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Thursday, February 14th 2019
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Happy Valentine's Day
Well, it's that time of year again if you are coupled up you'll be spending your pennies on chocolates and flowers, perfumes and aftershaves, sexy undies and bras. I, thank heavens, I don't have to worry about that sort of thing because, well, lets face it, I receive those things all year round!

Some of my lovely regs bring me chocolates, flowers and cake every time I see them, so I have to be careful not to scoff them all at once otherwise I will be bursting out of my PVC skirts!

I'm going to make the most of this day by catching up on admin, emails and taking some more pics. Even though I have been able to work every Valentine's Day in the past, my phone has always been deathly quiet. So I'm not expecting things to be any different today.

So on that note, I hope you have a fab day and all your dreams come true!
Tuesday, January 15th 2019
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Pushy Cold Callers
I hate being disturbed when I'm working by people knocking on my front door. If it's a delivery then fair enough as I will be expecting them. But to limit uneccessary idiot salesmen I have a bold black and yellow notice at eye level warning cold callers against knocking. I'm not talking about the blue and red signs that everyone seems to ignore - oh no, this is a yellow and black sign, kind of like a wasp ready to sting should anyone ignore the warning.

I've had the sign now for over a year and it has worked perfectly! Before I used to get cold callers several times a week, often one every day and that's just ridiculous if not bordering on harrassment! 

But it was only a matter of time before I got one smart arse who thought the warning didn't apply to him. I heard the faint, barely there knock before my dog started barking, so perhaps he was considering scuttling back down the path after all. But before he could move an inch I opened the door, dog under arm.

He didn't start his speech off well when he asked for the owner of the property and then saying sorry love when I told him it was me. I hate being called love. If he'd said sorry Mistress then may be it wouldn't have been so bad, but hey ho, he wasn't to know that!

So he started to push his sale on me in the form of a smart meter. I promptly told him I don't want one and he asked if there was any particular reason why. My main reason is the hassle that comes with getting one fitted and everyone who I know who has got one all say they seem to be paying more. He started to argue with me then, so I told him again I won't be having one and shut the door in his face.

That will teach him! I don't stand for boundary pushers in my work life, so I certainly won't stand for them in my normal life.

Monday, December 10th 2018
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Making the Most of Life
It's awful to think of that poor girl in New Zealand who was murdered last week. Out of all the countries in the world New Zealand is very safe. I have travelled both islands extensively and found it to be a backpacker's dream.

What makes it so tragic is that she was just making the most of her life. She was only 22. Before securing a career and no doubt a mortgage, she decided she wanted to see the world. She'd done what a lot of people don't dare to do and that was to live out an adventure

A lot of people find themselves in mundane, boring jobs as soon as they leave their education and before they know it their life is almost over and they've barely done anything else. To quote lyrics from a song by The Verve, although I can't remember the song title, 'You're a slave to money and then you die.'

That's so true for so many people. I know I'm so very greatful I've had the chance to do loads of other things apart from just solidly working all my life; this is why I have this job so I can have the time that other people can only dream of.

So, while Grace may have died at only 22 years old I think she lived life with an important message: Make the most out of your life.

Friday, October 19th 2018
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In Love with Being Single
I haven't blogged for ages I know and that's a combination of not having the time - I've been so busy you would not believe and not having a clue what to write about!

Although I say I don't see many people regarding work I've had a run of longer bookings over the last few months. I'm not complaining by any means as longer bookings are what I prefer.

I've also been online dating for some crazy reason and I'm happy to say never, ever again! I deleted my account a couple of weeks ago and honestly that was the most joyous thing I ever did in terms of cyber dating.

To be honest though I don't think I was ever in the right mindset to try it. I love being single too much and having the freedom to do what I want when I want. I have plenty of friends so I'm never lonely and I'm able to live independently, so why would I want a relationship? I have never wanted kids either so that's a blessing.

Being able to share special moments with someone and having somebody to confide in is nice, but I am blessed with a lot of close friends, so I don't struggle for companionship and also I have varied interests and hobbies, so realistically I don't have the time for a relationship and I can't see that ever changing. But even though I am happy being single, I wondered if I was missing out on anything. That 2% 'what if' chance and I realised that the only way to banish that feeling was to put myself out there. And let's just say my gut feeling was right!

If I was ever to be in a relationship the guy would have to be out of this world amazing because I'm not going to settle for just anyone.

Tuesday, August 14th 2018
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Yes or No to Yoti?
I received an email from Vivastreet last Friday evening an hour before their helplines closed down for the weekend. I was blissfully unaware that it was sat in my inbox until I had the bright idea of checking my email one last time before I went to bed. Ooo, what a HUGE mistake that was! It was any wonder I had any sleep at all that night!

Anyway, they said they are now working in partnership with Yoti - an online app for proof of age - and in time all adult service providers need to download the app to continue to advertise with Vivastreet.

Now this is all very well but it turns out that Yoti is not compatible with a lot of devices. I thought my tablet would work with Yoti but it doesn't. And to add to the issues you have to take a face photo, perform in a video and scan your passport. And as you can imagine not many people are happy to do all that.

Some form of I.D. is understandable for proof of age. I have taken photos of my passport in the past to verify I'm over the age of eighteen. But doing all that via an app I am not so happy about.

Only time will tell if Vivastreet pursue this idea or not. They say it's not compulsory but will be soon, although they haven't got a definite date for it yet.

Monday, July 16th 2018
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Just Good Friends?
I've been friends with a lovely man for two years now and during that time I've only ever viewed him as a friend. When we met I had a boyfriend and about three months knowing him I realised he had a partner as well; in fact he's married to her, although he never speaks of her.

It didn't take me long to figure out he's unhappily married. It's like he pretends she doesn't even exist! He does everything on his own and the fact he never mentions her is a huge clue.

I broke up with my boyfriend at the start of the year. Fast forward six months and I've spent quite a bit of time with my friend and gradually I have developed a slight crush on him. I have an idea he likes me too - we have everything in common and can talk for hours.

I don't think my friend would ever cheat on his wife. After all, they have a young child together, but who knows what may happen in the future! All I can hope for is that our friendship continues.

Watch this space!
Thursday, June 21st 2018
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Avoiding the Football - Netflix Time!
I have just recently subscribed to Netflix and I'm so glad I did! I've never been one for most Hollywood films - action, sci-fi or otherwise, but in the last two months I've watched more good films than I have done in the past decade.

Cinema prices are extortionate these days and half the time the film is rubbish. But with Netflix it only costs just over a fiver each month to view unlimited films, plus box sets. You can't even go to the cinema once for a fiver unless it's some special offer.

I suppose I have several genres of film I like. I've never liked fantasy - apart from Walt Disney, and I don't like action or sci-fi. But I like comedy - certain British romantic comedy like Bridget Jones, and thrillers - especially the psychological ones.

Ths film Split, with James McAvoy, is brilliant. I used to like Johnny Depp, but I've never liked the Jack Sparrow films. These days I like Emma Stone and Matthew McConaughey.

So, when it's quiet and the rest of you are watching the World Cup, I'll be relaxing with my next film!
Tuesday, June 5th 2018
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Busy Times!
Last week I was so busy with work I made almost triple my weekly target. After my last booking on Saturday, I was so tired I ended up passing out and sleeping for most of the evening.

It was also half term in my area last week, so I thought it would be quiet with people having kids on holiday etc. But for the first time ever - I think - I ended up working on Bank holiday Monday. Normally, I'll have Bank holidays off because they seem to attract lots of idiots and timewasters. This time, however, my client was lovely and arrived looking to be dominated with his very own cock cage!

Tuesday's booking was similar and Wednesday's too. In fact, the only day I didn't work was Thursday.

This week seems to be quieter. I'm off to get my hair and nails done Friday afternoon all ready to go to a wedding on Saturday. I'm not a fan of weddings to be honest. Mind you, it could be worse I suppose - I'm not the poor soul getting hitched!

Have a great week everyone!
Monday, May 14th 2018
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Sunshine, Sea and Sunburn!
It's been a very sunny few weeks here in Blackpool and I have been making the most of every day. There's nothing I enjoy more when I finish work than heading out for a walk and a breath of fresh air. I've enjoyed ice cream and fish and chips on the prom on more than one occasion, and I always think how lucky I am to be able to smell the fresh salty sea air.

Last weekend was of course Bank holiday and I think it was the first Bank holiday from memory where we had decent weather. Of course, everywhere was packed, but I still enjoyed the day of wandering around a nearby town and having coffee and more ice cream. My phone was quiet, so it was a good job I wasn't planning to work. I bet everyone had the same idea and made the most of the weather while it was here!

Anyway, the rest of the week made up for me not working on Monday. I had bookings every day and even worked on Saturday which is quite rare for me. Usually Saturdays are dead. I hope the trend continues for this week too!
Monday, April 2nd 2018
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Making the Most of the Weather
We don't seem to get weather anymore - just a series of natural disasters!

Before social media came about the Met office issued a series of warnings through television and radio if the weather was likely to be bad. People just accepted it for what it was. After all the winters were never going to be tropical!

But now social media has taken off the warnings come through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc and sends everyone into a blind panic!

My area this winter has been extremely lucky regarding the weather. Although it's been cold, we haven't seen the ice and snow like the rest of the country. And I know it's been bad in some places!

As it's pouring down today, I'm making the most of staying in by sorting out my underwear draw and I've found lots of nice things that I forgot I had. I just have to remember to wear them now!

I hope everyone has had a nice Easter whatever you've been up to.
Friday, January 26th 2018
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A Little Bit of Someone You Fancy!
I have a crush at the moment. I have known of him for a while, but I've only recently starting speaking to him. He's very cute; dark gingery hair which he gels and extremely dark eyes. He's also sporting a bit of a short beard too at the moment which makes his boyish features look rather manly.

I don't drive you see so I'm always on public transport. And recently he's been on the buses too. I thought he was my age initially, but it turns out he is nearly 40. Anyway, if I see him on the bus he gets on before me and always sits near the back. When I get on he smiles and says hello. He says hello to my dog too and we talk about nothing in particular. He comes across as warm and friendly, but I notice he doesn't reveal many personal details and it seems to be me who tells him my life story.

He seems to like me, to show an interest in me but he hasn't asked me out. I wondered what his situation was - is he just shy or is he committed, maybe committed more than he wants to be.

As if by magic, the Universe answered my question this week. I saw him again on the bus. We smiled and chatted but we were interrupted by his phone ringing, And on the other end of it was a female voice.

I'm guessing it wasn't his mother as she sounded young and she called him babe. What mother fits that description?!

No, no, no it was his girlfriend of course. And my disappointed face may have been the reason he looked rather sheepish.

Will anything more come of it? Who knows? Maybe they'll split up this weekend.

Yeah, I can wish!
Thursday, December 14th 2017
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Merry Christmas!
Well, it's nearly Christmas and for once I have been organised and done all my Christmas shopping. I just have to write out my cards and then I'm done.

I've also just passed the anniversary of my second year in this job. I can't quite believe how quickly that time has passed and I have done all sorts of unimaginable things in that time -

Where's the weirdest place you have put flowers ...? ;)

I still have my regulars who come to see me. I am now advertising in a lot more places than I did when I first started out. I also have a second website that's up and running now.

I'm tempted to re-write my profile on here to spruce it up and give it a fresh glow. But I think the most important thing is to post new pics on a regular basis and I always do that.

So, here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thursday, November 30th 2017
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Servants and Slaves
I love a good old domination session. I find I can get into it very quickly, especially if there is roleplay involved.

I've had a fab time this week with bookings like these. I even had one gentleman come to visit me twice in the space of 24 hours! First time he arrived in a cock cage - underneath his clothes of course - and I spent a delightful hour teasing him and controlling when he climaxed. He was looking to be dominated obviously, but he said the way I executed my techniques was mind blowing. I'm very much into the mind control game and he said that experience was totally new to him.

The second visit was without the cage, but I took my revenge by making him sit in my boiler cupboard to contemplate his sins. He just about squeezed in, and it was great fun shouting my orders.
Friday, November 24th 2017
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I am always aware of the dangers SW are potentially in and this is the main reason why I am so choosy over who I see. Nobody wants to be harmed and this is why I put safety over everything.

I feel too many people feel pressured into working because of financial restrictions, but in my opinion there is nothing worse than seeing someone you don't want to see just because you want/need the money.

I am fortunate enough not to need to make a fortune every week. I have no debts to pay, no childcare costs or car insurance, so I suppose I can afford to be choosy over who I see.

But never the less I am still aware about the potential danger, and that's why I have invested in extra security. Now someone else knows my every move and I feel a lot safer knowing they are never far away.

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