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Sunday, June 18th 2017
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Fathers and Mothers day
Good afternoon, Mirembrema, buon pomeriggio, buenas tardes,
bonne après-midi, guten Nachmittag, dzień dobry, Labdien to adultwork members and non adult work members.

How are all of you doing

I hope all of you are fine and have been enjoying the nice sunny weather we have been having today. A perfect weather to get some sun tan as well as to chill out, spend some time in the park, have a barbecue.

Every days father's or mother's day, big up all the parents doing what there meant to do by there kids as parenting isn't for the faint hearted. Lead by example. Your kid's will grow to be what you allow them to see so make sure you show them by example what you want them to be! No one ain't perfect but aslong as you do your best what more can be asked. Big up mother's and fathers.

We need to appreciate and grateful to both our parents because some kids around United Kingdom as well as through out the world have not got any parents at all.

We also need to remember our loved ones who have passed away for example our Grand Parents, or either of our Parents, its important we visit there graves, pray for them, do good deeds on behalf of them.

Its important that we teach our kids on how to respect elders, be kind and helpful to everyone.
Friday, June 16th 2017
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You could save a life
You could save a life

Do you all know what to do in case of fire? Do you know the safest room on your home is the bathroom?

Do you know to wet towels and block door spaces (underneath) to prevent toxic smoke flooding in?

Do you know to touch the door handle and if it is hot not to open the door because more time the fire is raging behind it?

Do you know to crawl low during the evacuation as heat rises and the cleaner air is near the floor?

Have you agreed on a safe place to meet up with family once out? If you have elderly or disabled people do you know where the emergency exits and the evacuation chair is?

Do you know to wrap a damp cloth around your mouth and nose to limit smoke inhalation?

Do you know that it is more important to evacuate than grab your purse/clothes/valuables?

Always have an emergency plan and teach it to your children. And beware of flammable nighties/pajamas! They may look cute but they light up like a candle.

Thursday, June 15th 2017
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Keep putting out good
We should always try to keep putting out good because it will comeback to us tenfold in unexpected ways.

Even when its a struggle, even when we really cant see the light at the end of the tunnel its important we don't show it. We should stand strong, chin up smile and face the world.

For everything we put out we receive tenfold, so instead of putting our head in the sand and falling into an abyss of self loathing and heartache, we need to wake up with a grateful heart for a new day, a new day to change our circumstances, a new day to live.

We should put out good, put out happiness and strength.

We should always keep a positive attitude and a confident mind set.
Saturday, June 10th 2017
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Motivatonal tips
The desire to achieve success is inherent in all of us . It is the desire to grow, do more, achieve more, and to make our dreams come true.

Our dreams can become our reality, if we have a strong desire and are determined to succeed

1) Imagination, often turns into reality. Imagine a certain situation over and again, with love and joy, and sooner or later you will attract it into your life, provided you don’t let contradictory thoughts enter your mind. Start with simple situations first, to gain faith and experience with this process.

2) What you do every day will turn into a habit. Choose habits that will lead you to success and repeat them every day. In time, they will become automatic, not requiring thought, attention or effort. There are many new habits you can adopt, such as positive thinking, being on time, being more considerate, getting a stronger willpower or staying calm in difficult situations.

3) Letting moods control your life is like sitting in a boat and letting the waves and currents take you wherever they please. Developing inner strength and self-discipline is like attaching a powerful engine to your boat. With this powerful engine, you will be able to navigate the boat of your mind wherever you want.

4) Sometimes, the right thing to do is break the obstacles on your way. At other times, a better course of action would be to climb over the obstacle. There are times, when go around it is to be recommended. Sometimes, it would be wiser to find a completely new route, new direction.

5) Never lose hope, no matter how bleak things look. Hope is the rope that will pull you up. It is your connection, your stairway, to get your dreams and expectations realized. Never leave the rope of hope.

6) When reading inspirational books, articles or quotes, strive to read between the lines. This is where intuition and wisdom will arise and bring greater truths. The words lead you to the understanding. Reading between the words lead you to wisdom.

7) To get positive results from positive thinking, you should also take positive action. Positive thinking would make you happy, good-natured and optimistic. It will also make you aware of opportunities. Positive action would make positive thinking work for you and bring the results you want. Take action, to make things happen. This is positive thinking in action.

8) Even if you live in poor or faraway place, you can achieve success. With a focused and clear goal, strong desire, and the use of visualization and affirmations, you will get where you want. With belief and determination, you can make the necessary changes in your life.

9) Treat your time like money in the bank. What do you spend it on? Don’t waste your time. Use it correctly. Every day that passes is like an amount of money that you drew from your account. If you are careful with your money, you should be also careful with your time. Spend it on something that helps you, adds value to your life, gets you somewhere, and helps other people.

10) Adopt an attitude of calmness and of open-mindedness. Such an attitude would make it easier for you to see new opportunities, conceive new ideas, focus on goals, and see things from a different point of view. This will increase your chances of achieving success.

11) Success isn`t always about greatness. Its about consistency.
Consistent hard work gains success, greatness will come.

Friday, June 9th 2017
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Good evening, Mirembrema, Bonsoir, Buonasera, guten Abend,
dobry wieczór, Labvakar to all who are on Adultwork as well as not on adultwork.

In order to be successful you must learn to utilize the thing people toss at you daily.Find Courage behind each word of encouragement.Discover peace with in their walls of Hate. Look at the blessing of having a heart among the heartless.Treasure Gifts amongst the ungrateful.Build houses with brick people throw at you. Make Lemon aid with each lemon tossed your way.With shreds of clothes make a blanket. When you learn to do this you will find the true meaning of success
Saturday, June 3rd 2017
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how to be positive, confident and successful
Positive thinking is essential to self-confidence and overall health.
positive thinking has been scientifically linked to longer lives, lower rates of depression, increased immunity, and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

Make a decision. Don’t consult with a friend about what to order at dinner or call your spouse when shopping for groceries. Make a decision based on what your gut is telling you. It will make you feel stronger and allows you to practice trusting your inner voice.

2.Try something new. Confidence doesn’t come from perfection, it comes from effort.

3.Gently exercise. Exercise is the most important treatment for anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Just moving your body will break up negative thoughts and boost serotonin. Move your body every day, just be mindful of your energy and never overdo it. A seven minute workout or yoga in your living room will all work.

4) Say no. Don’t say yes when you want to say no. You’re letting yourself down if you do favours you don’t want to do. Next time someone asks for something that will make you feel funky, and you feel the urge to say “yes,” remind yourself they are asking, not ordering. You will respect yourself more later on.

5.Practice posture. Hunching over at your desk can make you less confident and more insecure according to research from Ohio State University. Pull your belly button in towards your spine and pull your shoulders back when sitting or standing.

6.Give yourself credit for small, daily accomplishments, even if you are not done. Did you work on cleaning up your closet but still have stacks of clothes to fold? Great, take a moment to focus on what you have done, don’t just wait until a project is finished.

7.Get grateful. Write a thank-you note, or call someone to say thanks for meeting with you for lunch last week. People who are mindful of the positives in their life, create more positive energy. Comment on a post you like, email a friend, or even write down what you are grateful for in the moment (try and think of 5 new ones each time).

Remember, small shifts can produce remarkable results. The intention of building more positive thoughts and experiences will undoubtedly increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

You can’t build a house on sand. You can try but it won’t stay up. It’s the same with confidence; you need a solid base to build on.

Your base is your mind. It has to be strong before you start. Staying positive brings strength of mind.

But what happens if your mind isn’t ready?

Put simply, you’ll trip up. When you face a challenge or when you’re out of your comfort zone, that negative voice you sometimes hear trying to hold you back may well get the better of you. This is the reason why staying positive is Step 1 of my 4 Step Confidence Plan.

Quite simply, creating a positive mind-set will set you up for success on your journey to greater self-confidence.

If things are going well in your life, trying to stay positive isn’t that challenging. You probably don’t have to try too hard. It’s when the chips are down that staying positive can be tricky. You need to train your brain to recognise, react and deal with negative thoughts before they spiral out of control.

This really matters. Negativity has the power to hijack your desire to be more confident.

Positivity is a state of mind. It’s a mental attitude that helps to steer your mind towards actions that are conducive to self-belief and confidence. When you have a strong mental attitude and a positive mind-set you anticipate and look forward to fulfilment and happiness.

Your self-belief and positive attitude will anticipate and expect success, not failure.

Who do you know who you would describe as a positive thinker? There’s a good chance you would also describe this person as having self-belief and self-confidence. The two go together. The majority of confident people do think positively.

So how do they manage to do this? Confident people do a number of things when they’re trying to stay positive.

1. Control Self-doubt

Self-doubt can stop you in your tracks. It can really hijack your confidence.

Self-doubt is often fuelled by negative thinking. You assume the worst, you doubt your ability, you avoid the challenge.

But, let’s be realistic; you’d be superhuman if you didn’t doubt yourself sometimes. Confident people doubt themselves too but they’ve learnt how to control this. Self-doubt doesn’t hold them back.

From self-doubt comes procrastination; that unseen and negative influence which leads you to put things off; sometimes things that really matter. We normally know when this has happened but by then it’s too late. The damage is done; the opportunity you should have seized has gone.

Have you ever tried to work out why you sometimes doubt yourself? Quite often it’s because someone else sows that seed of doubt. But why listen to someone who talks negatively about you unless they’ve got something constructive to say? Think about it … there’s absolutely no point because there’s nothing helpful to be gained.

2. Be aware of your thoughts

When you think back and reflect on your memories, which ones do you think of first; the good times or the bad times? This can often be a good indicator of whether you’re a positive or negative thinker.

Come to terms with where you stand here. If you tend to think negatively, don’t let it happen; it’s destructive. When a negative thought comes into your mind, be aware of it, then try to replace it with a positive, constructive one. The negative thought probably won’t go away easily, so persevere each time it enters your mind; make sure you replace it with a positive one every time it happens. Eventually your mind will learn how to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

Try to do this even when your life isn’t going as you would like it to or when you’re worried about something. This will be the hardest time to think positively because negative thoughts will be most prominent. Train your mind to expect only positive results. Believe that, at some point, your life will change for the better. You can speed this process up if you really want to.

Positive and negative thinking are contagious. A negative attitude can show itself in your body language. This tends to happen on a subconscious level but can still have a significant impact on others. For example, socially, people don’t tend to want to be around negative thinkers because they find them depressing; they find positive people more exciting and interesting. So, negative thinking can have an impact on your friendships and ultimately your social life too.

Your work life can also be dramatically affected; negative people aren’t seen as people with potential and therefore are less likely to be promoted. Just think about it… how many successful business people do you know who think negatively? The answer must surely be none.

3. Stop negative language

Of course, if you think more positively, the likelihood is that your message will be more positive when you speak it; that should come naturally. Watch out though; you could have a habit of saying things that aren’t helping you.

You might not think it but what you say does have an impact on how positive (or negative) you actually feel. Some people really struggle to come to terms with this. Confident people speak positive language. This helps them to stay positive in their mental attitude.

Saying sorry when an apology isn’t appropriate sends negative signals to your mind. It also communicates a submissive message to the other person. It isn’t a positive and confident action and therefore isn’t conducive to developing self-belief and self-confidence. If taken to an extreme it can also lead to feelings of insecurity and inferiority.

4. Keep your worries in proportion

We all worry on occasions – it’s only natural. However, some people are able to control their worries and not let them interfere with their lives to any great extent. It’s true that some people are more ‘easygoing’ than others but even they worry sometimes.

Controlling the effect that worrying has on your mental attitude is a vital component of maintaining a positive mind-set. The simple way to do this is to have the self-discipline to keep your worries in proportion.

Natural worriers always have to have something to worry about. If there’s nothing major to worry about in their life at the time, they’ll worry about something small.

People who lean towards negative thinking tend to forget the good things they do or that happen to them. You should remind yourself of these regularly, otherwise they’ll get lost in a cloud of negativity.
Thursday, June 1st 2017
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How to enjoy having a successful exercise
All of us know that doing any type of exercise whether it is going to the Gym, walking, jogging is very important.

Most of us try to do some sort of exercise either in the early morning before going to work, late afternoon or evening after work as well as during the weekends

Below are some points which I think all of us can benefit from:

1) Get a GTM or exercise partner/ partners:

There are many benefits of having a work out or doing exercises in the Gym with Friends instead on your own, the advantages are as follows:

Working out in a group boosts the stress reduction we get from exercise.

Just working out in the presence of another person reduces the perceived effort of the exercise.

Train with someone who’s stronger/faster/fitter. If you think your workout partner is doing better than you, you’ll work harder.

By doing exercise together, both of you push each other to the limit.

2) Doing exercise outside

Exercising outdoors makes exercise more enjoyable. The more enjoyable it is, the more likely we are to do it. There are also psychological benefits,

3) Try something new

We can always try a new exercise by either asking the personal trainers for their advice because personal trainers will have more knowledge on different type of exercise then our selves.

We can also watch some you tube videos, the most important thing is to make sure that we get the result we want either to gain some strength or to loose weight.

Thursday, May 25th 2017
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Benefits of Fasting
Fasting is one of the5 pillars of Islam, which was imposed by God Almighty on Muslims during the month of Ramadan which will be starting either on Saturday or Sunday depending on the sighting of the Moon. Normally a Muslim fasts from before sunset to sunrise, during that time a Muslim cant have any food or drink.

In the United Kingdom Muslims will be fasting for around 18 hours or so, the Sunset and Sunrise timings will be slightly different depending on which part of the Country a Muslim is staying in.

However, many people are unaware of the amazing health benefits of fasting. Fasting is an effective health practice if applied properly. Fasting helps eliminate toxins out of the body, reduces blood sugars, and reduces fat storage. In addition, fasting promotes healthy eating habits and strengthens the immune system, another benefit of fasting is the spiritual side of things.

Fasting tests your mental as well as physical.

Here are the top 10 health benefits you can take advantage of during fasting.

Benefits of fasting

1 – Fasting promotes detoxification

Pre-processed foods contain many preservatives and additives. These additives turn into toxins inside the body. Many of these toxins are stored in body fat, and during fasting, those fats are burned, especially when fasting for longer. This helps to eliminate toxins through the liver, kidneys and other organs responsible for detoxification.

2 – fasting works on the rest of the digestive system

During fasting, the digestive system has a period of rest. Natural physiological functions, especially gastrointestinal secretion, continue, but with a lower rate. These practices help maintain the balance of body fluids. Food digestion also occurs at constant rates, which produces energy at progressive rates. However, fasting does not prevent the secretion of infectious acids, so patients with stomach ulcers are advised to be cautious when fasting.

3 – fasting helps to treat infections

Some studies have confirmed that fasting helps to cure some diseases of inflammation and allergies such as arthritis, psoriasis.

4 – Fasting helps reduce blood sugar levels

Where fasting works to increase the breakdown of glucose and energy production of the body, which reduces the production of insulin. This helps to relax the pancreas and helps increase the production of glycogen to facilitate the process of breaking the glucose. This helps to fast to lower blood sugar levels.

5 – Fasting helps to increase fat burning

Where the first response to the body during fasting is breaking the glucose. Which facilitates the breakdown of fat to produce the energy necessary for the body, especially the fats stored in the kidneys and muscles.

6 – fasting is useful for patients with high blood pressure

Fasting is one of the natural remedies for lowering blood pressure levels, which helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. During fasting, fat is burned and glucose is broken to produce the energy needed for the body. As metabolic rates drop, hormone levels such as adrenaline decrease, helping to lower blood pressure levels.

7 – Fasting stimulates weight loss

Fasting stimulates fast weight loss. Where fasting works to prevent the storage of fat in the body.
8. Fasting promotes healthy eating habits

It has been observed that fasting helps reduce appetite for eating ready-made foods. Instead, fasting stimulates the desire to eat healthy foods, especially water and fruits.

8 – Fasting strengthens the immune system

When you have a balanced fasting diet, you can boost your immune system, remove body toxins and reduce fat storage. When eating fruits for breakfast, this helps to promote the body’s nutritional content of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A and E are also excellent antioxidants, and they help strengthen the immune system as well.

9 – Fasting helps to overcome the problems of addiction

Some researchers have confirmed the benefits of fasting that fasting helps overcome nicotine, caffeine and other problems. Although there are some treatment regimens that help treat addiction, fasting has an active role in such situations.

Despite these multiple benefits of fasting, in some cases, you should consult a doctor before fasting such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and stomach ulcers. Fasting may cause some dryness, leading to head pain or migraines.

Those people who are diabetic will need to consult there doctor.
Thursday, May 25th 2017
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Having excellent dreams about sexy females
Good evening, Mirembrema, Bonsoir, Buonasera, guten Abend,
dobry wieczór, Labvakar to all who are on Adultwork as well as not on adultwork.

I hope all of you are cool and keeping well and have been enjoying the lovely joubley weather we have been having for the last week or so, perfect weather to be chilling outside during the evening time and having a barbecue as well as going to the park doing a bit of exercise, getting some important Vitamin.

I will be concentrating this blog on the 2 topics:

1) dreams - As we all know there are 2 types of dreams:

A) EXCELLENT DREAMS - I keep on having some beautiful, delightful excellent dreams about sexy, hot, gorgeous females, sometimes either just 1 female, sometimes 2 females or sometimes 3 females.

The Females I keep on having excellent dreams about are all sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy voice and excellent personalities

B) BAD DREAMS - The bad dreams I keep on having about is men, which makes me wakes up during the night time.

I wonder what the above means, to me it means that I am only interested in females/ women and not man/ men. I am into boobs, nice wet pussies, peachy cute bums and nothing else, it also means that I am not GAY, I am 100% straight.

2 Direct cam - lately during the last 3 months or so I have noticed that the amount of sexy beautiful females who are offering Direct cam has gone up some of you are either offering on your own or with one of your sexy, gorgeous female friends. It will be nice if more sexy females were offering Drect cam services

Finally although I did say that I will only talk about 2 topics, I will like to compliment all you beautiful sexy females who are on here, who are on my hotlist either on twitter, adultwork or instagram that all of you are looking gorgeous, sexy and beautiful and your pictures are really excellent .

Please do keep up the excellent work by putting up more latest new pictures up of your sexy hot figures, wearing revealing outfits, g - string, thongs, bra, showing your full front and back figures either on your own or with your beautiful sexy female friends (if possible a close up of your sexy figures with wearing those lovely outfits. If possible some of you can put movies up either on here twitter or Instagram of your full sexy figure, your sexy voices and sexy walk.

To me it does not matter if you have got small pert boobs, big boobs, peachy cute bum, or booty bum, tall or short because all of you are beautiful and unique in your own special ways

Well take care all.

Thursday, May 25th 2017
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Through out our life time we will be facing with obstacles.

Even though obstacle and challenges seem uncomfortable as we are experiencing them, they are absolutely essential for our personal growth. Below are the 3 reasons why:

1) Obstacles force us to think differently, when we face challenges head on we are forces to find innovative solutions that we otherwise wouldn`t have though of.

2) Obstacles provide clarity - Unsure about what area of your life to focus on? Identify your biggest advantage or disadvantage and then work on it.

3) Obstacles are blessing in disguise - Think of all the times you have looked back on your struggles and realised they actually let to something awesome.
Wednesday, May 24th 2017
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Dont give yourself a choice of failing
Don't give your self the choice of failing because its all too easy let that take over. Give your self no option to achieve your goal - no excuses.

Try and notice when negativity sets in and catch it before it takes over - this can come in the form of laziness, self doubt, comparing your self to others.

All of theses things stop you from achieving your true potential and guess what like your body, it is not something you can change over night.

You have to put the work in day in day out until you form the right habits, the right type of thinking, the right attitude .

Tuesday, May 23rd 2017
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We need to unite together
Good evening, Mirembrema, Bonsoir, Buonasera, guten Abend,
dobry wieczór, Labvakar to all who are on Adultwork as well as not on adultwork.

I hope all of you are cool and keeping well. I am sure all of you heard the news this morning regarding a despicable and cowardly attack on young and innocent! I would like to extend my prayers and best wishes for everyone involved

Recently a lot of innocent people are loosing their lives for no reason at all either through knife or gun crime, terrorist attacks, or through unnecessary wars.

My heart felt sympathy for the families affected by the loss of their loved ones - may you have peace and patience to bear the pain and prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured.

In order to get rid of evil ideology, revenge attacks its important that we as community unite and stick together. It is our unity, absolute resolve and love for our common humanity that will keep us powerful and indefatigable.

Every lives matter and we must do everything in our capacity to protect every life.

There is no room for hate and violence in this world.
The after affects are more damaging. Spare a thought for humanity all lives are sacred.
I am sure every religious book whether its The Holy Quran or the Bible has got either a sentence or paragraph which says if you saved a human being it's like you have saved all of mankind if you kill one human being it's like you have killed al of mankind

Well take care all

What the recent events are showing is that always appreciate what you have got, try to help many people as you can, try to do good things, be kind to people, help the community out because you can never know what can happen any minute.

Tuesday, May 16th 2017
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Have faith and believe in your self
A person without faith in themselves is like a candle without flame, though it may have a physical presence, It is not really living up to its full potential because it is not providing any light to the world.

Having faith in one self is a quality that breeds more qualities. When someone is able to believe in them selves they are then able to dream, make plans set goals for themselves, and be motivated and determined to do these things because of the faith they have in themselves.

Those who have faith in themselves also rub off on people around them, and usually help inspire people who are able to make real change to the world.

Its important that we always try out level best to do well, be confident, remain positive, try to help others as well as be kind to people.
Sunday, May 14th 2017
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There are 3 types of people
I have learned that there are 3 types of people in this world.

1. People who watch while things happen around them: unfortunately most people fall in this category. They watch the world go round, events unfold, murder and mayhem engulf, crime and disorder spread, inequality and poverty become widespread and corruption takes deep roots. They do nothing to change these. At best they become armchair critiques or time wasting consultants. Change will never happen and our conditions will never improve unless you change what is within you first.

2. People who wonder while things are happening: These are the dreamers. They walk in a state of slumber. They are not bothered by anything. They may witness people dying around them and still not be moved to take a stance. They wake up after everything has happened and wonder what happened! Sadly such people wake up too late. They become victims of their own laziness and resignation.

3. People who make things happen: These are people who believe in making the world better. They want to eradicate poverty, inequality, violence and corruption from the world. They work tirelessly to be the change they wish to see in the world. They are motivated by their inner desire to make things happen and serve humanity. They believe in sharing and caring for all people. They are the people who walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

We should all try to be number 3, try to make the world a better place.

I am sure every single religion as well as holy books promote piece, harmony, try to reconcile and get on with each other.

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