her broken English.
"OMG " It was the office bullies and "all I was trying to do was wrap up this present for my girlfriend". Ava and Chelsey were dressed in tight pencil skirts, white blouse and black high heels. They did not look impressed. They grabbed me by the throat and looked deep into my eyes. "Present" they said. "This present is broken". Chelsey brushed it off the desk and it fell, smashed to the floor. "Oopps" she said.
Then the two office bullies with their hands still wrapped around my throat called me a virgin. I tried to tell them I wasn't a virgin but they knew I was. This made them so mad they pinned me even harder to the wall and lifted me up. My little legs were dangling, my feet kicking around in mid air. "You haven't even kissed your girlfriend and you have been seeing her a year? You are a pathetic little man. A joke. You have never even been with a women. You wouldn't even know what to do". To this they started stripping off my shirt and tie At that point Chelsey hitched up her skirt showing her black stockings and lay on the desk. Eva took charge of me and they both proceeded to give me a few intimate lessons in love making shall we say.My girlfriend is not going to be happy!
What a great day at the office. I love CFNM.
Sunday, February 21st 2016
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We all have to be very careful when accepting bookings from people we do not know. Always check out their back ground, feedback and pictures. I think you always get a feel for a genuine producer or model. If you can and they have a telephone number speak with them that always breaks the ice and gives you a true feeling for the personality of someone.
The golden rule for models is "if it feels wrong in anyway it probably is". I too as a male performer follow my own rules and happy to say things work out fine when you do your homework. have just completed another great shoot for a producer/model that contacted me sometime ago.
It was about a year ago that I was checking my e mails and my eyes lit up at a very well written request from a girl that had a site on a very well now adult site. Her name was HTF and yes, you guessed it it stands for Hot Teen ____ and boy was it correct. Hot, Teen ____, and well, her pictures said it all. An ebony beauty with a body to die for although her face was blurred out to hide her true identity but I could still tell she was a real stunner.
Anyway she only want me to contact her as she wants to shoot with me and wants to know if I would be interested in doing some naughty scenes together. I have to say I had to really think about it hard, checking out her background, pictures and general info and after I was satisfied, I e mailed her back saying I would love to work for her.
So the day of the shoot came and my hair was looking so swish if I don't say so myself lol. I knocked on the location door and wow HTF answered the door. My mouth nearly fell on the floor. 19 year old stunning long legs, slim, attractive 10 out of 10. What a lucky lad I am again. A couple of kisses on the cheek, "Hi I am Tony James" and in we went. Red hot black underwear clung to her ebony tight toned body..... did I already tell you how lucky I was lol.
The producer was already set up and ready for action so we went straight into a xxx shoot. Every time I have shot with HTF it is an absolute pleasure. Great day, great production and great model. Remember guys and girls always check out a new model producer that offers you work. You know it make perfect sense.
Friday, February 19th 2016
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While having nothing better to do in my busy schedule :lol: I came across a company on twitter crying out for male and female performers. I had a look at the page and it was vague to say the least. A page came up to fill in an application form so I filled it in. A few week went past and didn't hear anything and still they were crying out for male and female performer so I thought I would message them.
I know Tony De Sergio really well and he had told me that he applied and they booked him but would not give him any details of the shoot. Then closer to the shoot date the shoot suddenly got cancelled and was now not going ahead.
Anyway so I got a bit suspicious so I messaged then and this response from this company shocked me. I know there are lots of seedy men out there that claim to be agents for porn films and when girls apply they have to do a free sex audition. So we all have to be on the look out for scammers. So if I am wrong on this I apologise but something smells fishy. :sick: We need to investigate this as we would kick ourselves if one of our female friends ends up in a council estate flat with a guy, pit bull and a bad attitude

Here is the conversation from my twitter. Would love to hear what you think. The company is called ---------- UK.
Tony James:
would like to apply as a male performer on your agency
Tony James
just been nominated for best male performer 2015 at the UKAP Awards
Hey Tony! Congrats! Good for you hun thats great! We hope you win it! Thank you for letting us know! We will certainly like to help you source work! Please put your application through----------uk and one of our agents will contact you. Have a great day!
Jan 6
Hello Tony,
We have asked you to complete our application via www.pure-casting.com
You have not acknowledge this request.
Now you are suggesting via tweets that we are not genuine? What would be your intention for suggesting this?
We are a very busy Casting agency, casting for many UK, US and European clients.
If you are interested in work with us would it not be wise to follow our application request and find out if we are genuine rather than tweet unnecessarily?
If you haven't been contacted for work it's because you have not completed our application not because we are not genuine.
We look forward to receiving your application.
Kind Regards
11h 11 hours ago
Shae has contacted us to say you have contacted her. Would that be to book her yourself?
11h 11 hours ago
Tony James
i have completed the form. Who is running this agency. only trying to find out who u r. u advertise for guy but have not contacted me for this work u have
6h 6 hours ago
We contact the talent that we want to book by the request of our clients.
48m 47 minutes ago
If you haven't been contacted, it's due to you not being selected.
46m 46 minutes ago
Tony James
ah so i won Best Male Performer 2015 and I not selected lol
45m 45 minutes ago
We have a team of 10 in the UK division and a team of 15 in NYC.
We have departments and a database to add you to. On completion of your application, our applicants team will have been added to to the database.
We then have our clients choose from our database.
You have obviously not been chosen.
44m 44 minutes ago
I think you have told us you have won an award now 4 times.
What does that mean for you? That only you should get work?
A uk adult award is hardly an AVN Tony. I'm afraid it is the choice of our clients.
43m 43 minutes ago
Tony James
who is the CEO of your company is it just one guy who runs this. where can i see your web site that u can book girls and guy as i have my own productions and use guys and girls all the time
42m 41 minutes ago
Also, having won an award for Best Male Performer we would think you would have much more evidence of your work showing your performing abilities on your application and your Twitter. Which you do not.
We have AVN award winners being booked left right and centre.
Apologies there are better performers.
Oh Tony Bore off
41m 41 minutes ago
Tony James
Thanks for that really shocked . I am a member of UK Adult Producers also which connects all models, producers and industry people together
Tony James
can u name any of these AVN winners as I know most of them
30m 29 minutes ago
Good for you! So what are you hounding us for? Obviously you are very busy being booked being an award winner!
Have a great day! All the best
Thursday, February 11th 2016
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Reinburse or not to reinburse that is the question
In preparing for a shoot with a very large foreign production company. One of Britain's top female adult models liaised with the producer to obtain details of what was required of her. It was agreed by the producer that said model would purchase a dress, lay out costs for her cert and travel expense which all would be reinbursed.
The day of the shoot the journey took us 3 and half hours to the location and the travel expense was £75 which covered our costs there and back. Off the said model went with a smile on her face and receipts in her hand.
When said model returned to me 5 and half hours later she was more than a bit upset to say the least . The producer of the foreign company had not reinbursed the monies for dress or cert and to add insult to injury had not paid her travel. Instead informing her to send him an e mail and he would sort the monies at a later date.
I have been in this business over 11 years and cannot ever remember a model not being reinbursed for travel expense and or any other expense that had been agreed. Now said model has to send her expense reinbursement request at a later date only to get lost in cyberspace I bet. We all know how much of a finacial burden it can be getting to a shoot nowadays but if one has agreed to reinburse then reinburse should be the name of the game.
Thursday, February 11th 2016
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4 scenes, 3 girls, 1 guy and a Dirty Doctor
Sincere thanks Gary, great shoot Monday for The Dirty Doctor. Always such a warm welcome when I arrive on set and a nice cup of tea is always on offer. Such a nice relaxed atmosphere which is good for a stud performance. Scenarios are filled with humour and not stop model giggles make the day a total pleasure...woohoo.
The first time I worked for The Dirty Doctor I did four scenes on the day.... yes four. First scene was with Trisha then straight into another scene with Lily. I was playing a detective that expects some extras in return for turning a blind at the girls extra curricular activities. We had two scenes in the bag before lunch.... A coule of hours later and a cracking 3 girl one guy scene was super red hot. Half hour later, it was onto the last scene with Lexi and I had a sweat on but all good and the scene was finished before 5. 4 scenes, 3 girls, 1 guy and a Dirty Doctor. Nice shower, a touch of Dolce & Gabbana before The Dirty Doctor took us all out for the best Indian meal I had ever had.
Anyway that was the last shoot so this one was just as good if not better. Great scenario, this time I was playing the part of a bailiff come to seize some assets, if you know what I mean. Two scenes one after another. One with Savana and one with Trisha were done before lunch. Then the lovely Trisha made me a great crispy salad, yum,yum.
Last scene was two girl one guy scene... and boy was there some asset stripping going on. All finished by 5.3o then off to the local Indian for dinner and a beer. Big thanks to The Dirty Doctor and everyone who makes his shoots just brilliant. Look forward to the next one.
Thursday, February 11th 2016
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Great Shoot
Really good shoot today with a great producer, Chris at SV Entertainment. He not only shoots adult material but produces short films. Very interesting clever guy. . On set was Holly Kiss who always as ever is great to work with and bumped into Sensi who as we all know is Mr Cool lol.
Last year at this time I went to Switzerland to do live sex shows which I also did the year before. Alas they did not want me this year but cant say I was that disappointed as the live shows this year is with dwarfs. Thanks Chris.

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