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Wednesday, May 29th 2024
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Hi peeps,

I am back home now, my instincts were right, some people you just cannot trust, I am in a way relieved to be back home in my environment where I can relax and watch some much-needed programmes read some books and attend appointments, these past few weeks goodness been a roller coaster but you will have noticed I am back escorting -WHY? One I need the money as I haven't been online for a while and spent too much money but hey you live and learn, I won't be offering escorting to just anyone. after having some awful experiences I am being even more diligent -the only advice I can give is to trust your instincts-they usually especially that awful churning in one's stomach right? Now I am back and happy to be home - at least I can now embrace what I like.

see you soon

Charlotte xxx aka Natural Nymph xx
Tuesday, May 28th 2024
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Sometimes drastic changes are worth it ...
Dearest All,

I know I keep saying this but I will be on directcam soon as I missed you guys, the self-gratification and need to make money may sound shallow but all of us gals and guys are here to make money.

Alas I've overcome a recent, well overcome isn't the right word -in a sense, I am still in a crisis mentally. I have to leave my home -how this will happen goodness knows but it has reached a point where the neighbour's behaviour has become toxic and as I can't respond to their immature and rather insular mindsets I need to leave for my well-being. I am working with several organisations so I feel humbled there hopefully this move will happen. Cumbria albeit a beautiful part of the world is also a tiny area - people don't leave, people don't let bygones be bygones plus there are some very poignant and painful memories. I have also become involved with another older gentleman whose intentions I am still unclear. I don't trust people - I always expect insidious events to happen and quite frankly I haven't been treated well - If I cannot find somewhere in Cumbria then I shall move back to Cymru - I feel I will be more accepted there. In the meantime, I shall keep you all updated and will add content when the opportunity arises.

Keep well, stay safe and love and miss you all

Natural Nymph -Charlotte XXX

Photo included of me about to swim in the ocean - was a bit parky but swimming and other sports are something I desire very much to get back into -exercise is so beneficial
Wednesday, May 22nd 2024
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Dearest all, I can only apologise yet again for not being on camera, I do miss it and you guys. life has thrown me some challenges psychotically and physically. I have been swimming -yes outdoors the ocean is on my doorstep and once you get into the wavering sea you do get used to it and it is amazing for your mind and soul, as I was swimming I came across some seaweed which once cleansed and steamed it excellent in a salad -go on give a go better than all these anti ageing creams. I have also succumbed to an injury to my elbow which again is preventing me from going on live cam but I will return when the time is right. I know that most of you find it more arousing and titillating watching a woman gratifying herself but recently I have found both IM and phone chat far more enjoyable. Why you may ask. the reason is I am quite smart and when a part of my brain is tuned in -here we go

She did not often have such strong emotions. But she suddenly felt powerless against her passion and the desire to throw herself into the arms of the cousin whom she saw at a family funeral. “It can only be because of that patch,” said Marianne, a participant in a multinational trial of a testosterone patch designed to treat hypoactive sexual desire disorder, in which a woman is devoid of libido. Testosterone, a hormone ordinarily produced by the ovaries, is what makes a woman amorous hence even though I enjoy cam and making movies I much prefer the intimacy and arousal of my brain. Try IM if it doesn't float your boat fair enough but I will be unable to perform and I detest that word as it's like being an actor filming a show - I am REAL and here for your desires as also I am discovering more about my own sexual needs. I have tried Ecorting but even though the money was great it made me rather bereft and poor of mind - I have great respect for those who can but it just isn't me soulless sex is what it is soulless.

Anyway, I am around for IM and phone and will try when the moment arises to do more content -I guess I am to the forefront and honest but that is me and as long as I remain in this frame of mind I shall continue to be on AW.

thanks for reading and take care

Charlotte aka Natural Nyphm xxx

Wednesday, May 8th 2024
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Good to be back
Dearest people on the AW plane of fantasy,

I can only apologize for not being online, especially direct cam but those who are my fans will know only too well that I've had a lot going on both in my personal and professional life but the war against Mordor has settled again for now and I am taking a break from my arduous journey and I am pleased to say that I will be back online on direct cam very soon-hopefully this weekend coming. The journey to the top of the mountain can wait, I need to focus on my fans - I genuinely missed you, our chats laughs and of course above all those mind-blowing orgasms. I am unable to escort as Alas the area I live in is incredibly insular. I have been subject to some rather immature taunting and have been reported - some people just like it when you don't quite fit into their narrow-minded world so I will be moving - I May stay in Cumbria or even move back to my homeland Wales, a complete and utter fresh start. If I feel that it's appropriate and I am stronger within my mind and genuinely want to meet then I shall. Over the Bank holiday weekend, I went out hiking in the beautiful and soul-healing mountains and felt the magic of my elders as I walked through some ancient and magical woods and felt that my soul had been refreshed, I also went out on my new bike today- she has been sitting there for too long so I went for a ride - yes I can sense some of you smiling there- put it this way the saddle was somewhat warm and moist - I need to ride her more so that she becomes a part of me where she (my bikes are always called she) and I work as one and she becomes a part of my body- only those who are into cycling or any sport for that matter will understand what I am meaning. Anyway as well as my mind healing so is my body. I am eating nutritious food, knocked my nemesis on the head which is the demon drink and I am getting stronger each day. I have a dear friend who is going to help with the content so all I ASK is a little more patience fans - there will be new content coming and I promise you the wait will be worth it.

Oh gosh how I have missed you all

see you all very soon- I hope to speak to you or have some escapism through IM chat - after all we are all here to escape reality aren't we ?

lots of love charlotte - aka HOT-CHARLOTTE xxx
Sunday, April 7th 2024
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Good Morning all,

Well for those who know I have been Ill, well I am on the mend -last night I went to bed but just couldn't sleep so I thought right I am going to get my gym done, I went further than that and rearranged my bedroom-i would like my home to eventually be beautiful even though it's a council house and being brought up on a council estate in Abergavenny -well I am common as muck lol -the farm alas has been sold it was becoming too much for the gaffer and not enough work for me -anyway I will slowly be getting back into training -I have to start slow and build up again, Also in the not too distant future I will be doing fitness direct cam shows and content, I am pleased I have done it and once my arm has fully healed I shall be back boxing and doing jujitsu, also bike riding and wild water swimming.

Lots of love, charlotte xxx
Monday, February 13th 2023
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Bullying ...
Good morning all,

I think that it's so sad and also disgusting that anti-social behavior and bullying are on the rise, it has always gone on but bullying those of different races? Come on it's not acceptable, what century are we in?

I think social media has a lot to answer for, yes it's a good thing but it's also a double-edged sword. I remember being bullied at school, it was awful but the bullying stopped at the gates, now it carries on through social apps, I was getting a takeaway the other night and As I was waiting I noticed a poster was done by a local school saying racism and anti-social behavior is wrong, Please report it. I must say it touched me deeply, one reason being it took me back to being at secondary school and other than myself and the other lad Andy whom I was fostered with ( He was mixed race) got bullied in a class by our English teacher, as he had Dyslexia and he was calling him all sorts of names ( some I cannot mention on here) and it resulted in me throwing a chair at him, sadly it missed the teacher but resulted in me in having extra GCSE exam revision) instead of being expelled! I don't condone my actions but let's just say Andy had no trouble again and the teacher left, But that's beyond the point he shouldn't have been picked on in the first place.

Bullying in any form really does make my blood boil and in this day and age, there is absolutely no respect. These days people are glued to their phones and constantly on these media apps, you won't find me on any social media, I am old fashioned, if I wish to communicate with someone I speak to them in person, or if I cannot see them will phone them instead of texting, I only text if I really need to...My son who is nearly 20 is obsessed with his phone, I told him one time when he was visiting and sat next to me watching some Instagram video 'Are you here to see me or just watch these constant somewhat stupid videos? Resulting in him actually switching the damn thing off and talking to me yes an actual real conversation, fancy that?! Drives me mad, Bullying and racism and ASB are wrong we all know this but something needs to be done about it. But I get the feeling as with most things these days it will continue to get either tolerated, ignored or both...

That phrase sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me is a load of tosh! Words hurt more than anything and can reside in one's mind for many a year...

Friday, February 3rd 2023
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CODA ....
Hello my dearest darlings in the realm of AW ...

Oh, the one that got away, we have all been there ...when we fall deeply in love with someone yet for various reasons due to shyness, fear of rejection, it's not the right time, when is the right time to fall for someone?

Love is the most beautiful, yet equally painful, As some of you can guess CODA is an episode of Endeavour and oh my it's my favourite of them all, the heartache, tension, desire and absolute love always hits me deeply and all these emotions and more just flicker through the eyes, there are no words ...I guess I'm in a strange mood today, a deep thinking mood

I shall write one of the poems that I write when my bouts of insomnia hit.

















just some words I wrote, I guess I can relate to the young morse in endeavour he desperately needs and loves Joan but its fear

Hence coda and the one that got away ...

Lots of love country-gal xxx

Thanks for reading...
Wednesday, September 14th 2016
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Hi all.

Sorry but this comment has played over and over in my mind like a music CD that has stuck, gosh remember those days of CD, when you would play your favorite music track only for it to stop and stutter because it had the smallest of marks, then it would play or jerk that bit that you wanted to hear, this is the start or rather point of this blog, I had a phone sex call and I answered in my usual seductive manner but couldn't quite hear the caller on the other side, panicking slightly I asked innocently and without any offense " hello, how can I help you ?"

Only to have the response of the title of this blog, afterward a flood of emotions hit me, I felt disappointed, disheartened but then I also burst out laughing

Customer service line ......now that is a job that deserves respect, in this day and age, a job is a job and sometimes that no matter how small or important is needed for this society to function, customer service line is very appropriate...


Don't get me wrong my services are somewhat sexual and the individual I speak to is a customer but I don't like to call them customers.

to me they are decent human beings who need to talk and communicate to connect on a deeper level that they, themselves may not be able to connect with others elsewhere, they may be lonely, frustrated, and have fantasies that their friends, spouses, etc cannot meet, regardless of the reason they need to call lasses like me, like me she says, but yes going back.

So many people think that phone sex and phone chat are easy, but it isn't, it's blooming hard work, it takes patience, tolerance, a thick skin, imagination, and empathy, to be open-minded, and above all NON-JUDGEMENTAL.
so yes I do offer a customer service line, but not in the negative sense it was intended to be, if I can't hear you properly I will ask can I help you or hello, it doesn't mean I don't care or am looking at a script of answers

talking of scripts, I never use a script, unless emailed otherwise with a particular need or fantasy I go with the flow, I listen to the voice and say what pops up in my mind and what flows, becomes natural, I have never used a pre-written alphabet or script, hence I sometimes make mistakes, piss callers off, or get it wrong, other times I hit the nail on the head or the cock shall I say and get the seed and juices flowing as they should ......

so yes I do offer a customer service line, just a very different one so thanks for that comment it has made me think.....

yours country-gal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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