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Tuesday, January 16th 2018
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Security, is it a myth?
I get asked a lot about security and the vulnerability of sex work both in and out call. I answer it in the same way and I am not going to write it here. It reminded me of working for an agency in London years ago.

I was at my finest, twenty something, rocking body and thought I was an escorting goddess. The agency owner who wrote some books on the escorting world, I considered my friend as well as director of work. I pulled up in my Audi at a clients house ready for my first job of the Friday. I was at a house in Tonbridge, in Kent. A small 2 up, 2 down. Nothing unusual. What was to happen during the 3 hour appointment was also kinda unremarkable. I was not allowed to drink while working so it was all conversation and other things between consenting adults. Now, this is where it gets more difficult. Every hour I was being called by Dawn and my time was being extended with mutual consent. But, I was then called out to another appointment in Tunbridge Wells which is not too far from where I was.

So.. my fee now is £450, I have the £150 for the first hour so £300 is outstanding.. He doesn’t have the £300 but he has it in the bank. He’s been drinking and so it is reasonable that I give him lift to the cash point. There is no problem with the money, he gives me the money. End of story..

No.. it is true, he gives me the money and I drive him home. Except, he wont get out of the car. He is by that time, crying and hysterically telling me that it is his birthday, his wife has left him and he hasn’t seen his child in months. Now, is this a rookie mistake to not see this coming? I had a psychology A level at that time and I should have seen this and left before or… Do I feel threatened? No not really, more worried about telling Dawn I drove to my appointment in Tunbridge Wells with a bloody client crying in the seat next to me! This is what I did, against my better judgement I drove to the gentleman, given directions by a man I had known for 3 hours and I left him in the car while I smiled and did my best before returning to my car to decide what the F to do.

I did what I think anyone would do, I rang the agency and told them everything from the safety of the garden outside the Tunbridge Wells house. Of course it was about 2am by then and the agency couldn’t send anyone to bounce this guy for a couple of hours so I was on my own. I drove him home, told him sweetly that I would stay another hour and then drove away once he had shut my car door.

He tried to book me again the next night, but believe me I was never going to repeat that experience!

I learned a lot from that experience. Firstly, never trust an agency with your security. Secondly, make sure you are aware of everything your client is drinking, taking and saying and thirdly, don’t let strange men in your car and get the entire fee up front.

Always remain teachable!
Tuesday, January 9th 2018
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Day in the life.

I have written a few some may say controversial blogs, personally, I rarely say what I don't mean and even more rarely back down from words I have spoken if I believe they are the truth. I am very loyal, both to others and to myself. There is nothing that sends me over the edge quicker than people trying to censor me in some way. If you don't want to experience another's point of view or you disagree with it, that is fine but accept it and move on!

Anyway, on a lighter note; a day in the life of not only a sex worker but an actual person will now commence!

I get up at 6 am every day; jump in the bath, do girl stuff which includes brushing my teeth (most days!) I feed my hoard of cats and pretend to tidy up.

I then spend about 2 hours on my face and hair; I am of the age where make up is everything! I am also answering emails and texts at the same time.

* Side note about text and email. If you send a weird one, I will make it my mission to send a dry reply. This suits about 1% of the AW community who have a limited sense of humour it appears.

I love to make sure my room is comfy, warm and intimate so I put lots of candles on and have soft throws on the bed. Sexy Music playing in the background ( I like Eminem's new album but it doesn't really work) Blinds down ( so you can't see the dust...)

Between 9am and 2pm I am the embodiment of grace, humour and sex. I am Marilyn Munroe and Jo Brand all in one ( the humour is clearly Jo, stop it now ) for my incallers I give 100% ( the cats try to show love too, but get put in the other room pretty quick. One pussy is enough, I feel).

I experience all different types of people during my incall. The only stipulation for spending time with me is to be respectful, be sober and be on time. I enjoy quick half hours for busy men who are running from and to work, an hour or more for a deeper intimate experience.

Then it is shower time, and at this point I may think about eating something that is full of garlic.

Now, I do work a normal job and occasionally i go there. If not I will don my sexiest pjs and insulated socks and shuffle around in a face mask till 21:00, when I turn to a pumpkin and fall into bed! Unless, I get an outcall I can't resist in which case it's glam time again, and out in the shiny automobile to steam up someones evening!
Saturday, January 6th 2018
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Being Human.and the internet
As I have said in previous blogs I have worked in the sex industry on and off since I was around 25. There was no real internet presence for sex workers and clients relied on your voice and description, met you or didn't meet you. With that ladies of the night were in far more danger of meeting unsuitable guys and vice versa. I not about to recreate a previous blog but I wanted to talk about choice and almost a manipulation of power that comes from the choices we make.

I am the last person in the world to care about feedback and field reports but I well aware and would be stupid not to acknowledge that guys and girls meet or don't meet people based on that and that is very sensible. Too little and people are suspicious, to many and a girl could have passed her sell by date or the guy is a serial hobbyist with an addiction problem!

So, I am interested on how this can be abused as a system and whether a persons 'choice' can result in negative feedback or field report and subsequently damage her or him personally and professionally.


This is peoples lives, people's well being and safety at stake. Where do we draw the line when meeting men? You get an email asking avaialability; a booking form is created; it is accepted; somewhere a long the line something goes wrong. Let me give you a common example:

The said person takes it upon them selves to start constantly ringing and texting you. He tells you that you need to be good so he can become a regular ((((BIG RED FLAG))))

*Because there is a manipulation there in the 'you better do what I want to possibly, possibly see me on the reg'. Tip girls- usually this means he isn't a regular type of guy.

*Also someone who constantly texts and calls is annoying and very disrespectful. We are not friends!

He tells you that he is very very involved with other escorts, including naming them, talking about their bfs, houses, Christmas plans etc etc. ((((BIG RED FLAG))))

*He is going to talk about you, he will tell the girls about your service, your working conditions etc. The issue being this will breach confidentiality and trust (in my opinion)

You make a choice to not continue with the booking as one reg flag is enough and you have worked in this business years and see red flags from a long way away!!

Now I have used the word 'choice' this choice is based on 1. Experience (priceless) 2. Gut feeling (priceless) and 3. The information that has presented itself (limited as subjective) So, should the first 2 be ignored? No. People show themselves without knowing it. The client continues to text and ring you to the point it becomes a worry and then BANG they reveal themselves with the classic 'I will leave you bad feedback'.

Now there are 2 choices 1. Continue on with the obviously good choice of not seeing this client 2. Giving in to the fear and manipulation from this client and reengage?

Now, I am a working girl and as so have used a working girl scenario but I am certain you guys have your own stories. We are human and we use human instincts to make decisions and choices, we make mistakes and double book, and friends and family turn up and cats get sick and the list goes on..

Does that mean that people should use the power of the feedback to attempt to ruin someone? Does it not water down the real time wasters? the real dangerous characters? I would love to hear peoples thoughts..

PS. There are systems in place for sex workers to report harassment and bad behaviour from clients. Please use them girls.

Thursday, January 4th 2018
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Regulars v newbies
Good afternoon my lovelies,

When I started escorting I was told by the agency that it was all about getting the regulars. The work is easy once you have regulars. A few reliable bread and butter men who consistently come and see you on a weekly and monthly basis. As I have said in my previous blog I am running a business, I am a successful business and as such the idea of having regular clients on paper seems very appealing in so many ways. This got me to thinking (something I occasionally do between oral and Lidl) Were they right?

This is how the exchanges works for a newbie; they email, text, call and set up an appointment with me. I do certain security checks. I give out the landmark and we all have lovely minutes engaging, I enjoy listening to new stories, learning what my client likes and he learns what I like and they leave. They do a field or feedback and sometimes I never hear from them again. I don't really concern myself then if I had too many candles, was my cat annoying running in front of him when I opened the door to get there first. I also don't care that I ate a huge lunch and prob looked about 5 pounds heavier..

The exchange with a regular goes more like this; I'm getting ready at 6 am and a voice on the phone enviably shouts 'I need a blowjob in the next hour, are you in?' Now this client may recognise themselves and if you think it is you it prob is! They stroke the cat, talk about work, neatly fold their clothes on the heated airer and tell you were wearing that underwear last week! I have not worn heels as they know I am 5ft 3 and it seems redundant to pretend otherwise. We know each other so the minutes are wonderfully predictable and I look forward to the next blowjob phone call.

Now I have painted 2 pictures but with a common theme and that is that I am clearly confident, outgoing lady who cares little for others approval as I know what I am worth, many of the newbies will become regulars as I know I am an outstanding shag. So, which is better? Do I love the excitement of a first meet as any good hobbyist knows the sweet wine of naughtiness and untapped potential or the familiar man who wants more from you than just a shag but wants to know which garage you use, or if I need anything as he is a driver and is stopping at the shop.

The mystique of both is unquestionable, to be able to see hundreds of girls or to see one only holds with it the same thing; trust, confidentiality and care. As it does to me; safety, reliability and a certain friendship. The exchange only lasts as long as the client pursues it and a girl would be silly to only see regular clients, in this job there needs to be a balance, but which I prefer?

I would never reveal such a thing.

Did you not listen?

and care.

Until next time, I have work to do

C x

Tuesday, January 2nd 2018
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negotiating fees and services
Happy new year people!

There appears to have been a strange anomaly that has appeared over the Christmas period and it is something I can honestly say has never occurred before.

It is the negotiating of fees and services. Now lets get this bit out of the way first; you are paying for my time. I have had prob 2/100 clients ask for a 'discount' or less time for less money. Or, my favourite is the 30 minute appointment that is tried to turn into a 60 minute and being branded a 'clock watcher' when it doesn't happen. It also happens with regular clients who suddenly think they deserve a discount.

Now, my lovely ones, here is the truth to a 'working girl' or 'sex worker' what ever your preferred handle. This hoe in person is warm, fuzzy and sexy. I have my make up done, my hair done, my clothing is good quality, my tan is good and I own my own safe little house with heating and all that good stuff. You come and see me and you are in for a glorious experience..

That shit cost money..

Now, everyone is saying to themselves, but you earn £120 per hour? I don't work 8 chargeable hours a day folks. Most of my working hours are not chargeable. If I get sick, I don't have sick pay, I don't have a work pension, I have to pay tax and insurance the same as you. As I sit here working on this blog my phone is flashing and my AW emails are coming in and in order to offer a good service I charge £120 for an hour of my well groomed time and if you can't afford it then don't come and see me, see someone else.

Now, I adore seeing clients but apart from the costs etc of sex work there is also the matter of mutual respect and the trust that clients expect. When you leave my bed or I leave yours, you have paid for me not to contact you ever again unless you contact me. Don't underestimate the sheer beauty and simplicity of a quality sex worker who leaves the conversation at the door. I'm never going to sit by the phone waiting for a date, expect flowers, ask you to put the bins out. You are paying for that service. You text or call me and try and negotiate something for nothing then baby that's what you are going to get..nothing. I don't walk around with basque and stockings on, candles burning 24/7, my bed most of the time has a cat asleep on it, not handcuffs and condoms.

If you want a 30 minute appointment with me, you will see my gorgeous body, my gorgeous mouth will taste you and ride you and send you off happy. Book an hour and you get the same with a little more intelligence and wit. This shit is priceless.

Tuesday, December 19th 2017
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Integrity in the sex industry
For both sex workers and punters the question of secrecy is like the pink sparkly elephant in the room. It is a rare occurrence that a punter looks over his paper at his wife and telling her about his day which included using his hard earned to lay down with the local hooker and have his anus massaged. It is more like the local bitchy sewing circle, excluding pricks. Same for girls, I don't put my dildos in the dishwasher knowing my mum is coming over for Sunday dinner.

So, secrecy mostly comes with the business, so does it stand to reason that means there is a issue of morality and therefore integrity in this business? Does being a sex worker or punter compromise our integrity as a human being in the outside world so are the two things completely separate? Do we carry our integrity into this business and is it this that makes us good at our roles?

Now, this is where it gets sticky (forgive the pun, that's £120 please and don't forget the fancy card) if you google 'sex work' you will mostly find the emphasis will be on woman's bodies, the integrity of a body and respecting ones body and not giving it away to all.. Ok, well I respect my body and I think a lot of women will agree with my statement as long as they are doing this work through choice. I am very lucky. I was born with a beautiful body, face and mind and I wonder at the fact I CHOOSE to share this and not only take a square job for £10 an hour. I choose to eat healthily, workout, tan, put make up on etc regardless of who will see or not see me. I have the highest regard for myself and for my interactions.

I am degree educated and have worked in the Psychology field since I was 21, I have certificates in all sorts of psychology practices and I work in the field of sex work. For me, integrity is not a body but the mind, the being a good person based on your own internal moral codes. For me this is being kind, patient, understanding, honest, caring, grateful, humble, and a slew of other things. Do I suspend all these qualities to do sex work? No of course I do not. I speak and meet all sorts of people in this job, and most have the up most integrity both in their lives and with me and I appreciate that.

What I find has compromised my morals and peace of mind is working in a field where you are taking care of people who are desperate for your professional love and care and knowing you have 20 such people and that each and every one of those people will have to shout loud to even cover the basic human care they need. When threat of being suspended for giving 2 arm hugs is real, where people do desperate things in a 'safe' environment because there is 1 qualified staff member to 5 staff members who don't know or care about the patients as long as they get the last break.

To have to restrain mentally ill young people who has seen horrors in their lives we can't even begin to imagine, having to get through another 10 hours after you have had to help cut down a patient from a door way before your shift in even started and then staying late to do the paperwork because you didn't have time during your shift.

No one person can set your morals or your blue print to being a good person. Do punters leave their morals at the door when the lady arrrives? No I don't think so. Do clean and sober girls disrespect themselves being a sex worker? I can't talk for them, but for me, no.

Monday, December 18th 2017
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Friendship and love complications
The media present the sex industry and sex workers as one of two things; drug addict street walkers or money grabbing hoes looking for sugar daddies. So, is there any truth to this? The short answer is probably yes such as it is in every walk of life. Let me share my experience of love and friendship in the escorting world and it is a personal and maybe controversial one.

Wind back 13 years

I receive a call from a guy who sounds like he's tried to call the local plumber from the friday ads and forgotten his glasses and callled me instead. I get an extremely detailed map of his town, his house and his garden set up. (cute) and I'm fully expecting this guy to be older than snow.. and I was right.

Now, this is where a love story begins and I have told this story a hundred times and every time it brings more than a tear but a flood and I'm wearing false lashes so I need to control myself. This guy was in his late 80s, tall, white haired, sweet, gentle, lonely and one of the most charismatic and interesting men I've had the fortune to meet. His name was Hugh and he had 2 old cats and the most amazing fig tree which he had grown for 20 years.

I saw this man every Sunday for a long time and he talked about his wife who was in a care home with Alzheimers, his children who don't bother with him much, his weekly exercise classes and I met his neighbours who caught me sitting on his knee (a thing he loved me to do). I was a part of this mans life. I knew about his affairs, the time his wife smashed a milk bottle on his head after learning of said indiscretions. He bought special coffee who was frothy and he sprinkled chocolate curls on the top. He packed a bag with cake and juice for my children (who were little at the time) and met and walked my puppy with me to get him out of the house.

I have painted this picture of a friendship or a relationship between grandad and grandaughter but don't forget I was his escort and he was my client. I was paid to be in his company. It was a small amount and I stayed for the entire evening but.. it was a business arrangement so why the tears and why am I blogging this years after the event?

It all went horribly wrong? he booked another girl or run out of money? No. He disappeared that much is true. I had spoken to him on the Saturday night and had to cancel our time as I was ill and heard nothing for weeks. I was kinda mad and upset that he was ignoring me until I rushed into my house to see his number on my house phone (yes he had my house phone number) I remember the day so well because I had been to a client in Gravesend which had ended in disaster when the regular told me about his drink problems and spending large amounts of cash ( I had seen him for 2 hour jobs every week for months). His wife was about to find out so with all that whirring in my mind the sound of a female voice on the other end of the phone threw me..

'is this Kitty?'

My first response was to deny all knowledge. Hugh had been found out. I had been found out. This was going to end with a telling off from the female voice. I was the last number that Hugh had called.. that's why she was calling me, I was the redial.. I was the elusive escort made to break hearts and make money from sex and fantasy.. except right in that moment I was the one standing there with the broken heart. My Hugh had gone, that night after my call he had fallen down the stairs and had laid till he was found by the cleaning lady.

I was invited to the funeral as I was one of his gym buddies.. I didn't go.. I didn't send flowers or eat cucumber sandwiches or stand in his house choosing what to take. I just disappeared like any good sex companion does. I have a black cat figurine Hugh gave me still displayed on the shelf and every now and then I look at it and it still reminds me how complicated this life is..

It's easy to look at these sites and these girls and assume we are are just in it for quick money but don't anyone get it wrong; we feel and get hurt too.
Saturday, December 16th 2017
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Expectations and having game!
At the age of 25 I started my escorting life, car meets were my game, and I had plenty of game! Call me any time of the night and day and I was your girl, a warm car and a quiet location and I was yours for the hour. Naked except for black stockings and a coat. I worked for an agency and I quickly stole the best regular clients and went on with my life, I paid my bills and bought my kids school shoes and life was good..and today it got me to thinking..

Fast forward 18 years and the sex working industry has changed from the back page to the internet. When did the expectations change? Ring me at 4am? I'm sleeping. Call me wanting a meet in 10 mins? No sweetheart, give a girl a chance to pretty. Turn up to a client in old Primark panties , expect not to be booked again. Have an in call without hoovering your stairs or with a cat on your bed then expect a harsh review.

We require so much more now, from sex worker to punters, we require a prebook, a set of rules to follow to see the certain girl, a set price, a detailed phone call, a cute card with the cash in etc etc. hell no one saw my photo 18 years ago all they knew was 24-26-34 and that was it, the rest was a surprise!

Being a sex worker is no longer a quick money maker it's a full time business, it's tanning, waxing, hair, makeup, clothes and undies, full house clean, nice car (always valeted) answering text, email, phone, twitter, facebook, forums. And I can only imagine it's the same for punters, we vet them, we leave feed back on cock size, physical looks and sexual prowess. What did it become a sex workers business how big a punters balls are? or whether they own a hot tub? It's all bullshit.

If you are a regular client of mine you know my game, I'm not perfect, I enjoy what I do, when I do and with who I choose to do, you turn up early expect to see me in my beauty and the beast pjs, but mark my mo fo words you will still get an A1 experience with a hot bitch who loves to f*ck.

So, does that mean it's more socially acceptable now as a business? Ask your neighbours ;)

Friday, December 15th 2017
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confidentiality goes both ways
After escorting on and off since I was 25 I thought I had seen it all! I work my incalls from the comfort and (sometimes) warmth of my own home. This suits me, this suits my clients who like my candle lit bedroom and fluffy bed. Obviously, this means putting up with my cats and hate of hoovering.

Now.. this doesn't mean I run an open house. I have a home life outside of working as everyone else does. Last night while doing all the things that make females unattractive such as waxing my tash, bleaching my roots (no the pink isn't natural) and my 22yr daughter returning from a job interview was accosted by a client on my mo fo driveway! Now lets tell the whole T. No returning client of mine would ever mistake her for me 1. I have pink hair 2. I am 21 years older than her 3. they just wouldn't.

so.. This client was gone by the time I put clothes on etc this client had gone. It has to be said it was lucky for him he did because asking my daughter if she is available is not cool and when I find out who it was they will not be welcome anymore. Alternatively, a client has given out my address which also is so far from cool.

Confidentiality is very important to clients and this goes both ways!

Have a lovely day x

C x


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