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Friday, May 24th 2024
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Why I Prefer Anal Sex To Vaginal Sex.
For one, the sensation itself is, for lack of a better word, unreal. It's a wholly different realm of pleasure than the standard vaginal intercourse. It's not just more sensation; it's a different kind of sensation entirely. It's deeper, rawer, more intense. The walls of the anus don't stretch like those of the vagina. The sphincter muscles are stronger and more resistant, making each thrust a new adventure in penetration.

Another reason is the variety of sensations. The anus has a multitude of nerve endings, which makes it more sensitive than the vagina. Add in the fact that the anus can accept a wider range of toys and objects, and the potential for novel sensations is endless.

The process of preparing for anal sex can also be quite erotic. Lots of foreplay and lube are essential, which can turn the act into something very special. First and foremost, the intensity of the sensations provided by anal sex is unmatched. The tightness and unique texture of the anus create a feeling of fullness and pleasure that is truly one-of-a-kind. It's a whole new level of bliss that vaginal sex simply cannot replicate.

Another reason I love anal is the level of intimacy it brings. When engaging in this practice, both partners must be completely comfortable and trusting of each other. It's an act of vulnerability and submission that deepens the emotional bond between two people, fostering a stronger connection than traditional sex ever could.
Friday, March 8th 2024
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Dance, Booty And The Joy Of Letting Loose.
I often smile when I reminisce about how much fun I have dancing. But not just any old dancing – I'm talking about letting loose, embracing the rhythm, and yes, even flaunting what my mama gave me on the dance floor.

I'm just your above average gal, big arse, big tits, pretty and lots of fun who's utterly infatuated with the art of dance. There's something magical about how music can move us, how it can make our bodies sway and our hearts sing. And when I hit that dance floor, all bets are off – I'm in my element, ready to groove and let the music take control.

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty: flaunting my booty. Yep, you heard me right. I'm not ashamed to admit that I love shaking what my mama gave me. Because you know what? Our bodies are beautiful, and they're meant to be celebrated. So when I'm on that dance floor, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be shaking and shimmying with all the sass and confidence I can muster.

it's not just about the booty shakes and the twirls. It's about the freedom that comes with dancing without inhibition. It's about losing yourself in the music, feeling every beat pulse through your veins, and letting go of all your worries and cares. It's about connecting with others on a primal level, sharing in the collective euphoria of movement and rhythm.

And let's not forget the joy of witnessing others unleash their inner dance demons. There's something incredibly infectious about seeing someone else lose themselves in the music, their eyes closed, their body swaying in perfect harmony with the melody. It's a reminder that, no matter our differences, we're all united by the universal language of dance.
Saturday, January 27th 2024
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My Love For Peephole Bra Lingerie Sets.
Whether you're a seasoned lingerie enthusiast or just starting to explore this empowering world of intimate wear, there's something truly special about the allure of a peephole bra.

One of the most beautiful aspects of lingerie is its ability to help us express ourselves in a unique and personal way. For me, my peephole bra sets serve as a canvas to showcase my individuality and of course my amazing big tits that feel super special when showing my nipples through the peep hole bra set. The intricate designs, laces, and details allow me to reveal just the right amount, leaving room for imagination and seduction. It's all about feeling confident and celebrating my body.

Wearing a peephole bra lingerie set has this magical way of boosting my self-confidence. It's like wearing a little secret under my everyday clothes that empowers me throughout the day. Knowing that I have this hidden treasure beneath my outfit makes me stand a little taller and feel more self-assured, which is a fantastic feeling.

The journey to finding the perfect peephole bra set is an adventure in itself. Exploring different styles, fabrics, and colours can be so much fun. It's all about finding what makes you feel the most comfortable and beautiful. Personally, I love trying on different sets until I discover the one that speaks to me, both in terms of comfort and aesthetics.

One of the reasons I adore peephole bras is their versatility. While they are undeniably sexy, they can also be quite elegant and classy. Depending on the occasion, you can choose to pair them with matching panties for an intimate night in or wear them under a sophisticated outfit for a discreet touch of sensuality.

When with my girlie friends we often swap stories, recommendations, and even go shopping together. It's a wonderful bonding experience that allows us to celebrate our bodies and the beauty of lingerie together. My journey with peephole bra lingerie sets has been a beautiful exploration of self-expression, confidence, and femininity.
Friday, December 22nd 2023
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All I Want For Christmas Is A Big Titty Bra.
Being a busty woman is like embarking on a never-ending quest for the Holy Grail of lingerie. But this Christmas, I'm setting aside my wish list for diamonds and designer bags and focusing on the true hero of my daily life - the bra that's got my back (or should we say, front)!

"All I want for Christmas is a bra that won't let me down, won't let me down, won't let me down!"
Here are some of the heartwarming reasons why a big, supportive bra is at the top of my wish list this year:

It's a Confidence Booster: Nothing says confidence like a bra that effortlessly lifts, separates, and makes you feel like you can conquer the world. With the right support, you'll strut into the holiday party like the queen you are.

Food Coma Survival: We all know how easy it is to slip into a post-turkey food coma. But a good bra is like a personal trainer for your chest, keeping your assets upright and ready for dessert, no matter how many servings of mashed potatoes you've had.

No Bouncing Through Life: Whether you're jogging to catch the bus or just doing the "excited dance" when the first snowflake falls, a big, supportive bra keeps the bounce to a minimum. Your comfort zone, literally!

Fashion Friend: With the right bra, you can rock that low-cut dress or daring neckline without worrying about a wardrobe malfunction. 'Tis the season to slay, after all!

Back Pain Be Gone: A supportive bra isn't just a fashion statement; it's an investment in your well-being. Say goodbye to back pain and hello to the joy of a pain-free holiday season.

Gift-Wrapping Goals: Imagine unwrapping your Christmas gifts with the grace of a Victoria's Secret model. A supportive bra is like gift wrapping for your chest, making every outfit look like it's straight out of a fashion magazine.

So, dear Santa, as you make your list and check it twice, please don't forget the bustiest women out there who just want to ring in the New Year with a bra that's got their backs... well, front!

And to all my fellow busty babes, remember that whether you've been naughty or nice this year, you deserve a big, supportive bra that lifts your spirits as high as it lifts your assets. So go ahead and treat yourself this Christmas – because when it comes to support, we're not settling for anything less than the best!

Merry Lift-mas, everyone!
Wednesday, October 11th 2023
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Why I'm Proud Of My Feminine Curves.
I'm utterly, unapologetically proud of my feminine curves. One thing you can say about having feminine curves is that you're always the life of the party – quite literally! It's like my body decided to RSVP to every gathering in town. When I walk into a room, it's as if my curves enter first and do a little shimmy to announce my presence. Who needs an introduction when your curves can do the talking?

Shopping for clothes as someone with feminine curves is like starring in your very own sitcom episode. You know those moments when you pull a pair of jeans off the rack, thinking, "These will definitely fit!" only to realize you've been deceived by the evil sorcery of vanity sizing?

If there's one thing my curves have taught me, it's the art of balance. From teetering on high heels to gracefully navigating uneven terrain, my curves have turned me into a human maraca. And you can bet there's always a chorus of "Shake, shake, shake" in the background as I strut my stuff.

Let's not forget the perpetual stream of compliments that come with feminine curves. People suddenly turn into poets when they see those curves in action. "You've got the curves of a goddess!" they say. And while I appreciate the sentiment, it's hard to keep a straight face when you're being compared to a divine deity during your coffee run.
Tuesday, September 5th 2023
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Time To Top Up My Summer Tan Lines.
It's that glorious time of year again when the UK sun decides to grace us with its 1 week presence, but even if it's just for a fleeting moment I grab my shades, dust off that sunblock, and prepare to top up my tan lines.

Let's be honest, the struggle to get a tan in the UK can be as real as the Loch Ness Monster. We're talking about sun that's as elusive as your favourite pair of socks that somehow always disappear in the laundry. But when it does make an appearance, it's like a national holiday!

Deciding whether to wear sunblock in the UK is like trying to choose between an umbrella or sunglasses on any given day. You might start the day in layers of SPF, only to end up carrying an umbrella just in case it decides to rain mid-sunbathe. It's not exactly a tropical paradise, but hey, it's my current paradise!

When the sun decides to disappear again, I sometimes get creative and turn to self-tanning lotions, sprays, and bronzers to keep the dream alive. Suddenly, I'm a chemist trying to concoct the perfect shade of bronze in my bathroom.

Remember, it's not about the shade of our tan but the laughter and memories we create under the unpredictable British sun. I will enjoy it while it lasts, and who knows, maybe this year, we'll even get a whole week of summer!
Friday, August 18th 2023
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The Reasons I Love Dressing Up In Lingerie.
Do you think lingerie is a medium of making an impression on your partner? Reserved for those nights and days when you need to flaunt your sexiness? The special occasion stuff? Why not pay special attention to lingerie for yourself? Because until and unless you are happy and satisfied with your undergarments, you cannot impress another. Even if you do not have someone special in your life, you should make it a point to buy beautiful lingerie for yourself, as loving yourself should be the first priority in your life.

Lingerie is a way to show yourself some well-deserved love. Personal as it is, choosing and shopping for lingerie gives yourself a self-esteem boost and instills confidence. Pair it with some comfort and you feel on the top of the world, well, literally. Whether it is self-love, exploring and appreciating the sexual being you are, or the comfort-confidence, there are many reasons to shop for your favorite lingerie and start wearing it in a routine.
Sunday, July 23rd 2023
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Breaking The Blonde-Brunette Brilliance Myth.
As a proud blonde, I couldn't resist tackling the hilarious myths surrounding hair colour stereotypes. I'm diving into the lighthearted world of "brunettes are smarter" and "blondes have more fun." So grab your favorite blonde joke and let's have a laugh together as we debunk these hilarious misconceptions from a blonde's perspective!

Blonde-telligence: So, Who Needs Brain Cells Anyway?
Alright, let's get this out of the way. The whole "blondes are dumb" stereotype has been around forever, but come on, people! Intelligence isn't determined by hair colour; it's all about those fabulous brain cells. Sure, we've had our moments of "blonde logic," like searching for sunglasses we're already wearing, but hey, it's all part of our charm!

While we're at it, let me tell you about the genius moments we blondes have. You know, those "Eureka!" moments when we figure out the best way to create a snack fort in front of the TV or how to turn a hairdryer into a cooling fan on a hot summer day. Seriously, Einstein would be proud!

Sure, brunettes might seem to exude a studious vibe, but don't be fooled! Sometimes they're just lost in thought, contemplating the deep mysteries of life, like why donuts have holes. Meanwhile, we blondes are out there living life to the fullest, discovering the fun side of every situation!

Now, onto the age-old adage - "blondes have more fun." Let me tell you, we blonde bombshells know how to party! We bring the sunshine wherever we go, and our positive energy is contagious. After all, fun is a state of mind, and we blondes have mastered the art of embracing life with a big, infectious smile.

Admit it; you secretly envy our fun-tastic adventures! From beach escapades to impromptu road trips, we blondes know how to make the most out of every moment. And hey, let's not forget our legendary blonde moments, like mistaking the fridge for our wardrobe. Who needs a closet when you have cold cuts, right?

We've got more than just fun; we've got smarts too! Our blonde intuition can lead to some genius problem-solving skills. From mastering the art of finding the perfect parking spot to cooking up unique recipes by "accidentally" combining random ingredients - we've got it all covered.

As a bubbly and bright blonde, I hope I've shed some light on the humour and absurdity of hair colour myths. Intelligence, fun, and awesomeness know no boundaries, whether you're a blonde, brunette, redhead, or anything in between. Let's embrace the uniqueness of our hair colors and celebrate the colorful tapestry of personalities that make this world so fantastic.
Tuesday, July 11th 2023
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Shopping in Tonbridge for Large Bras.
I love the charming town of Tonbridge, where shopping for large bras is not only a necessity but also a delightful experience. Tonbridge offers a wide range of options for those like me, seeking stylish and comfortable lingerie in extended sizes.

Tonbridge is home to a myriad of specialised boutiques dedicated to providing large-sized bras. These stores understand the unique needs and preferences of their customers, offering a diverse range of styles, colours, and designs to cater to every taste. From elegant lace to vibrant patterns, you'll find bras that make you feel confident, beautiful, and supported.

One of the joys of shopping for large bras in Tonbridge is the exceptional customer service. The knowledgeable staff at these boutiques are experienced in fitting bras for all body types and are committed to ensuring you find the perfect fit. Their expertise and friendly demeanor create a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, making the shopping experience truly enjoyable.

Finding large-sized bras that are both supportive and comfortable can sometimes feel like an impossible task. However, Tonbridge's boutiques are known for their commitment to quality and comfort. The bras available are crafted from high-quality materials, incorporating innovative designs that provide ample support without compromising on style. Say goodbye to sacrificing comfort for fashion!

Tonbridge's bra boutiques celebrate diversity and body positivity. They embrace and cater to women of all shapes and sizes, fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment. No matter your body type, you'll find options that flatter and enhance your natural curves, helping you feel confident and empowered.

In addition to the well-established boutiques, Tonbridge boasts hidden gems that add an element of surprise to your shopping experience. I love to explore local markets and independent stores, where I sometimes stumble upon unique finds, handmade creations, or even customised bras that make me feel truly special. These hidden treasures are a testament to the town's vibrant and diverse shopping scene.

Shopping for large bras in Tonbridge is an absolute delight. The town's dedication to offering a wide range of options, coupled with exceptional customer service and a celebration of body positivity, creates a positive and enjoyable experience. Embrace the joy of shopping in Tonbridge and find the large bras that make you look and feel amazing!
Tuesday, May 23rd 2023
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Discovering Farnborough's Hidden Bar Gems.
Farnborough, a vibrant town nestled in the heart of Hampshire, England, boasts a diverse range of bars that cater to every taste and mood. Having explored the local bar scene extensively, I am excited to share with you my top picks for an unforgettable night out in Farnborough. From cozy traditional pubs to trendy cocktail lounges, this list has something for everyone. Join me on this journey as we uncover Farnborough's hidden gems!

The Swan Inn:
Nestled along the picturesque Farnborough Road, The Swan Inn offers a charming and traditional pub experience. With its cozy interior, welcoming staff, and a wide range of well-kept ales and ciders, it's a perfect spot to unwind after a long day. Don't miss the opportunity to savor their delicious pub grub, including classic fish and chips or a hearty Sunday roast.

The Tumbledown Dick:
Steeped in history, The Tumbledown Dick is a must-visit destination for any bar enthusiast. This characterful pub, located on the outskirts of Farnborough, features a stunning 16th-century building with a delightful beer garden. With an extensive selection of craft beers, real ales, and ciders, this establishment is a haven for beer connoisseurs. Make sure to catch one of their live music events for a memorable evening.

The Squirrel:
For a family-friendly atmosphere combined with exceptional food and drink, The Squirrel is the perfect choice. Located in nearby Blackwater, this gastropub offers a welcoming ambiance and an impressive menu. Whether you're looking for a refreshing pint, a fine wine, or a delectable meal, The Squirrel has it all. Their Sunday carvery is particularly renowned and should not be missed.

The Prince of Wales:
Situated in North Camp, The Prince of Wales is a vibrant and lively pub that stands out for its friendly atmosphere and excellent selection of craft beers. From IPAs to stouts, their ever-changing lineup of ales will satisfy even the most discerning palates. Enjoy a pint while engaging in lively conversations with locals or catch one of their entertaining pub quizzes for a guaranteed fun night out.

Mix Cocktail Bar:
If you're in the mood for something a bit more sophisticated, head to Mix Cocktail Bar located in the heart of Farnborough. This stylish and contemporary venue offers an extensive menu of expertly crafted cocktails that are sure to impress. From classic favorites to unique concoctions, their skilled mixologists will create a drink tailored to your preferences. With its trendy decor and vibrant atmosphere, Mix Cocktail Bar is the perfect place for a special occasion or a night of celebration.

Thursday, May 11th 2023
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Orgasms Rock!
The female orgasm can be a mystery for both men and women. In women, orgasm is mostly psychological, and the female orgasm is seductive and exciting for many, it is mysterious, enjoyable and often improves with age.

A higher proportion of women report their orgasms during oral sex than during vaginal intercourse. Some women can never climax during anal intercourse and some have had multiple orgasms. The time frame for women is much more variable and their orgasm less predictable overall.

The average female orgasm lasts 15-20 seconds, which equates to an average male orgasm of 2-22 seconds. The duration of an orgasm in both men and women is usually just under a second, but several factors influence exactly how long it lasts, including whether it occurs during masturbation or sexual intercourse.

What you really want to know about climax is how much difference condoms really make, from the age group that has the best orgasm to the number of condoms used and the amount of condoms that are used during orgasm. Your ability to climax can easily be influenced by a variety of factors - from the type of sex, your partner's age, your sex life and even your age.

If you are trying as hard to reach orgasm as you would like, a change in diet may be appropriate. Spend some time learning what feels good for you and how to orgasm without pressure from your partner. If you are curious to touch yourself in a new, pleasant way, read our guide to female orgasms. Intentional clitoral stimulation can make an orgasm better than penetration - just orgasm!

I have always enjoyed touching myself and have never had trouble orgasming, I guess thats partly why I enjoy my escort role so much because I get to orgasm multiple times daily with ease and I could never imagine anything different to this.
Wednesday, April 5th 2023
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How I Stay Cheery Even On A Rainy Day.
Rainy days can be gloomy and can make us feel down, but there are many ways to boost your mood and be cheery even on the rainiest of days. Here are some of the things that I find helps me feel happier and more cheerful when it's raining outside.

Listen to upbeat music: Music has a powerful effect on our mood. Listening to cheerful and uplifting music can help improve your mood and make you feel happier, even on a rainy day.

Get cosy: Rainy days are the perfect excuse to snuggle up at home and get cosy. Put on your comfiest clothes, grab a warm blanket, and make yourself a cup of hot cocoa or tea.

Read a good book: Reading can be a great way to escape reality and get lost in a good story. Choose a book that you've been meaning to read and spend some time curled up with it.

Connect with loved ones: Reach out to friends and family and plan a virtual get-together or catch-up call. Connecting with loved ones can be a great way to boost your mood and feel more connected, even when it's raining outside.

Practice gratitude: Focusing on what you're grateful for can help shift your mindset and improve your mood. Take a few moments to reflect on the good things in your life, such as your health, your loved ones, or your home.

Exercise indoors: Rainy weather doesn't have to mean skipping your workout. There are plenty of indoor exercise options, such as yoga or a home workout video, that you can do without leaving your house.

Get creative: Engaging in a creative activity can be a great way to lift your mood and pass the time on a rainy day. Try painting, drawing, or even doing a puzzle.

Treat yourself: Rainy days can be the perfect excuse to indulge in a little self-care. Take a relaxing bath, give yourself a facial, or order your favorite takeout. if you are a man looking for some sexual excitement or a relaxing all over massage then maybe you look at my profile and decide to visit me for some sexual cheering up.

Remember, it's important to take care of yourself and your mental health, even on rainy days. By incorporating these tips into your own routine, you can boost your mood and stay cheery even when the weather is less than ideal.
Tuesday, March 14th 2023
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Why I Love Spring.
Springtime in the UK is a beautiful season that brings a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. There are several reasons why this season is so breathtakingly beautiful in the UK, and I'll explore some of them below.

The UK has a temperate maritime climate, which means that it experiences mild temperatures and regular rainfall throughout the year. During the Spring, the temperatures start to rise, and the days get longer, providing the perfect environment for the flora and fauna to come alive. The trees start to bud, and the fields burst into life with colourful flowers, such as bluebells, crocuses, and daffodils. These vibrant hues create a stunning natural landscape that is perfect for outdoor walks and picnics.

The UK has a diverse and rich wildlife population, and Spring is a time when many of these animals start to emerge from their winter hibernation. Birds, such as robins and blackbirds, start to sing their melodic tunes, and hedgehogs and squirrels come out of hiding to forage for food. Spring is also the mating season for many animals, and watching the courtship dances and displays is a fascinating sight to behold.

Spring in the UK is synonymous with Easter, a Christian festival that celebrates new beginnings and resurrection. The streets are adorned with colourful Easter decorations, and people gather to celebrate with family and friends. The festive atmosphere adds to the overall beauty of the season and creates a sense of joy and happiness.

Spring in the UK is a beautiful season that is characterised by mild temperatures, regular rainfall, and a burst of natural flora and fauna. It's a time of renewal, rejuvenation, and celebration, and the beauty of the season is truly a sight to behold.
Wednesday, February 22nd 2023
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Finding A Flattering Bikini For Holidays.
When it comes to bikinis, finding the right style that flatters your body shape and makes you feel confident and comfortable is key. Here are some tips on how to choose a flattering bikini:

Consider your body shape: Different bikini styles work better for different body shapes. For example, if you have a smaller bust, a padded or push-up bikini top can help create the illusion of more curves. If you have a curvier figure, a high-waisted bikini bottom can help accentuate your waist and hips while providing more coverage.

Look for the right fit: Make sure your bikini top and bottom fit well and don't dig into your skin. Avoid anything too tight or too loose, as this can be unflattering and uncomfortable.

Choose the right colour and print: Darker colours and solid prints can help slim down your silhouette, while brighter colours and bold prints can draw attention to certain areas. If you're self-conscious about your midsection, a solid high-waisted bikini bottom paired with a printed bikini top can help balance out your figure.

Don't forget about details: Details like ruffles, bows, and cutouts can add some visual interest to your bikini and draw attention to certain areas. However, be mindful of where these details are placed - if you want to draw attention to your bust, a bikini top with ruffles or a cutout can be a good choice.

Some popular bikini styles that are universally flattering include:

Triangle bikinis: These classic bikinis work well for smaller busts and can be adjusted for a custom fit.

High-waisted bikinis: These provide more coverage and can help accentuate your waist and hips.

Halter bikinis: These bikinis provide more support for larger busts and can create a flattering, lifted look.

Bandeau bikinis: These strapless bikinis work well for smaller busts and can provide a more even tan line.

Finding a flattering bikini is all about finding the right fit, colour, and style that works for your body shape and makes you feel confident and comfortable.

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