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Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
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Red Has Always Been My Colour Of Choice.
Red, the colour of passion, power, and desire, has an undeniable allure that has fascinated and captivated people for centuries. Sensual women, in particular, often find themselves drawn to this passionate shade, both in their clothing and their choice of lipstick. I will delve into the mystique of red and explore why it holds a special place in the hearts of those of us who exude sensuality.

"The Power of Confidence":
Red is a colour that demands attention. When a sensual woman dons a red dress and pairs it with matching red lipstick, it's a statement of self-assuredness and confidence. The boldness of red radiates a sense of power that is incredibly attractive.

"The Symbolism of Passion":
Red has long been associated with love and desire. Choosing red as one's attire and lip colour can be a deliberate nod to the passionate side of life. It's a non-verbal way to communicate one's sensuality and ardour.

"Classic Elegance":
A red dress paired with red lipstick never goes out of style. It exudes timeless elegance and sophistication. Sensual women understand the enduring appeal of red, making it a go-to choice for both formal and informal occasions.

"Magnetic Attraction":
There's something magnetic about the colour red. It draws people in and leaves a lasting impression. When a woman confidently wears red, it's hard not to be captivated by her presence, creating an air of intrigue and allure.

"Boost of Self-Esteem":
Dressing in red can also boost one's self-esteem. It's a colour that makes women feel powerful, beautiful, and desirable. The added confidence that comes with wearing red can be a powerful tool for self-expression and self-love.

"Celebrating Individuality":
Sensual women are often unapologetically themselves. They celebrate their individuality and are not afraid to stand out. Red is a colour that mirrors this boldness, allowing them to express their unique sensuality.

The allure of red is undeniable, and it's no wonder that sensual women are often drawn to this passionate color for both their clothing and lipstick choices. Red represents confidence, power, and desire.
Saturday, December 30th 2023
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New Year, Same Me... But Shinier!
Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why should I care about someone else's resolutions?" Well here are some of mine...

Darlings, if you've ever seen me pre-makeup (which, of course, you haven't), you'd know that I wake up looking absolutely flawless...ly sleep-deprived. But this year, I'm determined to perfect the art of the "no makeup" makeup look. You know, the one that takes an hour and seventeen products to achieve?

If the United Nations ever needs a mediator who can flawlessly negotiate a ceasefire while showing off her sparkly, perfectly manicured nails, they should look no further. This year, I'm determined to bring world peace one glittery nail at a time. Who says you can't solve global conflicts and look fabulous doing it?

Self-love is important, but so is an Instagram feed that could make even Beyoncé jealous. So, this year, I'm vowing to be more mindful of my selfie angles. I'm talking about practicing the perfect "side-smile-stare-into-the-distance" pose until it's as natural as breathing. Hashtag selfie-confidence, anyone?

You know how some people look like they just stepped off a runway, even when they're just buying a carton of milk? Well, that's going to be me. I've decided to up my "I'm just going to the grocery store" outfit game, so you can expect to see me casually strutting down the produce aisle in a floor-length gown and stilettos.

Who needs words when you have emojis? This year, I'm determined to communicate my every thought, feeling, and aspiration using only those adorable little icons. Expect to receive texts like, "🌟✨💅" (translation: "I just got a manicure, and I'm feeling fabulous") and "🌍✌️" (translation: "I just brokered world peace...in my dreams").

So, there you have it, my glamorous and slightly tongue-in-cheek New Year's resolutions for the year ahead.
Friday, December 29th 2023
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Dancing in the Rain on Brighton Beach
Brighton Beach, a gloomy, blustery winter's day, and a woman who's as ready for adventure as she is for a warm cup of cocoa. Yep, that's me!

As I set out on this escapade, armed with nothing but my trusty umbrella and a pair of rain boots that had seen better days, I couldn't help but wonder if I was slightly mad. I mean, who in their right mind takes a stroll along the beach in the middle of winter when the wind is howling and the rain is almost torrential.

But hey, where's the fun in always being sensible, so off I went, strutting down Brighton Beach like it was a sunny summer day, except for the fact that my umbrella was practically doing the cha-cha in the wind. If I'd been hoping for a peaceful, solitary walk, the weather had other plans.

As I inched closer to the shoreline, the waves greeted me with a frothy, salty embrace. In the distance, seagulls cackled like they were auditioning for a horror movie, but it only added to the peculiar charm of the day. I might've been the only one crazy enough to be out there, but I had the whole beach to myself – a soggy kingdom all my own.

And then, as if on cue, the rain decided it was time for its grand performance. It came down in sheets, drenching me from head to toe. I suppose I should've been annoyed, but there's something oddly liberating about getting soaked to the bone by Mother Nature. I twirled around, arms outstretched, and embraced the downpour like it was a dance partner I'd been waiting for all my life.

As I pranced along the shoreline, my umbrella eventually gave up the ghost and turned inside out. Laughing like a maniac, I decided to let it go. Who needs an umbrella, anyway? It's just a fancy stick with a cover, right? So there I was, hair sticking to my face, clothes clinging to my body, and a smile that could've powered the whole city.

The rain started to slow, and the sun even dared to peek through the clouds for a brief cameo appearance. I found a log to sit on and watched as the waves retreated, revealing little treasures the sea had gifted me – seashells, colourful stones, and bits of sea glass that twinkled like buried treasure.

With a heart as light as the foam on the waves, I made my way back along Brighton Beach, knowing that this wacky, wet adventure would be a story to tell for years to come. So, remember this: life is too short to let a little rain keep you from dancing on the beach, even in the middle of winter. Embrace the crazy, let your hair get messy, and laugh in the face of stormy weather. Who knows what hidden treasures you might find along the way?
Wednesday, December 20th 2023
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Brighton Rock: A Lonely Girl's Best Friend
I stumbled upon Brighton Rock one sunny afternoon while strolling along the beachfront, seeking solace in the echoes of crashing waves. Little did I know, this innocent-looking candy would soon become my BFF (Best Food Friend).

Brighton Rock is like a sugar rush of happiness in a lonely girl's life. When everyone else is obsessing over their relationships, I am indulging in the sweet, sugary embrace of this colourful confectionery. As I unwrap the candy and see the word "Brighton" running through its core, it's almost like a personal message from the universe, reminding me that I'm not alone on this rocky road of life.

While my friends are updating their relationship statuses on social media, I proudly declare my commitment to Brighton Rock. Who needs a boyfriend when you can have a delightful sugar rush and colourful tongue to show off?

I engage in deep conversations with my sweet companion. I contemplate the meaning of life as I gaze at the candy's intricate design and colourful swirls. The candy might not answer back, but it sure knows how to listen.

Brighton Rock is the perfect partner-in-crime when it comes to Netflix binge-watching. I cuddle up with my candy, popcorn, and a warm blanket, while my friends are out on Friday night dates. Who needs a date when you have the most exciting candy in the world?

Brighton Rock is there for me through thick and thin. When I'm feeling down, a few licks of this sugary gem instantly brighten my day. It's the ultimate pick-me-up for a lonely heart.

When life gets too overwhelming, I escape into a world of imagination. I envision myself as a candy explorer, traveling through the vibrant layers of Brighton Rock, discovering new flavours and adventures with every bite.

In the end, Brighton Rock is not just a candy; it's a symbol of resilience, companionship, and the ability to find joy in unexpected places. While the world may be obsessed with diamonds, I know that my true gem is a sweet, colourful, and infinitely loyal friend called Brighton Rock.
Wednesday, December 13th 2023
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The art of voluptuous female curves
I love being curvy and I thought it interesting how famous historic artists often depicted the female form, including its curvy and voluptuous aspects, for several reasons:

Aesthetic Appeal: The human body, and the female form in particular, has been a subject of admiration and fascination throughout history. Artists often sought to capture the beauty and sensuality of the human form, celebrating its curves and proportions in their work.

Cultural and Artistic Traditions: Throughout various cultures and art movements, the depiction of the female form has held significant importance. In many societies, the female figure symbolizes fertility, beauty, and grace, making it a natural choice for artistic representation.

Religious and Mythological Themes: In many religious and mythological narratives, goddesses, nymphs, and other female figures played central roles. Artists would depict these divine or mythological beings with idealized, sensuous forms to emphasise their supernatural qualities and attributes.

Social and Societal Norms: Historically, societal norms and standards of beauty often favored fuller and curvier figures. Artists reflected these ideals in their work, as they were influenced by the prevailing notions of attractiveness.

Eroticism and Sensuality: Some artists chose to explore themes of sensuality, eroticism, and desire in their work. Depicting the female form in a seductive or alluring manner was a way to explore these themes artistically.
Wednesday, December 6th 2023
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Diary Of A Sexy Sports Car Enthusiast.
I'm a woman who's in love with her fast sports car. Buckle up, because I'm about to take you on a wild ride through my life in the fast lane!

Let me introduce you to the love of my life, my sleek and sexy sports car - the Midnight Temptress. She's got curves in all the right places, purrs like a wildcat, and can go from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. We're the ultimate power couple, turning heads wherever we go!

Yesterday, I decided to drop the top and feel the wind in my hair. There's something incredibly liberating about cruising down the country lanes with the cool winter sun on my skin and the roar of the engine in my ears. Plus, it doesn't hurt that it's impossible to resist the allure of a woman in a fast car!

One of the best things about having a sports car is the freedom to hit the road whenever I please. Late at night, when the streets are empty and the city lights twinkle like stars, I take my Midnight Temptress out for a spin. It's just me, the open road, and the thrill of the chase.

No sexy car owner's diary is complete without a day at the track! Racing my Midnight Temptress against other speed demons is an adrenaline rush like no other. The feeling of pushing her to her limits, taking corners like a pro, and leaving my competition in the dust is pure ecstasy.

Nothing beats a road trip in my fast and furious ride. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, the Midnight Temptress and I share some unforgettable moments on the open road. And yes, we've even been known to seduce a petrol station attendant or two with our charm!

Who needs a fancy restaurant when you can have a romantic date night right in your sports car? I've had some of the most intimate and unforgettable moments right in the driver's seat. The allure of a spontaneous kiss at a red light or stargazing from the moonroof is simply irresistible.
Thursday, November 30th 2023
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Having Fun In Exeter.
Exeter, a historic city in the southwest of England, can indeed be a charming place to be on the 1st of December. While it may not be known for wild parties and nightlife to the same extent as some larger cities, it still offers various opportunities for enjoyment and fun.

Exeter is home to a wealth of historic architecture, including its stunning cathedral, which dates back to the 12th century. You can also wander through the historic quayside area and visit the Royal Albert Memorial Museum to appreciate the city's rich heritage.

Exeter boasts a variety of shops, boutiques, and markets. Princesshay and the Guildhall Shopping Centre are popular retail destinations. You can find chic fashion items and unique gifts while exploring the city center.

Exeter offers a range of dining options, from fine dining to cozy cafes. Enjoy a meal at one of the city's restaurants, and don't forget to try some traditional British dishes.

While Exeter's nightlife may not be as wild as some larger cities, you can still find pubs, bars, and clubs where you can have a good time with friends and fellow party-goers. There are some venues that offer music and dancing if you want to let loose.

If you're up for some outdoor fun, you can take a walk or hike in the beautiful surrounding countryside or visit nearby Dartmoor National Park for more adventurous activities like hiking, biking, or horse riding. But far too cold for me to go there this time around lol

Whether you prefer a more laid-back day of exploration or a night of dancing and socialising, Exeter has something to offer for everyone. If you are seeking some genuine fun in Exeter with a seriously hot girl then you know who to call
Thursday, November 16th 2023
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Strike a Pose: My Hilarious Photoshoot
I walk into the studio with my best attempt at a model's stride (more like a wobbly strut), wearing a borrowed outfit that makes me look way more glamorous than I feel. The photographer is all serious business, and I'm here just trying to remember how to not blink in photos.

So, I meet the photographer who looks like he stepped right out of a Vogue magazine cover. He starts giving me directions like, "Chin up, shoulders back, hips to the left, now give me 'fierce yet ethereal'." And I'm standing there, trying to remember if I left the oven on at home.

The photographer says, "Let's get those candid shots!" So, I attempt to gracefully twirl in place, but I end up tripping over my own feet, resulting in a series of shots that would make anyone laugh. Thankfully, laughter is sometimes the best pose!

In an attempt to create some dramatic wind-blown hair shots, they turn on the wind machine. Let's just say, my hair wasn't the only thing getting wind-tangled! I may have almost been blown away like a tumbleweed.

As the shoot progresses, I find it impossible to maintain my "serious model face." Cue the giggles, snorts, and one particularly awkward shot where I burst into laughter mid-pose. Professionalism level: zero!

All in all, my studio modeling adventure was a hilarious rollercoaster of glamour and goofiness. I may not be the next supermodel, but I had a blast pretending for a day. And you know what? Life is too short to take yourself too seriously.
Friday, September 15th 2023
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Flirty Things I Do With Ice Cream On A Hot Day.
When the sun is blazing and temperatures are soaring, there's nothing quite like indulging in a scoop of ice cream to cool down and enjoy life's sweet pleasures. Whether you're spending the day with friends, a special someone, or simply treating yourself, here are some fun and flirty things I like to do with ice cream on a hot summer day.

Invite my crush or partner for a playful ice cream date. Share a double scoop with two spoons and savour the sensation of creamy ice cream melting on your tongues. Playfully steal a bite from each other, creating sweet and flirtatious moments.

I like to turn my body into a canvas for a sensual masterpiece and playfully use my ice cream to draw designs on my skin, and I let my partner appreciate the artistry as he watches it melt away. It's a titillating way to explore touch and sensation.
I like to gather a variety of flavours and toppings, and engage in a tantalising tasting experience. I get my partner to describe the textures, flavours, and sensations he feels with each lick of oce cream he removes from my most intimate body parts, turning it into a sensory adventure for us both.

I love using ice cream for a sensuous massage. Gently apply a scoop of ice cream to my partner's skin and using my hands to massage it in. The cold sensation followed by the warmth of touch can be incredibly arousing. Of course we both end up doing this to each other.

I cant think of many better ways to enjoy the English summer lol
Tuesday, September 5th 2023
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Enjoying Shopping For Delicate Lingerie.
As I step into a cosy boutique, the soft scent of lavender fills the air, and I'm greeted by a rainbow of colours and textures that promise to transform my everyday attire into something extraordinary. The joy of shopping for exquisite hosiery and exotic lingerie is one of my favourite hobbies! If you've ever had the pleasure of indulging in this guilty pleasure, you'll understand the thrill it brings.

Let's start with hosiery, It's like a secret superpower I wear under my clothes. Whether you prefer sultry stockings, flirtatious fishnets, or classic opaque tights, hosiery has the incredible ability to elevate your entire outfit. Suddenly, you're not just wearing clothes; you're wearing confidence.

The world of lingerie is a vast, enchanting realm filled with lace, silk, and satin treasures that make me feel like a goddess. There's just something magical about slipping into a meticulously designed bra and matching panties. It's like a little secret I carry with me all day long.

Ah, the quest for the perfect fit! It's a journey filled with laughter and sometimes a few moments of frustration. But when you finally find that bra that feels like it was crafted just for you, it's a moment of triumph like no other. It's as if the lingerie gods themselves have blessed you with their divine guidance.

Let's not forget about the accessories! Garters, suspenders, and delicate lace teddies can turn a regular day into an adventure. They're the icing on the lingerie cake, adding that extra dash of allure and sophistication.

Perhaps the most beautiful aspect of indulging in hosiery and lingerie shopping is that it's a celebration of self-love and self-expression. You're not buying these pieces for anyone else; you're doing it for yourself. There's something empowering about knowing that you can be your own muse.

Here's to feeling fabulous, one lacey piece at a time!

With love,
Friday, July 21st 2023
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Some Interesting Facts About The Vagina.
Contrary to popular myths, there is no one-size-fits-all concept of perfection when it comes to our bodies. I thought I would celebrate the uniqueness and wonders of vaginas with some fun and fascinating facts!

Just like snowflakes, no two vaginas are exactly alike. Each one is unique in shape, size, and appearance. Embrace the beauty of your body and know that you are wonderfully one-of-a-kind!

Vaginas are amazing self-cleaning organs. They maintain a delicate balance of good bacteria and natural lubrication to keep themselves clean and healthy. So, there's no need to go overboard with douches or harsh cleansers!

Kegel exercises are not only a fun way to improve pelvic floor strength but also to discover a whole new level of control and pleasure. So, why not turn your Kegels into a fun daily workout routine?

When it comes to intimacy, lubrication is key! It not only makes things more enjoyable but also reduces discomfort and friction. Feel free to experiment with different types of lubricants to find the one that suits you best.

The clitoris has a whopping 8,000 nerve endings, making it the only human body part dedicated solely to pleasure. So, here's to celebrating the wonder of orgasms and embracing the joy they bring!
Wednesday, July 5th 2023
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Unveiling The Wild (Non Academic) Side Of Oxford.
When most people think of Oxford, they envision its prestigious academic institutions, historic libraries, and scholarly pursuits. However, there's another side to this vibrant city that often goes unnoticed - a wild side brimming with adventure and excitement.

Oxford's vibrant music scene will transport you to a world of electrifying beats and soul-stirring melodies. From intimate live performances in cosy pubs to large-scale concerts in renowned venues, the city pulses with rhythm and energy. I love to immerse myself in a diverse range of genres, and dance the night away in one of Oxford's vibrant nightclubs. The city's nightlife caters to every taste, ensuring unforgettable experiences for those seeking a wild night out.

I love to step away from the traditional tourist path and uncover the hidden gems that give Oxford its unique charm. Delve into the city's alternative scene by exploring independent art galleries, attending underground events, and visiting unconventional venues. From immersive theater performances to quirky pop-up markets, I always find plenty of opportunities to satisfy my appetite for the unconventional.

Oxford is not just a haven for intellectuals; it's also a paradise for food lovers. I love to indulge in street food markets, where I can savour global flavours and discover unique culinary creations. Unleash my taste buds with experimental dishes at avant-garde restaurants, or dive into the vibrant food truck scene that brings together a fusion of cuisines. Oxford's food scene is as diverse as its community, promising a delightful journey for any palate.

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