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Saturday, January 27th 2024
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Hello January 2024 and storms galore!
Hello ladies and gentlemen, friends and strangers! Hope I find you all safe, well and coping with this horrendous weather,

Happy belated new year I hope everyone had a good Christmas too! New year was extremely quiet for myself im setting up a new business this year (away from working) since the sex industry is severely lacking in clients :( not one client this year partly due to me being under the weather and not being able to get to the working apartment where I usually hold my working phone and laptop (I have finally ran out of excuses as to why I have another phone when I'm near non working associates lol)

I hope everyone has been looking after themselves and trying to keep as cosy as they can especially with the price hikes in bills over the last few years and not spending all your money oj the ladies (or guys) and leaving yourselves short. Remember your favourite ladies or guys will understand that you have to take care of number 1 sometimes and you will most likely return.

Too many ladies are greedy with money overcharging, changing rates upon arrival at the property (I have heard a LOT of stories) that is giving us good ladies a bad name and dragging the industry down to its knees. I've also heard reports of robberies going on so please do stay safe always check the exact price you are paying over email, call or SMS before booking with someone so you don't expect to pay more and you have evidence that this was the agreed rate. We need more good ladies and clients in this industry it's really sad there's too many people who do not care about others or their own health and self respect especially in these hard times.

I myself have received lots of emails and calls (I have someone check for me and forward things onto me if I cannot be near my working phone) sadly most are no shows, non readers as they expect more than I offer or simply calling, emailing and texting yet not bothering to reply once I have. I make a point of not seeing ignorant people sadly in Scotland the gene pool can be pretty poor amongst some clients so there is a lot more timewasters saved in my phone :o

Rather frustrating times for a lady like myself who likes to get to the point and down to business when booking but with a sensual and sweet touch once I have clients in the apartment ;) I cannot wait for my next booking which is next week (if he turns up) and that's my first if the year! My pussy MOT has been done and all clear as usual but I found an extremely interesting documentary about a lady who studied orgasms of all things! I loved watching it and it was very fascinating how this lady offered discretion in doing polls, was ridiculed by men in a very masculine world that was well before my time. I know the men out there who love to give a lady pleasure would definitely have a good watch and further their sex education on this matter :) it was about a lady called Shere Hite a champion of educating men about the female orgasm. Yes there is a lot of feminism in it but men who love to please a lady appreciate feminism otherwise it's more a case of wham bam and sometimes not even a thank you mam!

So with that little titbit I will love you and leave you all please take care in the high winds do not travel if you don't need to and look after yourselves financially don't go spending all your money on the pussy or the Willie's lol it will be there once you can look after yourself!
Yours truly, Carmella
Monday, December 4th 2023
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A warning to the ladies and tips to stay safe
Hello ladies and gentlemen!
I hope I find you all safe and well on this cold and frosty (snowy in some areas) evening! So my blog tonight is going to be a warning to everyone more ladies than gentlemen but still a safety based blog. So I've had an abusive man request a car meet.. as my profile states mi offer a safe & discreet service not a streetwalker experience. This man turned abusive when asked where he saw car meets on offer he replied it wasn't. So why bother asking?
He quickly turned abusive calling me names and clearly thought I was pimped or had no control of who I see or what I'm comfortable doing in this line of work. He turned in a matter of seconds. This ladies and gentlemen is exactly why I do not offer car meets only the depraved would ask for things that are the opposite of what you have stated in your profile that you are comfortable doing. These people are called boundary pushers.
Now if I had got in the car what would have happened in an enclosed space with no means of escape? Especially at speed. Well usually you get in a car (in any situation) and put on your seat belt but as we know the clip of the belt which secures you is closer to the driver now if someone pulls a knife on you they can cut your hand bear in mind you have main arteries on your hands. Bleeding out to death is a real possibility if you were cut deep enough. Then we have the matter of door locks child locks are a predators dream you are at their mercy to unlock them. Then you have windows usually all electrical these days so again your at the mercy of the driver.
Even if you feel safe with them until you are parked up somewhere (as I imagine they do) then start to get crazy because they are no longer in a public busy road so they do not need to keep up pretence of being a nice person your still in trouble.
Predators pick areas they know and like for their own sick reasons usually remote areas where no one will hear or see you and you will have to travel a great way to be seen or heard (that's if you make it out the car able to run) and that's a hard feat if your dressed to the nines in clothing not great for running in or wearing heels.
If he can turn that quick over texts in seconds I'd hate to think what he would be like in close proximity in an area I wasn't familiar with.idont see a lot of clients because health and safety is my priority. You cannot buy your health and if your dead you certainly aren't getting paid. Unfortunately some ladies aren't safety conscious as you can tell from their likes list. Gentlemen remember that good and bad is all around us in girls and clients this can be you too when you are driving someone can pull out a weapon to rob you.
Working ladies more so than punters have always been easy prey People assume we habe no families or friends or people who care about us to find out where we are should we not respond to calls texts or emails. The law however understand we are important we are human beings and we matter to someone somewhere in the world.
Money is not the be all and end all is the lesson of this post and also we have boundaries and comfort zones. If people are offended and abusive over text, call or email before they even see you what do you think will happen when they do see you? What will happen when you refuse to do something they want? I find there's two types the verbal browbeaters /manipulators or the outright violent things neither leave a good experience and set you back when you meet lovely, respectful clients. I hope my readers find this helpful and remember that you have a right to be respected and refuse clients. If you were desperate you'd be walking the streets you wouldn't take the time to have a profile, offer in calls and have a normal life outside this one. Usually the working world goes like this

Independent escort - top of the working world (choose your own rates clients much safer and profitable)

Escort agencies & brothels - middle to lower working world (get put in horrible situations work with horrible people thieves,bad customers creepy bosses crap pay very few brothels give the girls a decent cut in fact some places your first client is free! And you have to tip the receptionist and bouncers so in effect your really low on money and morale not to mention sanity. But some people think it's safer than working independently because there are usually a few girls on and receptionist working sometimes door staff too. But if these ppl are of a timid nature they will not help you if your in trouble their job is to get people in not make sure they are decent clients. Money comes above your safety in most places it's only when clients decide to rob the place the bosses become concerned and they don't get patted down either so a weapon is easily concealed)

Streetwalking - lowest of the working world (,ladies will usually see clients first little as twenty pounds some are drug addicts in desperate situations and just want money no matter how little when desperate. Clients prey on this knowing ladies can be too weak to fight back and not wanting any hassle. I've heard that even on the streets the ladies are not only watching out for bad clients but other girls if they are envious or on their patch. Pimps are rife too and robberies are frequent it's a sad situation all round and those are the ladies more prone to car meets)
So I hope this has been some interesting reading and I hope you enjoy your night :) remember to wrap up and take care the black ice is already here (I know I nearly done the splits earlier! Lol) and above all give yourself some self care your all worth it!
Yours Carmella xx
Thursday, November 30th 2023
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Loving work and Christmas cheers!
Hello to the fabulous ladies and gentlemen of AW,

I hope you are (yes wrapping up warm!) And looking after yourselves at this hectic time of the year! Here we are thrusting into the Christmas season with beautiful lingerie eye candy to arouse our naughty thoughts ;) Campagne truffles littering the shelves in chocolatiers shops as gift wrapped presents for luxury sweet treats on cold nights! Then theres the delicious mulled wine sold in the farmers market stands and also sold in traditional pubs in the countdown to the festive season :)

But there are the people who don't see Christmas as a jolly old time and who can blame them? The afterwards cull of the Christmas trees blocking roads, hanging out of bins like drunks on a Saturday night and pretty much appearing in the most random places ever after being stuffed there by previous owners and causing mayhem to the public in general! Then theres the shopping people fighting over the last packet of Brussel sprouts which are either loved or hated and don't get me started on the trolley rage I've seen enough incidents to write a book about! The war on parking spaces also comes into play the car horns appearing to sound like an odd tune with various beeps and blasts cutting through the air.

I personally look forward to seeing Christmas jumpers I think they are they are the best thing that comes out of the madness December brings and always brings a warm smile to my face.
Despite all the madness outside I like to keep my working room cosy with beautifully soft fleece, faux fur or velvet bedding to welcome you in and forget the chaos going on in the outside world so all you have to concentrate on is unleashing your naughty side and feeling as relaxed as you possibly can! I now sprinkle the room with lavender and essential oils that calms and soothes the senses so you can focus on your booking and enjoy my company and body to your full delight!

And me too! I love a gentle touch on my body and oral also really does it for me both giving and receiving ;) a gentle touch is all that's needed to turn a lady on I've witnessed first hands ladies come out of rooms in establishments I've previously worked at looking like they've ran for their life's through a non monitored safari park! So as I tell clients if you are gentle ladies will fight to be with you if you are rough they will fight to run away from you x but anyways I won't terrify you on the crazy side of the working world and bring you back to me I've now started to think about offering french kissing again but not the deep stuff I'm more of a light erotic type (naughty but nice) not filth stuff where you are choking half to death on someone else's tongue or saliva (ill leave that to the pse ladies)
I also want to thank everyone I have met (some really truly lovely and sweet kind people I've ever had the pleasure of coming across in my working life) and if I don't see you by the end of the year please do look after yourselves and those you love. Wrap up your mittens and kittens and be careful with the ground getting icy!
Truly yours,
Xx Carmella xX
Saturday, November 4th 2023
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Ladies who offer safe sex!
Hello ladies and gentlemen!
I hope I find you well, despite the colder weather!
So here I am blogging again and offering tips and advice on how to keep yourself safe in your working vanture!

We all know the R invasion has passed (R standing from the country of origin who the ladies have come from) now it's time for the B invasion. I'm aware most of you go for a pretty face not where STDs can originate from... Your best bet to educate themselves is to search the top ten countries with STDs I'm sure you'll be surprised as most come from a country that is now having a serious influx in the UK of ladies!

Not that most people care but should do in these uncertain times seeing as its not the two legged variety that are in the news for std rates.

I only educate ppl on this matter as it's important if you punt (seek services) or offer these services should you play ultra safe!
Please keep yourselves safe and the ladies you work with unfortunately the UK is not Amsterdam where you have to get tested regularly.

Please stick to the services you like no one else so your pool of potentially infected can be traced back to yourself or before that. I understand the blog and prove highly unpopular with the site and yourselves but that is not my problem facts are facts you can deceive ppl but that's not my gain. I like to make people well aware of risks ect make the sex industry cleaner, happier & healthier!
Love to all those who booked me and heard my debates on things the sex industry It's hiding or covering up and protects yourselves from the bad things in the industry! I like to write an honest yet brutally honest approach not done before.
Most girls give accounts about the sex industry being wonderful when that's far from the case.. Decorator wanted and a few rooms to do! Please enquire via email thanks :)
Friday, June 9th 2023
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Rimming and outcalls to unusual places
Hello ladies and gents of aw I hope I find you all well and everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather :)

So a lot of people are contacting me requesting services I don't offer a rather common one is rimming. I used to offer rimming as some know on clients only under the conditions they showered first and I used protection which is a Dam (in the picture) a Dam is a thin piece of flavoured latex polyurethane (non latex too!). So perfect for those allergic to latex! You unfold it place it over the area you wish to pick and bravo!

I do not offer rimming on me anymore because a) it is risk of infection and b) it upsets my ph balance on my pussy if people decide to take it upon themselves and rim me while doing a 69! Frankly speaking it's not something you want to offer unless you are happy taking that risk and get std tested monthly (mouth, vag and anal swabs plus blood tests)

Now I get all of the above done every month when I work if I'm not working every few months although I love a quiet life no sex involved when I'm off thank you. Before I go back to work I get my tests done again. The lovely ladies at the exclusive clinic for sex workers in Edinburgh look after me so well I even come home with extra toiletries and some sugary treats to eat when I have the time!

Whe I'm off work I'm completely relaxing and looking after myself as I'm way too selfish to spend my time with another person I prefer to be me, myself and I. Cheaper and more economic on the household bills lol! So dear clients please play safe as not everyone gets tested. There's unfortunately no legal requirement for that to happen in the UK like in Amsterdam.

Now for the outcalls in unusual places ha ha I love an outcall to a safe relaxing environment. It's different when I was a glamour model and done rather risqué shoots outdoors and in unusual places like a gym as you can see in my private gallery. It is a very different matter from chucking on a dressing gown in the woods to going somewhere that may be busy and extremely unpleasant for my nerves.

For example caravan parks forget it that's reserved for non workers unless you don't care about the safety of others around you and you aren't discreet as we all know it's really not a place to be working from unless it's an adult only venue. Although if I found a nudist caravan park then I would maybe consider as I'm definitely on the lookout for a nudist beach this year!

It would be more than thrilling to feel the wind fondle through my toned tanned and tight legs and pussy with the sand between my toes on a beach somewhere. I'd feel like I was In a vintage French porn magazine lol and bonus no white marks with like minded people all around and no camera phones in sight (hopefully) I love my privacy probably a bit more than the next person and I wish people would respect that and treat me accordingly but there are always some in this industry who are the opposite of what I've described. :( Although the majority are sweet and lovely I must add ( you know who you are!)

So once again my lovelies I will love you and leave you please remember to play safe take care of yourselves and others
Xx Carmella xX
Sunday, May 28th 2023
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A rather odd and frightening experience
Hello ladies and gentlemen of aw,

So I've met some wonderful people in my working life but I thought I would post about an odd and frightening experience I've had recently.
A foreign number rang and a gentleman asked to book for an appointment I agreed as he seemed to have good English. I very rarely accept short notice bookings as many know but I thought what the heck last one of the night and I still had the flat keys so why not.
The man said he would be fifteen minutes to get to me fair enough I thought but he ran 15 mins late rang the wrong buzzer which set alarm bells off and decided maybe an innocent mix up but doubts started to creep in as to whether I should see him.
Too late as on second attempt he was in the building. Ignoring my instructions and not listening at all I told him I won't see you because if people do not listen when they aren't here then what are they going to behave like in a booking? Not to mention if he doesn't understand what I'm saying how will he understand what I'm comfortable with in a booking? If I say I don't do anal will he only pick up on the word anal and try it anyways?
This ladies and gentlemen is the exact reason I pick and choose my clientele money is not worth risking my safety nor health no matter how much money is on the table. My workers intuition went into overdrive and he persistently kept calling despite my saying I'm not going to see him. From now on I WILL NOT ANSWER FOREIGN NUMBERS!
A good sense of communication is a must and I've learnt from this experience that I will not and cannot see anyone calling from a foreign number because my safety of myself and my clients is paramount.
Please think wisely ladies before taking on bookings from foreign numbers.
I bid you all a good night and farewell for this evening. Take care my lovelies and take care of yourselves and each other please.
Yours Carmella xx
Tuesday, April 11th 2023
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Bikini weather and a huge thank you!
Hello lush ladies and gentlemen of aw,
Hope you are getting out and about in this beautiful weather I know I am. It's Definitely self care time to get out stretch my legs and get myself an ice cream on my urban travels!
I'm so tempted to get a photoshoot done soon I'm thinking beach or outdoors shoot. No nudity! My glamour modelling days are behind me and tbh only the weirdos of the world are comfortable nude outside in places that aren't nudist specified. Not for me thanks.
I only like to strip indoors where it's warm, cosy and my nipple's aren't tight with the cold. Im more of a housecat than an ally cat. I like my small luxuries heating being the main one and most people who visit me in Edinburgh have felt the artificial Bahamas heat in the working apartment bless you all lol.
Wonder what you are all getting upto yourselves? Packing for a holiday? Preparing for a road trip as a staycation? Maybe just plodding through life like myself and making do with walks or little trips out to see what this beautiful city has to offer? Whatever you are doing I hope it rejuvenates you and give you a nice outlook at life despite the rising costs of living :(
I want to give a big thank you to those who have bought me gifts which I should have wrote ages ago but every time I put finger to keypad I go off track and onto something else arrgghh!
So thank you for my gift card (you know who you are lovely!)
Thank you for my sweet chocolate cakes with fresh raspberries absolutely delicious but you know what they say sugar on the lips weight on the hips! I'll need to buy a grazing mask or something lol I can't stop thinking about them x (you know who you are too my exotic lover!)
And thank you to my previous clients who were respectful to me and kindly left me a bit extra this is much appreciated especially in these hard times. So my sweet and beautiful readers until I seduce again.
Xx Carmella xX
Tuesday, April 4th 2023
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Spring cleaning & condom fitting tips!
Hello ladies and gentlemen hope you get out in the sunshine at some point on this fine day :)

So today I'm going to start attempting to sort out my lingerie. I need a massive clear out and have lots of things to go through from stockings to body stockings, bras to bralets, skirts to dresses the list goes on.

Unaware of where to sell these things (I don't know where to sell them because there is no raunchy online shop in Edinburgh and I don't want to sell them here lol I don't even hand out the address to clients never mind for sales!)

The lingerie would be best going where people can get enjoyment out of it all. Same with the dildos they were only for clients pleasure and leisure. I am not a fan of toys I much prefer a human touch a nice gentle soft touch not cold, hard materials. Maybe that's why I love my sensual bookings and a nice gentle touch that goes a long way for me :)

Then there is the shoes and boots to get dug out too! The thigh highs are leaving and so are the crushing boots (very chunky soles perfect for domination) the aspects of a working lady's life has no limits lol.
Then there's the condoms all loose ones must be checked in date & note of stock taken. What I'm running low on and need to get in.
There's 6 types i usually get in,
Trim for the slender shaft,
Natural for the average width shaft (oral only),
Medium sized but thicker for a full service (same as natural but thicker used for sex only)
King size for the wider shaft,
Super King size for the extremely wide shaft and last but not least the Latex free for those allergic to latex. Usually is a cross between a medium and a large size
All condoms are the same length it's the width that is different.and to keep your clients as comfortable as possible you definitely need these different types in to avoid breakage and splits. If the condoms are nearing out of date then only use them for oral.its not worth the risk.
Another extremely important tip is to never let a client slather you in oild down below or themselves as it breaks the latex. Even lipstick is oil based so if you do oral with like myself always change the condom before moving onto the main event if you do owo then wipe down your client before putting on your condom for sex especially if they think you are a prizewinning jockey in the bedroom. The faster the pace the less the condom can withstand unless you have enough juices going even then the condom can be liable to slip off.
So ladies and gents hope my tips are helping you have a more comfortable sex life!
Until next time take care yours,
Xx Carmella xX
Monday, April 3rd 2023
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Clients, sunshine & self care.
Hi there ladies and gents of aw I hope you are all enjoying the sun,

So the weather is looking up and so is the clients :) working life is moving at a slower rate because I'm now cracking down on those who do not read my profile and taking less bookings as a result.
My method in my proverbial madness is if you can't read my profile properly then I do not want your booking if your not listening to what I've wrote then I don't expect you to be much better when it comes to boundaries when you are here.
Too much bother for me thank you. I'm not asking for glitter and gold just basic respect. I'm more content with a more relaxed and organized pace anyways :)

I hate rushing around like a woman possessed too. A few times I've almost had some serious injuries from jumping out the shower and slipping in the bath doing so then almost knocking myself out trying to answer the buzzer phone because for whatever reason time has ran wee bit tight to change the bedding in the room and having a shower before the next client :o
So yes a slower pace is much more sensible (and safer!) Than rushing around x

Also a new to thing on my daily working routine is I'm going to start getting out for at least one walk a day now the weather is starting to warm up which is great for the mind and body and a 15 min walk is easy to work around bookings, email checks and calls. It's also very nice to see the beauty in the areas you work in. I sometimes feed the birds and the squirrels outside or throw out some leftovers to them as you see them scavenging for food almost every day around the shore.

The swans are also nice to admire sitting on one of the benches with the sun sparkling on the water and a decent book and a juice packed with me for a break. I live the fact I can come and go it's a really nice way of working happiness is the key in this business and if your not happy you can't work well as I've mentioned before.

I'm also a big fan of massages every month to maintain your body and release tension because when you are bent over for oral or a position for any length of time hurts your posture and you need to keep your muscles well looked after for bedroom antics so you don't suddenly seize up (working nightmare of mine :o) the walking helps will all of this so winner winner chicken dinner lol.
So my lovely readers hope these mini health and fitness tips help you too but until next time I blog please look after yourselves and enjoy the weather truly yours,
Xx Carmella xX
Saturday, April 1st 2023
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Timewasters timewasters timewasters
Hello the lovely ladies and gents of aw I hope you have your brollys at the ready it's wet outside! :o

So I've had a lovely few weeks but now I'm home we have another wave of timewasters. I just can't understand why people do silly things like book then cancel as soon as they have the postcode even though my profile states a very all area they are coming to... or book someone who has made it clear on their profile they will not hand out addresses.

Those who have spent time with me or enquired for appointments will know I am very particular on directing people to me I do not hand out the address nor the street name. I give out a postcode and you ring when your there and I direct you to me seems simple but not for some people unfortunately. Don't turn up a street away then cancel because you cannot find the postcode when you've had all week to arrange your travel.

A clients job is to turn up on time (preferably) keep the lady upto date if there's any issues before arriving, be discreet, clean, respectful and explain in full before booking what you expect to happen then If any problems should arise you have evidence that they agreed to have a certain service certain time and agree to your version of terms and conditions to get their booking. In my case be clean respectful discreet and take directions from a postcode to me. If you aren't or cannot do any of the above you are not welcome.

My part of the bargain in this job is seeing you in safely and discreetly and doing a good job in the room or as best as I can even with the horrible people who often turn up expecting more than what's on offer. My job is not to direct you from somewhere you haven't been told to go then as a result dummy spat out and cancellation. I honestly do not suffer fools gladly when I'm directing people. This is really bad timewasting I don't care how many positive reviews you have your behaviour has shown your anything but a nice person as timewasting cost me money, time, and leaves me out of pocket if they don't show.

I don't know why timewasting has become so popular these days nor how ladies have patience for it as my phone now has over200 numbers of timewasters. I know ridiculous and another one added today. It's quite a soul destroying carry on but what can you do.only hope that they give up seeing ladies or the grim reaper finally comes to collect lol

In more upbeat news I'm going to be taking a break soon let the mind and body rest and recuperate from the stress of sitting in all day waiting for people to not turn up or can't be bothered listening to what you say. A nice spa day is much needed but that can happen next week at some point. Until then ithink I'll start writing a book about timewasters lol might as well make money from people who are costing you money. Definitely one to cheer the working girls up with some scenarios are like a scene from a carry on film!
So my lovely ladies and gents thanks for reading and will (hopefully)blog again!
Xx Carmella xX
Monday, March 6th 2023
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Lady on tour!
Hello lovely ladies and gents of aw,

I hope you are all well in this crisp cold weather we have been getting recently :)

So my week was quite the thing being occupied with clients and life outside work which got rather busy last week something I definitely found a grateful distraction from a far from perfect booking I had.

As people will probably notice my name has been smeared with a negative review all because a client turned up and expected services I simply don't do (if you do this the only thing you are going to get is removed and fast because from now on I will ask you to leave) The hassle of doing my normal sensual vanilla booking for someone who is expecting more is clearly not worth the non appreciated effort I put in.

As you can see my neutral was retaliated with a negative (days later I might add) but to be honest i didn't expect much else from someone who seems to have got away with getting his own way for so long and lied about various things online despite the fact I kept my emails and screenshots proving he did not discuss anything about his "preference" before booking amongst other things which is creepy to say the least. As for the flat being unclean and the comment I agreed to do his "preference" before taking the money is absolute poppycock. My previous FB states I'm "professional" and "very clean" and all my previous clients are still on aw unlike over 88% of his review providers I wonder why...

As everyone knows who contacts me I ask them exactly what they prefer in a booking to prevent people like that man from visiting yet they still make the odd appearance (probably because they haven't read the profile properly) then I realized It doesn't matter how nice you are to sulkers they are still going to make you feel awkward in your booking no matter how much you go the extra mile simply because you refuse to do what they want which is services (in this case I don't provide) I do a very chilled vanilla service which he would've known If he had bothered to read my profile.

I do like to keep good vibes going when I'm working nice low music, nice lighting, nice candles, clean bedding, antibacterial hand serum, hand wash, shower gel, fresh towels and bottled water are always ready here too. Working in other situations or apartments just do not give off the atmosphere that a private room to yourself does (to add your own personal touch) I like a safe clean environment that feels more like your own home than a appointment with a strange lady in a strange place.. So I like my places of work clean comfortable and safe (it's the least you expect when renting a room as ladies and outcall clients will know) and I'm lucky enough to have found that :)

That's more than you get in most private apartments and bookings I might add but every apartment has neighbours and if you can't be discreet we definitely shouldn't meet. Location is not the most up to date area but never judge a book by it's cover. As long as the apartment itself is warm clean and presentable then outward appearances should not matter. Location snobbery is not welcome in my working life I do not practice this on clients. Treat people how you like to be treated a very true saying indeed!

Pompous and pettiness come to mind but thankfully I don't see much of those types and will not see again.. Spiteful and sulky are not emotions welcome in any kind of meet relating to sex work unless of course you are the dunce in the corner of a dominatrix classroom lol

So the point is ladies and gents please be respectful of each other always ask upfront if you are willing to do certain services or acts as not every size fits all in this game and some people are frankly old enough to know better than to behave that way yet the Boundary pushers of the world are clearly unfortunately alive and very much kicking.

So goodbye dreary Edinburgh I won't miss you for at least a few days lol and hello Kent to the seaside air and the foreign feels you give off with your beautiful beaches and buildings and palm trees. Heaven!

So ladies and gents I hope your week goes well look after yourselves and of course, until I seduce again

Xx Carmella xX
Friday, February 24th 2023
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A very interesting week :)
Hello ladies and gentlemen :)
Apologies for the delay in this blog but I've been having such a fabulous time I've just not had a moment to sit down and put finger to keypad and write my blog.
So I had a very messy time in the last week via a sploshing session lol
It was an amazing and very fun session as you can see from the picture I am covered in gunge and loved it!
Although next time I will definitely have the heating up full blast ;)
I forgot how cold the gunge can be after my absence in the working world :o Despite this it was still great fun and even setting up/washing down was a fun time! I loved rolling around in it and the texture of gunge definitely a booking with a difference :)
I've also seen some lovely families faces and new ones too. A glass of prosecco here and there and a very sensual and relaxing time shared. Hope this is a sign of things to come in 2023
Life is bliss in my little working world and I'm so glad I've came back to the wonderful world of aw and raunchiness x
Until next time look after yourselves
Xx Carmella X
Saturday, February 18th 2023
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On the up and loving it!
Hello ladies and gentlemen hope I find you all well on this spring morning!
Sorry I haven't been posting as much but had a very hectic time as the Glasgow and south Lanarkshire working flats no longer seems like a possibility to rent anymore but will probably find a discreet hotel somewhere if anyone has any ideas let me know :)
Might try Kent or London as I love my little Kent hideaway where I go to the beach every morning for a swim before work and sometimes a cheeky afternoon trip too!
I miss the beautiful weather there and how I imagine I'm in Spain! Such a far cry from the wet weather we are getting in Edinburgh right now but hey ho.
Thankfully my old and new clients are coming to visit me and cheering me up in the meantime I've had some fabulous experiences so far and really pleased with the lovely people I've met and spent such a raunchy time with ;)
Also my ratings are building up so overall a very pleasant time ahead!
I will keep you posted on the Kent front although I will be finishing the rugby fixtures here first and if I go to Kent it will only be for a week I think then back to Bonny Scotland so thank you for reading and I can't wait to blog again soon!
Wrap up warm until next time
Xx Carmella xX
Wednesday, February 8th 2023
Previous Entry 
Thinking cap on
Hope I find all you wonderful people well today,
I'm up and awake for a new day new clients (hopefully!)
Seems very quiet on the working front. But reliable clients are coming slowly but surely
What a difference this time round has been rates were the same as before yet very little people book. I kept my rates the way they are so there would be no (or minimum extra charge) rather than get halfway through a booking and client decides he wants extra services then you have to stop booking receive payment start again but if one extra is not included then booking rates stated (vanilla/non kinky rates are shown - domination is higher rates) is 10 cheaper in most cases.
So don't be daunted by the 10 extra added on already for a common extra service potential clients it can be reduced by 10 if you tell me your needs :)
I'm going to go touring soon to south Lanarkshire (next week maybe this weekend) and beyond to Glasgow (west end) in a few weeks so exciting to meet new clients and old and see how I fare.. ....
I had an old client basically say when I start offering more less protective services he will visit but this is the exact client I want to avoid so if your reading this south Lanarkshire and Glasgow potential clients I won't be swayed and really don't want to see people who expect me to risk my health more than it already is for a quick buck as it won't happen. ...
I like my customers to feel relaxed and relieved when they leave and in order to do that I must feel happy in my job so the services will remain the same less can be organised but more will not happen and I'm very happy to do my job well with those services I offer.
Not every escort will suit every client It's not a one girl fits all client situation which is one of the many wonders of this job everyone gets a turn no matter what they offer, what age, height, body type, ethnicity it's truly wonderful
So I hope I've educated some novices in this post if not I've mulled my thoughts over and out on my online diary
Untill next time X Carmella x

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