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Wednesday, May 18th 2016
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MissLusciousLorna ~ A few of my favourite things!
Hi All

I do hope you are all well and are having as much fun as I am!

I am often asked what I like to do best, what's my favourite for having fun. To be quite honest it's probably the hardest question anyone could ask me.
Don't take this wrong though, it's not that I can't think of anything...... quite the opposite in fact! There are so many things I like to do it's difficult to rhyme them all off without going on and on and on!

I'm not stuck in a box when it comes to having fun, I love variety and the more I get of it the better. I'd become quickly bored if every client I met was looking for the same thing!

I do really enjoy myself when I know that the other person is enjoying themselves too though, or when we get caught up in the moment and the fun just flows........ if you know what I mean

It does help when I know what the other person really enjoys so please do divulge!

I hope to hear from you all very soon.

Lorna x
Friday, January 15th 2016
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Boredom setting in?
Hi All

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year, I had a great time! I never make resolutions but I certainly am going to try and blog here more often

I received a message recently from a guy who said he is writing a book about women who become escorts and was looking for personal experiences and would I be interested in sharing mine with him to be part of the book. He wanted to meet me for this but was unable to pay me for my time but said 'my words would be featured in a published book'..........well whoop de doo! I am not naturally suspicious and would normally have taken this person at their word but being a very private person I wouldn't have been interested anyway but I am extremely suspicious now because this is not the first time I have had a message like this!
Surely a few messages on here with the relevant information necessary would have sufficed without having to meet in person?

On another note I recently received a text supposedly from this website informing me I had to pay £50 to avoid my profile from being blocked! Mmmm…….let me think about that…....…em NO I don't think so!

Perhaps some folk are bored because it's January?

Anyway, thankfully I have lots of genuine gorgeous visitors to keep me busy.

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x

Wednesday, November 11th 2015
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Misslusciouslorna ~ Me and my toys
Hi all

During a quiet moment today I decided to have a little me time with my toys. A lot of you gorgeous guys just love to watch me having fun with them and even give me a helping hand

I decided on a nice vibrating dildo in my very wet pussy, after enjoying that for a while I reckoned it would be fun to slip another into my very tight ass. It certainly was fun but I decided not to stop there but also use my brand spanking new magic wand which I love to bits!

All in all I had a very nice time and after a huge orgasm I was soaking wet........ all that was missing was someone to lick it all up

Mind you, after having a search for a picture to use for this blog I came across this rather interesting looking double ender....... might just have to dig out my large black one as it's been a long while since it's been played with!

Have a great evening and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Friday, October 16th 2015
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MissLusciosLorna ~ I'm no quitter but.........
Hi all

Been a while again since I've blogged, been busy busy!

Time flies by so fast and there has been so much fun had over the past months. I'd be here all day if I were to try and fill you all in

I decided recently that enough is enough and it was definitely time to quit smoking! A disgusting habit I have never truly enjoyed but was hooked completely, thankfully though I am no longer a smoker and have no intentions at all of starting again

I have noticed the difference so much in myself and did very soon after stopping, little things like not being out of breath so quickly.

Well I will sign off now and hope you all have a great weekend and if any of you have been putting off quitting yourself I'd definitely recommend it

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

Lorna x
Wednesday, March 4th 2015
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Are they or aren't they.....??
Hi All

Thank goodness the Winter is almost over and there are little signs of spring being on it's way.........I'd better not speak too soon though!!

Despite already saying on my profile that I have natural boobs and no implants whatsoever I have been asked a couple of times recently if I have had a boob job. I am thinking this is mainly due to my most recent picture which makes them look quite spectacular........if I say so myself

Not that they aren't spectacular (well why not compliment yourself now and again) but let me assure you they are 100% all me. I certainly wouldn't want to put my lovely boobs into the hands of someone with a scalpel no matter how skilled they claimed to be!!

Lorna x
Tuesday, January 27th 2015
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Jiggling and Giggling!
Hi All

I consider myself very lucky to be able to have amazing times with such cracking gentlemen and although I enjoy sex to be sensual, erotic and passionate I also think it should be fun

What's wrong with injecting a bit of humour now and again? I never take myself too seriously and love a laugh now and again.

I was, however, a little surprised recently when a very nice man began to giggle out of the blue. I was sitting on top cowgirl style giving it yee haw when the giggling began, I looked at him worrying that I was doing something wrong.
When he saw my face he reassured me that he was thoroughly enjoying himself and especially at the sight of my boobs jiggling away as I bounced! Well........that just encouraged me to bounce all the more and we both giggled so much at my boobs dancing away merrily

Here's to many more bouncing, jiggling, giggling and Yee Haw moments in the future!

Lorna x
Monday, December 1st 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Oh well....here we go again!
Hi All

Well who would believe that December is here once more, think I must have fallen asleep and missed a few months!!

This year has been a blast though, so much fun (kinky and the normal kind ) and there's still lots more to come.
I have spoken before about how much fun I have with roleplay and you lovely guys have certainly not let me down. I've had the opportunity of playing out lots more fantasies. I always try to stay in character for as long as possible so as to make it as enjoyable as possible but recently I was almost on the floor laughing at how much fun we were having. Thankfully I managed to compose myself......for a little while anyway

So it's time for me to start my last minute Christmas shopping once more. No matter how much I promise myself to start early it just doesn't happen so I'll be pounding the streets once more in a frazzled panic, laden down with bags desperate for the moment I can be home with a nice mug of tea......or a very large brandy, whichever is closest to hand!!

At least it's not........oops, I almost said a bad word there ha ha

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x

Thursday, October 23rd 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ The Princess and the Pea
Hi All

I can't believe how fast the year is going by.......almost the end of October already! It'll soon be time for me to my last minute run around the mad shops trying to finish Christmas shopping in a panic as always ha ha!

I recently purchased a new mattress and quilt and my god but how high is that bed now?!! It reminds me of the story The Princess and the Pea where she slept on high pile of mattresses up to the ceiling (it's not quite that high mind you lol)
I almost did the splits attempting to step off it the other day! I'll no doubt get used to it soon and it is far more comfortable now with no weird squeaks when bouncing around on it I'll just need to be careful not to fall off it!!

My face (or rather the lack of it on here) seems to be a problem for some. Thankfully it's not an issue for most of the gorgeous guys who visit me and, believe me, you won't be disappointed when you arrive. There really is nowhere safe on here to have any of these pictures and as I am very safety concious that makes it impossible for me
However, it also means that I won't text or e-mail any to anyone so please don't ask.

Well seeing as it's cold, miserable and wet outside there is nothing for it but to be indoors where it's cosy, warm and very very wet

Lorna x
Thursday, September 11th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Indulging in Fantasy
Hi All

I've been having the opportunity recently to act out some fantastic roleplays, there's nothing like losing yourself in a bit of fantasy for a while and having great fun while doing

I don't think I have a favourite but enjoy them all, anything from being the pissed off Boss to the dopey Secretary to the bored housewife who seduces any workman who puts one foot through her door! It's all great fun and I'm always wondering what the next one will be to spark my imagination!

I've been loving being in Glasgow and the flat I am in is fantastic but sometimes I can't quite get the days to suit me so I've been considering looking for somewhere central and discrete to use alongside where I am at present. If anyone can help me out I would love to hear from you.

Well I'd better get myself moving and get the day started, hope you all have a good one and I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Wednesday, September 3rd 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Girls and Chocolate!!
Hi All

Well summer is almost over and it's been amazing!!

I feel as though the last few months have been a whirlwind, there has been so much going on and the city has been a buzz! In amongst everything going on I managed to squeeze in a holiday as well as a couple of little trips to Aberdeen which are always a blast.

I also had another of those amazing fun afternoons with a great client and all three of us girls. There were legs and arms akimbo.....not to mention other body parts! Lots of chocolate was also involved which culminated in a lovely sticky sweetness.........you can never go wrong with a bit of chocolate and 3 girls ha ha

I have surprised myself in managing to not do anything silly or publicly embarrass myself for a wee while now.......oh no, wait a minute! There was an incident with rain on slippy paving stones in which my bottom kissed the ground. Ah well, we can't be perfect all the time........or in my case ever!!

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Wednesday, July 2nd 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Mother is always right!!
Hi all

I hope you are all having a good summer so far and that life is good.
Life for me has been very good despite some sad news which just makes me count my blessings and appreciate what I have more than ever.

I seem to have the need to share my embarrassing moments on here but then we are all human afterall and I'm sure there are very few of us who have never had the occasional moment they'd like to forget.

My most recent was while travelling on the Underground, the book I was reading reached a very sad moment and I felt a couple of tears welling up in my eyes. A couple of blinks and a few sniffs later I thought I had it all under control Then, however, the overwhelming scent of make up and perfume from two nearby women (you know the type, works on Boots make up counter and face thickly plastered in the stuff) became too much for my poor nose and it began to run even more.
I rummaged my bag for a tissue but none could be found and by this stage some serious heavy sniffing could not do anything to control the constant stream that was going on!

Just at that moment I was acutely aware the aforementioned women had stopped talking and were staring my way!
I must have been looking a bit messy by this time and I desperately rummaged once more in my bag for any signs of something which remotely resembled a tissue but there were none and it might have been even messier if I had pulled out an old letter to give it a quick swipe!

Thankfully my stop was next, cue me running from the Underground to the nearby coffee shop to grab a napkin and finally dry my poor nose!!

The moral of my story is to remember that your dear mother was always right and to remember to put a hanky in your pocket before you leave the house

So I'm off to put a whole wad of them in my handbag...trouser pocket.....jacket pocket........ha ha!!

Lorna x
Friday, June 20th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ A bit of gardening Madam?
Hi all

Wow what lovely weather we are having just now, I hope you're all managing to enjoy it whilst it's here

I do love a good imagination and a gentleman who phoned me recently certainly had that! He asked if I had a garden as he was a gardener, I think he was looking to do some gardening for me in return for payment in kind......you know the type of scenario of the bored housewife watching the gardener working away building up a sweat.
I don't indulge in trade off's but regardless of that I had to explain to him I don't have a garden to which I was asked if my bush needed trimming!! This made me smile so much and I had to tell him I certainly don't have a bush either ha ha
I'm still smiling when I think about it

Unfortunately not all phone calls make me smile.........politeness and remembering manners works wonders!

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Tuesday, June 17th 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~~ My Naughty Side plus Flowers!
Hi all

Once again there's been loads going on and life is still very good.

A wee trip up to Aberdeen recently was great fun as always, Savannah and I talk and laugh right from the word go until we get back (except when she has a wee nap in the car and leaves me gabbing to myself!! )
I'll no doubt get a row from her for saying that lol

The other day we had a very fun duo booking with a fantastic client who very kindly brought us both beautiful flowers. Well.....I have been known to be a bit on the kinky side with a wicked sense of humour and I couldn't resist being a little naughty. I wonder if you can guess what I managed to get up to with a bunch of flowers that was cause for lots of pictures to be taken?!! You can have a nosey though to see if you have guessed right.
The client said he'll never be able to look at a vase of flowers again without smiling ha ha

I hope you are all managing to get out in the sun and enjoy yourself but don't forget the sunscreen!!

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon.

Lorna x
Wednesday, May 21st 2014
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MissLusciousLorna ~ Great times and some girly fun
Hi All

There are many reasons why I enjoy doing what I do and one of them is the lovely variety of people I meet.

On one of my recent trips to the city centre I had a lovely couple visit me, she was looking to have her first bi experience and boy was it soooo much fun!! Like most of us when we've pondered whether we should fulfil our fantasies or not she was left wondering why she had left it for so long!
The moral of that story is to just go for it, you never know.......you may just enjoy it

Another of the many fantastic people I see was a gent who was visiting from down south for a few days. He enjoyed himself so much he came to visit every day he was here! We managed to have quite a few laughs, some rather intelligent conversations along with copious amounts of good clean dirty fun ha ha

Hope you're all having as much fun as I am

Lorna x

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