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Saturday, February 20th 2021
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Tranny of a different kind.
Great excitement here in the English household. I’ve finely managed to get my husband on board for getting a van and converting it into a camper.
It’s been a dream of mine to hit the road in a stealth camper and travel far and wide. I binge watch YouTube videos of van conversions and nomadic lifestyles, I know all about rock and roll beds, inverters and solar panels. Well I think I do. Any way somehow he noticed one of the vids l’d been watching and took an interest, then he started binge watching.

Now in my mind I had a specific style and van I wanted but he had something different in mind, he wanted bigger, higher more space. I started to get concerned, firstly I don’t want to drive a huge thing, secondly small country lanes would unnavigable, thirdly where would we keep the bloody thing. That would mean caravan storage fees. No, no that’s not for me. So I sulked a bit, he noticed, and suddenly came up with a grand idea to get a smaller van, result.
So (now here’s a new term I learned) we are looking at H2 L2 vans. Sprinters seem to be a favourite of the nomadic community but we seem drawn to Transits.
I like that I will be able to drive it confidently, we are designing it so we have a double bed that will convert from a seating area, a fixed bed would be nice but we want to have people in, so seats and a table a must. A kitchen area that will have a two burner hob and a sink that will be under a work top that will lift.
Now the hunt is on for the perfect van for us. The plan is to spend 6 months of the year living in the van abroad and six months back here but that won’t be for a while yet. I still have my mum to care for so time away will have to be shorter than 6 months for now.
I am hoping I can get decent internet somehow to be able to cam while swanning round the country, but I will do more videos to upload and phone chat.
Have any of you ever done anything like this, I would love to hear if you have.
See what lockdown has done, being locked up makes you long for freedom.
Monday, March 30th 2020
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Lock down
Its a very strange thing we are living through at this present time. Difficult for many of us and frustrating for most. Frustrations can arise for many reasons, just the simple fact of not being able to come and go as we please, not being able to buy our usual items from the shops. Having to do without many things can cause us to feel angry or scared making anxiety heightened and generally making us out of sorts. If we are working from home we feel isolated and if we go to work we can feel vulnerable.
I recently retired from escorting to take up camming as my main source of income and i have been able to do very well from my new job, however now that we are all isolating and unable to meet there are many more sex workers turning to camming and other avenues of sex work. Its great that this is another avenue they can pursue, at first the thought of all the men working from home was a great incentive until the realisation that as well as the men at home the wives and children are too, putting a curtail on those who might otherwise enjoy the delights of all the ladies performing day and night. I know many men who punt would never dream of going down the camming route, their sexual happiness lies with one on one meets in the flesh, but I wonder of after up to six months of isolating might make them take a sneaky peek.
I have been camming with some men lately who are becoming increasingly inventive when coming into cam. Those working from home inventing video conferences so as not to be disturbed while having a little fun. Sound turned off which means more typing for me, but thats ok, once I'm stripped and performing there is very little need for words. I hope that I might gain a few new regulars from this as there are lots of new guys on cam and phone. We are an inventive lot thats for sure. 2020 started of not very good for me personally and has got worse globally. We are infact making history, like the black death, bubonic plague (are they one and the same, not sure), Spanish flu and now this.
Stay safe everyone, dont go out unless you really really have to, and keep sexually occupied any way you can. Catch me on cam throughout the lock down most days or would love a sexy phone chat.
Friday, February 28th 2020
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A new path
So I think I better let you all know my current position.
I have retired from escorting. It wasn’t my intention to do so when I gave up the flat. I had a good plan in place to be able to continue on a part time basis, but my situation now has changed quite a bit and I find I can now no longer make bookings with confidence that I wouldn't have to cancel at short notice. That is not a good way to conduct business.
So I bid you all a fond farewell, however all is not lost. You can if you so wish still see me on cam, as this is now the path I am following. It would be lovely to see you in my room.
Thank you all for your custom and fun times.
Emily, aka Carmel x
Wednesday, September 18th 2019
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A move, a change and an ending.
I do believe a blog update is in order. It’s been far to long and so much has changed. Only fair I brought you up to speed.
So I suppose the biggie is that I no longer have my in call flat. No, that’s right I decided to call it a day for there.
Now don’t get me wrong the flat was ideal for its purpose, ideally situated for all modes of transport. Five minute walk from the train station, less than 100 yards from the bus stop. A couple of miles from motorway links and 20 minutes from the Mersey tunnel. Parking aplenty and the discreetest front door you will ever come across. It was most unlikely anybody would be spotted entering or leaving. Apart of course from the odd one or two who didn’t listen/understand/took any notice of my instructions and knocked on the wrong door. There were only two, one on the right and one on the left. I would give my door number and say it’s the only door on the right, and yet, and yet, there were still one or two who knocked on the other door. Good job I was usually waiting by the door to open it and would hear them and quickly open mine to call them back.
Aww yes it was a lovely flat, and I used to say if I had to live in a flat it would be that one. Lovely views out of the front window over the playing fields and country park. That would be one of my ‘selling points’ when doing the estate agent role play, while leaning on the window sill sticking out my derrière I would say “look at that view”, that line always went down well and raised a smile.
I did of course conduct many an afternoon delight there too. Serving a three course meal and enjoying a glass of wine with some lovely ‘guests’.
Retiring between courses to the bedroom of course.
I will miss the place it has to be said. Some memorable meets and impromptu places for a ‘bit of fun’. One role play saw me conducting an interview at my desk in the office area, I was looking for a PA, the job description was a little unusual with some unorthodox requirements. Any way the candidate was doing extremely well and I thought it best to show him the rest of the work place, however we seemed to have lost our way and found the landing quite engrossing.
Then of course the back room, the massage room, the doctors surgery, whatever it was that day. Many a patient has been examined on the treatment couch only for the doctor to realise the only form of treatment was to perform physical therapy in the physical therapy room.
Many great memories indeed. It was, on the whole, a very happy time working from my in call.
But it feels right that now it is time to cut back a bit. I am not retiring, no not at all. I am just cutting back. I will be camming more, doing the odd out call to hotels and going back to how I started in a hotel for in calls. A new phase of which I am looking forward to. I hope to still be able to see old and of course new clients but in a different way.
Take care all xx
Tuesday, April 17th 2018
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Girls night out.
After a long time not having a night on the town with my girl friends we managed to get one arranged one weekend recently. I was really looking forward to this, as you can imagine. I was planning my outfit for days, wondering if I could still fit into some of my stuff after a long cold winter that required lots of warm comfort food.
Three of us where going, myself, my friend and a friend of hers whom I didn't know.
So the evening arrives and I give myself plenty of time to get ready, hair, nails, makeup and numerous outfit changes. The bedroom resembled a jumble sale by the time I'd finished and satisfied myself I had been through every item I own. As I say I gave myself plenty of time to get ready, and yet I still managed to be applying my makeup in my underwear when the phone goes, I nearly break my neck stumbling over the strewn shoes to find it. Yes it was my friend and I assumed they where outside waiting for me and here's me half done. Thankfully it was just to tell me the other lady was on her way to pick us up, I still had ten minutes to finish off. Panic over although I had to put a sprint on.
I am ready for them though, coat on at the door when they arrived. We are driving to the station and then getting the train into town. I felt quite smug as I didn't have to pay having my bus pass, one of the advantages of old age.
Right well my outfit, let me describe it to you, black figure hugging trousers that finish at the ankle and show off my rather full bottom and a sleeveless grey and silver top that shows off the shoulders in a very sexy fashion. Black patent stilettos . It is still a bit cold so I wore a faux fur jacket. All very smart but in a sexy way, I think so any way. Now my two companions, how can I describe what they wore without offending anybody? Before I go any further they both looked sexy, no doubt about that. It's just it was a bit overtly sexy. They looked a bit like your stereotypical hooker. I wished I'd worn something I wear for work to match them. I felt a bit out of place. I mean they are both around about my age a couple of years younger, and what they had on would have been more suited to girls in their teens. I hope I'm not coming across bitchy here, they are both lovely women. But their outfits let them down a bit, in my opinion any way. I'm more subtle in sexy dressing if you get my drift.
Any way despite our mismatched appearances we set off determined to have a good night. Straight into the first bar where, there happened to be a brilliant duo on, the singer had a fantastic voice and from the first number I was tapping my feet and jiggling about. The lucky thing was, because the bar was so crowded we were standing on the dance floor, how good was that. It didn't take me long before I was into full blown boogieing, this duo were good. Ike and Tina's big wheels kept me turning round the floor in a enthusiastic fashion. After a couple more drinks in here and non stop dancing we decided to move on. Outside we found a cab and moved on to a themed bar, it's themed after a very popular tv show about a Brummy family after the First World War. They have looky likey staff dressed as the characters and you can dress in character yourself if you want. That was great but no opportunity to dance in there. So we had a catch up and I got to know the other lady a bit and she got to know me, she thought I was as mad as a box of frogs. When my friends were getting the round in I noticed a table free so pushed through the crowd to claim it for us. On my way through the throng I caught eyes with a gorgeous tall black man, he must have been in his twenties. He was with a friend of around the same age, they both stared and watched me approach them and then take possession of the table, it was a high table with high stools. And I perched myself on one that was facing them. It was highly amusing because they suddenly started acting like two school boys, they grinned at each other and started pushing the other with shoulders and dancing around. It did make me smile. Any way my friends returned and I watched the guys do the same with them. They were obviously into older women. They kept staring but we were now deep in conversation about how to set the world to rights.
After the counselling session we had each giving our tuppence worth into the others love lives. We set of back into the centre of town, it's now approaching the witching hour and time for some serious dancing.
One or two bars before we settled on the one with the best music, for our old ears. Great female singer and a little floor space for us to strut our stuff. Oh boy it was great. There was a table of men from out if town, on a stag do I think. So we had a captured audience, well I did. My friends were a little more reserved than me and shuffled together inconspicuously while flaunted for all to see. The men loved it and cheered me on. I think they thought they had their own private dancer. One had a hat, so I borrowed it to complete my performance. The other two joined me and we had a great time putting on our little show. Such a great atmosphere in that bar and every one was out for fun. But it was soon time to depart, so we said our goodbyes and trotted of into the drizzle. Laughing, giggling and hanging on to each other we trundled up to the take away to queue for the worst burger I've ever had the misfortune to try. But the queue was entertaining. The man behind me was from a group of people we'd seen around town in different bars, they were all in evening gear. Black tie get ups. Apparently they had been at some presentation at one of the hotels, hence the get ups. Any way this deluded dude was chatting to me about the city and it's night life and stuff and I conversationally asked which hotel he was in. The cheeky bugger came back with 'you're not coming back', I told him. Don't flatter yourself, you couldn't afford me any way. And waltzed off.
Great night, and hopefully will be doing it again in the not to distant future.
Wednesday, June 21st 2017
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Leisurely walk or not, depends your point of view
I know it's been awhile, I'm sorry. I really need to stay focused on blogging. I wouldn't mind but lots has happened so it's not as if I haven't go subject matter.
Where to begin....
Oh yes walking, well it's hiking really. A friend of ours wanted to start coming along with us. We started innocently enough with local walk of little effort. Just to introduce the friend gently. He loved it, although he is one to complain about minor details, like blisters,((sigh)). But he commented through the following week at how much better he felt, better mood, more energy etc, and so was looking forward to the next jaunt. We advised him to get better foot wear.
The next walk was to be a little more adventurous, longer and with a short ascent and of course descent ( you can't have one without the other you see). It also involved changes of terrain. He brought along another friend of his, a lady we hadn't met before. She seemed nice enough, she was used to some walking but only walks with little difficulty. This one was going to be easy enough for her, maybe a little longer than she was used to. Half way round this walk is the ascent, so the legs are warmed up but you are a little puffed. Up we go and everybody makes it with not too much effort. At the top we know a little spot for a private lunch. It takes a bit of negotiating to get through the undergrowth but worth it for the view and the remote chance of other walkers coming across you.
After our repast we got back on the trail. Now the next bit involves quite a bit of scrambling up and over rocky outcrops. I love how the terrain changes. Now this lady is around my age, she may have been a couple of years younger, but of my generation. And while scrambling over and jumping down I commented to her how you lose your spring in your joints when getting older, her reply to me was, 'do you', as if she was a young thing and I was some old lady..... well I am, but she was not far behind me. Went right off her, right there. Any way she was beginning to struggle now ((sniggers)) so we had another little stop before the last push to the car park. The friend is now hooked and is buying all the correct walking gear for the next bigger, higher, longer walk. The lady has decided not to join us for that one, ((sniggers again)).
Wednesday, March 22nd 2017
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The hygienist
So I had a dental appointment recently. The dreaded hygienist,I think the hygienist is worse than the dentist to be honest.
You'll never guess the time of the appointment, go on have ago.........yess you got it in one, 2:30. You couldn't make it up could you.
Well any way that was the first appointment, so I makes a second appointment for the following week and for some reason it was in my head it was the same time.
So I turns up on the dot, well a little before to be precise. I like to be a bit early. I like to sit in the waiting room and read all the magazines, magazines are
my guilty pleasure. I spend a fortune on them. So to read them for free is a great thrill. I get quite annoyed when my name is called. I don't know why my G.U.M clinic doesn't have mags in the waiting room, I'd be there every week. I'm glad this gum clinic does though but I will still only come to this one every 4 months magazines or not.
Any way it turns out 2:30 wasn't the time for this appointment it was quarter to four, I was an hour and 15 minutes too early. Even my dentist doesn't have enough mags to
keep me entertained for that long. So off I went to see if I could spend some money. I am in need of some walking gear (walking blog to come). Trousers to go with two new
tops I bought last week and shoes to go with the trousers I'm in need of. You do see how these things escalate don't you?

In to town I trot, well not exactly, I took the car. I kid you not when I tell you I visited a dozen shops and didn't find one track suit suitable for walking.
So many tacky ones, ones that you just feel the material will bobble, get big baggy knees and a saggy bottom. The aim of exercising is not to have a saggy bottom. So I turn my attention to the trousers I'm after. Ideally I would like a pair that narrow and finish at the ankle in a sateen cotton. Not a lot to ask for is it? A pale pink or beige, or is that called nude these days. Only one pair came close to anything like what I'm after. So before settling on second best I decided to look for shoes. I know the type I want, a dressyish loafer to go with the ankle skimming trouser. Success, found them you'll be pleased to know. I didn't buy them though, well what if I have to change my idea of the trouser. If I cant find what I have in mind the shoes would be redundant. So no purchase there then. Any way an hour is not long enough to find, try on and buy clothing. Back to the dentist.

I digress, where was I? Oh yes the waiting room and magazines. I had taken my coat off and had got myself a drink from the water dispenser or whatever it is called.
Its not a fountain because the water doesn't come up from a spout it comes down from a tap. So coat on my lap bag at my side magazine in one hand and water in the other.
Im all settled and enjoying the moment of bliss. Im not a third of the way though my first article when my name is called by a lady in blue scrubs.....
This takes me by surprise for some reason, I jump up and get myself into a bit of a flummox. Trying to get my coat, my bag and put the magazine back without spilling the water. Not easy I can tell you. I must have turned on my heel half a dozen times and the audience of four sitting taking in the spectacle looked on bemused. The lady in the blue scrubs came to my aid and took the water from me and asked me to follow. Which I did feeling rather warm. Into that dreaded room.

I settled back in the chair and accepted the welders goggles to protect my eyes from the glare of the interrogation lamp and the splash back from the aspiration. Then the immortal words, open wide.Then in she goes with unimaginable tools of torture. ARGHHHH.......and that noise, that brain penetrating, skull vibrating whining screeching noise. STOP STOP I'll tell
everything, I'll tell you anything. As it happens I was very brave and did very well apparently, she kept telling me so. Eventually the whole horrific experience was over spit and rinse, spit and rinse. All done thank goodness.
Until next time.....

Wednesday, May 25th 2016
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A bit of this and that
So what's happened to the nice weather, it's miserable and cold today. I was out in the garden all day yesterday. Planting up some new plants. It was roasting, mind you it is a little sun trap. I'll be able to get a tan, if and when the sun returns of course. You always feel better with a bit of colour don't you? I have lots of little trips and breaks planned for this year. Hopefully we get a good summer and I'll be able to do some camping. I am also hoping to do a couple of tours this year also. I'm thinking the North East, London and possibly back to Nottingham. A lot to fit in though so not sure if I will gat all of them done. Can't be leaving my lovely local guys for long now can I?
I have to say I have had some lovely new chaps come visit me since new year. I always like meeting new people, it makes for a interesting week. But I also like to see my lovely regs. I only have lovely regs, you have to be lovely to become one.
I had a bit of bad news last week regarding my car, it failed the MOT, I had to get a bit of work done on it. But at least it should now be running smooth for the summer.
I've also been enjoying camming recently too, that's been fun. I'm thinking of putting a show on, just need to decide what to do. A sensual strip I think, or basque and boots and strut around provocatively and try not to fall over. I wouldn't like to not have routine to perform. It's different when it's just normal cam availability and I can just ad lib but I think a booked show needs to be thought out. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Any way I hope I've brought you all up to date with me and my world.
Tuesday, March 8th 2016
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Writing is why I haven't been writing
Here I am, shamefaced after being chastised for not keeping up to date with my blogs. I do apologise. No excuses, apart from the fact I have been writing erotica and that seemed to have distracted me. I enjoyed that immensely though and will write more me thinks.
I thought I would start the erotica with things related to me or my profile, so my first couple of stories are familiar to some of you. One is related to my album waiting for my client and revolves around what I am doing while you are probably on your way to see me. My actions, my feelings and how I deal with the anticipation of your arrival. The other is based on my role play, The Interview, it is all about what goes on during that role play. I like to get into a role play scenario ASAP and this one started from the door, in fact it probably started before that with the emails. But anyway it's great fun, you would have to read it to find out if he was a successful candidate.
What to base my next story on is what is concerns me now. I thought maybe it could be about one of the few out calls I have done or one if my afternoon delights or about a tour. Probably all if them will get an airing at some point. The main thing is they are based on actual events, and let's face it I have a whole portfolio of events to draw on. Well it's been lovely chatting again I won't leave it so long next time.
See y'all soon. Xx
Friday, February 12th 2016
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Up to speed.
I have had a couple of set backs regarding work, what with my bad back, then family probs popping up as they tend to do. Anyway I am feeling positive for next week even though it's half term. I am away the following weekend on my annual girlie weekend. I would love to have the opportunity to do at least one booking while away but I don't think I would get away with it. For one I am sharing a room with my friend, who although is well aware of my wild side would still gasp at the thought of me doing such a thing. Out calls would be out also, how could I disappear for an hour or more without raising suspicion. No I shall have to behave, up to a point of course, I shall just have to content myself with outrages flirting. I love flirting, it's so good for the soul.

Did I tell you about my burlesque lessons? Yes I have taken up burlesque, it's such a hoot. I never in a million years would have believed I could have got my leg over the back of a chair and than got my other leg over to end up squatting on the chair seat facing forward, all to music I may add. Im not kidding I had visions of ending up,in a heap on the floor with the chair on top of me, but no I did it without my knees giving in. It's very good for the core muscles as well and a bit more fun than Pilates.

I know I know I need to add more photos to my gallery and this I will make my priority I have been neglectful and will get on it toot sweet. I have been taking some very interesting selfies and may use these as well.
Well can't think of anything else to bring you up to speed so I will wish you well and speak soon. TTFN.
Monday, February 1st 2016
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It's bin awhile.
Hello y'all, I must start by apologising for my lack of blogs since, when was it? Must have been November. After my hols any way. Just been manic, house move, Christmas, bad back and a general air of inertia. I think it has been a case of winter doldrums. Any way Spring won't be long in coming and you all know how I like my outside space, so I have been scouring magazines and garden centres for the best ideas for small gardens, yes sadly my outside space is much reduced. No trees, no pond, no lawn, but I am looking forward to transforming my pocket handkerchief plot. Acctually I may look into getting an allotment, that way I can still grow flowers for cutting and veg. Hmm yes, something to ponder there.
Also I will be needing to decorate but that can happen in dribs and drabs as and when I feel like it. Aaah but will I ever feel like it.
Oh and guess what? Guess what I've been up to? Think keeping fit in a fun and sexy way, yes you got it I have been attending burlesque classes. What fun, I never thought I would be able to throw my leg over the back of a chair followed by the other one and then the rest of me to end up crouching on the seat of the chair. But I did it and never toppled over. It's a great way to keep in shape I will soon have a new routine under my belt.
I went shopping last week and managed to find a pair of suede type thigh high boots, I was in need of a new pair and they were a bargain so couldn't be left behind. New lingerie sets and a new shirt for my suit for roleplay.
Anyway that's all for now, but I am sure there is more news to tell but I will leave that for next time. TTFN
Friday, October 30th 2015
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I absolutely love this time of year. It's my favourite of all the seasons and this year we have had such gorgeous weather. I have a lovely view out of my front room window of a country park and the colours of the trees have been amazing, especially when the sun is going down in the afternoon and shines on them.
Then of course there is Halloween, my favourite night of the year. Full of mischief, I must confess though I havnt been to a good Halloween party for a couple of years. I have dressed up as some things I can tell you. I am going to do spell this year, yes I am putting a spell on you, I will have you bewitched. You will be under my spell and coming back for more. That's my plan anyway. You will be powerless to resist. I just need to gather a few bits. Any body know where I can get chickens lips from, it's a vital ingredient for the cauldron.

Spell to catch a punter.

Chicken lips make it three,
Mermaids toe, of one needs be,
Oink of pig, two not three, one for you and one for me,
Dust of moth to sprinkle over,
First the left then right shoulder,
In the cauldron all should go,
Light the flame and boil while slumber,
Friday, October 9th 2015
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All in all a lovely week.
Well it's been quite an eventful week for me all in all. Apart from starting the week on Sunday with a cold, no wait it was far more serious than just a common or garden cold, it was MAN FLU. I swear it was. Sore throat, runny nose, the lot. Any way I rested up,Sunday and Monday and eased myself back in by Tuesday, trooper that I am. But I was truly rewarded for making such a vallient effort. A bottle of Pinot and some choc from a very lovely new client, whom I hope to see again. What a lovely time we had, chatting away like old friends and I received a very skilful massage. Lovely. Then the following day I was whisked away for a very different lunch date. A South African restaurant to taste the culinary delights of the continent. To start there was crocodile on some crisp bread thing along with goats chees stuffed mushroom and other tasties. The crocodile was very nice, I have to say everything in the starter was delicious. Then the main, zebra, Impala and ostrich along with a chicken stew with rice in a traditional African cooking pot. Everything was so yummy but I have to say the Zebra was very nice. Not only was I spoiled with the dining experience but I got a gorgeous bunch of roses as well. i have had such a lovely week despite the not so nice start. Lovely clients, even a very welcome blast from the past, well as far back as the end of last year. I hope next week is as interesting.
Monday, September 28th 2015
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The day after the night before.
Oh dear, I am suffering today. I imbibed yesterday, a little too enthusiastically. The thing was I have had such a busy month that I have not had much of an opportunity to have a tipple. Apart from the odd glass or two of wine after a busy day, but not a full on fill your boots kind if session. Even at the wedding I was modest in my consumption. So yesterday I was at relations for a meal, the conversation is flowing and it's all very relaxed and warm and cosy. You know how it gets. I was on the dark rum, yo ho ho, it barely touched the sides. It went down so fast I hadn't realised how much I was drinking. What was funny though my brother in law was going on that his wife should get out and sell her body and bring the money back to him, it was all I could do to keep my face straight. Oh if only they knew, well maybe not. Any way it was a lovely evening but as I say I am suffering now. I had to go and do my other job this morning as well, that was torture, but I soon got through it. Got my self home and have been on the bed all afternoon, absolutely shattered. I was supposed to be starting burlesque dancing class to night as well. I will have to put it off now till next week. I am looking forward to that, can't wait to twirl my tassels. I shall just have to watch you tube videos of burlesque dancers and pick up a few tips.
As I said before I have had such a busy month I have not been able to fit every body in. So if you were unfortunate enough not to be able to get an appointment with me in September please do try again. You never know I may be able to accommodate you next time.
Ta ta for now. X

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