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Saturday, November 17th 2018
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Well, goodness me, what a night ...
Hi everyone, I hope you're all well. Just thought I'd put "index fingers to keyboard" and rattle off a bit of a blog post about the goings on the other evening! It was all rather good fun, so I hope you enjoy the read!

So, a bit of background. Lovely chap visits me now and then. A tgirl/cross dresser type, similarly lovely has visited me a couple of times too. Now, I know them both from another site, and tgirl friend posted a photo of her and myself, which lovely chap saw, commented on … in a positive way … and I can guess you know what happened next?!!!

So, evening arranged with said lovely chap and I decided to message my tgirl friend so let her know and say she'd be welcome to come along for the evening if she so wished. Didn't need much persuading I have to add lol … and so it was all set up. Now, I had been messaging lovely chap and suggested the idea and of course (as is always the case you with you guys) he was full of bravado and rather keen. Often, the willy rules the head you see … Now, rather naughtily of me perhaps, I didn't actually confirm, or tell him that my tgirl friend was coming, I thought it would be somewhat of a surprise!

So, the day arrives, as does tgirl friend, who's quite excited, albeit a little nervous and then at the agreed time, lovely chap comes through the gate and meets not only me, but my statuesque tgirl friend!!!! Now, to say he was a little shocked would be an understatement, he was in his own words "right out of my comfort zone" bless him! Now, as I've mentioned, sometimes I get mails full of bravado, yet guys fail to show or bottle out which is a real shame actually, as I'm calm, lovely and very friendly … not to mention sexy lol … so I said to lovely chap, "chill, relax, you're with friends" and he looked at me with that sort of look on his face which said "I'm cacking it" … lol …

Anyway, I'll not go into all the details, however, let it be said that after about ten mins on the sofa, he relaxed, as did my tgirl friend and before long, willies were out and fun was starting to ensue!! I suggested we went down into my sleazy little sex den basement, so I got my iPad and speaker for some sounds and we went down to the sexy little place. Goodness me, much kissing, playing with willies and such like then ensued and it was quite clear, as it often is, that all that is required is a little time to make one relaxed and goodness me, my two visitors were soon getting on famously!

It's quite funny actually, as I kind of took control, but also like to talk, be chatty and give a bit of a running commentary lol … "do this" or "do that" etc … "give this slutty girl with the big fake boobs your cock" or whatever, and it was really great fun! After a while, I suggested my friend, the tgirl one (!) got onto my bench and I started to rip her tights open to give me access to her gorgeous little pert bum. On went to the latex glove to apply some lube (and it goes without saying that on went a condom too …) and goodness me, how erotic it was to be having sex with this gorgeous little bum, from behind whilst standing, whilst being kissed by my lovely visitor chap! Goodness me, it really was very erotic.

Lovely actually, as afterwards, as we had that few moments to "come down off the ceiling" … my lovely chap was just beaming from ear to ear! I love that though. I know very well that I'd kind of "sprung this upon him" but cheekily said "be careful what you wish for" referring to his comments on the photo being full of bravado. However, it's true though, yes, I'd sprung things on him to a degree, but at no stage would he have ever been forced to do anything, had he really not felt comfortable, he could have gone home and come back to see me on my own sometime, but sometimes you need to push your boundaries, be a little brave, as more often than not, it's a rush, a buzz, a huge dollop of adrenaline.

I think what I'm saying is that for those guys who procrastinate, sit on the fence or can't decide whether they're brave enough to come to see me, then don't! Just chill, relax, remember I'm discreet, private and a lot of fun and remember that "we're here for a good time, not a long time" something I say to myself each and every day since the sudden passing of my best friend last year.

I've since heard of course from my lovely chap and my tgirl friend and they both had a great time! We all did actually, a really great evening, which I suspect we may repeat at some point, and the exciting thing next time will be that those two now know one another so they'll both relax and "get into it" sooner! Got on rather well they did actually!!

Here's to the next time!!
Thursday, November 8th 2018
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So ..... webcamming .....
Well hello guys, I hope you are all well. Olivia has been thinking … hhhmmm … I hear you say … well I think I might well be webcamming soon actually! I have been giving it some thought of late and to be honest with you, fancy a go!! I think I have set things up alright … time will tell when I'm actually on cam I guess and there might need to be some adjustments, "learning as I go" kind of thing, but it does appeal now, I have to say! There's a little exhibitionist in girls like me (blushes) and the idea of playing for you on cam does appeal I have to say. I have only ever done it once, a long time ago when I was stood up like a lemon by a no show guy. I was cross and logged into a site I was on at the time and did a bit of camming, which was fun! I had quite a few viewers, but to be honest, felt rather frustrated being alone!!! Anyway, I have a couple of sub guys who visit me and think I'll cam when they visit, see how it goes, see what kick I get out of it and might also cam alone sometime, pass those cold winter nights being a bit naughty on cam eh? What do you think? Feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts x

Olivia x
Wednesday, October 3rd 2018
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Well, things looked up ....
Hello boys. Felt a bit awful, well, no I didn't actually, but my last blog post was a bit of a rant I guess, sorry about that but some of you guys do mess me about somewhat which is a shame, but hey, I accept it does come with the territory. However, I had some fun recently, which I thought I'd share with you!!!

First off, I had a visit from a guy who wanted to dress and have sex, it had been a long time apparently so he was quite nervous. Now, he asked if he could bring a friend with him for moral support (!) ... a female friend of his ... well, I had no problem with that! Said friend was lovely, a little bundle of fun who thought she'd be sat in the background but oh no, she joined in alright!! Quite an evening it turned out to be! Lovely!

I had a night out too! First night out for ages, a good two or three years actually, but went over to a clients place, dressed and made up, and then we went off to this club, which was really good fun. I love to be out dressed, in "tgirl friendly" places of course and at first this place was a bit quiet, not much atmosphere, but it warmed up a bit. I'd even put my nails on lol ... so felt all glammy, felt fab actually so that was a fun night. No fun there, we waited until we got back home for that ...

Then the other afternoon, I had a bit of a shoot. My good friend who used to take photos for me, sadly passed away last year. It was very tough for me as he was a very good mate, but I've met a couple of other guys who have taken photos, and this chap came over and we did some for a couple of hours. Dead chuffed actually, I'll be putting a couple up here as soon as I can, but it was fun!

So, despite the messing about, the cancellations and hassle, sometimes things do work out quite nicely! Good week, rather fun all in all!

Olivia x
Friday, September 14th 2018
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My week this week ...
Hi boys, I hope we are all well and having a good week. I'm pleased it's over actually, not had a good one in many respects. Not all "Olivia related things" but not a good week on the whole anyway.

Now, it's not my intention to piss anyone off, I don't wish to have a rant, however I thought I'd describe my week to kind of give you an idea of what it's like over this side of the fence, as it's frustrating to be honest. I make it clear in my profile that I don't escort full time and I'm very open and honest when I reply to mails, telling you guys I need to plan my diary and all that kind of thing. I also give most of you my number too, once we've exchanged a mail or two, as it can help us plan, but then of course, you discover I'm on WhatsApp and well ... message ping pong ensues ... My problem I know, but more often than not, it's petty, infantile and doesn't endear guys to me.

So, on Monday I had a meet planned, chap had texted many times, the flirty nonsense I always get, "what will you be wearing" and all that stuff. I texted him last Thursday to check we were still on and of course you've guessed it, I heard nothing at all, and Monday didn't happen. So, we didn't meet and it of course "wasted" a date for some other guy who might have wanted to see me. I always apologise really when I reply to mails, say sorry (!) that I might not be available for a week or two (!) because I have bookings, yet some of you guys "spoil it for others" by having taken me down the garden path don't you? ....

So, Mr Tuesday turned up though! I very seldom book two guys on two consecutive days, I just don't like to or even want to, but I had a suspicion that Mr Monday would be a no show, so took the plunge. Now, Mr Tuesday was indeed lovely, we had a great time, really enjoyed one another's company, it was fun. As I often say in messages, I deal with a lot of crap, a lot of nonsense, yet when the stars align, and it all comes together, it's fantastic. It's lovely, we have some great fun and for me, it makes it all worthwhile.

I also always accept that it "comes with the territory", I admit that. I can't put myself on a site like this and not expect some hassle, of course I can't, it's just sad that the hassle I get, more often than not, spoils things for those genuine lovely guys who really do wish to meet me.

So, Monday ruined, Tuesday was a lovely evening! Now, I also had a booking for Thursday, which would have been delightful. We'd spoken on the phone, exchanged messages etc, yet unfortunately the guy couldn't make it. Never know what to believe though, I will admit that, however, anyway, Thursday was going to be a wasted opportunity for both me, and some other lovely guy who might have wanted to see me, but we had a guy on the "subs bench" lol .... who just happened to have booked Friday off on holiday. Right, ok then, so that's all good, salvaging the week and a chance to meet a guy who I've been in contact with who's dead keen to meet me. However the usual WhatsApp ping pong ensues and then I get a message on here saying he can't make it afterall .... been WhatsApping for ages, but chooses to give me the bad news on AW .... hhmmmm ....

I'll not then admit that I texted a guy I've seen a couple of times saying "oh by the way I'm free Friday, are you? Do you fancy coming over?" .... because that makes me sound desperate, but I did, and he was .... but never got back to me ....

So, there you go, the trials and tribulations of escorting eh?!! Why am I writing all this? Well, some guys seem to think girls like me get dressed and made up and sit by the phone. I don't, never do, never will and I'm more than open and honest, almost apologetic when I say to guys that we might have to diary plan a little, book ahead etc. This then disappoints some, but others are cool with it. However, when I then get let down, it spoils things for others and that does disappoint me. It does come with the territory, I accept that but please have some respect for me and your fellow punters!!! .... think carefully, can you get away from work? can you sneak away from the wife? is it really practical? .... believe it or not, I have a guy on Twitter who is desperate to meet me, yet he lives in Dundee for goodness sakes! I've said to him, come on get real, are you really going to come all this way? ....

Okidokey. I apologise, it's sounded like a rant, but I didn't intend it to. Here's a summary lol ......

I love escorting, it's a rush of adrenaline, a buzz, makes me feel alive. Please give me some respect though, I know it "comes with the territory" all the hassle etc, the WhatsApping, all that stuff, but I have a life to lead, a diary to plan so think carefully before we get to the booking a date side of things. I know your life changes, your plans go awry, but often , it spoils things for others if things don't work out.

Here's a thing. There's a couple of girls I want to meet, female escorts I have in my hotlist! Guess what? .... they're in there, getting lusted at now and then, but I'll not contact them until I have A, the money and B, the time ....

Okidokey guys, have fun and play nicely x
Tuesday, August 28th 2018
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Just makes you think ....
Morning boys, it still is just about anyway as it's approaching noon, anyway, I just felt I wanted to write these few lines. It's funny actually, this escorting game, because I meet some really lovely guys, yet get messages from guys who either don't really seem that interested, or have just messaged me for the kick, or really perhaps haven't thought things through. For example, they're quite a way away, so planning a visit would not be easy, or they have a wife and family and can't just "sneak away" easily. I confess, I can't always meet at the drop of a hat either, however, it's still a funny old game, but I'm wise enough to understand that it all "comes with the territory" as they say. It's thrilling though. Sometimes I use the phrase "when the stars align" and I mean that in the sense that when it all comes together, and I have a lovely, respectful, even if somewhat nervous visitor (!) it's fantastic fun, sexy and we have a great time!

Now, yesterday, I read a post on Facebook and learned that the husband of a girl I worked with a few years ago, had died in an accident. He was a thrill seeker, snowboarder or paraglider, something like that, so he died doing what he loved, but he was no age and has left a widow and two young twins, I think they are something like four bless them. Dreadfully sad. I've not read all my previous blog posts so I might have mentioned this before, but a man who because my best mate really, died last year, very suddenly of cancer. He was 66, no age either these days. We'd become good friends, he was like a big brother to me really, so his sudden passing was a shock, hit me very hard actually.

So, what's the point of this? What am I trying to say? Well, this is really about the fact that life can be tough, life can be terribly sad. None of us know what is around the corner, none of us know how long we have left and there are people who have no more tomorrows. So, you have to live life to the full, do what excites you, do what you want, whilst you can. We all have responsibilities of course, work, family, things like that, but now and then, if you really want to do something, you must do it.

Now, I'm not saying this because I get messages from guys saying "oh I'm nervous" ... "will it make me gay?" ..."I've never done this before" ... things like that, but to a degree I am. I'm lovely and feel I put guys at ease quite quickly. There's always a few butterflies in my stomach when I meet a guy for the first time too remember, but it's the buzz, the thrill that makes it all so exciting. Makes me feel alive.

However, whether you fancy meeting me, or a female escort, or even learning to play tennis, just do it .... whilst you can. I believe Eddie Howe, the football manager has started to learn the piano bless him! With all the pressure of premiership football management, he's decided he's going to find the time to learn the piano, because he wants to. So we all should too, that is do things, live our lives because we never know when we will be one of those people who has no more tomorrows.

So, if you would like to meet me, or any other tgirl for that matter, if you've fantasised about it for ages perhaps, just have a think. Can you "get away with it", can you actually organise a sneaky "away day" or afternoon? Can you deal with your conscience? It's only sex anyway, but some guys rightly feel really guilty, like that poor chap who came all the way to visit me, but then couldn't stay, feeling full of guilt poor chap. I had a lot of respect for him actually, but it was rather sad. If you really want to "see what it's like" ... lol ... see me in my heels and dresses, have that perhaps once only experience, then think about it and do it, as life can be short. It can be taken away when we least expect it, and whether it's meeting me, learning the piano, entering a marathon or just telling a mate that you really value their friendship, just do it.

Life should be fun, exciting, so do things that give you that buzz, make you feel alive. Push your boundaries now and then, never have regrets. Sorry, I didn't mean this to sound like a bit of a sermon lol ... but yesterday's news was dreadfully sad and just made me think ... a little more than I usually do that is!!

Take care boys, lots of love.

Olivia x
Thursday, August 2nd 2018
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Hello boys ....
Hi good afternoon, I hope you are well. Listen, I have just added another few pictures to my private gallery, which I hope you like! I am really enjoying having shoots now, and will be posting more photos for you as the weeks progress. There's now 48 photos in my private gallery! Enjoy!

I am also starting to work out ... gradually ... ha ha ... how to edit and create clips, as I have some short video footage clips, and intend to film more, so watch this space for those!! It's not that easy, well, it probably is lol ... but I am not very techy, so I need to edit the footage and create a clip to upload, but I'll get there and once I've done it a few times, I'm sure it will become second nature to me!

Muwah x


Olivia x
Sunday, June 24th 2018
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What a lovely man x
Hello boys, not put up a blog post for a while, and this one is nothing saucy or anything, but I felt I had to write it. Had quite a profound affect on me this situation actually ....

So, guys message me, here, or on Twitter or wherever, and I reply. We sometimes exchange a couple of messages, sometimes guys don't get back to me at all (!) but now and then, and it does happen (!) .... the stars align, and we get to meet one another.

Now, the other evening, I had a chap coming over with whom I'd had a relatively "quick" period of exchanging messages and organising mutual dates in the diary etc. Anyway, he was coming from St.Pancras on the train, having booked a ticket etc and within ten mins or so of the agreed time of arrival, he did duly arrived! Lovely man, very presentable, one of these "contemporary London business types" ... all very smart, suited and what not ... but no tie!!! ... lol ... anyway, as soon as I saw him, the butterflies of anticipation stopped fluttering as he was clearly a nice guy, yet within a couple of minutes he told me that he couldn't stay.

Now, this has happened a couple of times with me and it makes me both very sad but fills me with gratitude at the same time, when a guy is open and honest with me. Now, I won't go into details but this poor chap had been having second thoughts, he'd waved his wedding ring finger to kind of "explain" but I felt so sorry for him because he was embarrassed and a little uncomfortable. Now, here's the thing ... this lovely man had boarded the train at St.Pancras, travelled to my town, followed my directions to my house, only to tell me when he got here that he didn't intend to stay. Not only that, he paid me in full for the time we would have spent together. What an utter, total and complete gentleman. Big respect mister, you are a star.

Now, he could have just been a "no show", he could have messaged me beforehand saying he'd had second thoughts, but no, he actually decided to come to see me in person, to tell me and then go back to London on the train. What a total star of a man. I felt terribly sorry for him, I mean, I understand guys. Most are full of bravado, flirting away like there's no tomorrow, but some, do actually have the balls to go through with things however. I understand for some guys, it's a big thing, meeting a "girl" like me lol ...so I'm very empathetic with nerves and things like that, so for this lovey man to actually keep his appointment, actually come to see me, and then leave after merely ten minutes, well, he deserved a mention and did get a big hug I have to say. I was fearful of appearing patronising but I was amazed by his decency and respect.

He recognises that I deserve respect, because it's a mutal thing. He realises that I arrange my diary, make sure the house is tidy, I spend a good while getting ready and that sort of thing, because it's the proper thing to do. If a guy is coming to see me, they deserve my respect and attention and this chap understood that and had the decency to come to tell me in person that he'd had second thoughts. What a guy. Big respect and many thanks. You're a stand out guy if ever you read this mister .... a big hearted, respectful stand out guy xxx
Tuesday, January 23rd 2018
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Hello boys!
Hello, and good afternoon to you! Well, it's the afternoon whilst I'm reading this anyway. I hope you are all well.

Just thought I'd say hello, I've had some lovely fun recently and have plenty more planned ... which is good, I'm just sorry that what with diary planning, life and all manner of things thrown at us, that I can't be more available to meet some of you, but hey ho, the patience of many of you is respectful and flattering, so thank you for those of you who seem to have to wait a while to meet me! I've had a few lovely chats on the phone with some of you guys too, that's always nice, setting the scene, breaking the ice, it's all quite lovely actually, and when the stars align and we get to meet, it's always rather lovely!

I had one of my favourite subby guys come to see me recently too, and we did a few photos before the desire for kink got the better of us and I ditched the camera! I've put some pictures in a new album in my private gallery for you too. AW check the pictures and "vet" them so to speak, and some were removed. They actually email you but don't tell you exactly why, so looking at the list of possible reasons, I can only think that a couple were a bit too similar to others, anyway, I hope you enjoy them.

I plan now to have a shoot now and then and then put new albums up so you can choose which themed album you may wish to view. I have lots of ideas and a couple of photographers standing by! It's frustrating though half the time, sorting diaries and that sort of thing, but when it all comes together, well of course it's all great fun and dead sexy, so keep your eyes peeled boys ... much more to come!

I have a couple of bits of footage too and hope to post some video clips for you too soon. However, I'm not the most tech savvy person in the world, so need to learn how to edit and post them first! Another challenge, but we'll get it cracked!

Right boys, must get on, things to do. Take care of yourselves, have fun and stay safe.

Olivia x
Monday, November 13th 2017
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Good for you! I'm proud even!!!
Bit of a "warm feeling" kinda "smile on my face" blog post this one, nothing naughty really but had to share.

I have a guy who sees me now and then, lovely guy, honestly, he's friendly, polite and just lovely really, but recently he mentioned he fancied dressing so one evening we had a bit of fun putting him in some stockings, heels and a wig etc and he loved it however felt a bit awkward bless him. Anyway, he returned to guy mode when we had sex later!!!

Then he messaged me saying he'd booked a make over with a woman down south somewhere and I was dead pleased for him. As the day approached, he was nervous of course, and mentioned that he might not go, but I told him that he had to! Goodness me, this woman's booked you in and from our side of the fence, we get a little fed up with cancellations and guys changing their minds I told him and bless him true to his word, he went!

During the day in question, I texted him a "hey, how's it going?" message and he texted back with a photo looking so sweet bless him! A couple of days later we had a chat on the phone and he told me all about the day, how it was a whirlwind .. as they are .. how it was a bit of a mind fuck .. as they are .. but how he loved it! Said woman has since emailed me his pictures as he doesn't know how to do anything with them (!) and they look great!

You know, it's always lovely when guys actually go through with things like this, or come to see escorts like me, or any others for that matter. For some, it's a big step, they need to take a big deep breath and actually do it and I feel almost proud of this chap that he did so because he enjoyed, it, had fun and I think he was pleased with himself that he took the plunge and had the courage to go!

My best friend recently died after a very short illness, it was shocking, he was a good friend to me, we had some fun, yet he was diagnosed and died within four weeks. So if any of you are reading this, thinking of visiting me, any other escort, going for a makeover or going to a club, doing anything that is perhaps a bit naughty, cheeky, taboo, then just do it. Life can be short, non of us ever really know what's around the corner. Be careful, be sensible of course, be realistic, cover your tracks carefully if you have to but for goodness sakes, do these things. Testing yourself can be frightening, but good for the soul and above all good fun. Life is for living so live it whilst you can!!
Thursday, September 7th 2017
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What a lovely, delightful man xxx
Well, I don't wish to write this post as a sort of home made "field report" (!) my lovely visitor the other evening, might have a different take on the evening's activities (!) but judging by the smile on his face almost all the time, I rather hope not!

Anyway, I had a visit from a delightfully lovely man the other evening, I'd seen him before, but quite a while ago, but remembered he was charming, so I was looking forward to him arriving as I made up and dressed. I'd decided to wear my red dress and heels, hadn't worn it for a while either and to be honest, I felt a million dollars actually, very happy!

When he arrived, we had a little "catch up" I've had a rough few months of late, so had to bring him up to speed (poor man ... lol) but of course, whilst chatting, we stood in my sitting room, flirting of course and looking at ourselves in the mirror! Lovely man though, most respectable, respectful and charming.

After a while of wandering hands and outrageous flirting, he dropped to his knees and took me in his mouth ... which is always quite wonderful and aftera short while of this delight, I moved to the sofa, to recline in comfort and "invited" him to continue! Much delightful " ... oooo that's nice ..." ensued and then I suggested that we might like to go upstairs? ..... A slow, provocative walk up the stairs, my pert little bum wiggling in front of him as he followed me, and then into the bedroom the attention to one another was resumed! Now, I don't wish to be vain, some of you reading this who have met me might be smiling right now ... but I do rather enjoy looking at myself in the mirror (!) especially as my wardrobe has full length ones ha ha ... and I have to say, seeing ourselves, me partly, but sexily dishevelled with my dress hitched up, was rather a horny sight.

We moved to the bed and continued to pleasure one another. It was really quite lovely actually, nothing nasty or rough, just sexy, erotic and totally blissful I have to say. I asked if he wanted to make love to me which to my delight he did, as he has a rather lovely, extremely hard manhood, so one thing led to another as you can imagine. It was quite funny actually, as I did feel a million dollars the other evening, but at the same time, felt rather slutty on my back with my heels in the air! Goodness me though, "you've gotta keep 'em on girl" haven't you and to be honest, I hate being dressed and taking my heels off!

We made love for a while and then after he'd cum, we hugged and cuddled quite passionately actually, it was quite lovely. I find it intoxication to be frank with you, how two human beings, of the same sex for goodness sakes, who really hardly know each other, can feel such intimacy and warmth. It amazes me sometimes to be honest, in a lovely way I might add, and to be honest, when I meet such a lovely, friendly, respectful man as this, I simply adore the time I spend with them.

....so much so infact, that I thought to myself, "I haven't finished with you yet matey" and started "warming him up" again whilst we relaxed together on the bed. After a while, I reached for another condom and put it on him .... kind of whether he liked it or not ha ha .... but he didn't seem to resist my charms .... and we made love again. I stood infront of my wardrobes (here she goes again, the vain little minx ... ) and we had sex. Fabulous, good old standing doggy and heaven's what a fantastically horny image it was too. My heels make my legs taught, the view of my hold ups tops and pert little bum sticking out was quite lovely and after a while, we "waddled" for want of a better word (!) onto the landing so we could continue having sex with me leaning on the bannister. "Waddled" was quite appropriate as at that point, we were still "engaged" let's say .... ha ha!!!

It is quite lovely to recall that evening though. I adore being Olivia and often feel quite terrible that my availability isn't good and I have to "to and fro" with guys sometimes to arrange a date we can both actually make. I do get a few nonsense exchanges though, and of course, all the "hassle" cancellations and whatnot does come with the territory, I fully accept that, therefore when I meet lovely guys like this, and we both have a quite wonderful, intimate, almost loving couple of hours, well, it all makes it worthwhile. Quite amazing really when I think about it, how some of us choose to spend parts of our lives .... quite amazing, exciting, thrilling and fabulously lovely.

Thank you "Mr Visitor" the other evening, you are a delight and are welcome any time xx
Sunday, January 8th 2017
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Happy new year!
Well, I'm not particularly superstitious, but I'm sure there is a cut off point beyond which it's bad luck to wish people a happy new year, but as long as it hasn't passed already, I'll be in the clear! Just thought I'd wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017, for me personally, last year was a right bugger, I'm pleased to see the back of it, however, keeping positive I'm looking forward to this one with excitement and anticipation. Speaking of which ... it was lovely to meet some of you guys last year, the thrills, the buzz, the rush of adrenaline is so intoxicating, so if I have more of the same please, well, that will make my year! Catch you soon guys, come and see me .... xxx
Tuesday, September 13th 2016
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We broke the bed ... !
Well, it's been a while since I've put up a blog post and some guys mention to me that they like to read them actually, so I thought I'd tell you about a little fun I had recently!

I met with a guy I've seen a few times before, lovely guy, we're good friends now actually, he's one of the rare ones who knows me in guy mode too. Anyway, he'd asked me to go over as he'd arranged for a female escort he'd met a couple of times before to meet with us for a bit of a kinky threesome. Well, how could one resist? After all, I'm a kinky guy who dresses, I'm not gay, and do love girls .... of the "real" variety ha ha!

Well, I went over and dressed and made up and said lovely arrived, just as I was putting on the finishing touches actually, good timing eh? Goodness me, what a little minx she was too. We had a little natter and got to know one another a little over a lovely chilled glass of wine, then went upstairs to the bedroom.

Now, my lovely little friend wanted to film the goings on, for his own use I might add, so he had the main bedroom light on which made the bedroom feel like an interrogation room sadly (!) but it was all good fun. I must admit, I do prefer dim lighting, it's sexier and atmospheric, but anyway, I had other things on my mind ....

I won't go into details as to what ensued, come to think of it, I love writing and one guy I've met suggested once I wrote stories to see for a couple of credits (!) so might think about that actually, but anyway, it was quite wonderful to kiss and touch this delightful woman. She'd dressed very sexily in a black and white wet look little number, and I'd gone for a silver metallic little number too, was all very sexy actually. Much kissing and touching ensued, followed by a little toy show, which me my little friend enjoyed rather a lot (!) and after having being rimmed by this gorgeous minx, I couldn't help myself and erm ... rubbered up, then politely asked if I could erm ... well, you know. I'm a little backwards in coming forwards sometimes you see! Can't quite remember quite what she said, but it ws a long the lines of "I thought you were never going to ask" ... lol

It was all rather gorgeous and fleeting to to honest, times rushes by when one is on cloud nine doesn't it? but suffice to say that I enjoyed both holes ... wow, what an evening it was. Now, as regards the bed, well, if you can imagine one of those wooden framed beds with slats on top of which the mattress sits? Well, said slats sit on a couple of runner things don't they, a strip of wood an inch square kinda of thing. Well, at one stage, gorgeous girly was just about to get busy with her double ended dildo and a loud "crack" came from the bed, and the foot end of the mattress sunk! We realised what had happened right away, but couldn't give a monkeys at that moment lol .... and made light of the fact that we were destroying little friend of mine's bed! Then after a while, another load "crack" happened and we reaslied we'd totally wrecked the bed!

Was all a jolly jape, the situation not I might add caused by "sweat dripping off brow" rough shagging but it seems that perhaps in months gone by, said lovely little friend of mine might have done so, and weakened the bed, only for me and gorgeous girly to actually finish it off!

Bed has apparently since been repaired ... and from what I gather, seen some more action! He is a one that little friend of mine ....
Wednesday, July 22nd 2015
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The first timer
Well, this little situation was completely and utterly delicious, Olivia had the time of her life to be honest with you! I'd been contacted by this guy and we'd exchanged the usual mails and text whilst waiting for the agreed date to arrive, describing a scenario which this lovely guy wanted to take place, and then, after all the anticipation and waiting, the evening arrived.

Andy had a long and busy day, then travelled really quite a distance to meet me, which is always so very flattering, and it was about ten p.m. when he arrived I guess. Goodness me, what a lovely, polite and very sexy young man, impeccable manners, his Mum would be very proud of him! Now, Olivia isn't gay, just a very kinky guy (!) yet when she dresses, obviously "Olivia" takes over and enters her psyche, so it has to be said that this lovely, young sexy guy before her did give her a wry, sexy little smile on her face.

So, we retired to the lounge and sat on the sofa with a drink, to relax, be a little flirty of course and settle the butterflies of anticipation. We had a little music on and after a while had our first, delicate sexy kiss. How lovely that was, and how lovely it was shortly after to passionately snog this sexy guy, running my fingers through his dark hair as I straddled his lap! By then of course, we'd become quite relaxed and felt awfully sexy, so upon hitching up my dress a little to then get out my cock, Andy's eyes were all over me and almost immediately he took me into his mouth.

It is quite fabulous, an amazing feeling actually to realise that the first cock this guy has ever had in his mouth was mine and goodness me, didn't he like it!! Fabulous. After a short while, I "got off" him lol ... and paraded about a little, sexily wiggling my pert little bum, this sounds rather vain and I don't mean it too, but I just wanted him to feast his eyes on me, which he did ... and my full erect cock, all exposed for him to see. What a feeling, he was so sexy and so lovely with it, I felt, well, we both did, just relaxed and so horny!

I suggested we retired to my cool, rather sleazy little basement sex den, in which I have a bed, so I lit the candles on the brick floor and the dim glow just enhanced the atmosphere. I got Andy to squat against my post, wrists attached to it and stood before him to put my cock once more in his mouth. He was very attentive and looking down into his eyes was really erotic, so I gently fucked his mouth, holding my cock in there for short moments, heaven's above, how erotic that was.

Then we went to the bed and continued to alternately kiss and suck one another, the quiet, almost silence of my basement adding to the eroticism of the experience, and I would now and then talk to him whilst running my fingers through his hair, flirting and controlling him gently saying " .... get your mouth back on my cock ..." which of course, by now under my spell, he did somewhat willingly ......

It's quite interesting actually, the range or different types of guy one meets escorting, but this guy, lovely Andy was a real surprise. Such a polite, gentle almost, sexy young man that I was quite deflated actually when he left, and also quite concerned at his long drive home after he'd had such a long day, but at the same time, I had a wry smile on my face thinking ".... he'll be back ...." which he will, won't you Andy? ;-)

Saturday, April 4th 2015
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The potential lodger!
Had a fun meet recently which I thought I'd share with you for a bit of fun! I was contacted by this guy who wanted to dress up as a girl and have an interview kind of thing about renting a room in my house, so I slipped into "Mistress Olivia" mode and replied, "sure thing honey" :-)

So guy arrives, lovely sweet man actually, don't mean that to be patronising if he reads this (!) but he was a delightful, polite chap actually. I'd dressed all Mistressy for him in my high necked, long sleeved black wetlook dress with lacing up the rear, the obligatory spiked high heels ( ... of course ... ) and felt dead horny actually!

We dressed him, well "Penny" in her skirt, blouse and heels, one of my wigs and I have to say, I was well envious when I put some lippy on her, goodness, delightful little shapely mouth she had ...

So, all sexy and sultry, I lead her around the house, rather dismissively saying I didn't have much room etc and rather like living alone but after a while, took he down to my sleazy little basement sex den, on the door to which I'd put a note saying "Penny's room, 'casue she's a dirty little bitch" or words to that effect which was a bit of fun.

So, I said, "I don't really want a lodger but occasional guests are welcome, you can stay down here now and then if you wish" as I put her in cuffs and a leg spreader. I love "equipment" like that, a bit of restriction is so sexy don't you think?! Then with her sat on the edge of the bed, I lit a cigarette and stood in front of her inviting her to suck my cock, which she did rather well I have to say, all the while telling her how I wanted her to please Mistress, how I wanted her to be a good girl :-)

After a while, I moved her onto her knees, donned a latex glove and proceeded to finger her arse, oooo she was lovely and tight and it was so erotic in the quiet, cool sleaziness of my basement. Then I rubbered up ( ... of course ... ) and gently penetrated her tight arse. Wow, that was fabulous, (... I love fucking guys as it goes ... just sayin' ...) then after a while, moved her onto her back and we had some lovely sex, culminating in Penny shooting a quite massive load all over her skirt which was sluttily hitched up :-)

Quite a lovely meet actually, I rather enjoyed being in Mistress Olivia mode ... rather hope she visits again sometime :-)

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