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 435 entries, showing page 2 of 32 
Thursday, December 8th 2022
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A fantastic encouraging, motivational blog.
The night doesn't last forever, even storm runs out of rain, seasons come and go and the sun will always shine again.

Only God is unchangeable, everything else changes with time. This should bring you some level of relief, strength to go through whatever you are going through, and hope for better days to come.

No matter how terrible your life is right now, be grateful that it won't last, things will get better. No matter how bad you feel right now, it's just for right now, soon it will change.

You have to live through the bad days to get to the good ones, you have to endure the tough times to enjoy the pleasant ones. If you give up now, all your labor and efforts would be in vain.
You may not feel it or see it today, but in the end, everything is going to be okay.
Stay strong, stay tough, stay true, hang in there, this is not how your story will end.
Friday, November 25th 2022
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A fantastic blog
"A friend will not (literally) share your struggles, and a loved one cannot physically take away your pain, and a close one will not stay up the night on your behalf. So look after yourself, protect yourself, nurture yourself and don't give life's events more than what they are really worth. Know for certain that when you break no one will heal you except you, and when you are defeated no one will give you victory except your determination. Your ability to stand up again and carry on is your responsibility.

Do not look for your self worth in the eyes of people; look for your worth from within your conscious. If your conscious is at peace then you will ascend high and if you truly know yourself then what is said about you won't harm you.
Thursday, November 24th 2022
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A motivational blog
Every time you wake up in the morning, you always have two choices, either to be happy or to be sad, whichever choice you choose will determine how your day will go.

Whatever dominates your mind dominates your life. Think positive thoughts, and you will live a positive life.

You will only be as happy as you choose to be. Choose happiness and everything needed to make it so will fall in place. Even if it doesn't, there's no better way to live than to intentionally maintain a happy state of mind, for it draws to you the best things of life, much more than you can find.
Saturday, August 27th 2022
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A blog about depression
Key facts

Depression is a common mental disorder. Globally, it is estimated that 5% of adults suffer from depression.

Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.

More women are affected by depression than men.
Depression can lead to suicide.

There is effective treatment for mild, moderate, and severe depression.


Depression is a common illness worldwide, with an estimated 3.8% of the population affected, including 5.0% among adults and 5.7% among adults older than 60 years (1). Approximately 280 million people in the world have depression (1). Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. Especially when recurrent and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may become a serious health condition. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, at school and in the family. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide. Over 700 000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.

Although there are known, effective treatments for mental disorders, more than 75% of people in low- and middle-income countries receive no treatment (2). Barriers to effective care include a lack of resources, lack of trained health-care providers and social stigma associated with mental disorders. In countries of all income levels, people who experience depression are often not correctly diagnosed, and others who do not have the disorder are too often misdiagnosed and prescribed antidepressants.

Symptoms and patterns

During a depressive episode, the person experiences depressed mood (feeling sad, irritable, empty) or a loss of pleasure or interest in activities, for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks. Several other symptoms are also present, which may include poor concentration, feelings of excessive guilt or low self-worth, hopelessness about the future, thoughts about dying or suicide, disrupted sleep, changes in appetite or weight, and feeling especially tired or low in energy.

In some cultural contexts, some people may express their mood changes more readily in the form of bodily symptoms (e.g. pain, fatigue, weakness). Yet, these physical symptoms are not due to another medical condition.

During a depressive episode, the person experiences significant difficulty in personal, family, social, educational, occupational, and/or other important areas of functioning.

A depressive episode can be categorised as mild, moderate, or severe depending on the number and severity of symptoms, as well as the impact on the individual’s functioning.

There are different patterns of mood disorders including:

single episode depressive disorder, meaning the person’s first and only episode);
recurrent depressive disorder, meaning the person has a history of at least two depressive episodes; andbipolar disorder, meaning that depressive episodes alternate with periods of manic symptoms, which include euphoria or irritability, increased activity or energy, and other symptoms such as increased talkativeness, racing thoughts, increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractibility, and impulsive reckless behaviour.

Contributing factors and prevention

Depression results from a complex interaction of social, psychological, and biological factors. People who have gone through adverse life events (unemployment, bereavement, traumatic events) are more likely to develop depression. Depression can, in turn, lead to more stress and dysfunction and worsen the affected person’s life situation and the depression itself.

There are interrelationships between depression and physical health. For example, cardiovascular disease can lead to depression and vice versa.

Prevention programmes have been shown to reduce depression. Effective community approaches to prevent depression include school-based programmes to enhance a pattern of positive coping in children and adolescents. Interventions for parents of children with behavioural problems may reduce parental depressive symptoms and improve outcomes for their children. Exercise programmes for older persons can also be effective in depression prevention.

Diagnosis and treatment
There are effective treatments for depression.

Depending on the severity and pattern of depressive episodes over time, health-care providers may offer psychological treatments such as behavioural activation, cognitive behavioural therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy, and/or antidepressant medication such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs). Different medications are used for bipolar disorder. Health-care providers should keep in mind the possible adverse effects associated with antidepressant medication, the ability to deliver either intervention (in terms of expertise, and/or treatment availability), and individual preferences.

Different psychological treatment formats for consideration include individual and/or group face-to-face psychological treatments delivered by professionals and supervised lay therapists. Antidepressants are not the first line of treatment for mild depression. They should not be used for treating depression in children and are not the first line of treatment in adolescents, among whom they should be used with extra caution.
Saturday, August 13th 2022
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A fantastic inspirational/ motivational blog
We’re often so hard on ourselves, by having unrealistic expectations, impossible timelines, and perfectionistic tendencies.

So we have a difficult time acknowledging all the incredible, magical progress we make daily, in the simplest, most meaningful ways.

Tuck yourself into bed tonight and before falling asleep, reflect on all the beautiful ways you have made your life and the lives of your family, friends, and the strangers you meet along the way, more joyful and rewarding.

Remember this has been a challenging time for everyone, in varying degrees, so Be proud of yourself for being here today.💖

(You don’t have to stress yourself out trying “do it all” in order to be successful. You don’t have to save the world by yourself. You don’t have to be a superhero. All you really have to do is to continue to show up every day as your authentic self. All you have to do is be kind and compassionate. All you really have to do is be
Saturday, August 6th 2022
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Sexy, beautiful, gorgeous Females need your help
Good evening sexy, beautiful, bellissima, bella donna, Mujer Hermosa, belle femme, stunning, gorgeous, hot, females, senorita`s, madamoiselle`s,.

How are all of you doing?

I hope all of you are keeping well.

Firstly I would like to say thank you with the bottom of my heart to all those sexy, gorgeous females who have read my blogs, checked my profile, looked at my pictures and subscribed to my private galleries.

I need to ask a massive favour from all the sexy, beautiful females who are on adultwork and not on adultwork. At the beginning of the year, I had set a target of 40,000 views by end of the year 2022. Well with more than half the year gone my profile view are oveer 38,000. I need just over 1, 200 views to reach my target. What will be nice if I can reach 40,000 views before end of the year. I need all the sexy, gorgeous, hot stunning females to help me reach that target.

I would also like to compliment to all the Females who are on here. Your pictures are really excellent so are your movies. All of you have got fantastic, gorgeous, beautiful figures.

Please do keep on updating your galleries as well as movies of your sexy walks, your sexy gorgeous figures, showing both full front and back. Your lovely smiles, nice peachy cute bums, nice boobs, see through outfits.

To all those who are on Facebook, Instagram, twitter your pictures are also excellent. All of you are looking beautiful, sexy, gorgeous. Please do keep on updating them with latest pictures of your sexy, gorgeous, hot figures, taken during the month of August 2022, showing both your full front and back, taking a selfie in front of the mirror so both your full front as well as your peachy cute bum can be seen, wearing see through outfits showing your lovely boobs as well as g-string or thong you are wearing. To those who are on my Whatspp, please can you take the latest full pictures of your sexy gorgeous figures and upload it.

To all the sexy, gorgeous, stunning hot female's it will be cool if all of you can take the latest up to date pictures of yours taken during the month of August 2022 showing both your full front and back gorgeous figures of yours, wearing see through outfit showing your nice boobs, lovely smile, peachy bum, and upload it on Instagram, Facebook, on here as well as Whatsapp showing your full front and sexy gorgeous figure of yours. if possible having 2 pictures in one frame, 1st picture showing your full front sexy, gorgeous figure, lovely smile, boobs, 2nd pictures showing your lovely peachy bum.

To me all Females are sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, hot, it does not matter if you have got small pert boobs, big boobs, nice cute bum, booty, short or tall.

It will be nice if more sexy, gorgeous, hot, stunning Females started being on adultwork.

I also need to point out that I have always been interested in Females. I am not interested in Men at all, have never been, will never be.
Sunday, July 31st 2022
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Football has come home
Good evening all,

How is everyone doing?

I hope all of you are keeping well.

This year has gone quick, we are already into the start of next month.

Get in. Football has come home, after so many close moments, heartaches and pains, England Lionesses have brought the football home by winning the European Championships. its time the F.A board back the Women`s football game by putting some money into the grassroots as well as backing the fantastic manager England have got. She made some inspirational changes. What today`s performance shows is that when both the players and the coaching team trust each other and believe in each other ideas, help and support each other then the end result will be a success.

Its time for the Men to bring Football home by winning the World Cup.
Saturday, July 23rd 2022
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15 Years and counting on Adultwork
Good morning all.

How is everyone doing?

I hope all of you are keeping well.

Its been 15 Years since I decided to join Adultwork. During those 15 Years I have chatted to some very beautiful sexy females as well as your girlfriends. Year by Year I have noticed that more and more sexy beautiful gorgeous Females have decided to join adultwork either on your own or with one of your girlfriends.

I would like to say that all your pictures in both galleries are really excellent, along with your movies as well. Those who write blogs on here, are really excellent as well.

During those 15 Years I have met few of you, however I really enjoyed a Company of one particular, sexy, gorgeous, beautiful Female company who I saw twice around 13 years ago or so. She gave me a fantastic advice, we chatted about Eastenders, School, ECT. Right now I can really do with her advice.

As more and more sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, hot stunning females are joining Addultwork every Year, my hotlist has been increasing as well.

Please do keep on updating your galleries as well as movies of your sexy walks, your sexy gorgeous figures, showing both full front and back. Your lovely smiles, nice peachy cute bums, nice boobs, see through outfits.

To all those who are on Facebook, Instagram, twitter your pictures are also excellent. All of you are looking beautiful, sexy, gorgeous. Please do keep on updating them with latest pictures of your sexy, gorgeous, hot figures, taken during the month of July 2022, showing both your full front and back, taking a selfie in front of the mirror so both your full front as well as your peachy cute bum can be seen, wearing see through outfits showing your lovely boobs as well as g-string or thong you are wearing. To those who are on my Whatspp, please can you take the latest full pictures of your sexy gorgeous figures and upload it.

To all the sexy, gorgeous, stunning hot female's it will be cool if all of you can take the latest up to date pictures of yours taken during the month of July 2022 showing both your full front and back gorgeous figures of yours, wearing see through outfit showing your nice boobs, lovely smile, peachy bum, and upload it on Instagram, Facebook, on here as well as Whatsapp showing your full front and sexy gorgeous figure of yours. if possible having 2 pictures in one frame, 1st picture showing your full front sexy, gorgeous figure, lovely smile, boobs, 2nd pictures showing your lovely peachy bum.

To me all Females are sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, hot, it does not matter if you have got small pert boobs, big boobs, nice cute bum, booty, short or tall.

It will be nice if more sexy, gorgeous, hot, stunning Females started being on adultwork.
Thursday, June 23rd 2022
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Keep going
We can do anything that we put our minds to, But what about when your mind is working against you?

How do you keep going then?

We all have days when we want to run away and relax on a beach. But, unless you’re actually going to drop everything and become a travel writer, it’s probably not a realistic escape plan.

A better one is to look at how you motivate yourself.
Sometimes it’s really easy to persevere. However, motivation can all too easily slip away. Especially if we fail at something.
Failing is not a bad thing in itself, if you learn from your mistakes. But there’s a difference between trying and learning, and just throwing in the towel as soon as things get tough or scary.
Ways to keep going and stay motivated not give up :

💫 Make a List of Goals - read them every morning and visualise how you would feel hitting them. Feels good right?

💫 Workout / move your body daily .
The endorphins produced by exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and improve your sleep.

💫 Stop Comparing Yourself With Other People
If you don’t believe in your potential, then no one else will.

💫Take Care of Yourself and Think Positively
Surround yourself with positive people who will help you to get in the zone. Should you fail, always look for learning opportunities instead of dwelling on the negatives.
Monday, June 13th 2022
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Beautiful,cute,hot,gorgeous, sexy,stunning Females
Good evening Bellisima, hermosa, regazza sexy, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, Senorita`s, madamoiselle, Femmina, Kobieta Females.

How are you all doing?

I hope all of you are keeping well.

Just a nice short blog to say the following:

Has this year gone quick or what? We are almost at end of another Year. Time does not wait for anyone.


Just a nice short blog to compliment all of you on your excellent pictures as well as movies. All of you have got sexy, gorgeous figures.

I have noticed that, during the last few years or so, a lot of sexy, gorgeous, stunning females have registered on adult work either offering pictures of their sexy beautiful, figures or Direct cam services either on there own or with there girlfriends. It will be nice if some more sexy female can start appearing on Adultwork those who I know as well as I have met before.

Please do keep on updating both your public and private galleries, as well as movies of your sexy walks, your sexy gorgeous figures, showing both full front and back. Your lovely smiles, nice peachy cute bums, nice boobs, see through outfits.

To all those who are on Facebook, Instagram, twitter your pictures are also excellent. All of you are looking beautiful, sexy, gorgeous. Please do keep on updating them with latest pictures of your sexy, gorgeous, hot figures, showing both your full front and back, taking a selfie in front of the mirror so both your full front as well as your peachy cute bum can be seen, wearing see through outfits showing your lovely boobs as well as g-string or thong you are wearing. To those who are on my Whatspp, please can you take the latest full pictures of your sexy gorgeous figures and upload it.

To all the sexy, gorgeous, stunning hot female's it will be cool if all of you can take the latest up to date pictures of yours taken during the months of December 2023, January 2024 and February 2024, showing both your full front and back gorgeous figures of yours, wearing see through outfit showing your nice boobs, lovely smile, peachy bum, and upload it on Instagram, Facebook, on here as well as Whatsapp showing your full front and sexy gorgeous figure of yours. if possible having 2 pictures in one frame, 1st picture showing your full front sexy, gorgeous figure, lovely smile, boobs, 2nd pictures showing your lovely peachy bum.

To me all Females are sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, hot, it does not matter if you have got small pert boobs, big boobs, nice cute bum, booty, short or tall.

It will be nice if more sexy, gorgeous, hot, stunning Females started being on adultwork.
Saturday, June 4th 2022
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A fantastic message about kindness
Choose kindness above all else. Kind people use positivity as a beacon to create more light. That’s because they’ve seen what negativity can do. They make time for others in a world that doesn’t wait for anyone. It takes strength to shake off all the bad and move ahead.

Kind people put smiles on others' faces when they are facing their tests...they don't show their difficulty to others....rather, they show they are happy...they always find to help others...choose kindness above all else...

Don’t worry about how people act. That’s on them not you. Always choose kindness, that’s under your control. Spread it far and wide, whichever way you can, even if it means giving a smile or a word of encouragement. Never underestimate how contagious being kind can be.

Don't ruin your happiness with worry, and don't ruin your mind with pessimism. Don't ruin your success with deception and don't ruin the optimism of others by destroying it. Don't ruin your day by looking back at yesterday.
Thursday, April 14th 2022
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Benefits of working out and moving your body
✅It will improve your quality of life as you’ll feel fitter, stronger & you’ll be able to move your body well to make day to day activities much easier.

✅You will feel more confident, respect and be grateful for your body & what it can do instead of simply focusing just on how it looks.

✅It does a world of good for your mental health.

✅You’ll learn to be disciplined & push yourself outside your comfort zone- you will learn to push your boundaries physically and mentally.

✅You’ll feel more energised & will sleep better.

✅It strengthens your bones, muscles & reduces the risk of various illnesses.

Remember, you don’t have to do the same as someone else. Find something you enjoy and get moving ❣️
Tuesday, March 15th 2022
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A fantastic message
The lessons you learned when you were down will guide and support you when you are successful again. Because, yes, failures, mistakes and the difficult moments in your life are a priceless source of lessons that would be great to always keep in your mind, even after overcoming the shortcomings.

The accomplishments and joys you have felt in the past will always represent a guide to motivate you, to show you where you are now, what you are missing, and thus to make you strive to bring into your life (or to let go) those elements you need to return to your wellbeing.

Both the difficult times and the fulfilling moments are life lessons for you and each one, in their own way, can enrich you if you choose so. Appreciate every experience you go through because only in this way you learn how to live beautifully, gain knowledge and become wise.
Monday, February 21st 2022
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Some beautiful motivational quotes
Below are some of the fantastic quotes for all those people who feel like giving up.

"You have to get back up, no matter what knocks you down each time. Giving up is not an option. Endure, press on and never look back. Great blessings come with great perseverance.

When ever you feel like given up just remember why you started," Given up is not an option & great things take time. No matter how hard it's keep your head up Smile and move on never look beck.

Patience is the companion of wisdom. It is difficult to be patient but when mastered it helps you to endure what lies ahead. The key is to have faith and know that difficult times don't last. Showing courage and determination when faced with adversity is a true testament to your character and strength. "


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